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The Entire TEAM OBAMA Corrupt FISA Scheme Explained In 3 Minutes!

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13 minutes ago, Reagan said:

Watch closely for obama's finger prints all over this!

This is the hidden content, please

I question the intelligence of anyone who takes brietbart news as gospel.  Its barely above info wars.

Look your man is in the white house and Congress got his back. If you would read the constitution you'd know that it would take the house to impeach and 60 votes in the Senate to kick that SOB. 

That idiot is here for his whole first term. Whether he wins another, who knows.


1 hour ago, BearEssentials97 said:

I question the intelligence of anyone who takes brietbart news as gospel.  Its barely above info wars.

Look your man is in the white house and Congress got his back. If you would read the constitution you'd know that it would take the house to impeach and 60 votes in the Senate to kick that SOB. 

That idiot is here for his whole first term. Whether he wins another, who knows.


Where do you get your news?

Seems like Trump is doing all the right things for the AMERICAN people. Maybe he talks too much, maybe he tweets too much. Wow, he should die. At least he is not a communist like Obama and Hillary. 


Here's a clip from the Communist News Network. We should all believe these guys. Watch how the CNN anchor tries to confuse Gaetz yet he never loses track. I don't understand questioning the source when the message is the same.



3 hours ago, BearEssentials97 said:

I question the intelligence of anyone who takes brietbart news as gospel.  Its barely above info wars.

Look your man is in the white house and Congress got his back. If you would read the constitution you'd know that it would take the house to impeach and 60 votes in the Senate to kick that SOB. 

That idiot is here for his whole first term. Whether he wins another, who knows.


This idiot has done more for America in less than a year, than that idiot obama did in 8.  You need to look no further than the economy to realize this.  

5 hours ago, BearEssentials97 said:

I question the intelligence of anyone who takes brietbart news as gospel.  Its barely above info wars.

Look your man is in the white house and Congress got his back. If you would read the constitution you'd know that it would take the house to impeach and 60 votes in the Senate to kick that SOB. 

That idiot is here for his whole first term. Whether he wins another, who knows.


So you think that nothing was done wrong?  Do you also believe the IRS wasnt targeting conservative groups?

32 minutes ago, stevenash said:

So you think that nothing was done wrong?  Do you also believe the IRS wasnt targeting conservative groups?

Steve, how many of our liberal friends here know what Fusion GPS is and who Carter Page? 

7 hours ago, baddog said:

Where do you get your news?

Seems like Trump is doing all the right things for the AMERICAN people. Maybe he talks too much, maybe he tweets too much. Wow, he should die. At least he is not a communist like Obama and Hillary. 

If you think Hillary and Obama are communist then clearly you have no idea what a communist is.  You might need to go back to school. 

Trump is his own worst enemy. I enjoy watching him dig his own grave. Had he an ounce of self control there would be no Mueller investigation.  He's doing his best to be a one term president and in hope he continues down this self destructive path.

4 minutes ago, BearEssentials97 said:

If you think Hillary and Obama are communist then clearly you have no idea what a communist is.  You might need to go back to school. 

Trump is his own worst enemy. I enjoy watching him dig his own grave. Had he an ounce of self control there would be no Mueller investigation.  He's doing his best to be a one term president and in hope he continues down this self destructive path.

What is it that you hate about President Trump? Hasn’t he done the things that he said he would? Hasn’t he improved the economy? Isn’t he fighting the illegal immigrants that are in the country? Remember, these people are not citizens but they expect the same rights as citizens. Isn’t he trying to protect our borders and make America a safer place? He is not racist like so many label him. He’s not out to get a certain race. He’s pro-American. He’s for all AMERICANS!!! Again, what do you hate about President Trump?

8 minutes ago, Ty Cobb said:

What is it that you hate about President Trump? Hasn’t he done the things that he said he would? Hasn’t he improved the economy? Isn’t he fighting the illegal immigrants that are in the country? Remember, these people are not citizens but they expect the same rights as citizens. Isn’t he trying to protect our borders and make America a safer place? He is not racist like so many label him. He’s not out to get a certain race. He’s pro-American. He’s for all AMERICANS!!! Again, what do you hate about President Trump?

He is racist.  I could list all the racist things he's said and done but you would find something to dismiss my legitimate concerns.

As for the economy we'll look back 10 years from now and see his policies have hurt the working man not helped. He's not your friend either.  History will judge him harshly. 

For now I enjoy watching him dig a deeper hole each day to help Mueller out with his investigation. Fortunately for him congress has his back.

12 minutes ago, BearEssentials97 said:

He is racist.  I could list all the racist things he's said and done but you would find something to dismiss my legitimate concerns.

As for the economy we'll look back 10 years from now and see his policies have hurt the working man not helped. He's not your friend either.  History will judge him harshly. 

For now I enjoy watching him dig a deeper hole each day to help Mueller out with his investigation. Fortunately for him congress has his back.

What makes him racist?


Really?  Nah. I'm not doing this with you.

As I said before i could point it out but you'd make an excuse for him. 

African Americans may not be a monolithic group but 96 percent of us disapprove of him and believe he's racist.

We don't associate with Clarence Thomas Ben Carson Omarossa Paris Dennard and people of their ilk.

Ill humor you. What did he say about Mexicans during his announcement to run for President? What did he say about Obama's both certificate. Or the Central Park 5. Or all the housing discrimination suits he's settled. You know all these things and have the audacity to ask me why I think he's racist. You're funny. Let me get back to this super bowl.


Actually I don’t have an answer because I don’t know what he said about any of the above. I usually don’t follow politics very close. I’ve started to get more into it thanks to President Trump and because everything has become political these days. I actually like what President Trump has done so far.

40 minutes ago, Ty Cobb said:

Actually I don’t have an answer because I don’t know what he said about any of the above. I usually don’t follow politics very close. I’ve started to get more into it thanks to President Trump and because everything has become political these days. I actually like what President Trump has done so far.

Now you're being intellectually dishonest. You know he called Mexicans rapist and murders at his campaign announcement. You know he was the leader of the birther movement which tried to claim Obama was not a U.S. citizen and therefore can't be president. Trump has called for the execution for 5 young men of color falsely accused of rape. He has repeatedly discriminated against renting to blacks and Mexicans.

Last year at Charlottesville he said there were good people on both sides

 I have never met a nice neo Nazi or klansmen. But since his father was associated with the Klan ( arrested at Klan rallies) its easy to see why he sympathetic to that cause.

he hired Steve Gannon and Stephen miller. Who are leaders in the alt right movement. His sons retest Pepe memes.

Again you know or have heard this info but have chosen to ask me why I know he's racist?  

51 minutes ago, BearEssentials97 said:

Now you're being intellectually dishonest. You know he called Mexicans rapist and murders at his campaign announcement. You know he was the leader of the birther movement which tried to claim Obama was not a U.S. citizen and therefore can't be president. Trump has called for the execution for 5 young men of color falsely accused of rape. He has repeatedly discriminated against renting to blacks and Mexicans.

Last year at Charlottesville he said there were good people on both sides

 I have never met a nice neo Nazi or klansmen. But since his father was associated with the Klan ( arrested at Klan rallies) its easy to see why he sympathetic to that cause.

he hired Steve Gannon and Stephen miller. Who are leaders in the alt right movement. His sons retest Pepe memes.

Again you know or have heard this info but have chosen to ask me why I know he's racist?  

Did you actually say Ty Cobb was being intellectually dishonest, then preceded to list things that are at best intellectually dishonest?

How do you get racism out of Trump saying the Mexican government was sending their rapist and murderers to the U.S.? Please explain how such rationale can be gleaned from his statement. If you knew the history of his statement, (or you know the history but willingly choose to ignore it in hyper-partisan fashion), then you fully understand this was not a racist statement at all. Trump was simply saying that the Mexican government was encouraging their criminals and rapists to leave their country by way of the U.S., similar to what Castro did with his criminals.

This is the hidden content, please

This is racist how?

You know the leader of the birther movement was Hillary Clinton don't you. Her campaign was the originator of this, but I bet you wouldn't dare call her a racist, because that would lead to having to deal with the cozy relationship Bill shares with a racist.

When Trump made his statement about the 5 young men accused of rape, they weren't accused...they were convicted. And his full page ad was not specifically at "people of color". It was a call to bring back the death penalty, which would include all people. At the time he made these statements, New York was a rough place, to say the least. He used this case to bolster his perception that much needed to be done to clean up the city. But ooops, he chose a symbolic case that involved people of color, allowing race baiters the spew their hate. And the sham continues...

How do you claim Trump "repeatedly discriminated against renting to Blacks and Mexicans"? I only know of the 1973 case in which Trump settled out of court. Do you have any examples of any case in which Trump was convicted of racial discrimination? Since you used the word "repeatedly" in your assertion, I'm sure you have plenty of examples. Please list some of them. 

In Charlottesville there were good people on both sides. Not every attendee was a Nazi or a Klansmen or Black Panther or Black Lives Matter member, or a member of any race hating organization. I have no idea why he made the statement, or in what context, but it is clear that race baiters will use anything to claim racism.

I have no idea where you are trying to go with the rest of your post, but I'm guessing the significance is just as weak as your earlier proclamations.

And I noticed you failed to mention all of the awards and acknowledgments Trump has received over the years from the NAACP and other minority groups. Why did you leave these things out of your analysis? Was it because you possibly just choose to ignore them because they blow your narrative clean out of the water?

4 hours ago, Englebert said:

Did you actually say Ty Cobb was being intellectually dishonest, then preceded to list things that are at best intellectually dishonest?

How do you get racism out of Trump saying the Mexican government was sending their rapist and murderers to the U.S.? Please explain how such rationale can be gleaned from his statement. If you knew the history of his statement, (or you know the history but willingly choose to ignore it in hyper-partisan fashion), then you fully understand this was not a racist statement at all. Trump was simply saying that the Mexican government was encouraging their criminals and rapists to leave their country by way of the U.S., similar to what Castro did with his criminals.

This is the hidden content, please

This is racist how?

You know the leader of the birther movement was Hillary Clinton don't you. Her campaign was the originator of this, but I bet you wouldn't dare call her a racist, because that would lead to having to deal with the cozy relationship Bill shares with a racist.

When Trump made his statement about the 5 young men accused of rape, they weren't accused...they were convicted. And his full page ad was not specifically at "people of color". It was a call to bring back the death penalty, which would include all people. At the time he made these statements, New York was a rough place, to say the least. He used this case to bolster his perception that much needed to be done to clean up the city. But ooops, he chose a symbolic case that involved people of color, allowing race baiters the spew their hate. And the sham continues...

How do you claim Trump "repeatedly discriminated against renting to Blacks and Mexicans"? I only know of the 1973 case in which Trump settled out of court. Do you have any examples of any case in which Trump was convicted of racial discrimination? Since you used the word "repeatedly" in your assertion, I'm sure you have plenty of examples. Please list some of them. 

In Charlottesville there were good people on both sides. Not every attendee was a Nazi or a Klansmen or Black Panther or Black Lives Matter member, or a member of any race hating organization. I have no idea why he made the statement, or in what context, but it is clear that race baiters will use anything to claim racism.

I have no idea where you are trying to go with the rest of your post, but I'm guessing the significance is just as weak as your earlier proclamations.

And I noticed you failed to mention all of the awards and acknowledgments Trump has received over the years from the NAACP and other minority groups. Why did you leave these things out of your analysis? Was it because you possibly just choose to ignore them because they blow your narrative clean out of the water?

Why do trump supporters get mad when his flaws are pointed out. I don't care that you probably hated Obama. You will never convince me trump isn't racist. Just know that he's lucky he has congress on his side for Now.

Firing Mueller or losing Congress this November may bring this comedy to an early end. And that will make me sad because people like you will go off the deep end and create new bat guano conspiracy theories when the truth is trump screwed himself.

8 hours ago, BearEssentials97 said:

Now you're being intellectually dishonest. You know he called Mexicans rapist and murders at his campaign announcement. You know he was the leader of the birther movement which tried to claim Obama was not a U.S. citizen and therefore can't be president. Trump has called for the execution for 5 young men of color falsely accused of rape. He has repeatedly discriminated against renting to blacks and Mexicans.

Last year at Charlottesville he said there were good people on both sides

 I have never met a nice neo Nazi or klansmen. But since his father was associated with the Klan ( arrested at Klan rallies) its easy to see why he sympathetic to that cause.

he hired Steve Gannon and Stephen miller. Who are leaders in the alt right movement. His sons retest Pepe memes.

Again you know or have heard this info but have chosen to ask me why I know he's racist?  

Again I have no knowledge of any of this. I understand that you think I’m trying to bait you but I’m not. As I stated above I usually don’t follow politics very closely. I wanted to hear from someone who doesn’t like President Trump. I wanted an explanation on why you think he is doing a poor job as the President of the U.S.A. Do you think he is doing right by Americans?


No.  He's looking out for the rich. Look at the tax bill. Or look at him trying to gut healthcare. People like you and me will pay for the rich and corporations tax cuts. We're going to have less services and pay more.  He has nothing but contempt for anyone who doesn't have money. He's always been that way.

1 hour ago, BearEssentials97 said:

No.  He's looking out for the rich. Look at the tax bill. Or look at him trying to gut healthcare. People like you and me will pay for the rich and corporations tax cuts. We're going to have less services and pay more.  He has nothing but contempt for anyone who doesn't have money. He's always been that way.

As far as the tax bill, he put an extra $111 in my check each month. I'm not sure if that's what you are talking about or not. 

What do you mean by, "trying to gut health care?"  

7 minutes ago, Ty Cobb said:

As far as the tax bill, he put an extra $111 in my check each month. I'm not sure if that's what you are talking about or not. 

What do you mean by, "trying to gut health care?"  

When you do your taxes next spring and you can't deduct your property taxes and you lose your personal exemptions you'll find that your paying more.  I'm glad you're feeling a little richer today but in the long run were paying for the rich to keep exorbitant amounts of money.

And the effort to kill Obama care will raise everyone's rates because now the market is unsure. If it had passed millions would have been thrown of of Medicare and Medicare to give the rich a billion dollar tax cut. Now you have to help grandma pay for her meds.

Don't worry. Because the deficit has now been raised the GOP is coming for Medicare Medicaid SSI unemployment etc.  Paul Ryan's wet dream is to kill all these programs that help the average citizen.  

If you haven't been paying attention now is the perfect time to go educate yourself.  Just be sure to look at different sources to make sure you get a clear well rounded picture. Good luck supporting Trump.


Thank God he is trying to gut that ridiculous Obamacare program.  My family's health insurance and premiums have risen each year since it's inception.  I guess when you hand out free health insurance, someone (working class) has to foot the bill.  Not a big fan of being forced to pay for other people's free stuff. 

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