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1 hour ago, BearEssentials97 said:

Admit it. You love it when I come to play. All the rest of your little followers agree with you and that's not any fun. 

That hole you keep digging in your support of him doesnt end up in China or Russia, but in the South Pacific. 

I wholeheartedly admit I love it when you "come to play". Why would me or anyone deny that? You provide priceless comedic material. The rage and hate-filled illustrations of delusion provide many "oh wow, did he just really say that" moments. The sad part is you actually believe the garbage you espouse.

What hole am I digging? The hole you keep falling in?

Admit it. This isn't going well for you is it? Keep trying. The more you post, the more we get to laugh.


ANo wonder we're going in circles. You and your brat pack are working with second grader educations. 

That's important information. I thought I was dealing with Jr high kids.

Your childish because you refuse to concede even when you are dead wrong. That's the old "tell a lie enough times it becomes the truth strategy" and frankly its stupid and indicates the user is an idiot.

All your little sycophants think its a sign of intellect. I highly doubt any of you could pass a basic civics course.

Even Fox News has shamed the idiot. And He's spent the last several days trying to back track that crappy performance. I heard he bombed a poor country this afternoon, hoping that gets the country off his back. That's your only saving grace.

29 minutes ago, BearEssentials97 said:

ANo wonder we're going in circles. You and your brat pack are working with second grader educations. 

That's important information. I thought I was dealing with Jr high kids.

Your childish because you refuse to concede even when you are dead wrong. That's the old "tell a lie enough times it becomes the truth strategy" and frankly its stupid and indicates the user is an idiot.

All your little sycophants think its a sign of intellect. I highly doubt any of you could pass a basic civics course.

Even Fox News has shamed the idiot. And He's spent the last several days trying to back track that crappy performance. I heard he bombed a poor country this afternoon, hoping that gets the country off his back. That's your only saving grace.

You use childish names to try to denigrate Trump, then accuse me and others of being childish. What a childish outlook that is. I've already admitted I would have to stoop down to your level. What is frightenly comical is that you think you are above the fray. This back and forth between you and me is in the gutter for one reason...you! (and my unreluctance to lower my standards). Go back and read your posts. You started this by calling me and others racist. You posted a picture that can only be construed as smut. And you employed the use of petty names that only a child could enjoy. You parrot nutwing Liberal talking points, not to mention your pedestrian analytical capabilities.Then you want to decree that we are childish. Again, it's like a second grader calling his teacher an idiot. We can all see this clearly. Why can't you?

And let me elaborate on your pathetic analytical skills. You say we are going around in circles...when it is crystal clear that every time you post you sink a little lower on the intelligence scale. For the intellectually challenged, that is a straight, descending line...not a circle as you laughably claim.

And I've asked a few questions on here that you childishly ignored. It's abundantly clear (and comical) why you ignore them. But let's try another one. What do you think I'm dead wrong on? Please elaborate. The next question is: do you feel you've embarrassed yourself enough? 

1 hour ago, Englebert said:

You use childish names to try to denigrate Trump, then accuse me and others of being childish. What a childish outlook that is. I've already admitted I would have to stoop down to your level. What is frightenly comical is that you think you are above the fray. This back and forth between you and me is in the gutter for one reason...you! (and my unreluctance to lower my standards). Go back and read your posts. You started this by calling me and others racist. You posted a picture that can only be construed as smut. And you employed the use of petty names that only a child could enjoy. You parrot nutwing Liberal talking points, not to mention your pedestrian analytical capabilities.Then you want to decree that we are childish. Again, it's like a second grader calling his teacher an idiot. We can all see this clearly. Why can't you?

And let me elaborate on your pathetic analytical skills. You say we are going around in circles...when it is crystal clear that every time you post you sink a little lower on the intelligence scale. For the intellectually challenged, that is a straight, descending line...not a circle as you laughably claim.

And I've asked a few questions on here that you childishly ignored. It's abundantly clear (and comical) why you ignore them. But let's try another one. What do you think I'm dead wrong on? Please elaborate. The next question is: do you feel you've embarrassed yourself enough? 

 I've answered your questions. They're not what you want but I answered them even though I owe you nothing. And I told you why you're wrong several times in this thread.. You choose to gloss over it.  

As I have stated your comprehension is terrible.  I feel I'm talking to a brick wall except that the brick wall actually does something important in its existence.


Ughhhh. Good grief.

12 minutes ago, BearEssentials97 said:

 I've answered your questions. They're not what you want but I answered them even though I owe you nothing. And I told you why you're wrong several times in this thread.. You choose to gloss over it.  

As I have stated your comprehension is terrible.  I feel I'm talking to a brick wall except that the brick wall actually does something important in its existence.


Ughhhh. Good grief.

What questions did you answer? What am I wrong on. Your delusions are historic.

Would you like me to go back in this thread and highlight my questions you did not answer. Would you liked to be embarrassed even further (I guess that's possible).

I'll try again, just to add to the list of questions you won't answer. You claim you told me I was wrong several times on this thread. What point did I make that you feel I am wrong on? I share your exasperations, except mine are based on facts. There's the second grader calling his teacher and idiot again. (That thought just makes me giggle, but not the point of all out laughter like your posts.)

And while you answer my questions (giggle), please elaborate on why you think my comprehension is terrible. You've shown your stunted skills for all the board to see (and laugh at), but please, illustrate what you feel are my shortcomings. I'm delighted to give you the pathway to embarrass yourself some more.


I always wanted to be a member of a group. Brat Pack is too young for me. Now Rat Pack is more my style......so now I am a Rat Pack Sychophant. Lol

What kills me is how names and accusations are hurled at Trump without so much as a smidgeon of fact. How did Trump fail the American people in his meeting with Putin? How is Trump a racist? 

2 hours ago, BearEssentials97 said:

ANo wonder we're going in circles. You and your brat pack are working with second grader educations. 

That's important information. I thought I was dealing with Jr high kids.

Your childish because you refuse to concede even when you are dead wrong. That's the old "tell a lie enough times it becomes the truth strategy" and frankly its stupid and indicates the user is an idiot.

All your little sycophants think its a sign of intellect. I highly doubt any of you could pass a basic civics course.

Even Fox News has shamed the idiot. And He's spent the last several days trying to back track that crappy performance. I heard he bombed a poor country this afternoon, hoping that gets the country off his back. That's your only saving grace.

How does it feel to be less informed than a second grader?



Y'all need to let me know when we have these "brat pack" meetings. I've missed the last...well, all of them. Maybe I can fix up a costume out of old sheets. Does anyone know how to make that point in the hat? Nevermind, I will just wear a hoodie. Afterall, BearEssentials97 has already decreed us as racist, might as well wear the uniform. Does the hoodie have to be white?

In case you are wondering BearEssentials97, yes, I am mocking you. Since baddog and LumRaiderFan has entered in on the fun, does this mean they are racist also? Please use your heightened analytical skills to determine the location of our next meeting so you can let me know. I seem to be continually left out. You're welcomed to join us, but I feel your intolerance and hatred will prevent you from attending a fictitious gathering. Too bad, because the agenda might be how to disparage a whole race of people followed by playing the victim card. You would be an asset in that discussion.

8 minutes ago, Englebert said:

Y'all need to let me know when we have these "brat pack" meetings. I've missed the last...well, all of them. Maybe I can fix up a costume out of old sheets. Does anyone know how to make that point in the hat? Nevermind, I will just wear a hoodie. Afterall, BearEssentials97 has already decreed us as racist, might as well wear the uniform. Does the hoodie have to be white?

In case you are wondering BearEssentials97, yes, I am mocking you. Since baddog and LumRaiderFan has entered in on the fun, does this mean they are racist also? Please use your analytical skills to determine our next meeting. Please let me know the location because I seem to be continually left out. You're welcomed to join us, but I feel your intolerance and hatred will prevent you from attending a fictous gathering. Too bad, because the agenda might be how to disparage a whole race of people then play the victim card. You would be an asset in that discussion.

We all are racist because we tell it like it is about obama's presidency.  Because he is half black, they label us as racist.  If Obama was 100% Caucasian, would they still feel the same about the idiot.  Short answer, NO!

12 hours ago, stevenash said:

If Trump had called out/confronted Putin, the left would have said that he has no people skills.

This post exemplifies what I’ve been thinking.  Should he went out in that press conference and called Putin out?  Hail no.  Not diplomatic, and he has thousands of nukes aimed at us.  Trump was in a no-win situation.  Presidents don’t put their serious business on the street.  Take Obama for instance, in Russia, when he thought the mikes were off.

This is the hidden content, please

11 hours ago, PhatMack19 said:

This is the hidden content, please


14 hours ago, BearEssentials97 said:

ANo wonder we're going in circles. You and your brat pack are working with second grader educations. 

That's important information. I thought I was dealing with Jr high kids.

Your childish because you refuse to concede even when you are dead wrong. That's the old "tell a lie enough times it becomes the truth strategy" and frankly its stupid and indicates the user is an idiot.

All your little sycophants think its a sign of intellect. I highly doubt any of you could pass a basic civics course.

Even Fox News has shamed the idiot. And He's spent the last several days trying to back track that crappy performance. I heard he bombed a poor country this afternoon, hoping that gets the country off his back. That's your only saving grace.


On 7/18/2018 at 7:40 AM, BearEssentials97 said:

I called you that before but you strongly denied it like Putin strongly denied interfering in our elections. You're just mad I'm not like Dolt 45 and take you at your word against all the evidence that points to you having racial resentment.

Only cuck betas believe that the current president is strong and powerful because to simps like you,  that is a leader.  He's a bully until he meets another bully, then he turns straight beeyotch. 

I really want to see the pee-pee tape. Maybe if it comes out, he can move forward and quit being beholden to our 

15 hours ago, Englebert said:

Do you not know how to read the person's name in the quote? And you want to call me an idiot. The second graders are laughing hysterically.

And you do run. Every time someone asks you a pertinent question you try to defuse, deflect, obfuscate, but mainly ignore the question. Don't think we don't notice. And we are the idiots? Comedic gold. How does it feel to live in a world of denial?

You are projecting. How can i answer a question if i am no longer on the thread? I post things, and may not look at the thread for weeks at a time, because I am bored; due to, your lack of knowledge.

8 minutes ago, Big girl said:

You are projecting.

Do you think you are a practicing psychologist now? Do you even know what the definition of that term is? Do you really want a car mechanic performing an operation on you? (That is the analogy you prefer, correct?

I would ask you to explain why you feel my post constituted "projection", but we are all very, very, very well aware that you will run and hide from that question...which is definitely a good thing...for you.

12 minutes ago, Big girl said:

Did you all agree with Trump when he said, "Why would they", or do you agree with him since he has said "Why would they?

I don't agree with a lot of things Trump says. But I have no problem with him not trusting our intelligence agencies, considering sufficient evidence has emerged proving they have been biased against him. I don't trust a thing they say anymore, and with good reason. And the intelligence agencies have not proven that Russia did anything. They've just said "Russia did it, trust us". History has shown that Russia has tried to influence many of our elections...so what is new this time. Why the fake outrage now when you didn't give a rat's patootie all of the other times. It's a rhetorical question...we all know about your selective outrage.


I read an article this morning that the US interfered in foreign elections 81 times between 1946 and 2000, and Russia has done it 31 times (that we know of).  That’s not even counting Obama interfering in the election in Israel.  Everyone knows it.  No doubt whatsoever that they done it in our elections before, and will again.  Bottom line Dems, get over it, Trump won. 

35 minutes ago, REBgp said:

I read an article this morning that the US interfered in foreign elections 81 times between 1946 and 2000, and Russia has done it 31 times (that we know of).  That’s not even counting Obama interfering in the election in Israel.  Everyone knows it.  No doubt whatsoever that they done it in our elections before, and will again.  Bottom line Dems, get over it, Trump won. 

So, you are siding with Russia?

3 hours ago, Englebert said:

Do you think you are a practicing psychologist now? Do you even know what the definition of that term is? Do you really want a car mechanic performing an operation on you? (That is the analogy you prefer, correct?

I would ask you to explain why you feel my post constituted "projection", but we are all very, very, very well aware that you will run and hide from that question...which is definitely a good thing...for you.

Just because you think I run, doesn't mean I do. Feel free to believe what you want. It doesn't matter. :)


Why would Obama give a stand down order?


Former Obama administration National Security Council cybersecurity coordinator Michael Daniel confirmed on Wednesday that a "stand down" order was given to counter Russian cyberattacks during the 2016 election.

During a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing, Sen. James Risch, R-Idaho, asked Daniel about a passage in the book Russian Roluette. The passage was about a staffer from Daniel's team, Daniel Prieto, retelling the time that Obama's national security adviser Susan Rice told Daniel and his team to halt their efforts and to "stand down" in countering Russia's cyberattacks.

Daniel was quoted saying to his team that they had to stop working on options to counter the Russian attack: "We've been told to stand down." Prieto is quoted as being "incredulous and in disbelief" and asking, "Why the hell are we standing down?"

This is the hidden content, please

20 hours ago, PhatMack19 said:

Why would Obama give a stand down order?


Former Obama administration National Security Council cybersecurity coordinator Michael Daniel confirmed on Wednesday that a "stand down" order was given to counter Russian cyberattacks during the 2016 election.

During a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing, Sen. James Risch, R-Idaho, asked Daniel about a passage in the book Russian Roluette. The passage was about a staffer from Daniel's team, Daniel Prieto, retelling the time that Obama's national security adviser Susan Rice told Daniel and his team to halt their efforts and to "stand down" in countering Russia's cyberattacks.

Daniel was quoted saying to his team that they had to stop working on options to counter the Russian attack: "We've been told to stand down." Prieto is quoted as being "incredulous and in disbelief" and asking, "Why the hell are we standing down?"

This is the hidden content, please

Fox news is not a credible news outlet

On 7/19/2018 at 8:53 AM, Englebert said:

Do you think you are a practicing psychologist now? Do you even know what the definition of that term is? Do you really want a car mechanic performing an operation on you? (That is the analogy you prefer, correct?

I would ask you to explain why you feel my post constituted "projection", but we are all very, very, very well aware that you will run and hide from that question...which is definitely a good thing...for you.

I know you googled the term projection. I know you didn't know what the word meant. After reading the definition, it should be clear why I stated that you are projecting.

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