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11 minutes ago, oldage football said:

Thanks Grad - didnt know how to express it - I was beginning to think I lived somewhere else - you tell the real story

I understand how you feel.  Which is why I posted wosmustang's facebook post on the issue.  He is a lot more even tempered than I and the words that come to my mind about this "article" well, I simply am prohibited from using by forum rules.  In fact, the anger is so deep that I, for the first time, am considering one of those a la carte companies simply so that I don't have to contribute one red cent to the 4 letter network.

I'll just mention this last thing and then take dj's advice to get back to football as we currently have a lot of that to celebrate in this area.  Reports are surfacing that ESPN is still having financial woes and will have another big time cut of personnel including on-air personalities very soon.  When that day comes, there will be many taking to social media decrying the move.

I can promise you, I won't be one of them.


And to pretend that white people, who supposedly live in West Orange district send their children 15 miles away so they don’t have to go to school with children of color!  Really!  That’s what the author suggested.  You send your children to school in which district you reside.

By the way, how many people of color have left WOS district to send their children to LCM?  Which according to the state of Texas is a better academic school district.

12 hours ago, WOSgrad said:

Rather than continue to post my thoughts, I am going to post what I saw on facebook from a friend of mine and a fellow WO-S graduate.  He posts here from time to time and I know many others know and respect him as much as I do.  That, plus I really can't improve on this as setting out the feelings regarding this "article.":

"As I was riding back from the game last night, we made the Bucees stop in Waller. Christmas music was playing via my IHeart Radio 92.5 Beaumont. my wife and son were all nestled in their slumber on the last leg from Bucees to Pflugerville. I was thinking about the article that was the latest rendition from the left coast regarding Earl Thomas. Deep down, it felt like the writer had more of a “twist” he was really spinning. To me, the celebrity of this was not really focused upon. I regret that twist on our hometown. We are no different than communities all around the country. We are not without blemish. My hometown struggles to land the next DuPont that carried Orange for years; helping many small business startups we knew as kids. My mind thought of many. The evolution of the market changes, and current global financial paradigms, certainly play a part of growth struggles. However, painting us as a town devoid of “good”, is distasteful. I am not blind to racial struggles, nor socio-economic divides. However, I’ve lost count on how many posts I’ve read about the incredible love, unity, and joint heroic efforts, performed by OUR citizens. In turbulent times, we usually find out who we are at the core, when the “waters get deep”. Everywhere I travel, I’m proud to tell people I’m from Orange, Texas. Even far away in travels, I don’t say Houston, as some people tend to do for geographic identity. It’s always, and only, Orange. So, I guess I feel that the article simply trashed who we really are. Those who know me best, know that I’m not silent when the time comes to stand for truth. Well, this time is no different. Orange, Texas is a wonderful community. It’s diverse. It’s a place where kids are all really friends. It’s a people proud of hard work and accomplishments. We are not the To Kill A Mockingbird idiots. We are a wonderful story of people who make their way. We are a people that are a whole lot more alike, than a FEW want it to be. I love my town. I can’t be silent on letting us be painted in a light that goes beyond the smudges on our shirts, without stating all the beauty of who I know Orange folk to be. Don’t be concerned too much about the few instances of bad vs the incredible stories, of incredible families, friends, events, heritages, etc..... In the book Friday Night Lights, the author went to Odessa and took full advantage of ripping that town. Some truths were stated. But, he made a killing at the expense of some incredible people. I felt this way in this article I read yesterday. Stay off all my homies in Orange. We are better than that!!!! Not without blemish, but so much more than that “agenda” in the article. I love you Fruit City."

Bravo Grad Bravo!

1 hour ago, MackLewis said:

And to pretend that white people, who supposedly live in West Orange district send their children 15 miles away so they don’t have to go to school with children of color!  Really!  That’s what the author suggested.  You send your children to school in which district you reside.

By the way, how many people of color have left WOS district to send their children to LCM?  Which according to the state of Texas is a better academic school district.

What’s funny is LC-M and most of Little Cypress is in the City limits of Orange. Brownwood neghborhood is across the street from WOS school district. LCM also has kids that live Vidor ISD and Bridge City isd that come to LCM. Open enrollment will do that. But I know we have some kids that have left LCM to go to Deweyville. So kids transfer from schools all over for different reasons other than race.

4 hours ago, oldage football said:

Thanks Grad - didnt know how to express it - I was beginning to think I lived somewhere else - you tell the real story

While that's a nice post its not the real story. It may have been that way for you but it's not that way for about half of the people who live in town or grew up there like me. There are problems that remain unsolved and are only put aside for 4 hours a few Fridays in the fall.

While you may see the confederate monument as an aberration, others see it as an affirmation of what we already know and even more a slap in the face since it was built on MLK. That garbage pile wasn't the start it just the icing on the cake.

The one thing I'm grateful for is learning how to navigate in a racist society. I don't have very fond memories of school due to the discrimination by teachers and students. Had a few classmates that were proud to be klansmen for what its worth.

The article may be harsh but what ET3 said was harsh too. Maybe instead of being so defensive it might be time for soul searching.

BTW this story could have been written about the whole area.

20 minutes ago, BearEssentials97 said:

While that's a nice post its not the real story. It may have been that way for you but it's not that way for about half of the people who live in town or grew up there like me. There are problems that remain unsolved and are only put aside for 4 hours a few Fridays in the fall.

While you may see the confederate monument as an aberration, others see it as an affirmation of what we already know and even more a slap in the face since it was built on MLK. That garbage pile wasn't the start it just the icing on the cake.

The one thing I'm grateful for is learning how to navigate in a racist society. I don't have very fond memories of school due to the discrimination by teachers and students. Had a few classmates that were proud to be klansmen for what its worth.

The article may be harsh but what ET3 said was harsh too. Maybe instead of being so defensive it might be time for soul searching.

BTW this story could have been written about the whole area.

Sorry that was your experience in Orange.  And I do agree that problems like the article talks about aren’t solely an Orange problem.  Beaumont and Port Arthur are much worse IMO.

And things will never change for the better if people don’t start with themselves and their own culture, instead of demanding everyone else change.

22 minutes ago, MackLewis said:

Sorry that was your experience in Orange.  And I do agree that problems like the article talks about aren’t solely an Orange problem.  Beaumont and Port Arthur are much worse IMO.

And things will never change for the better if people don’t start with themselves and their own culture, instead of demanding everyone else change.

I know you think you mean well but you miss the point. Your response shows you haven't started to look within yourself.

32 minutes ago, BearEssentials97 said:

I know you think you mean well but you miss the point. Your response shows you haven't started to look within yourself.

You’ve got your opinions, but it doesn’t mean your perspective is right. It’s funny how one group needs to “look within itself” to reach an enlightened perspective and realize that racism and discrimination are behind every tree and shrub... while the group with the “enlightened” viewpoint refuses to “look within itself” and realize that a vast majority of the problems they are facing are self-inflicted. 

12 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

You’ve got your opinions, but it doesn’t mean your perspective is right. It’s funny how one group needs to “look within itself” to reach an enlightened perspective and realize that racism and discrimination are behind every tree and shrub... while the group with the “enlightened” viewpoint refuses to “look within itself” and realize that a vast majority of the problems they are facing are self-inflicted. 

You are exactly why the the article was written. Thanks for validating the article.

12 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

You’ve got your opinions, but it doesn’t mean your perspective is right. It’s funny how one group needs to “look within itself” to reach an enlightened perspective and realize that racism and discrimination are behind every tree and shrub... while the group with the “enlightened” viewpoint refuses to “look within itself” and realize that a vast majority of the problems they are facing are self-inflicted. 



54 minutes ago, BearEssentials97 said:

I know you think you mean well but you miss the point. Your response shows you haven't started to look within yourself.

I don’t have a problem, nor do I think that Orange has a significant problem like the article states.

i don’t play the blame game, and throw pity parties.


Okay, I think we've exhausted all of the sports that this topic had to offer.....not that ESPN, a supposed "sports" channel ever intended this as a sports story or ever really gave any sports out of this to offer.

We'll move this and park it in the political section, where ESPN has made clear it wishes to hang out these days.

45 minutes ago, BearEssentials97 said:

You are exactly why the the article was written. Thanks for validating the article.



And you share the opinion of the author... the only thing is that I can appreciate your opinion, and you don’t have the capacity to realize that you might be wrong. 

The fact that so many people don’t agree with the perspective of the writer should be indication to you that there is one way to view the issue. It’s not just “if you don’t see things my way, then you’re a racist.” I think the key word you’ve left out is “deflecting.” Because that’s what gets said about anyone who doesn’t espouse slavery, racism and “privilege” as the primary cause of ALL of the woes that affect the black community in 2017. 

Why are things so bad in Orange, PA, and soon to be Beaumont AFTER all of those no-good racists moved away?

28 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

And you share the opinion of the author... the only thing is that I can appreciate your opinion, and you don’t have the capacity to realize that you might be wrong. 

The fact that so many people don’t agree with the perspective of the writer should be indication to you that there is one way to view the issue. It’s not just “if you don’t see things my way, then you’re a racist.” I think the key word you’ve left out is “deflecting.” Because that’s what gets said about anyone who doesn’t espouse slavery, racism and “privilege” as the primary cause of ALL of the woes that affect the black community in 2017. 

Why are things so bad in Orange, PA, and soon to be Beaumont AFTER all of those no-good racists moved away?

I didn't call anyone a racist in my previous post.  I stated that just because a commenter didn't see the problem doesn't mean its not there. And if you're not willing to acknowledge that there may be a problem you're being naive or just wilfully ignorant and you might want to open your eyes a bit.

But since you wanna come out in the open... I've seen your posts on this site. You dog whistle with the best. So I don't think you're the best person to say that there's not a problem with racism in the golden triangle.

If you notice on this site and on ESPN most of the people who said that racism was a problem in Orange and the article had a point are persons of color. All those upset about how Orange was portrayed are white.

You don't find that strange?  (Rhetorical question of course the comments were going to come out that way) I'm pretty sure you can find a token friend who may agree with your point. However the subject of the article agrees with mine point of view and stated so in the article.

I'm from Orange and love it because I'm from Orange but that doesn't mean I'm defending it when its wrong. 

Only white people can end systemic racism. If it bothers you so much to hear that there's racism in the place you live, then condemn and correct your friends neighbors coworkers etc that espouse or enforce such a system. And remember just because you don't wear a hood, say the n-word, have a black friend, or date a black person doesn't mean you aren't racially biased.


Have a nice evening.

11 minutes ago, BearEssentials97 said:

I didn't call anyone a racist in my previous post.  I stated that just because a commenter didn't see the problem doesn't mean its not there. And if you're not willing to acknowledge that there may be a problem you're being naive or just wilfully ignorant and you might want to open your eyes a bit.

But since you wanna come out in the open... I've seen your posts on this site. You dog whistle with the best. So I don't think you're the best person to say that there's not a problem with racism in the golden triangle.

If you notice on this site and on ESPN most of the people who said that racism was a problem in Orange and the article had a point are persons of color. All those upset about how Orange was portrayed are white.

You don't find that strange?  (Rhetorical question of course the comments were going to come out that way) I'm pretty sure you can find a token friend who may agree with your point. However the subject of the article agrees with mine point of view and stated so in the article.

I'm from Orange and love it because I'm from Orange but that doesn't mean I'm defending it when its wrong. 

Only white people can end systemic racism. If it bothers you so much to hear that there's racism in the place you live, then condemn and correct your friends neighbors coworkers etc that espouse or enforce such a system. And remember just because you don't wear a hood, say the n-word, have a black friend, or date a black person doesn't mean you aren't racially biased.


Have a nice evening.

It’s all a matter of different opinions, nothing more. I’ve learned a lot more from listening to the opinions of people that I don’t agree with than I ever learned from people who think the same way that I do.  

FWIW, I grew up in deep East Texas where you didn’t have to listen keenly for “dog whistle” or “systematic” racism. It was out front and open. I’m not pretending like there is no racism in The Golden Triangle.  Racism is a problem, and it has been throughout all of the ages in every civilization.... it’s just a little more convincing when it has a southern accent.

My guess is that you are also one of those people who feel as if, by definition, you can’t be racist towards white people. Why would a black person care about a community being labeled as racist when “by definition” you can’t be calling the black citizens racist... only the white ones.

When EVERYBODY realizes that there’s no difference between the neo-nazis and supremacists blaming POCs and Jews for all of the problems facing white America and the POCs blaming all of their problems on white privilege and “institutional racism” we’ll all be a lot better off. 

“Systemic racism” is an excuse bandied about by POCs and apologists to excuse the generational failures by the black community and its leaders.  Does systemic racism exist? I agree completely. But I also believe that racism and privilege can only be blamed for a small, small percentage of conditions that face the black community today.... and time wasted worrying about privilege can best be compared to a young white athlete complaining about a black athlete winning the genetic lottery.... you’re never going to win anything in the big game if life if you already believe that you’re whipped.  

I appreciate you, and what I can learn from you.  I hope you realize that my opinions come not from a belief in the superiority of my race, but rather from a deeply- held standard of personal accountability that I demand from myself, and the absence of which I abhor in others.  



10 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

It’s all a matter of different opinions, nothing more. I’ve learned a lot more from listening to the opinions of people that I don’t agree with than I ever learned from people who think the same way that I do.  

FWIW, I grew up in deep East Texas where you didn’t have to listen keenly for “dog whistle” or “systematic” racism. It was out front and open. I’m not pretending like there is no racism in The Golden Triangle.  Racism is a problem, and it has been throughout all of the ages in every civilization.... it’s just a little more convincing when it has a southern accent.

My guess is that you are also one of those people who feel as if, by definition, you can’t be racist towards white people. Why would a black person care about a community being labeled as racist when “by definition” you can’t be calling the black citizens racist... only the white ones.

When EVERYBODY realizes that there’s no difference between the neo-nazis and supremacists blaming POCs and Jews for all of the problems facing white America and the POCs blaming all of their problems on white privilege and “institutional racism” we’ll all be a lot better off. 

“Systemic racism” is an excuse bandied about by POCs and apologists to excuse the generational failures by the black community and its leaders.  Does systemic racism exist? I agree completely. But I also believe that racism and privilege can only be blamed for a small, small percentage of conditions that face the black community today.... and time wasted worrying about privilege can best be compared to a young white athlete complaining about a black athlete winning the genetic lottery.... you’re never going to win anything in the big game if life if you already believe that you’re whipped.  

I appreciate you, and what I can learn from you.  I hope you realize that my opinions come not from a belief in the superiority of my race, but rather from a deeply- held standard of personal accountability that I demand from myself, and the absence of which I abhor in others.  



Grew up in deep east Texas... Bridge City transplant ? Lol 

14 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:


Way you talked I’d would thought you were a Cardinal graduate. What part of east Texas is your alum if you don’t mind me asking?


I usually stay out of these political conversations. The main reason for that is each person on here is already entrenched in their beliefs and not one single person is going to be changed by another comment. Very similar to opinions about who's football team is better and why. (With the exception of WOS) If you bash WOS on here you will get smoked by fans from every team on here. I am here this one time to call BS on this article. I am a firefighter and have been for 15 years. I have friends entrenched all over SETX in the fire service. I have many friends who are Orange firefighters of different ethnicities. Some are former Orange firefighters who are now my brothers at my fire department. 5 to be exact. These guys all love Orange the city. The people there always made them feel welcome. I challenge you to find very many Orange firefighters who will talk bad about that city. They will immediately tell you stories of flooded Orange, battered Orange and the brother and sisterhood that is and was Orange when the time of need arose. The article was clearly a hit piece. I will let my brothers read it this week and give you an honest opinion from someone with boots on the ground in Orange not boots on the ground of a left coast city. 

17 minutes ago, prepballfan said:

I usually stay out of these political conversations. The main reason for that is each person on here is already entrenched in their beliefs and not one single person is going to be changed by another comment. Very similar to opinions about who's football team is better and why. (With the exception of WOS) If you bash WOS on here you will get smoked by fans from every team on here. I am here this one time to call BS on this article. I am a firefighter and have been for 15 years. I have friends entrenched all over SETX in the fire service. I have many friends who are Orange firefighters of different ethnicities. Some are former Orange firefighters who are now my brothers at my fire department. 5 to be exact. These guys all love Orange the city. The people there always made them feel welcome. I challenge you to find very many Orange firefighters who will talk bad about that city. They will immediately tell you stories of flooded Orange, battered Orange and the brother and sisterhood that is and was Orange when the time of need arose. The article was clearly a hit piece. I will let my brothers read it this week and give you an honest opinion from someone with boots on the ground in Orange not boots on the ground of a left coast city. 

Thank you for your service hose jockey / slab saver lol jk. I’ll say this they should pay OFD more money and try to compare it closer to BFD. I also have s friend with Orange Fd

1 hour ago, LastBearStanding17 said:


CardinalBacker you lost ALL credibility when you tried to equate fascists and white supremacists with POC.  When’s the last time you were discriminated against? Huh? I remember back in the 1980’s having police escorts to every game against Vidor and being told to keep our windows up on the bus to prevent rocks being thrown at us and actually seeing burning crosses on the side of the road on I-10.  Get down from your high horse and try to feel what others have gone through that you apparently can’t get in to your skull. Maybe it’s you that needs to delve a little deeper into your soul.  I don’t agree with the article either but I believe the actual truth is somewhere in between what it’s spouting and what you and others are spouting. I’ve known the Thomas family for 40 years. Earl’s grandmother practically raised me. I’ve lived on both sides of the tracks and know how things really are.


It's not my place to tell others whether they experience racism, how often, how extreme or how they should feel about it. My complaint was the agenda of the article and the negative description to the place I call home. I'm not oblivious to the fact that racism exists in Orange. Racism exists throughout this nation but I don't see Orange at the forefront as portrayed in the article. I guess I just see so much good in out area relationship-wise.

However, I think it is incorrect to think the race problem and solution rests solely on the white race. My (white) kids went to WOS for many years and they experienced a lot of racism themselves. I'm not complaining or blaming, just stating the facts

JMO - I think racism to some degree will always exist so it's probably easier to learn how to deal with it in a productive way rather than just waiting for it to end.


A long as mankind has walked this earth there has been racism and bigotry towards some race, ethic background or religion. And as long as mankind continues to occupy this planet it will continue to exist. Maybe not as much or as blatant but it will be there.  We may not like it but it is what it is. 

2 hours ago, Goblin said:

CardinalBacker you lost ALL credibility when you tried to equate fascists and white supremacists with POC.  When’s the last time you were discriminated against? Huh? I remember back in the 1980’s having police escorts to every game against Vidor and being told to keep our windows up on the bus to prevent rocks being thrown at us and actually seeing burning crosses on the side of the road on I-10.  Get down from your high horse and try to feel what others have gone through that you apparently can’t get in to your skull. Maybe it’s you that needs to delve a little deeper into your soul.  I don’t agree with the article either but I believe the actual truth is somewhere in between what it’s spouting and what you and others are spouting. I’ve known the Thomas family for 40 years. Earl’s grandmother practically raised me. I’ve lived on both sides of the tracks and know how things really are.

I don’t really care how credible you find me. But you are kidding yourself if you think there’s a difference between a white guy blaming all of his problems on POCs and a black person blaming all of his woes on white people. 



Imo, ESPN used Earl Thomas to take a shot at Texas.  As most everyone knows, they have fired anyone that espouses conservative views, and turn a blind eye (ear) to liberal opinions.  And since Texas is the last big red state, we are an obvious target.  And to their credit, look what they've done.  Got us going at each other on this forum.  SMDH 

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