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One chance when you talk about people hiding behind a computer maybe you should talk to the mans face and not be coward talking about him.  I hear your an ass but I don’t need to say that on here lol 

9 hours ago, 5GallonBucket said:

HF for a period of time was one of the top schools.....when based on state testing scores.

Still was the last time I checked a year or so ago.  I think second only behind Sabine Pass for local public schools. 

11 hours ago, The Natural said:

One chance when you talk about people hiding behind a computer maybe you should talk to the mans face and not be coward talking about him.  I hear your an ass but I don’t need to say that on here lol 

When did I ever say anything about people hiding behind a computer? You have a total of 3 post, I’m sure you know all about me! It’s a board full of opinions and I am able to voice mine as well, negative or positive!

12 minutes ago, OneChance said:

After 560 post I finally feel like I have arrived and I am finally a part of this message board! I finally got somebody saying that they heard I was an ass! Can I now become a moderator?

If all it took was posting a certain number of times and/or having someone think you're an ass.....then I would be the owner of this site.  Much less moderator. 

27 minutes ago, OneChance said:

After 560 post I finally feel like I have arrived and I am finally a part of this message board! I finally got somebody saying that they heard I was an ass! Can I now become a moderator?

I've known you for years,  Seems like this guy has you pegged! lol


In my opinion it is not the yelling and screaming that bothers players today. It is the message behind it. I got my fair share of a#$ chewings in high school but there was a purpose behind it. You can't just yell to yell. If everything that comes out of a coaches mouth is negativity then a negative response is what you will get. 


11 minutes ago, curiousgeorge said:

In my opinion it is not the yelling and screaming that bothers players today. It is the message behind it. I got my fair share of a#$ chewings in high school but there was a purpose behind it. You can't just yell to yell. If everything that comes out of a coaches mouth is negativity then a negative response is what you will get. 


Just out of curiosity... what would be an example of yelling with no purpose?  Let's say I'm an athlete that makes a mistake on something that we've worked on all year.  And as a fan, you actually have no idea what happens every day in practice.  So...give me 2 examples if you don't mind.  The 1st an example of the proper way to yell at me. With "a purpose behind it".  And the 2nd an example of how to yell at me negatively. 

I am genuinely interested. 


example 1:
Yelling or EMPHASIZING with a loud voice in relation to basketball (since this is a basketball forum) plays that need to be run, where players need to be, getting kids to use technique (hands up!!!, Watch the passing lane, TRAP!!!) none of that is negative. You are emphasizing what needs to be done at that point. 

example 2: 
Get your s&$t together, Tell your parents if they don't like it too bad, that's garbage, you suck, you don't know what your doing. The list can go on and on. Like I said in my first post. Players need to get chewed on so that they understand they are messing up, but you need to address how they are messing up and how they can fix it. 

If i came to your job and yelled at you all day about how much you suck, you naturally would want to know why. If I never told you why and I came in everyday and kept yelling at you without ever addressing the problem eventually you would either quit or you would give up and just expect the worst everyday. 


I have been coaching for twelve years (not all that long) and I have coached both boys and girls. I'll give my thoughts to some of this:

1) Today isn't 20, 30, 40, etc. years ago. We, as a society, are not the same in our work ethic, submission to authority, or respect to authority. When I was growing up and played sports you did things because you were told to. I'm sure it was the same thing for most you on this board. Students and athletes of today want to know the "why". For example, anyone can take an athlete and do a workout with them that will make them exhausted, but is it productive to the sport in which they are playing? I have found if they understand the why, most will give all that they have. Kids want to be good and successful.

2) Respect is not given very much anymore. Respect is earned. It doesn't matter if we, as an older generation, like that or not; it's how a great majority of this generation operates. If you love and respect your athletes, they will love and respect you back. Then, at that time, you can teach them to automatically love and respect people. Believe the best in others and not the worst and how you view the world may change.

3) When it comes to yelling, that can't be the only way or even the majority of the way you speak to kids. I don't know anyone that would like to get yelled at all the time. Would you want to stay at a job where your boss is screaming at you all the time? Of course not. You may stay because you need to provide for your family, but you would prefer a different atmosphere. 

4) What is the purpose of the yelling/screaming? Are you jumping on the athlete because they didn't do something right that they have been taught and it cost the team? Are you yelling/screaming to try and fire them up (you have to know your athlete to implement this)? Or, are you yelling and screaming because you do not know what else to do or say? What is the temperament/passion of the coach? I'm pretty sure every coach has yelled for all of the reasons; I know I have. However, the older I have become the more I have seen coaching is continuous teaching in practice and competition. Sure, I yell and jump on my kids, but they usually respond better when I don't. No one is trying to mess up and make a mistake. Let me also say, this is a continuous aspect for me to work on because I love winning :)

5) Boys and girls are different. Most boys get fired up and play hard when you jump on them and challenge them. Most girls shut down. Again, you have to know your athlete and know what makes them tick. The last thing you want to do is something that makes them shut down. Then that hurts them and the team. It's like the old saying, "they will not care how much you know until they know how much you care." When your athletes know you genuinely love and care about them, there is more freedom on how you speak to them because they know you aren't trying to hurt them in any way and, when you yell, it's your passion of the sport overflowing. 

6) I was a head coach at HF for six years. There were a lot of pro's, the main one being the kids are fantastic.   

37 minutes ago, curiousgeorge said:

example 1:
Yelling or EMPHASIZING with a loud voice in relation to basketball (since this is a basketball forum) plays that need to be run, where players need to be, getting kids to use technique (hands up!!!, Watch the passing lane, TRAP!!!) none of that is negative. You are emphasizing what needs to be done at that point. 

example 2: 
Get your s&$t together, Tell your parents if they don't like it too bad, that's garbage, you suck, you don't know what your doing. The list can go on and on. Like I said in my first post. Players need to get chewed on so that they understand they are messing up, but you need to address how they are messing up and how they can fix it. 

If i came to your job and yelled at you all day about how much you suck, you naturally would want to know why. If I never told you why and I came in everyday and kept yelling at you without ever addressing the problem eventually you would either quit or you would give up and just expect the worst everyday. 


Honestly, that seems pretty mild to me.  I don't believe for one second that there is any coach that is employed at any school that just screams YOU SUCK to the kids that they coach...for "no apparent reason" I'm guessing..?  I believe that a kid probably gets their feelings hurt because they were told that something they did sucked...or was garbage..  So the kid exaggerates on the story to their parents and then the parents exaggerate a little more to whoever else.  

Maybe this is why I don't coach.  I doubt these little snowflake kids could play for me.

But aside from all that...any coach that you say does a lot of "unnecessary yelling"..have you actually sat in on a practice?  Or is this strictly what was said by one of the kids?  

7 minutes ago, oldschool2 said:

Honestly, that seems pretty mild to me.  I don't believe for one second that there is any coach that is employed at any school that just screams YOU SUCK to the kids that they coach...for "no apparent reason" I'm guessing..?  I believe that a kid probably gets their feelings hurt because they were told that something they did sucked...or was garbage..  So the kid exaggerates on the story to their parents and then the parents exaggerate a little more to whoever else.  

Maybe this is why I don't coach.  I doubt these little snowflake kids could play for me.

But aside from all that...any coach that you say does a lot of "unnecessary yelling"..have you actually sat in on a practice?  Or is this strictly what was said by one of the kids?  

LMAO, you asked for an example like nobody could give you an example because it doesn’t happen and and they give you some and you still argue about it! 

Just like in every profession not all coaches are good people and coaches and not all coaches are bad people and bad coaches!

6 minutes ago, OneChance said:

LMAO, you asked for an example like nobody could give you an example because it doesn’t happen and and they give you some and you still argue about it! 

Just like in every profession not all coaches are good people and coaches and not all coaches are bad people and bad coaches!

Well...that's not the reason I asked for the example.  I wanted to know your opinion of what constitutes unnecessary yelling.   You gave me several.  Did I argue that those things don't happen?  Actually, I didn't.  I just said that if those examples are your examples then my opinion is that those examples are mild... Pretty sure that's what I typed.

But again..if that is happening the way you say it is then I'm confident that the school would do something about it.  And since they obviously haven't...that makes me believe that the stories you're being told may be a little exaggerated.  Which makes perfect sense. 


Keep it up Curious, hope much more success heads your way! 

Oldschool your name seems to really fit your opinion and nothing wrong with that.

I was brought up old school, get yelled at and don’t ask questions, know your roll and don’t get out of place. I played sports growing up, I got yelled at and belittled, I turned out fine. I have two kids who have grown up playing sports and have had their fair share of coaches yelling at them (including me). The older i get and the more I reflect back on things I wonder how much more successful would i have been and the teams I was apart of had I had a coach that would have educated and taught us the game vs yelling and screaming. I understand their s a level of frustration that comes with trying to teach kids and sometimes feels really good to just let it loose. I have seen some of my kids coaches change their way coaching because they learned how to educate the kids about the game and have been way more successful with the same talent!

8 minutes ago, OneChance said:

Keep it up Curious, hope much more success heads your way! 

Oldschool your name seems to really fit your opinion and nothing wrong with that.

I was brought up old school, get yelled at and don’t ask questions, know your roll and don’t get out of place. I played sports growing up, I got yelled at and belittled, I turned out fine. I have two kids who have grown up playing sports and have had their fair share of coaches yelling at them (including me). The older i get and the more I reflect back on things I wonder how much more successful would i have been and the teams I was apart of had I had a coach that would have educated and taught us the game vs yelling and screaming. I understand their s a level of frustration that comes with trying to teach kids and sometimes feels really good to just let it loose. I have seen some of my kids coaches change their way coaching because they learned how to educate the kids about the game and have been way more successful with the same talent!


Guilty.  And yes the only reason my opinion on this hasn't changed is that I see college coaches doing it the same exact way as it was done when I played in hs/college.  Even the younger college coaches.. Do you think Shaka Smart doesn't yell at his players?  I'm pretty sure he knows the game pretty well.  On staff at several D1 schools (including under Billy Donovan at Florida) before getting is start at VCU.  I think that ALL athletes should be held to the same standard as those on the highest of levels.  Obviously not at the same skill set...but I'd be proud to know that a high school kid is being treated the way Coach K treats his guys.  And again..nowhere near the same skill level.  But maybe these high school kids aren't being yelled at for missing shots or turning the ball over...but being yelled at due to lack of effort or repetitive mistakes that shouldn't be made.  I don't know because I don't attend any practices so I couldn't say one way or another why they're getting yelled at.  

 Getting yelled at should be expected if/when the coach feels as though a player isn't giving maximum effort or making mistakes that they shouldn't make.  Even yelling with excitement.  Real basketball coaches are yellers...if you want to win you might better accept it.  Or don't.  it's whatever to me..

2 hours ago, oldschool2 said:

Honestly, that seems pretty mild to me.  I don't believe for one second that there is any coach that is employed at any school that just screams YOU SUCK to the kids that they coach...for "no apparent reason" I'm guessing..?  I believe that a kid probably gets their feelings hurt because they were told that something they did sucked...or was garbage..  So the kid exaggerates on the story to their parents and then the parents exaggerate a little more to whoever else.  

Maybe this is why I don't coach.  I doubt these little snowflake kids could play for me.

But aside from all that...any coach that you say does a lot of "unnecessary yelling"..have you actually sat in on a practice?  Or is this strictly what was said by one of the kids?  



Wow!  A post about a one-sided basketball game runs into this.  A 4-A Div. II team playing a 5A team in a non-district game, trying to prepare themselves for a tough district, learning how to compete and adapt to adversity and we turn this into an opportunity to take jabs at a coach you don't like and are jealous that you can't do what he does, is pathetic.  After being down several key players due to various reasons such as injury, quitting, left school, and just about any other excuse you can think of, he is still a coach.  Not a magician.  He can't wave a wand and make everything better.  None of those reasons were a result of Coach Jacks either.  Don't care what you have heard, keep looking.  The real answer is there.  Ask some of the girl parents of the Lumberton team now why Jacks left.  They will proudly tell you they had a hand in it.  The old "Don't care if we are winning, my daughter isn't scoring enough." mentality is strong with some of them.  Or, niece for that matter.  This generation of "Helicopter" and "Lawnmower" parents is ruining the way high school sports is being played and coached.  I know everyone has coached little dribblers, little league, junior league, AAU, select, and whatever else kind and that makes all people sporting experts and gurus, and the guys that actually get paid to do it know nothing.  I get it.  Some of you are geniuses.  Why don't y'all coach then?  Let me answer that for you.  1.  You don't have a degree, judging by some of your spelling and dictation I am not surprised.  2. You can't afford the pay cut.  3.  You only want the job on Game nights, not everything else.  4. You may have to coach your own kid or another that acts like yours.  5. You have paid your kids entire life to have them take lessons from every sport "guru" around because you can't teach them yourself or you don't know how to.  6.  Someone may see through all the BS you have been laying on through the years and realize you weren't the stud you claimed to be back in the day.   Just my thoughts.  I would love to sit down and talk sports with any of you experts if you would like to.   

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