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Oh yea. and Lumertons #11 i think his name is Mark Brackin he played great. WHY HAVENT PEOPLE BEEN TALKING ABOUT HIM ASWELL? i guess i gets overshadowed by Waldrup which is the case with many great players on other teams in the area. I might be stretching on this one since ive never heard anything about him but i think he could be a very underrated soccer player.. i wish i would have seen more of his games


Nike i find that extremeley hard to believe. but please i would love to be proven wrong but i dont have a film so until i see it im gonna go with that it is a stretch to say he was COMPLETLEY marked be five men because for the most part of the game i had my eyes on Waldrup but ill admit whenever Central made a good run or were deep in Lumberton territory or even when Lumbertons #11 made his goal and the third goal that got called back, i did have my eyes off of Waldrup, so i guess if whenever the ball was on the Lumbertons defensive side if he was ACCTUALLY being marked by five poeple then, but only then i am wrong.


I was also thinking it would be stupid for any coach to tell five of his palyers to mark one man. certainly against lumberton because they are a good team and have more players than Waldrup who can score, obviously. And in my personal opinion i dont think the Central coach is a bad coach adn he probably knows enough about the sport to know that having even three men on one man would surely spell out a loss for most any team, so once again five men completley marked on Waldrup is extremely hard to belive

Guest Soccerfan

if you had your eyes on waldrup on noght then you should have seen that the first goal was completely set up by waldrup making a great play to get the ball and then having the vision to see #11 down the left side. Waldrup played a brilliant through ball to him upon which was crossed and shot into net. But i guess since he played so bad you didnt notice that.

and frankly i doubt very seriously, even as good as he is, that Matt Kirby could dribble thru 5 central players and then score. Lets be real for a second. Im sure your coach wouldnt even make a coment like that. You seem to think that Central was a pushover team, need i remind you that they only have one loss. IMO this makes them have a legitimate claim to be one of the best teams in SETX.


Yes Central is one of the better teams in SETX but its SETX..not really a top place to play soccer in. And i did not say Matt could dribble through five players, but now that you mention it ive seen him do it but thats beside the point i said he could pick apart their defense and if your going to try and argue that Waldrup had five players on him ill stop you right there dont do it its worthless, because he never hda five player COMPLETLEY gaurding him maybe he might have had five players in his vicinity but HE DID NOT HAVE FIVE PLAYER GAURDING HIM AT ONCE, please watch whatever tape it is you can and look closely because you seem to have a little knowledge of this sport..you will see that he was never gaurded completley by five men. and if you read what i first sauid i mentioned his throughball, did i not? but if your going to argue that  the first goal was set by waldrup it was not, he had a foot in it, and it was a good pass, i am saying that because he is a good player and i can see that but he is overrated.  But you really cant say Waldrup completely set up the first goal if your going to credit that set-up to any one in goes to #11, i think his name is Mark Brackin, you never har about the assist to the assister


Alright since you are so smart im going to say this and be done with it because your stubborn and headstrong. He had five guys COMPLETELY on him with a FIFTH (which means 5) coming to support. Comprehend that?


First off all if he had five guys compleltely on him with another one coming that would make six, bud not five. but the only possibly way you could say he had five guys on him is if he was in the 18, because central was packing the 18, but if this is when he was being gaurded by five men, then there would be others who are gaurded by five men  because when they got the ball in the 18 they become a threat and due to it being packed they also would have five men on him. LISTEN TO ME. If a team uses five of there ten field players to gaurd one man then that would leave 4 men ungaurded whitch would be completely stupid, i highly doubt the Central coaxh or players left 4 men open(unless the ball was in the box then that is really tyhe only smart, possibilty, where you could say he was being surrounded by five men.)


I was not at the Central/Lumberton game so I can not and will not comment about Brent's play that night...

However I have been at three other games and watched him.  Brent is a great player and knows the game well.  He can turn and face multiple defenders, he has great vision on when to release the ball and when to hold or attack with the ball.  He uses his speed with finesse to fool players into stabbing and rushing in...his passing and crossing abilities are a thing of beauty...

Yes he is still and high school player and will make mistakes; however, he (in my opinion) is only going to get better which is scary. 

Now as far as the comment about this just being SETX soccer...that is insult to every player, coach, trainer, select team etc. etc.  (once again just my opinion)

2006 Champions

Boys 5A State Champion: Brownsville Porter

Boys 4A State Champion: Boerne

Girls 5A State Champion: Katy Taylor

Girls 4A State Champion: McKinney North

2005 Champions

Boys 5A State Champion: Klein

Boys 4A State Champion: El Paso Del Valle

Girls 5A State Champion: Lewisville Marcus

Girls 4A State Champion: McKinney

Looks like to me good soccer can be found all over Texas


man this guy is crazy ..... we never had 5 men holding waldrup .... thats insane .... we had 1 man holding him .... that was his job ... waldrup was his personal mark ... i dont see how any coach could even think about putting 5 players on one man ...


Newcastle, well i gues i did mess up in syaing that , because there are good team in SETX anbd im sorry for jumping to conclusions and i really just meant High School Soccer and really i should of have jsut said Golden Triangle High School Teams. And lumberton and central are both two of the better teams in the area. Although i really hope they do well in the playoffs all three of the teams, but i dont see them getting that deep, but good luck anyways it would be great for yall to win not only for yourselves and your school but for the area so i wish them the best of luck.

And Fernando, where have you been finally someone with a little bit of since. THANK YOU, he said exactly what ive been saying. even a lesser coach would not commit five men to anyone player


OK i told myself that i would not get on this message board but i must finally come to the defense of my player.

First,  how do you call a kid that has scored 32 goals and has had 27 assists Overated??????? I call that an accomplishment.

Second, No Brent Waldrup didnt play a specatacular game against Central, but he played the role that I asked him to play.You see JCB as a coach sometimes you prepare for your opponents by throwing things at your opponent that they might now neccesarily be expecting. I asked Brent to be more of a decoy this game because i knew that Central was going to be keying on him. I didnt ask him to go out and try to score 5 goals, I knew that if central focused on him and he gave the ball up soon then his teammates would be able to get and take advantage of their scheme. As was the case because several times as soon as he touched the ball he had 2-3 players sinking to him besides the player already marking him. There were MANY times in the game that as soon as Brent touched the ball he had the attention of several Central defenders. Central shifted 9-10 players to defense when we were on the attacking side of the field. 9 Central vs 6 Raiders, so yes they were able to pay more attention to Brent. And because of this, other players were able to have outstanding games. Mark Brackin has  played Spectacular soccer this year game in and game out, scoring in all of the games he played in but 3. He was missing the first time we played Central and we were extremely gald he wasnt missing again. He played awesome.

On the subject of dribbling, I do however remember Brent waldrup dribbling through the entire defense at Kelly and scoing a goal on a kick-off. Kelly is an outstanding team so i guess in your opinion then it must have been luck. I have been around soccer for 17 years and Brent is one of the most talented kids i have ever seen or had the privelege to play with. He is to the Lumberton soccer team what Kirby is to Kelly and  what Fernando is to Central. Nobody can deny that. All three of these players bring something special to the soccer field and someone would have to be either jealous or have a lack of soccer knowledge to argue that. I am sure throughout the course of a season that each one of these kids would not have played their best game, be it because they simply didnt perform well or because their coach asked them to serve the better interest of the team and have a different role. That does not in any way make any one of these kids Overated.

I am very fortunate to be coaching on a team that is abundant in talent, desire, heart, discipline, and sheer determination. Brent Waldrup is but one of the players I have that are examples of this.


JCB you need to zip your mouth ... I believe in stating your idea and thoughts, but you are going overboard trying to defend yourself .... I think your an awesome guy and you know i am backing you before anyone else...if anyone called you a name on here i would go to bats for you.... but when you start up setting coaches you have gone to far.... These guys play us every year to help us... They can play any team in the district or in the area. He played us at Kelly on a very crappy field and had nothing bad to say ... You stated your thoughts leave it at that.......

My statement stands "if lumberton had another shot at us, it would be a different story the second time around" .... Congrats again Lumberton Coaches and Players for the success in the season... Hope to see you guys again next year

Kelly Coach


CoachL, i will not argue with you (also i really cant) because you are the coach and what you say i will believe, i didnt think about the strategy you used(thats why your a coach and im still a learning player) and that would explain a lot. So, not like you need to hear it from me, but it was a very good plan and it obviously worked. Good Luck to yall in the playoffs.

And Jlamar,

Yes Sir. conisder it zipped.


My players represent me and the school which I work at.... I do not want to cause bad relations to the teams that I enjoy playing...... He said his peace, but the forum is not to make people mad nor start bad blood between schools.... That would be stupid... School soccer is a privilege, not something that you do because you are bored... If you allow your players to act like that ... thats one thing since you are the quote unquote soccer God... I will allow you to treat people that way... For me and my house I do not allow "my players" to step over the line with others.... Thats not the way to act in any form are fashion ...Sports are about teaching guidelines to better young people in life. I might be young, but at least i have respect for this game and others around me. You once said you where twice my age ... well then act like it... do you get your joylies to watch teenagers argue, you have no business arguing with teenagers nor coaches... I am glad players speak there mind and i am Glad they have the leadership to be who they are. I do not want my players to be out of control in any stage in there life...... Maybe you need to read Vince Lamboridi's Book then you might understand a little more about coaching, sportsmanship and team play......


OK i told myself that i would not get on this message board but i must finally come to the defense of my player.

First,  how do you call a kid that has scored 32 goals and has had 27 assists Overated??????? I call that an accomplishment.

Second, No Brent Waldrup didnt play a specatacular game against Central, but he played the role that I asked him to play.You see JCB as a coach sometimes you prepare for your opponents by throwing things at your opponent that they might now neccesarily be expecting. I asked Brent to be more of a decoy this game because i knew that Central was going to be keying on him. I didnt ask him to go out and try to score 5 goals, I knew that if central focused on him and he gave the ball up soon then his teammates would be able to get and take advantage of their scheme. As was the case because several times as soon as he touched the ball he had 2-3 players sinking to him besides the player already marking him. There were MANY times in the game that as soon as Brent touched the ball he had the attention of several Central defenders. Central shifted 9-10 players to defense when we were on the attacking side of the field. 9 Central vs 6 Raiders, so yes they were able to pay more attention to Brent. And because of this, other players were able to have outstanding games. Mark Brackin has  played Spectacular soccer this year game in and game out, scoring in all of the games he played in but 3. He was missing the first time we played Central and we were extremely gald he wasnt missing again. He played awesome.

On the subject of dribbling, I do however remember Brent waldrup dribbling through the entire defense at Kelly and scoing a goal on a kick-off. Kelly is an outstanding team so i guess in your opinion then it must have been luck. I have been around soccer for 17 years and Brent is one of the most talented kids i have ever seen or had the privelege to play with. He is to the Lumberton soccer team what Kirby is to Kelly and  what Fernando is to Central. Nobody can deny that. All three of these players bring something special to the soccer field and someone would have to be either jealous or have a lack of soccer knowledge to argue that. I am sure throughout the course of a season that each one of these kids would not have played their best game, be it because they simply didnt perform well or because their coach asked them to serve the better interest of the team and have a different role. That does not in any way make any one of these kids Overated.

I am very fortunate to be coaching on a team that is abundant in talent, desire, heart, discipline, and sheer determination. Brent Waldrup is but one of the players I have that are examples of this.

Great Post Coach!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jlamar, is a great coach and no matter if i planed on arguing with or not arguing with the Lumberton coach since Jlamar asked me to stop i am goimg to listen to him not because im a drone or brainwashed but because he is my  elder, much wiser than i am and most of all he is my coach and i respect him. He lets us be who we want to be and play our game but he coaches us and shows us how to be better and so if he draws the line somewhere im not going to cross it because i listen to him because he is a smart man and a better coach.


How did he get the nickname "Yeah-Yeah"?

Whenever brent plays soccer and makes the move into open space or can recieve that pass he has the tendency to say yeah multiple times to alert his team mate of the oppurtunity. And so his freshman year and lumberton the seniors deemed him yeah-yeah, that was at least after earning several other nicknames first


I have to agree with JCB, though Yeah-Yeah plays for a div 1 club in Houston, which is pretty amazing for a player from Golden Triangle (I think there are only 4 boys playing on Div 1 clubs in Houston from this area). Waldrup is a little overrated he is getting all this hype, he does not live up to what people say he can do,Waldurp is an excellent and certenly one of the best in the area, but please don't say he's at the calibur of MAtt Kirby. This is just my opinion.

Guest sokkerfan

five freshman for nederland play div one in houston but for a local team that plays div one.  however not very successful they did earn the rite to be playing up div one and they do get the experience of playing at that level.  that is the main reason four of thefreshman have started for nederland all season.  i do however think yea yea is all that good, however he may not be a matt kirby but he is ,  yea yea an very above average player.


Yeah?  Why hasn't anyone looked beyond Waldrup to Mark Brackin #11?  He was the leading scorer until he had to miss three games due to another committment??  Waldrup is a fine player, but DOES NOT carry the team.  They all play with heart, and even though they do not have a paid trainer, they work hard to improve their game.  Mark had never had formal training, and I think only started at 10 yrs old playing soccer.  Wait till next year, they will be a sight to watch!!!


after playing against all the teams this season im not gunna go off and say yeah yeah isnt good because it would be a lie... but yes i do think he is over rated a good bit although i dont like him fernando is prolly the best in the district some of his shots ive seen him take are shots i havent seen any where unless sitting on the couch watchin the big boys play... yeah yeah is good but not as great as everyone seems to think...

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