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On 4/18/2018 at 10:40 PM, Englebert said:

I am mystified that you keep trying to argue that if you are waiting for someone that somehow laws or protocol seems to magically vanish. Once again, the establishment can ask you to leave at their discretion. They can make this decision based on occupancy at the time, ignore their own regulations, or enforce their regulations. The establishment has that right, and can regulate as they deem necessary. You, as a customer, do not have the right to trespass. Why this concept seems foreign to you is just befuddling. But that is not the major issue here.

The current protests, including your response, was never about an over-reaction as you state. You and the protesters have one agenda...y'all are protesting about race. PERIOD! Everyone knows that, and to deny it is just pathetic. But let's just digress and reiterate. It seems you have now turned tail (due to lack of evidence) and are trying to profit an "over-reaction" defense that is mysteriously not based on race. Are the thousands of Starbucks being closed so that their management can receive "over-reaction" training... or is the management receiving "racial bias" training (as publically stated)? Please don't insult me with your dull rhetoric. It is definitely true that there is an over-reaction being played out in this scenario, and that over-reaction is Starbucks over-reacting to an obvious but expected over-reaction by the race-baiting Liberals. The next time your get feverish about past mistreatment, keep in mind that thousands of innocent Starbucks employees have to endure ridicule and accusations of being racist because Liberals have nothing better to do than accuse everyone of being racist without ever providing one shred of proof. This type of "over-reaction" does nothing but sow the seeds of discourse and allows real racism to propagate and flourish. Maybe it's time that "race baiting" classes should become mandatory training.

You do know the police apologized today, right? Over reacting because two Black men were waiting on a business partner for a meeting. People sit in Starbucks all the time with their laptops and phones. I bet you have that mental disorder called Racism Disillusionment. 

On 4/19/2018 at 7:52 PM, REBgp said:

I'm just speculating here, but I'm willing to bet a large amount of money that if me and my wife walked into Papadeauxs on Saturday evening and sit at a table and didn't order, we'd be escorted out.  The point is, establishments have that right.  I have no idea what happened at the Starbucks that started all this.  Were they ask to leave because they were black, or is it an issue just because they were black?  Could they have possibly planned this out to get their 15 minutes of fame, and a lucrative settlement?  You bet.  Fact is though, I don't know, and I'm pretty sure neither do all the people making a racial issue out of it.


Speculating, meaning you are trying to minimize the situation and race had no bearing on the incident. Race isn't important. Okay, just say what you mean. 

10 hours ago, baddog said:

I never liked Starbucks before any of this crap. Funny what grabs headlines. We could be on the brink of nuclear war and we are more concerned with a man being kicked out of Starbucks. How trite we have truly become.

Yep, there is an agenda to make race a non-issue. 


Okay, let's just all agree that the potential customers were waiting for their business associate to arrive. It's rather rude to order before the guest arrives. The manager overreacted, as well as the police. Which is why Starbucks will be reviewing their store policies. Also, Starbucks have people in there writing their academic papers, especially near college campuses. Starbucks has that kind of environment. 

On 4/17/2018 at 8:04 AM, Englebert said:

Did you actually just admit that you have trouble reading text, but have the gall to lecture us about the history of religion on this Earth? Did someone read the history books to you? Did the books have big ol' pictures, some that even pop up? Did the sentences rhyme? (And one little nugget of encouragement: once you master the task of phonetic verbalization of each word, the reading speed becomes much faster, as does the comprehension level.) Did they also explain the nuances and meanings of the text to you? And how can someone so full of historical religious knowledge, which would take years and years of diligent reading of different viewpoints, get so worked up about a paragraph containing more that one sentence. Please keep posting. It is really, really comical. I'll end this paragraph here as I feel I might have surpassed the attention span of the reader.

Guess what, this post was actually addressed to you. Notice the quote has your name on it. Did you skip the class that taught this fundamental skill? Bless your little heart.

I am allergic to non sense.  My bad.

On 4/17/2018 at 9:11 AM, LumRaiderFan said:

We're supposed to worship 7 days a week...rest on one.

Which day you go to Church will not determine whether or not you go to Heaven.


It's the arrogant know it all attitude of some Churches that is a turnoff to non-Christians.

Just get them in the door...God will take it from there. (you catch, HE cleans)

Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.

Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:

10 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:

11 For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.

Arrogant?  Know it all?  All you have to do is read the bible.  It is in there.


Which day you go to Church will not determine whether or not you go to Heaven.


Those times of ignorance God winks at.  But for someone to willfully disobey God's word, the 4th of the 10 commandments? It could keep you out of heaven.  Not my call.

On 4/17/2018 at 0:10 PM, Englebert said:

I just respond to you. If you just skim, why did you whine about my posts being too long? Sounds like your motive is just to ignore (run) and play victim when confronted or challenged about your allegations. Typical Liberal strategy that we've gotten used to. Sad but entertaining.

I don't like you.  I don't respect you or what you post, or text.  I don't consider dialoging with you relevant in anyway.  I didn't lecture you or anyone else on this back water thread on anything. The information is out there.  Read it for yourself.   If you want to take it that way so be it.  I expressed my point of view.   I don't think like you.  I never will think like you, thank goodness.  I don't really care if the 6 or 7 regulars laugh at anything I post.  I've never met any of you in person. Hopefully I never will.  Running into you here is bad enough.  

9 hours ago, BLUEDOVE3 said:

You do know the police apologized today, right? Over reacting because two Black men were waiting on a business partner for a meeting. People sit in Starbucks all the time with their laptops and phones. I bet you have that mental disorder called Racism Disillusionment. 

I didn’t see where the police apologized.  I saw the black Police Chief say that the people asked to leave by both the manager and the cops.  They disobeyed the cops orders multiple times so they were removed which was the right call.  

8 hours ago, BLUEDOVE3 said:

Okay, let's just all agree that the potential customers were waiting for their business associate to arrive. It's rather rude to order before the guest arrives. The manager overreacted, as well as the police. Which is why Starbucks will be reviewing their store policies. Also, Starbucks have people in there writing their academic papers, especially near college campuses. Starbucks has that kind of environment. 

Our local Starbucks (or any fast food restaurants) are different than those in major cities.  Can you imagine if a store in NYC had an open bathroom policy for all 2 million people that walk by it every day?


I’m assuming there is more to this story which is being conviently left out.  When questioned by the manager a simple “sorry we are waiting on a friend that should be here shortly” works 100% of the time.  If you get an attitude then those odds decrease significantly.  


They don’t even let cops use the facilities at Starbucks in Philly.  No word on if the cop is black or not, so I’m withholding my right to be offended until we get an update on his skin color.  



This is the hidden content, please

2 hours ago, PhatMack19 said:

Our local Starbucks (or any fast food restaurants) are different than those in major cities.  Can you imagine if a store in NYC had an open bathroom policy for all 2 million people that walk by it every day?


I’m assuming there is more to this story which is being conviently left out.  When questioned by the manager a simple “sorry we are waiting on a friend that should be here shortly” works 100% of the time.  If you get an attitude then those odds decrease significantly.  

You must remember that, in the eyes of some, only Caucasians have "attitudes" just as only Caucasians are racist.

8 hours ago, Kountzer said:

Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.

Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:

10 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:

11 For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.

Arrogant?  Know it all?  All you have to do is read the bible.  It is in there.

Whose calender are you going by...and I have read it, by the way.

8 hours ago, Kountzer said:

Which day you go to Church will not determine whether or not you go to Heaven.


Those times of ignorance God winks at.  But for someone to willfully disobey God's word, the 4th of the 10 commandments? It could keep you out of heaven.  Not my call.

No, it’s not...you should keep that in mind.

8 hours ago, Kountzer said:

I don't like you.  I don't respect you or what you post, or text.  I don't consider dialoging with you relevant in anyway.  I didn't lecture you or anyone else on this back water thread on anything. The information is out there.  Read it for yourself.   If you want to take it that way so be it.  I expressed my point of view.   I don't think like you.  I never will think like you, thank goodness.  I don't really care if the 6 or 7 regulars laugh at anything I post.  I've never met any of you in person. Hopefully I never will.  Running into you here is bad enough.  

You never answered the question. In fact you ran from it, was challenged again (and again), and you still won't answer the question. But somehow you feel shameless enough to keep posting. This is normally what happens when someone is forced to actually defend what they post. They can't, so they either run or deflect. We are used to this type of dribble, but I still sometimes feel the need to point out the blatant bias. Keep wallowing in your hate, we will keep pointing it out.

Just for giggles, I'll ask again for the umpteenth time. Can you show evidence of racism in this situation? You made the allegation, so please back it up. Why are you so scared to answer a simple little question based entirely on your own postulation? Or we can talk about your feelings towards me some more.

12 hours ago, BLUEDOVE3 said:

You do know the police apologized today, right? Over reacting because two Black men were waiting on a business partner for a meeting. People sit in Starbucks all the time with their laptops and phones. I bet you have that mental disorder called Racism Disillusionment. 

You original position was that this was a race issue. I asked you to back up that claim. You did not, and still won't (can't). I never once argued that this situation was handled correctly or incorrectly. The only comments I made was to ask you and Kountzer to back up your allegations of racism. And I'm still waiting...and laughing at your "disillusionment". It's comical when you try to chastise, berate, insult a person for asking you to defend your own statement. Maybe this is why I decided to join in on the fun...only, I can and will defend my statements.

12 hours ago, BLUEDOVE3 said:

Yep, there is an agenda to make race a non-issue. 

And where is the racism? You have been asked plenty of times to defend yourself. Embarrassed yet?

It seems there is an agenda to make race an issue where it doesn't exist. Now tell us again who is guilty of that.

12 hours ago, BLUEDOVE3 said:

Okay, let's just all agree that the potential customers were waiting for their business associate to arrive. It's rather rude to order before the guest arrives. The manager overreacted, as well as the police. Which is why Starbucks will be reviewing their store policies. Also, Starbucks have people in there writing their academic papers, especially near college campuses. Starbucks has that kind of environment. 

I guess that's why I was asked to leave a Starbucks...because of their evolving environment. This issue made the national news solely due to that? What's the word I'm looking for? It's not "non-issue", rather...hmmm. I'll have to go back to the beginning of this thread to remember what allegations you made.

11 hours ago, Kountzer said:

I am allergic to non sense.  My bad.

But somehow you made it through reading a whole bunch of non-sense of the Christians sinking the Titanic. You must have been sneezing and wheezing a whole lot during that hell you put yourself through. Please tell me you can do a lot better than this childish jab. If you are going to keep responding, I'm hoping I can expect more of an ascension on the intelligence scale, but I'm not very confident.

2 hours ago, LumRaiderFan said:

Whose calender are you going by...and I have read it, by the way.

Any calendar you go by the 7th day is the sabbath, just like Sunday is always Sunday.


50 minutes ago, Englebert said:

But somehow you made it through reading a whole bunch of non-sense of the Christians sinking the Titanic.

More than a few credible sources say christian, nominal christians, so called christians sank the titanic.


 You must have been sneezing and wheezing a whole lot during that hell you put yourself through. Please tell me you can do a lot better than this childish jab.

Everything is negative and confrontational with you.  and who are you that I have to win some argument with here?  People like you rely on the ad hominem attack because you have nothing logical to add.   What's my prize if I win this argument?  Nothing.   Nothing to gain from winning some studid tiff with and internet psycho.  So I don't engage.



If you are going to keep responding, I'm hoping I can expect more of an ascension on the intelligence scale, but I'm not very confident.

I have nothing to prove to you or anyone else.


1 hour ago, Englebert said:

IYou never answered the question. In fact you ran from it, was challenged again (and again), and you still won't answer the question. But somehow you feel shameless enough to keep posting. This is normally what happens when someone is forced to actually defend what they post. They can't, so they either run or deflect. We are used to this type of dribble, but I still sometimes feel the need to point out the blatant bias. Keep wallowing in your hate, we will keep pointing it out.

Just for giggles, I'll ask again for the umpteenth time. Can you show evidence of racism in this situation? You made the allegation, so please back it up. Why are you so scared to answer a simple little question based entirely on your own postulation? Or we can talk about your feelings towards me some more.

I am through with starbucks.  

3 hours ago, stevenash said:

You must remember that, in the eyes of some, only Caucasians have "attitudes" just as only Caucasians are racist.

I can't answer for some.  


The same group that sank the titanic in a successful effort to  set up the federal reserve bank, also assassinated JFK and Lincoln, probably others, essentially created Hitler, started WW I and WW II, was largely responsible for the civil war etc, on and on.  right now they are setting up, a cashless society so that there will be no buying or selling unless a person has the mark of the beast.

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