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Whites have been lynching blacks for a hundred years and getting away with it, at least on this planet.  All that won't be in heaven though, and it is closer than you think.

52 minutes ago, Kountzer said:

Whites have been lynching blacks for a hundred years and getting away with it, at least on this planet.  All that won't be in heaven though, and it is closer than you think.

So in your own sick mind, this is justifiable. How Christian of you.


I didn't justify anything.  YOu search the net to find something to foment your stupidity so you can have some sort of pity party or whatever this is.  But nothing is new under the sun.   People have been threatening other people and not only threatening them but carrying it out.  Where was the outcry then?  If anybody is a hypocrite it is you.

1 hour ago, Kountzer said:

I didn't justify anything.  YOu search the net to find something to foment your stupidity so you can have some sort of pity party or whatever this is.  But nothing is new under the sun.   People have been threatening other people and not only threatening them but carrying it out.  Where was the outcry then?  If anybody is a hypocrite it is you.

Pity party?  A man in position of authority at a High School, around impressionable young people, wants to kill half the people in the US because of the color of their skin, and you call it a pity party?  Never once denouncing what that individual wants to do.  Bringing up other unconscionable actions in the past to support what this man says.  Not exactly a Christian response


y'all misinterpret my approach to bible prophecy.   I just shared what is really happening in this world historically, politically from the prophetic viewpoint.  Prophecy, rightly understood, and that's saying a mouthful, cause most people don't rightly interpret it, is more accurate than history.  You can go to church behind it, or you can stay home.  

2 hours ago, Kountzer said:

y'all misinterpret my approach to bible prophecy.   I just shared what is really happening in this world historically, politically from the prophetic viewpoint.  Prophecy, rightly understood, and that's saying a mouthful, cause most people don't rightly interpret it, is more accurate than history.  You can go to church behind it, or you can stay home.  

You make a pathetic statement justifying a despicable act, you get called out, then you retreat to the act of denial, then jump on the elitist soapbox preaching how us peons cannot understand...just as little feeble minded sheeple have done so often. My question is: How in the world did you ever obtain this elitist attitude. You make pathetic statements that even 6th graders can laugh at, but astoundingly are oblivious to your own sophomoric hyperbole. The next time you post your hate on here, keep in mind the peons are laughing at you. You should be able to hear the thundering laughter all around you. To use condescension in your proclamations just makes it all that more hilarious to normal folks.


There is big money to be made in preaching false prophecy.  The vast majority of the popular churches are in it for size and money.  "Look at my big church.  Look at the money I am pulling in".   but hey, if that's what you want get to it.

13 hours ago, Englebert said:

You make a pathetic statement justifying a despicable act, you get called out, then you retreat to the act of denial, then jump on the elitist soapbox preaching how us peons cannot understand...just as little feeble minded sheeple have done so often. My question is: How in the world did you ever obtain this elitist attitude. You make pathetic statements that even 6th graders can laugh at, but astoundingly are oblivious to your own sophomoric hyperbole. The next time you post your hate on here, keep in mind the peons are laughing at you. You should be able to hear the thundering laughter all around you. To use condescension in your proclamations just makes it all that more hilarious to normal folks.

You guys never have any solutions.  You never think out of the box.  All you do is sit around and lick Trumps butt, then cut & paste whatever you can find that fits your frame of mind.  Dude threatened a school.  They made it into an article because he is black.  The writer is white.  The people he writes to are white.  Misery loves company.   Can't count the number of times, recently, that some white nut case has shot up a school, or a church, or a concert and killed scores upon scores of innocent people.    It is interesting how the media never portrays these guys as terrorists, but that is what they are.  

So some black guy talks stupid about doing this or that and bingo!, the cut and paste patrol zones in on it like bees on nectar.

You guys are a hoot man, I'm telling ya.  But hey, if it makes you feel good do what you do.

2 hours ago, Kountzer said:

You guys never have any solutions.  You never think out of the box.  All you do is sit around and lick Trumps butt, then cut & paste whatever you can find that fits your frame of mind.  Dude threatened a school.  They made it into an article because he is black.  The writer is white.  The people he writes to are white.  Misery loves company.   Can't count the number of times, recently, that some white nut case has shot up a school, or a church, or a concert and killed scores upon scores of innocent people.    It is interesting how the media never portrays these guys as terrorists, but that is what they are.  

So some black guy talks stupid about doing this or that and bingo!, the cut and paste patrol zones in on it like bees on nectar.

You guys are a hoot man, I'm telling ya.  But hey, if it makes you feel good do what you do.

And your solution is? Oh yeah, blame Whitey for every problem in the world. The 5th graders are now laughing at your obvious "blinded by hate" rhetoric. 

2 hours ago, Kountzer said:

You guys never have any solutions.  You never think out of the box.  All you do is sit around and lick Trumps butt, then cut & paste whatever you can find that fits your frame of mind.  Dude threatened a school.  They made it into an article because he is black.  The writer is white.  The people he writes to are white.  Misery loves company.   Can't count the number of times, recently, that some white nut case has shot up a school, or a church, or a concert and killed scores upon scores of innocent people.    It is interesting how the media never portrays these guys as terrorists, but that is what they are.  

So some black guy talks stupid about doing this or that and bingo!, the cut and paste patrol zones in on it like bees on nectar.

You guys are a hoot man, I'm telling ya.  But hey, if it makes you feel good do what you do.

You've got the facts wrong.  Did you read the article?  He didn't threaten the school, he wants the Black Panthers to start a race war so he can kill whites.  I doubt you're interested but the reason I (and others) post crap like this is because the MSM deluges us with how racist the white man is, totally blind to the fact that many blacks (and all races) are just as racist.  Louis Farrakhan is as big a racist as a Grand Wizard of the Klan, yet he's a big influence in the Democratic Party, immune to criticism by the MSM.  And I, for one, am weary of this one way street.  Yes, we post it, because the media won't mention it, so to inform others, we have to.  

Louis & DNC Deputy Chair Keith Ellison.

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The black panthers hardly exist. They were infiltrated, murdered in their sleep, assassinated thrown in jail for 300 years and all that back in the 60 & early 70s.  What's left of them has been so compromised I doubt they could get within 15 miles of a school.   Both you and that guy are delusional.  If anybody is going to start a race war it will be 45 and his alt right buddies.  Like the guy who was in his cabinet who helped him get elected.

Farrakhan is just a gadfly.  He hates jews, but so do most of the alt right hate groups.  He is no more dangerous than they are, probably less dangerous.  Those guys can slick their hair back, put on a $1000 dollar suit and work in corporate america, or for fox and nobody knows or cares. 

If I went looking for it I could find hate video 10 times worse that farrakhan, put out by nazi and alt right thought leaders.  Or I could go get a copy of the turner diaries.  That's the stuff to be worried about.  I don't concern myself with that stuff cause I am not looking for it.   That's the difference.  You spend too much time looking for stupid dirt and mess.

6 hours ago, Englebert said:

And your solution is? Oh yeah, blame Whitey for every problem in the world. The 5th graders are now laughing at your obvious "blinded by hate" rhetoric. 

Quit trying to label me bone head.


Besides the problem is bigger than white folks.  I told you that long time ago.  You didn't listen.  I told you the solution too.  you and your running buddies laughed that off as well..   So I am through with it.

2 hours ago, Kountzer said:

Quit trying to label me bone head.

Why? You can't handle being done to you what you do to everybody else? Pretty pathetic and immature, but somehow you own an imaginary soapbox upon which you perch yourself to "educate" the less enlightened. I don't have to label you...even the 4th graders can see right through your pompous façade.

2 hours ago, Kountzer said:

Besides the problem is bigger than white folks.  I told you that long time ago.  You didn't listen.  I told you the solution too.  you and your running buddies laughed that off as well..   So I am through with it.

The problem is you. That is obvious to pretty much everyone. I still cannot conceive of how you obtained your arrogant persona. I guess when facts don't matter, you can convince yourself of anything. Although you do bring a light-hearted and comical entertainment value to the board, maybe the self-imposed time-out is the best thing for you right now. Don't forget to don your long pointy hat while sitting in the corner.


Here's the solution: 

Bible Study Guide - 2nd Quarter 2018

Preparation for the End Time

Christ and the End of Days



In the final hours of Jesus’ earthly sojourn in human flesh, He spoke these words of comfort to the disciples:

“Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also. And where I go you know, and the way you know”. (

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Though they certainly didn’t fully understand the meaning of what He said nor the time in which His promise would be fulfilled, the men surely drew comfort from Jesus’ words. A room in His Father’s house? A place that Jesus Himself was preparing for them? Surely this would be better than wherever they might find themselves in this world now.

Indeed, not too long before, as He sat with the disciples, Jesus gave them a quick survey of what would happen before He returned. It was kind of a “history of the future”, and it was not pretty. Wars, rumors of wars, nation against nation, famines, and earthquakes were all, Jesus said, just “the beginning of sorrows”. Persecutions, betrayals, deceptions, and trials were on the horizon, as well.

Today, from our vantage point in the flow of history, we can see that nearly all of what Jesus warned about has come to pass, and just as He predicted, too. We can see the fulfillment of two major time prophecies, as well. The first is the “time and times and the dividing of time” of 

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 (see also 
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which began in the sixth century A.D. (A.D. 538) and ended in the late eighteenth century (A.D. 1798). Then, too, the longest time prophecy, the 2300 days of 
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, reached its fulfillment in the year 1844.

Surely, then, we are now living in “the end of the days” (

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). But not only do we not know when the end — climaxing with the second coming of Jesus — will come, we don’t need to know. We need to know only that it will come, and that when it does, we must be prepared.

How? Perhaps the best answer is found in this text: “As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him” (

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). In other words, with so many world events, so many headlines, and so many theories about end times, it’s easy to get diverted, focusing too much on the things that we think are leading to Christ’s coming instead of on Christ Himself, who alone is the key to our preparation.

This quarter the focus is on the end time, but not totally. The real focus is on Jesus, but in the context of the last days and how to be prepared for them. Yes, we need to look at historical dates, at world events, at history itself, because the Bible talks about them in relation to the end. But even in this context, the Bible talks about Jesus, about who He is, what He has done for us, what He does in us, and what He will do when He does return. Christ and Him crucified must be the center of our faith; or, as Paul said: “For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified” (

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). The more we focus on Him, the more we become like Him, the more we obey Him, and the more prepared we will be for all that awaits us, both in the immediate future and in the end, the day when we do enter “the place” that Jesus has prepared for those who love Him.

Norman R. Gulley, PhD, is a research professor in Systematic Theology at Southern Adventist University. 


Somehow I don't feel "educated" by your post. Besides, my issue is with your hate and arrogance, not your beliefs. Was your self-imposed time-out only for two hours? You might need some more time for inner reflection and meditation (or just a plain ol' simple education) to rid yourself of your inner demons of hate and confusion.

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