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2/3 of the kelly varsity team???.. I would certainly put Kirby, Corona, Hanks, and Stokie in ... wait... I guess that is 2/3 hahaha.. wow... I stand corrected by myself... Kelly does have alot of good players..



Ricky Judalet - Silsbee


Nathan Stocky- Kelly

ForwardsThis ones tricky..... Im going to name a few.

Horacio Cevallos - Central

Matt Kirby - Kelly

Brent Waldrup - Lumberton

Bryce Tallent - PNG


Fernando Urbine - Central

Reid Biffle - Vidor

Ben Hanks - Kelly

Ryan Clarke - Nederland


Mathew Horning - Kelly

Payton Smith - Vidor

Scott Poole - Lumberton

Eric Parks - PNG

Whats everyone think??


Well i was kind of exaggerating when i said 2/3, but Carona should definitely be in midfield, and stockie is in a whole diffrent league from Ricky, not to take away from him because he is good and especially for the amoutn of time hes been playing but stockie is the best goalie in setx hands down. Also Lumberton had a pretty good sweeper especially considering his age. also Joe, forward from silsbee should probably also be considered because of what he did on the team he had to work with he was pretty much their offense and he also had like 2 goals under Waldrup which isnt to shaby at all, if you were to put him on a team like Lumberton or even Nederland he would have excelled. And i know Scott Poole has already been mentioned but i would like to state he is the best person on the Lumberton team even as a freshmen.


also Joe, forward from silsbee should probably also be considered because of what he did on the team he had to work with he was pretty much their offense...

First: with the "team he had to work with?!?!?!" ....are you kidding me? Silsbee has no doubt began to show itself as a decent team....we beat 4 out of the 7 4a teams we played against, and we havent lost a game to a 3a team in 3-4 years.....so dont act like Silsbee is crap...

Second: He was our whole offense?...haha that must be a joke....true, he had many goals, but like 5 assists....he rarely passed the ball to any other player....our team had many great players who also got a decent number of goals, but with double the number of assists....so yeah, we are able to hold our own once he leaves....definatley with the replacements we have coming up....

not trying to hate, but just giving an oppinion...



alright man sorry didnt mean to disrespect. im just saying what i saw and yea silsbee is a decent team but what happens when you play teams out of this area and Joe if im not mistaken was a forward whoes main job is to score goals not saying he shouldnt pass because him and the other forward and the other midfielders def. need to work together to make an affective offense but it seems to me hes the only person who could really take a pass and make it into an assist, just my opinion. it looked like he was the only one who could consistantly finish. if you wanted him to have more assists maybe the other offensive players should do something with his passes.

but congatulations on not losing to 3A(which are HJ and Wo-S)teams and def. props on beating 4A (i dont know yalls record but im guessing yall beat LCM, OZEN, and either Ned. or Vidor) teams from the area.


first.. j smitty ..  4 players is around a third of the kelly team... second..  i guess their keepr... kirby, and corona are in...  fernando from central ... but its a given.. kelly probably has the most talent on ANY ONE team.   of course this is my opinion.

What does it matter if its a third or 2/3?.. do you relish every oppertunity you get to correct things?.. jeeezzz.. regardless Kelly has the most players from one team that should make it... WB does have a couple that should make it.. the problem with them is that no one particular player had an outstanding year... they played well collectively as a team for the most part... I hope you have found something in here you can correct as well.... ::)


second..  i guess their keepr... kirby, and corona are in... 

Shark are you kidding me how can you leave out hanks and horning. First off Ben Hanks is a better all around player than most people in Setx, he is definitely better than Brent Waldrup. He can pretty much make the ball do anything if he wanted he could make it grow wings and fly away, hes is basically amazing. and Horning was a huge part of the defense and like a good sweeper he controlled the defensive game; he was very hard to get by, but not only that he has great footskills if he played inb the midfield he would be better than most i can asure you that. I understand however how you could left these two amazing players out, probably when you saw us play you were so concentrated on kirby which is understandable but i ask you for next year when you come out to our games please open your eyes


...well then they'd have to change the name from the Super Gold Team to the Half of Kelly's Roster and a Few Other Insignificant Kids Who Wouldn't Sniff the Field for Kelly Team.  Right?


thanks for the good word about me....  i had 28 goals and closer to 15 assists.... now silsbee is an awesome 3a team but if i had played for a team like lumberton or vidor i would have been right under yea-yea if not with him... im just sad i never got to play in a 3a district >:(  -  joe #12


Yea, I played with Ben Hanks and Horning over the summer. Hanks has amazing control and 1v1 skills! Horning does a great job controlling the defense and isnt to shabby with the ball at his feet! I also played with Joe from Silsbee. He's VERY fast and has pretty good 1v1 skills with a pretty shot to top everything off. They should all be candidates to make this team.


First of shark all five of the players Kirby, Stogie, Carona, Hanks, and Horning should be on there. You mentioned Biffle and Greenway whoa re both good players an big parts of there team, last fall Horning and Hanks played on their club team(greenway had to quit becuase of football) and both Horning and Hanks were better players than them(not by a huge amount, by any means but they were better) but i really really am not meaning to take anything away from them because they are good players, the only reason i use biffle and greenway is because i can compare them to each other...... and just wanted to give you some stats Hanks has more than double the amount of assists and goals than carona....but dont get me wrong carona should def. be on here because he has skill, speed, and power hes not just a "jackass" (as you called him in an earlier post) who can kick the ball hard. and also you said there is "no way kelly could have that many people who are stronger postion by position" why couldnt we? we obviously have the talent. and im not putting our whole team on hear, i said 1 defender which is realistic, our goalie that goes hands-down, one forward which also goes handsdown, and two mids which is extremely realistic. i challenge you to name three midfielders from this area who are better than Ben Hanks or Donnie Carona. I know it probably pains you to type it because its evident hwo much you hate kelly but you will be hardpressed to actually meet me challenge.

And Bon Mot- maybe we should change the name to that. just kidding all of the other players named are very good players and please dont take what im saying as me trying to say that they are bad because all of the people mentioned in this topic are very good players. some are jsut better than the others.

I agree with WTB Mark Brackin should definitely be considered


Could you list who you would put over Carona, and i believe Biffle also said Horning was a great player. And You said any jackass then im pretty sure right after you mentioned Carona and Montabalno who im sure even when you were in your prime were better than you on even your best day. Carona plays football and comes into our season late but he always plays with his heart and plays anywhere he is told and hes good at it, next year come to our games watch him as well as hanks and horning and you will be impressed.


First of shark all five of the players Kirby, Stogie, Carona, Hanks, and Horning should be on there. You mentioned Biffle and Greenway whoa re both good players an big parts of there team, last fall Horning and Hanks played on their club team(greenway had to quit becuase of football) and both Horning and Hanks were better players than them(not by a huge amount, by any means but they were better) but i really really am not meaning to take anything away from them because they are good players, the only reason i use biffle and greenway is because i can compare them to each other...... and just wanted to give you some stats Hanks has more than double the amount of assists and goals than carona....but dont get me wrong carona should def. be on here because he has skill, speed, and power hes not just a "jackass" (as you called him in an earlier post) who can kick the ball hard. and also you said there is "no way kelly could have that many people who are stronger postion by position" why couldnt we? we obviously have the talent. and im not putting our whole team on hear, i said 1 defender which is realistic, our goalie that goes hands-down, one forward which also goes handsdown, and two mids which is extremely realistic. i challenge you to name three midfielders from this area who are better than Ben Hanks or Donnie Carona. I know it probably pains you to type it because its evident hwo much you hate kelly but you will be hardpressed to actually meet me challenge.

And Bon Mot- maybe we should change the name to that. just kidding all of the other players named are very good players and please dont take what im saying as me trying to say that they are bad because all of the people mentioned in this topic are very good players. some are jsut better than the others.

I agree with WTB Mark Brackin should definitely be considered

You cant really say that.... They never played against one another so it really isnt fair. Hanks has the best ball skills out of the four, i'll give him that. Biffle is by far the fastest of the four and has overall good ball handling skills and a decent shot. Greenway has a VERY powerful shot and its pretty accurate. Horning's best at defending and talking to fellow players while in the game. You cant say that horning and hanks are better then Biffle and Greenway because im pretty sure 1v1 that biffle would take any of them on and beat them because of his speed. But im not going to say that Biffles better then those two, because he isnt and they arnt better then he or greenway. They all have their strong points and weak points. I just didnt think it was right for you to say that the two kelly players were better then the two Vidor captains. Your a bias as well. Im just giving my point of view since im unbias.


Ok i understand where your coming from, but i can totally say that hanks and horning are better than these two. when you are on the same team as someone you do a little thing called practice and it is done with your teamates, and infact we often did 1v1 drills, im not going to say hanks and horning beat them everytime because that would be a lie but in short sided scrimmages and 1v1 drills it was obvious who was the dominate player and please dont mistake me im really not trying to rip on Biffle and Greenway because they are very good and were key parts of their team. i know you probably think that im just saying that due to the fact im on hanks and hornings team but you forget i was also on Biffle and Greenways team and im just saying who was better then when we were ALL on the same team. and you said something about horning being a great defender whcih he undoubtly is true but when kirby was hurt he would go in as forward to score us a cusion goal occasionally.  and what you said about biffle winning 1v1 because of speed is a little untrue in 1v1 there is a lot more than speed that comes into play if he were to get a breakaway he would win because he is def. the fastest out of them but really 1v1 comes down to ballskills and you said it yourself Hanks can handle the ball the best out of them.

once again im not trying to bash Biffle or Greenway the only reason i can use them is because ive seen them play each other in practices and how they work in games if there were someone else i knew i probably would have used them as an example as well.


ive come to realize that having five players from kelly on the Supergold team wont happen even if they are the best at there position, which they are, but it wont happen because it would stir up to much, but on that note who is that chooses the Supergold team?? and i never brought up 1v1 but since it got used trying to disprove what i was saying i decided to use it to prove what i was saying and you said you wanted someone who is team oriented and vocal which is what has been said about horning if you read this topic and as for Hanks he has been our captain since he was a sophmore and is always leading with assists and carona is def. a leader on our team and during hlaf-times he always has soomething to say and he was always the one who would hustle the hardest to make the smart run then finish it off with a good pass, and i just thought i would bring it up you only said Tallant and Fernando which leaves two spots open in the midfield for Hanks and Carona, and honestly i would put Biffle over Tallant but not Hanks, Carona, or Fernando.

heres some food for thought, the supergold team will probably be chosen on stats if the coaches have no say in it, so if it is chosen on stats alone then it cant really be called the Supergold team, because there are teams like West Brook(who had a good year) who play teams that are very tough and inturn lessens the stats of some of there playmakers, and the exact same can be said of Kelly, we are the teams in this area who have to hardest schedule and we are the two best teams in the area with very good tallent. Not taking away form the players like Waldrup and other players of that sort who have wonderful stats but you also have to take into account that have a cake schedule and it would be extremely easy for the playmakers of the 20 4A teams to have better stats considering the amount of games they play against even well-rounded teams, the only team in 20-4A who was pretty well-rounded would be Lumberton.


ok well you quoted the last thing i said so you obviously read it wrong, and i never said there werent good individual players in the area, its the team as a whole as a problem. and honestly you should never even said anything about our play-off run. Let me give you the lowdown. I dont want to make excuses because Ft. Worth Nolan was a very good team and not only did they have tallent but they speed. But we were right there to meet them with comprable speed and skill. What played a major role in our loss was the field, there were 30+ mph gusts of wind throughout the game. There winning goal was from a corner kick that was outside the six yard box that blew in fromt he wind, it didnt have enough spin on it to curve in but the wind blew it in the backpost. Just an example of how strong the winds were the day before the game we were practicing at there field they had portable goals(ones much sturdier than at the meadows) in mid practice Brent Fiedler dove to save a ball on one of our drills and when he dove the wind was so strong it Blew the goal over onto his head. the field was in basically a canyon it had hills on three sides of it and the open sid e let in enough wind for it to become the worst conditions ive ever played in, even worse back mid season when we got a lot of ran and the fields were huge mudpits. please dont try and use something you dont know anything about to help your argument.


I know I'm wasting my time in this discussion with you, jcb, since you use lines like "hands down," "without a doubt," and "obviously" it's clear that you have an "Either I'm right, or you're wrong" attitude but...

1.  How many 20 4A games did you see this year?

2.  You claim that our district is weak - which in some regards it was as evidenced by the play-offs, but couldn't the same be argued for your district in which you have to finish 2nd out of 3 teams to make the play-offs?  Before you say I'm bashing Kelly's schedule, reread that last sentence and see that it says argued - I'm not making that claim, but it could be argued.

3.  This is going to be hard, but remove yourself from the Kelly program and imagine other players playing alongside these galacticos on the Kelly team.  Don't you think players such as Brackin or Granato, Greenway or Biffle, Clarke or Washburn would look much better surrounded by so many talented players, instead of the lowly scrubs that they had to work with?

I know it's all Kelly all the time with you, but there really are good players outside of the blue and gold plaid.


Bon-Mot i believe, and i could be wrong, but i think i used the phrase obviously referring to Kirby and Stockie(our goalie) and if you cant see that these people are hands down excellent players then i would love to hear who you think excellent players are. Also i used obviously when referring to the talent pool at kelly and we onviously have it if you cant see THAT than you are blind. I cant remeber when i said without a doubt but i dont doubt that i said it because it seems like something i would say. and on your assumption of my attitude, i would love to be proved wrong with logical reasons. also, you must have forgoten i never said our area dosent have talent outside of kelly because there are some incredible players and no doubt they would excell on a team like kelly, west brook, or even lumberton.

im sad to say i only got to see around 4, iwish i could have gone to more and i base what i say off of what ive heard, the scores, stats, the games ive been to, and the thoughts of other peers, players, and coaches.

And yes i do claim the district is weak which it is, not saying there are not good players in it because THERE ARE. and of course you could argue we have a weak district, but then again anyone could argue anything. If you look at public schools in houston and compare there schedule then we would have the weaker schedule most likely, thats another thing both of the teams in our district are from houston and play houston and other teams that are as good as some of the best Houston area teams. Yes its true we came in second in a three team district, but thats because the other teams in it are good, its undeniable that kelly is a very good team so if we came in second in a three team district that should tell you something about the other teams. and im not trying to say that our schedule is an unbelievably hard schedule but you compare it to anyone 20 4A team, the teams they play dont even come close to some of the teams we play.


thats kinda like if u compared West Brooks football schedule to say H-J's or EC's football schedules.... its way different...

its 2 completely different things is what im trying to say...

so can we stop arguing about who's better out of Kelly and 20-4A teams... and get back to saying who we think should be on the Supergold team please...


This is getting so ridiculous.  How about you make two different teams then?  A Supergold Private team and a Supergold Public team sounds like it would end all arguments.  That way people can have discussions about players and teams they actually played against or watched play.


hjhawk, i agree with what you said about the schedule, but am a little confused with everything else. but the reason why this argument started is because i was defeding people who i thought should have been on the supergold team.

and SportsFanatic, i am discussing about teams ive played against, watched play, and know about.


ok... i know u were trying to defend the people who u thought should be on there... just got irritated with all the arguing and stuff... i'd like to actually see someone put who they think should be on the supergold team instead of arguing...

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