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Am I missing something?  Do sports writers really not know where the big games are in their own hometown?  Woke up and read the paper all to find not even a box score of West Brook vs Kingwood.  Top of the front page - LC-M beating PN-G, which is deserving to be covered.  Saw LU loosing to Rice, sure.  LSU gets a new women's basketball coach REALLY!!  And Lamar's Lady golf, which I'm a big fan of.  Page 3D - High School Linescorers District 21-5A lists Memorial loosing to Atascocita. Last night's results put West Brook in a tie for district 21-5a, yet the only ones who know are the ones that frequent this fantastic website (COOP ;)).  Is it really up to others to call in results of games that are played IN Beaumont?  I totally understand playing out of town and someone making a call but ENTERPRISE, wake up and smell the 'Seaport' (as in local)!!!


I agree. After all, it is the "Beaumont" entreprise. They could atleast have a short writeup on the WB game. Geeeeez, their killin me with all these pop werner league game frontpage news stories. WB vs Kingwood was game of the week in the Houston area, yet the Enterprise covers a 4a baseball game, that does mean alot to PNG and LCM, but the enterprise has got to see what is right in front of them and give credit where credit is due. That's my two cents worth, now let me hear your's indians B/C I know I'm gonna.


Am I missing something?  Do sports writers really not know where the big games are in their own hometown?  Woke up and read the paper all to find not even a box score of West Brook vs Kingwood.  Top of the front page - LC-M beating PN-G, which is deserving to be covered.  Saw LU loosing to Rice, sure.  LSU gets a new women's basketball coach REALLY!!  And Lamar's Lady golf, which I'm a big fan of.  Page 3D - High School Linescorers District 21-5A lists Memorial loosing to Atascocita. Last night's results put West Brook in a tie for district 21-5a, yet the only ones who know are the ones that frequent this fantastic website (COOP ;)).  Is it really up to others to call in results of games that are played IN Beaumont?  I totally understand playing out of town and someone making a call but ENTERPRISE, wake up and smell the 'Seaport' (as in local)!!!

Thanks!!! We're all local!!! All HS Sports!!

I agree. After all, it is the "Beaumont" entreprise. They could atleast have a short writeup on the WB game. Geeeeez, their killin me with all these pop werner league game frontpage news stories. WB vs Kingwood was game of the week in the Houston area, yet the Enterprise covers a 4a baseball game, that does mean alot to PNG and LCM, but the enterprise has got to see what is right in front of them and give credit where credit is due. That's my two cents worth, now let me hear your's indians B/C I know I'm gonna.

Probably because PNG and LCM along with Ned have been state ranked and deep in the playoffs or to the tournament many time over the last 10 years. 


Yes, and that is in the past. I don't see any history stories on PNG, LCM, or Nederland. That is like the Houston Chronicle printing a story on the success of the Round Rock Express playoff game during the Astros World Series. (The Astros being West brook and the other three teams being Round Rock Express for the slower folks out there.)


Oh come on 'BigDog.'  Surely you can't be serious!!  Let's examine this a little bit here.  The MID-COUNTY CHRONICLE - do you think they would report another game OVER Nederland or Port Neches?  Or not mention them at all?  Nope.  The ORANGE LEADER - do you think they would report another game OVER West Orange, Orange or LC-M?  Nope.  The PORT ARTHUR NEWS - do you think they would report any other game OVER a Memorial game?  Nope.  If the 'BEAUMONT ENTERPRISE' is not going to spotlight the Beaumont teams then they should change their name to the SOUTHEAST TEXAS ENTERPRISE.  Let's be fair here you guys!


Oh come on 'BigDog.'  Surely you can't be serious!!  Let's examine this a little bit here.  The MID-COUNTY CHRONICLE - do you think they would report another game OVER Nederland or Port Neches?  Or not mention them at all?  Nope.  The ORANGE LEADER - do you think they would report another game OVER West Orange, Orange or LC-M?  Nope.  The PORT ARTHUR NEWS - do you think they would report any other game OVER a Memorial game?  Nope.  If the 'BEAUMONT ENTERPRISE' is not going to spotlight the Beaumont teams then they should change their name to the SOUTHEAST TEXAS ENTERPRISE.  Let's be fair here you guys!

The Enterprise has more on it's mind than just Beaumont. They know Beaumonters are going to buy the paper, but to get the sales outside of Beaumont they must treat them on an equal basis and sometimes with a little more enthusiasm. If you would check the sales of Newspapers competing for subscribership in different towns around the area, you would find that the Enterprise outsales each paper in each location.


Probably because PNG and LCM along with Ned have been state ranked and deep in the playoffs or to the tournament many time over the last 10 years. 


HELLOOOO, this is nothing new, it just didn't start. Seems as if I had mentioned this VERY thing on the 'strikout leaders' thread. IMO 'which means little' it has got worse than when someone close to me played. Seems as it WAS slanted in the late 90s to the Mid-County teams but now they have totally outdone themselves with NO COVERAGE but if I want to know anything about fascar I could get all the info I wanted on Sun. OH' OH I forgor to mention HOCKEY, how many young hockey players do we have in our area trying to get to the next level. OH I forgot, care to learn how to camp in Colo and catch Rainbows.


I agree the enterprise does not do a great job of coverage, but I will play devils advocate for a minute.  This time of year, locally we have a 5a district, 4a district and a 3a district all with in the Enterprise’s coverage area.  All of these schools have baseball, softball, track, golf and tennis going on in the spring.  I am certain that the paper is not staffed well enough to cover all of these events.  You can’t make everyone happy all of the time so my guess is they do the best that they can.  Even our local paper doesn’t make it to all the games (with far smaller coverage area), but they do seem to have a line of communication with the coaches in orange county to get the stuff in the paper. 


This is true, but The Entreprise should cover the most important games and events going on at the time. If there are more customers in Beaumont than anywhere else around buying the newspaper, you would think their top priority would be the Beaumont events. Just my opinion.


Today's paper - 'H-J holds off Silsbee in 21-3A baseball faceoff'; 'LC-M nips PN-G' (poor little Indian boys); 'Vidor sophomore breaks district record' - FIRST SENTENCE - 'There weren't many people around, but the crowd was large enough to witness his performance.'  GREAT JOB!!!!!!  That DEFINITELY deserves coverage.  WHERE WAS THE STORY ABOUT THE WEST BROOK GIRLS POWERLIFTING TEAM WINNING NATIONAL CHAMPIONS?????????  You are right 'Oldschoolkat' 'The Enterprise has more on it's mind than just Beaumont' BUT WE ARE TALKING NATIONAL CHAMPIONS.  Way to go '643' this IS nothing new - but what does the Beaumont Enterprise have against 'The Brook?'  It isn't the fact that the Enterprise doesn't cover West Brook Baseball..............it is all sports.  And 'BearBacker09' each city has their own LOCAL paper - hince the word 'local' - As I stated before, the Orange Leader does an EXCELLENT job of covering their 'coverage area.'  And you say 'all of these schools have baseball, softball, track, golf and tennis going on in the spring' it is NOT just a spring problem.  How many football scores of 'The Brook' did you see in the paper?  Then you state you are 'certain that the paper is not staffed well enough to cover all of these events' but yet they can put NASCAR coverage on the front page!  Oh you are right, I guess they can just sit in the comfort of their own home and WATCH TV to get that one.  And 'BearBacker09' are you saying it should be left up to the coaches to get their scores in the paper?  Really?  So when Nederland plays a home game (not picking on you Dawgs) but are you telling me their coaches have to call in to report their scores?  Nope.  Because the Enterprise will have someone covering the game.  You are right in the comment by saying they are not staffed enough to cover all of these events, but shouldn't you take care of home FIRST?  Mid-County Chronicle will cover Big Ned and Little Indian Boys.  Orange Leader will take care of their teams.  Port Arthur News will take care of theirs.  They aren't staffed enough because they have people out at other events where they will receive coverage from their OWN local paper.  Now, I'm not saying the Enterprise shouldn't cover them as well...............why not switch spots?  Put the LOCAL boys up front and put the OUTSIDERS on pages 2 and 3.


I don't want to argue the merrits of weather or not a particular event should be covered.  Obviously they all deserve to be covered.  Especially a National Title!!!!! I said I agree the Enterprise doesn't do a good job.  I don't personally recieve any newspaper.  I get my news off the internet.  But I just don't think you can call the Enterprise the local paper for just beaumont.  I know it is in the title.  But limiting themselves to just one city when they can branch out over hundreds of miles would be just terrible business practice.  If they have someone covering Nederland's games it isn't because someone there is in love with Nederland.  It is because they want to sell more papers there.  As far as the coach's calling in scores.  What is wrong with that being partly, but not soly their resposibility?  Paper covers some and the coach calls some in.  It would take about 3 minutes to make the phone call.  I can promise you the people who run the Enterprise don't want the people in the counties surrounding Jefferson County to be reffered to as outsiders, and have them stop purchasing their papers.


Gotta agree with Bearbacker.  The Beaumont Enterprise is a regional paper, rather than a local one, because it is sold in the region of SE Texas.  You don't see the Leader of the MC Chronicle sold in Beaumont, because all these are truly local papers.

However, i kind of know how you feel.  We have the County Record here, and it should be the Bridge City Record, because BC sports is always leading the front page of the sports section. It could be because BC has a hoss of a publicity person.  Sometimes, that makes the difference.  And, as we can see by the LACK of coverage of a national championship, some sports are downright disrespected by sportswriters.

Maybe, the school needs to have a contact person to report scores to the newspaper.  Some coaches do it, but I think a central clearinghouse for all sports information for the school (not the district) would help get the kids names up there...

The television stations lead with the Lamar game, followed by the WB game.  I remember because I was watching coverage of LCM. 


Trust and believe, Boob West and the rest of those MC jock sniffers take care of MidCounty 100 times better than they do Port Arthur.  I'm in agreement with the original post.  Not only neglecting WB baseball and girls powerlifting but errrrrrr Ozen and Central finished 1-2 in the 224A district tract meet.  There was more coverage in the so-called Port Arthur News only because a few Nederlanders made it to regionals.  If they didn't make it, then I'm sure the PortNeches News as I like to call them, wouldn't cover that district meet at all


Seems pointless to get on and whine about this here.  It's been a problem for quite some time now....nothing new.  If you really want your voice to be heard, write this stuff in a letter to the editor.....

of the Beaumont Enterprise.

Just my opinion.


A lot might have to do with readership. While Beaumont and Port Arthur have their names on their papers, their sales and subscribers go beyond the city limits. In the case of the Enterprise, it goes well beyond the city limits.

Mid-County is just as big as Port Arthur and probably has twice the subscriber rate. Beaumont is not larger than Mid-County, Port Arthur, Orange County, Hardin County and the other outlying areas that the Enterprise serves. It seems that some people have a problem with the name on the paper like they have been cheated. 

I guess they need to change the names on the newspapers so it will end the problems. Maybe the Regional Enterprise and the Area News. Then we could all have a group hug and get along without worrying about the name of the local newspaper. Then the Beaumont residents won't feel slighted because the "Beaumont" articles are not first and the Port Arthur residents will not feel abused if "Port Arthur" articles are not at the top.


Seems pointless to get on and whine about this here.  It's been a problem for quite some time now....nothing new.  If you really want your voice to be heard, write this stuff in a letter to the editor.....

of the Beaumont Enterprise.

Just my opinion.

This has been done - let's see if it gets put in the paper.


Last year, I noticed that Nederland's games were getting little or no coverage in the Beaumont Enterprise so I emailed them and asked why?  I received a email  back from the one I sent it to and, sure enough, from that time on, Nederland baseball had better coverage.  I think the sqeaking wheel gets the grease.  At least it worked last year.  They are lagging behind again this year, but so has the Bulldogs.  When our play picks up, the coverage will pick up, I hope.


If you recieved a reply back from your letter to the editor you did well, seems as if the ones I wrote yrs back fell on deaf ears. Seems as if they have their favorites even with the coverage @Lamar>>Tim Erickson, from HJ was and mite still be leading the SWC in ERA but gets no props ??? but the boys from Mid-County and New York get wrote up weekly, but no line scores ever. You think its possible Tim is being hid, naaaw, I know C Gilligan wouldn't do that. 


There was the same discussion with someone griping about why 560 covers all of the Nederland games.  Its called subscribers and advertising backers.


Some people need to realize that most of the time it's up to the coaches to call in scores and game summaries.  Many of you are complaining about not getting coverage, but the papers don't send people out to most games.  Nederland and PN-G are covered well in the PA News because the coaches take time to call it in.  Plus, the Beaumont Enterprise very rarely covers Mid-County.  Also, those of you that keep talking the Mid-County Chronicle need to realize that it's not an every day paper.  It comes out once a week!  Buy a PA news next Wednesday, and you will see it's just a little insert. 


Well I must state that today both the Enterprise and the Port Arthur News covered the PNG-Nederland game.  They had reporters there with photographers but it was a big game for both teams especially Nederland.  Thanks paper men!


Beaumont Enterprise local sports sections are a huge joke.  the Orange Leader, PA News, Penny/County Record, and KOGT.COM have more information on the happenings than the BMT Enterprise ever has even on the Bmt schools! 

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