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31 minutes ago, BearEssentials97 said:

Honestly. If that press conference didnt make you do a double take or even ask yourself if maybe there might be something to this whole Russian meddling thing, you are too far gone.

The only people who would lend him money after all his bankruptcies are the Russians. He is beholden to them. 

And while president before him have meet with Russian leaders, none have failed to defend America, its values, and institutions. Yet this is what happened in Helsinki. 

I'm not surprised he said what he said. He's been saying this for years. What I find funny is how you idiots keep digging to find ways to keep supporting him instead of asking for impeachment and getting Mike Pence in office.

That would be the grown up thing to do. Instead y'all just gonna keep on being betas.

Another good chuckle...thanks.

Keep them coming, and I love how you really think you're getting the best of Englebert...so cute.


Trump said he meant to say "I don't see any reason why it wouldn't be Russia," instead of "would" during the controversial Helsinki summit

This is the hidden content, please

Why is he lying? Is he that stupid. He doesn't know when to use would and would not. He is pathetic 

14 hours ago, Englebert said:

Did you forget your "brotha" smoozed up to Putin like a smitten schoolgirl. You brought no substance to this thread, only to inject race and smut. You must be proud (but embarrassed). You've displayed your comprehension skills on this forum on multiple occasions, so it is not surprising this topic is way beyond your skillset of discernment (well, lack of).

And for your information, none of us care if another "brotha" is elected president, as long as that one is way more competent than the last one. 

That didn't happen. He imposed sanctions, and kicked Russian spies out of the US. Nice try.

5 minutes ago, Big girl said:

That didn't happen. He imposed sanctions, and kicked Russian spies out of the US. Nice try.

Trump has expelled 60 Russian Diplomats from the United States- you probably don't know that because your "sources" don't make that type of information available to the public.

11 minutes ago, Big girl said:

Trump said he meant to say "I don't see any reason why it wouldn't be Russia," instead of "would" during the controversial Helsinki summit

This is the hidden content, please

Why is he lying? Is he that stupid. He doesn't know when to use would and would not. He is pathetic 

If you like you healthcare plan/doctor, you can keep them.

There is not one smidgen of evidence of corruption at the IRS.

12 minutes ago, Big girl said:

Trump said he meant to say "I don't see any reason why it wouldn't be Russia," instead of "would" during the controversial Helsinki summit

This is the hidden content, please

Why is he lying? Is he that stupid. He doesn't know when to use would and would not. He is pathetic 

Very similar to pronouncing the word corpsman ( the s is silent) as corpsman and pronouncing the s.  ( This was done publicly by your idol)

22 minutes ago, stevenash said:

Very similar to pronouncing the word corpsman ( the s is silent) as corpsman and pronouncing the s.  ( This was done publicly by your idol)

This is a classic case of deflection. Surely, you can do better.

6 minutes ago, Big girl said:

This is a classic case of deflection. Surely, you can do better.

Not deflection.  Simply illustrating ( via absolute undeniable FACT) that every president, at one time or another, misspeaks.


We all make errors at one time or another.  A good example is you asking the question " Is he that stupid" and punctuating it with a period rather than a question mark.

38 minutes ago, Big girl said:

Trump said he meant to say "I don't see any reason why it wouldn't be Russia," instead of "would" during the controversial Helsinki summit

This is the hidden content, please

Why is he lying? Is he that stupid. He doesn't know when to use would and would not. He is pathetic 



If you are upset or concerned about Trumps mental capabilities because he said wouldn't when he meant would, surely you are outraged about a Presidential candidate Obama stating that he had campaigned in all 57 states.

2 hours ago, BearEssentials97 said:

Honestly. If that press conference didnt make you do a double take or even ask yourself if maybe there might be something to this whole Russian meddling thing, you are too far gone.

The only people who would lend him money after all his bankruptcies are the Russians. He is beholden to them. 

And while president before him have meet with Russian leaders, none have failed to defend America, its values, and institutions. Yet this is what happened in Helsinki. 

I'm not surprised he said what he said. He's been saying this for years. What I find funny is how you idiots keep digging to find ways to keep supporting him instead of asking for impeachment and getting Mike Pence in office.

That would be the grown up thing to do. Instead y'all just gonna keep on being betas.

Man, the Liberal press has done a number on you. You are comical...well, comical to us. It's like seeing a second grader calling his teacher an idiot. Keep trying.

I will give you kudos. You didn't run like every other time. I'm not sure that was in your best interest though.

1 hour ago, Big girl said:

That didn't happen. He imposed sanctions, and kicked Russian spies out of the US. Nice try.

So did Trump, but you accuse him of schmoozing. So let's recap. Obama imposed sanctions and kicked Russians out of the US. And you interpret that as being tough on Putin. Trump imposed tougher sanctions on Russian and kicked many more Russians out of the US. And you interpret that as Trump schmoozing with Putin. I guess it's hard to keep your facts straight when relying on the Liberal news to tell you how think. 

Did Obama kick the Russians out before or after he want dancing and to a ballgame with Castro?


You guys are something else. Pence would serve your interest more than Trump, but yall keep defending this guy. So, what does this tell us about your state of mind? 


So, wood you keep him or woodn't ? Ooops, I meant wuldn't  you keep him or wood you keep him? Oh wait, I meant ...

8 minutes ago, BLUEDOVE3 said:

You guys are something else. Pence would serve your interest more than Trump, but yall keep defending this guy. So, what does this tell us about your state of mind? 


So, wood you keep him or woodn't ? Ooops, I meant wuldn't  you keep him or wood you keep him? Oh wait, I meant ...

If that's all you got, you got nuttin.

4 hours ago, LumRaiderFan said:

Another good chuckle...thanks.

Keep them coming, and I love how you really think you're getting the best of Englebert...so cute.

Can't you come up with your own witty retort? You're such a beta.

2 hours ago, Englebert said:

Man, the Liberal press has done a number on you. You are comical...well, comical to us. It's like seeing a second grader calling his teacher an idiot. Keep trying.

I will give you kudos. You didn't run like every other time. I'm not sure that was in your best interest though.

I don't run. I ignore you guys, because you all don't know what you are talking about. Why should I argue with idiots? Trump is a punk. He didnt have the guts to stand up to Putin. Now, he issaying i meant wouldnt ; instead of would, since Putin isn't in close proximity to him.

2 hours ago, Englebert said:

Man, the Liberal press has done a number on you. You are comical...well, comical to us. It's like seeing a second grader calling his teacher an idiot. Keep trying.

I will give you kudos. You didn't run like every other time. I'm not sure that was in your best interest though.

Admit it. You love it when I come to play. All the rest of your little followers agree with you and that's not any fun. 

That hole you keep digging in your support of him doesnt end up in China or Russia, but in the South Pacific. 

8 hours ago, BearEssentials97 said:

I called you that before but you strongly denied it like Putin strongly denied interfering in our elections. You're just mad I'm not like Dolt 45 and take you at your word against all the evidence that points to you having racial resentment.

Only cuck betas believe that the current president is strong and powerful because to simps like you,  that is a leader.  He's a bully until he meets another bully, then he turns straight beeyotch. 

I really want to see the pee-pee tape. Maybe if it comes out, he can move forward and quit being beholden to our enemy.

I agree, wholeheartedly.

4 minutes ago, Big girl said:

I don't run. I ignore you guys, because you all don't know what you are talking about. Why should I argue with idiots? Trump is a punk. He didnt have the guts to stand up to Putin. Now, he issaying i meant wouldnt ; instead of would, since Putin isn't in close proximity to him.

I guess obama had the guts to stand up to al-Assad.

1 hour ago, Big girl said:

I don't run. I ignore you guys, because you all don't know what you are talking about. Why should I argue with idiots? Trump is a punk. He didnt have the guts to stand up to Putin. Now, he issaying i meant wouldnt ; instead of would, since Putin isn't in close proximity to him.

Do you not know how to read the person's name in the quote? And you want to call me an idiot. The second graders are laughing hysterically.

And you do run. Every time someone asks you a pertinent question you try to defuse, deflect, obfuscate, but mainly ignore the question. Don't think we don't notice. And we are the idiots? Comedic gold. How does it feel to live in a world of denial?

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