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Guest pirates

Players and Coaches working on the field.  Wet, but the field looks great.

Guest Pirate V Ball

8) WAAAY to go boys!!! Keep them playoff hopes alive.

Guest mrhitter

This was another great day for Taylor Robichau with a HR, 2B and 4 RBIs.  I sure do like what I see at the plate with the confidence and power. Wide stance, no stride, level swing....beautiful!!

Keep hittn' hard Taylor.

Guest lovethecats

Mr.Hitter.....Who do you think you are Paul Molitor.... You probably didnt even play baseball yourself.....Maybe two years in a over 40 league(co/ed)... And spitting sunflower seeds dont count.

Guest mrhitter

come on lovethecat, you of all people should know the fun of playing coed. And you almost right, only it is the over 50 league, and spitting sunflower seeds is half the fun. I am more of a dog lover....

Guest lovethecats

Lets go back to hitting..... Are you more of a Rotational Hitter or a Linear Hitter???????? If you like Robichau's swing than maybe your more of a rotational hitter.

Whats your input Mrs.Hitter

Guest mrhitter

Listen JV, I could probably help you with your swing; shorten up that stride, keep your head in, pick up some power with extension, improve your inside - out motion, stay in the strike zone a little longer to hit to all fields, and adjust to 2 strike situations.  But you would rather talk theory.... go read your books. Let the kids hit!

Guest lovethecats

OK ....... GREAT EXPLANANTION... NOW WHAT PAGE DID YOU TYPE THAT OUT OF , THE " Hitting Pro U.S.A."  or "Cal Ripken Jr.'s Book on Hitting" ......


Hopefully this is all in fun? But I have enjoyed the guys hitting streaks during 2 out rallies. I just wish they would try getting ahead and staying there. I know it is easier said than done!

Guest mrhitter

as for baseball hitting, I have many hours one-on-one with real baseball coaches, and several classes for league coaches. Ever heard of Brad Stockton? Went to his seminars and I have the videos....want to borrow them?? Tried and true experience teaching l.l. and p.l. players.  Several all-stars.

The book "Hitting by Ted Williams"!  I have it, and read it!  I agree with some of it (swing should be slightly up) but not bat orientation in terms of the angle. He likes the bat straight up. I like it 45 degrees over the shoulder. How do you like it...


Seems young fellows ought to learn some lessons from the wise and experienced. So easy to boast....you gotta try those ribs before you serve 'em. Oven to grill or grill to oven, doesn't matter, but do both! Oh, did I mention current (only) hitting student is hitting .500. Look up Hou5A leaders and see if you recognize anyone! If only the whole team would listen to me...  But you, son, are in a position to make a difference. Listen, learn, try, and then teach!

Again, it is wide stance, no stride, level swing (or slightly up). Try it...

Trout anyone?????


Ahh Mrhitter, you are so correct!!!!! I tooo am in the over 50s league and also knew Dr Brag before he died and your so rite about his books. What you have to remember here is you can't tell or teach a 'know it all' anything>nada. They already know it all when in fact as you said are really clueless on what it takes to go to the next level, rather than take advice from someone that has been there, they're in a hurry to get back to their MLB game on PLAYSTATION. If you get a chance go watch Aaron Treece pitch, as he has spent many hrs with Brag and it shows as you will see.


MR Hitter,

I have been working with a kid and he keeps striding forward and rolling his back foot over. How do you get them to stay back and pivot ?

I can help here, loose your know it all atitude and get you some help, if your reading skills are not that good Brags books are illistrated and if you can afford them, his videos are really good and even a T baller can understand. BUT first you have to realize that you don't know it all, but don't feel all by yourself as I have said before the stands are full of people just like you. How can someone that never hit their weight teach anyone.

643 you are barking up the wrong tree !! I do not have a know it all attitude, thats why I was asking Mr. Hitter a question. Your statement is uncalled for and untrue.. Like I said I was asking Mr. hitter his advice on this matter, you need to crawl back under your rock :P

  I on the other hand hit 37 Hr's in high school and played 2 years of college ball before tearing my MCL skiing... But just because I was a great hitter does not make me a know it all.. again I was asking Mr. Hitter for advice...


Sorry, to blast you, I was thinking your relpy was a sarcastic reply to mrhitters statement on useing Brags methods. The comment I made about a 'know it all atitude' is IMO opinion what keeps ave players ave. I commend you in your work with helping someone become a better player. I too played but was ave at best, and realized early on as a dad that I knew enough about ball to get help. I wasn't under a rock but will crawl under one now for a bit.   

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