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Guest bleed orange

After reading some of the post. I was wondering why there is so much drama in baseball? I read bashing of coaches and in some cases even kids. It got so bad that Coop had to send out a warning. I thought football was the number 1 sport in southeast Texas but apparently not. I do not have a kid that plays baseball and I am kind of glad. I know the bashing happens in every sport but it seems like there is more in baseball.


After reading some of the post. I was wondering why there is so much drama in baseball? I read bashing of coaches and in some cases even kids. It got so bad that Coop had to send out a warning. I thought football was the number 1 sport in southeast Texas but apparently not. I do not have a kid that plays baseball and I am kind of glad. I know the bashing happens in every sport but it seems like there is more in baseball.

Maybe to much polen in the air.  ??? Or and this is just a thought but that many of the fathers Coach their kids and think they are the experts.

Guest bleed orange

Everything is going fine Cats80. I am having withdrawls since basketball is over. How are thing over there in Silsbee? Do you tell anybody where you are really from? LOL!!!! I kind of figured all the drama was from the parents but it has been like that for ages. Thats really nothing new. If any of your friends over there in Silsbee ever want to see your picture back in 1980 tell them to let me know. My boss looked at my team track picture and thought is was the girls track team. He is really old school.


;D No! dont show nobody that pic ;D Man I dont even want to see that ugly thing ;D And I only have a tiger on here because of my kids. Maybe I should put two Icons one Tiger and one Bobcat! ;D Nice talkin to ya


After reading some of the post. I was wondering why there is so much drama in baseball? I read bashing of coaches and in some cases even kids. It got so bad that Coop had to send out a warning. I thought football was the number 1 sport in southeast Texas but apparently not. I do not have a kid that plays baseball and I am kind of glad. I know the bashing happens in every sport but it seems like there is more in baseball.


Softball crowd has not only coaches on here but even the umpires, that keeps it civil.


Here is my opinion on the matter.  Daddy ball is played all the way from T-Ball up to High school.  The Daddy's (and Mommy's) do think they are experts.  When the kids have to play for a high school coach, they no longer have the pull they used to have at the little league levels to get their kids in the position they feel little Johnny is best at.  Don't get me wrong there is still a lot of politics in the game even at the high school level.  So...what is the best way to make their rival player look bad? 

Bash them on a baseball forum.  Anonymously of course  ;D


Sometimes I believe some of the people are just doing that simply to try and get a rise out of people. I dont think its personal I think they just like stiring the pot.


Maybe to much polen in the air.  ??? Or and this is just a thought but that many of the fathers Coach their kids and think they are the experts.

Interesting statement there etbu, I have seen this comment posted on hear several times and would like to do a comparison between some dads I know and some local coaches.

I know several dads / summer league coaches who know more about the game than most coaches who do it for a living. One of my neighbors who happens to coach his son, played D-1 ball and 4 years in the minors now if you compare that to most local high school coaches who played some high school ball and maybe a couple of years at a juco or D-3 school which most of them dont even have that much experience.. So when you say some parents think they are experts be carefull, some of them are !! I on the other hand played and know the game but could not coach a ball to roll down hill !!! Takes a special person to be able to relay that type of info and get kids to perform at their best in stressfull situations..

I watched a couple of coaches several years back in the Orange pony division (Nephews Team) that would coach the pants off of most, these guys had calls, signals, plays and options for every situation that came up.

I am not knocking any coaches, just stating that a lot of our area parents know  the game and know it well, that is why we have some of the best talent in the state right here in South East Texas !


Interesting statement there etbu, I have seen this comment posted on hear several times and would like to do a comparison between some dads I know and some local coaches.

I know several dads / summer league coaches who know more about the game than most coaches who do it for a living. One of my neighbors who happens to coach his son, played D-1 ball and 4 years in the minors now if you compare that to most local high school coaches who played some high school ball and maybe a couple of years at a juco or D-3 school which most of them dont even have that much experience.. So when you say some parents think they are experts be carefull, some of them are !! I on the other hand played and know the game but could not coach a ball to roll down hill !!! Takes a special person to be able to relay that type of info and get kids to perform at their best in stressfull situations..

I watched a couple of coaches several years back in the Orange pony division (Nephews Team) that would coach the pants off of most, these guys had calls, signals, plays and options for every situation that came up.

I am not knocking any coaches, just stating that a lot of our area parents know  the game and know it well, that is why we have some of the best talent in the state right here in South East Texas !

Sorry daddy but i do not agree ,if those parents are that good tell them to go get a degree and come coach my son ! ! !


Another good point is....just because you were a good ball player does not mean you would make a good coach.  Good coaches know  how to talk "to" kids and not down to them. 


There is alot more to it than "x's and o's.  Baseball is a finite game.  You usually have a particular play in a particular situation that is the best.  Many professionals know what to do in those given circumstances as well as parents sitting on the sideline or coaching Little League.  In the high school game, coaches have a great deal more to handle.  There is equipment purchases, budget (or lack thereof), bosses (ever seen an AD that did not know where the baseball diamond was? or used the outfield for scrimmages?), classroom teaching, field maintenance, and the list goes on.  If you screw up a Little League lineup or bunt call, you may be chastised by a few parents but that is it.  As a high school coach, those same mistakes are the difference between being employed or unemployed.  I agree with the statement that there are summer league coaches that know the game very well, but sometimes there is more than meets the eye and it is different when your livelyhood depends on it.

Guest K-911

Sorry daddy but i do not agree ,if those parents are that good tell them to go get a degree and come coach my son ! ! !

Guest bleed orange

Here is my take on everything. I think the good or great coaches are born. I don't think a degree matters. Either you have it or you don't. I also think that parents put way to much pressure on their kids. Most parents think their kid is better than they actually are and that is normal. In this day and age parents don't save for their kids to go to college. When their kids are young they figure they have plenty of time. So they live paycheck to paycheck living the good live. Some parents have no control over that. All of a sudden their kid is a senior and they were counting on him or her getting a scholarship. But "BAM" its not there. Now what are they going to do. Just like everyone else, They struggle. But they do what they have too, to make sure their kid have a better life. The bottom line here is parents can't control the destiny of a child only the child can. Example of that is,  I Heard that Johnny Dishon from Bridge City had a bad night at the plate so what did he do, he went to the batting cage and hit balls till 1:00am in the morning. This kid is controling his on destiny.

Guest K-911

My exact point is just because you went to college and got a degree that alllows you to coach at a High School does not mean you know how to coach. Just because they have a coaching degree does not make them a better coach than someone that has more experience. Even though they may not have coached for a living.


I wonder how many high school coaches "badmouth" the "daddy ball" coaches for something that goes on during a game? I would be willing to bet the "Daddy ball" backstabbers are much higher during high school games. THAT is what sets them apart!  Fact is there are a lot of people who know a lot about the game, whether you have a college degree or not. I agree a degree does not make you a good coach, believe me I have seen some bad ones but the fact is, those guys have made the SACRIFICE to be in that position. Eventually, bad coaching will catch up to you at any level and the game has a cruel way of putting you in your place by promotion or demotion! There are some fine little leagues around here and there are some that are so political, it really hurts the kids. Fact is, it all comes out in the wash at the end of a kids career. I have not met a high school coach yet that does not want the best 9 kids on the field. Why would he not? It's his neck that is on the chopping block! I think many of you guys would be shocked when you find out how much "coaching" is actually involved in a good program. The paperwork is never ending and organization is of the utmost importance. My brother is a high school baseball coach and he works his butt off for those kids. He always puts them first, but it's the backstabbin "daddyballers" he has the most trouble with. When they start paying high school coaches 100,000 a year, then let the complaints roll in. Until then, they will probably make between 2000-5000 a year and have to put up with this mess.


Steve Griffith (LCM), Jay Stone (PNG), Cody Robbins (Nederland), Kyle Green (Vidor), Billy Bryant (BC), Coach Mixon (Jasper), Chad Landry (HF), Coach Trawhorn (Silsbee), Coach Bennett (OF), these are just a few of the local coaches, some of the best in Texas.

Who on the other side of the fence could take these guys places ? 

Guest K-911

I wasn't running down High School coaches. They make a very great sacrifice in pay and personal time to do what they do. My only point is that there are many men and yes some of them are "Dads" that are very good coaches. The High School coach only coaches theses kids for 4 years. Most of them have been playing baseball since the age of 4 or 5. They where all coached by some volunteer (mostly dads, some moms) that taught them the basics of playing baseball. If it wasn't for good youth league programs the High School coach wouldn't have much to work with.


My two cents..there are high scholl baseball coaches who can coach... their are plenty of dads that can coach.. Most of the better players arrive @ high school ball because all of the dads have been playing catch in the backyard...if they see talent then (we ) find more resources ( hitting  coach, pitching coach, etc ) and up it up a notch. I'm knocking coaches by any means ( most have to teach a class, coach at some postion with football , grade papers, etc. Excactly why I'm not a coach..not too mention

the long hours they have to put in. With that said, I could not even begin to tell you much BP I've thrown and how many cuts and bruises my body has by prenting to be a catcher, but fact is that's what my son wants so I gonna do it. Same reason I wanted to have kid ( praying for a boy...YES ). I spoil him rotten but trust me he's on the reward system..not talking just baseball..That was more than two cents ...my bad .

Guest bleed orange

This tread was not started to say negative things about coaches or dads. I was only asking a question as to why so much drama. Dads who get out there and coach their kid or work with them in the back yard are special people and moms too. There are alot of dads who do nothing. Also People who go into the coaching or teaching field are special also. Lord knows they can make more money doing something else. They do it because they love it. Then ones that don't love it eventually find something else to do. I think that parents should coach at home and not in the stands. Thats were the drama comes in. Why can't parent just sit there and support the team. I know they support the team but if you are not happy with something either go talk to the coach or keep it to yourself. Don't display your dissatifaction at the ballgame. This goes for every sport.

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