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Saw an interview with the sheriff in the county where this happened.  It would be surprising if someone doesn't try to have him removed.  He blasted the thought of sanctuary cities, and not being able to get a wall built.  I hope the illegal pos tries to resist so the cops can give him a few between the eyes.  As far as Pelosi, wish the ground would open up and swallow her.


Why doesn't the left ever comment on these articles? Nevermind, I know. It is difficult to argue acceptable numbers of cop deaths in order to provide food, shelter, healthcare, and clothing to these fine future upstanding citizens and voters. 

They caught this POS. Don't any of you lefties bad that he got caught? He's your friend. I hope they cut his head off, but that's just me.

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43 minutes ago, baddog said:

Why doesn't the left ever comment on these articles? Nevermind, I know. It is difficult to argue acceptable numbers of cop deaths in order to provide food, shelter, healthcare, and clothing to these fine future upstanding citizens and voters. 

They caught this POS. Don't any of you lefties bad that he got caught? He's your friend. I hope they cut his head off, but that's just me.

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Lefties are feeling bad he was caught.  That's one less vote for their agenda.


19 minutes ago, BearEssentials97 said:

This is sad. However, immigrants still commit crimes at lower rates than us citizens. One data point doesn't make a trend.

I hope this killer is prosecuted to the fullest.

It really doesn’t wash to say crimes are committed at a lower rate by immigrants. Se la vie is not an equalizer or justifiable stance. Anyone who would kill a cop will kill anyone. His “illegal “ status is what led to this murder. Had he not been here, it could not have happened. That is where I stand, as where I think most of us do.

31 minutes ago, BearEssentials97 said:

This is sad. However, immigrants still commit crimes at lower rates than us citizens. One data point doesn't make a trend.

I hope this killer is prosecuted to the fullest.

That "lie" has been debunked. Illegal immigrants commit crimes at higher rates that Americans. Why do you think many officials who want to harbor illegals have been diligently trying to oppress the documentation of illegal crime rates? Wouldn't they want these rates to be publicized if they were truly at a lower rate? You've been brainwashed again.

You probably also fell for the "lie" that illegals contribute overall to the economy...which has also be debunked. They cost more than they contribute. As Bluedove would say "you need to expand your sources of news".

12 minutes ago, baddog said:

It really doesn’t wash to say crimes are committed at a lower rate by immigrants. Se la vie is not an equalizer or justifiable stance. Anyone who would kill a cop will kill anyone. His “illegal “ status is what led to this murder. Had he not been here, it could not have happened. That is where I stand, as where I think most of us do.

I'm not excusing this act. Anyone crazy enough to challenge a cop is dangerous. But him being illegal doesn't predispose him to the crime.

Again, hope the guy gets the book thrown at him and they.bury him under the jail.

9 minutes ago, Englebert said:

That "lie" has been debunked. Illegal immigrants commit crimes at higher rates that Americans. You've been brainwashed again.

You probably also fell for the "lie" that illegals contribute overall to the economy...which has also be debunked. They cost more than they contribute. As Bluedove would say "you need to expand your sources of news".

Debunked by who? I need sources.

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Whether you like it our not our economy needs their labor.  Who do you think picks your fruits and veggies? Who's building our houses? Whose working in the slaughter houses. Or doing our landscaping?

For the most part these people are adding to our communities. I think we're better off with more people here. We need to fix our immigration system to accommodate our labor needs.


21 minutes ago, BearEssentials97 said:

Debunked by who? I need sources.

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Whether you like it our not our economy needs their labor.  Who do you think picks your fruits and veggies? Who's building our houses? Whose working in the slaughter houses. Or doing our landscaping?

For the most part these people are adding to our communities. I think we're better off with more people here. We need to fix our immigration system to accommodate our labor needs.


And the illegals and their family members go to hospitals and attend our schools. I guess your "studies" failed to take that into account. Typical. The Seattle protesters have already "proven" that a person cannot live off of minimum wage without government assistance. You do remember the fast food workers demanding $15/hr, and the arguments even that raise would not allow them to support themselves and their families without substantial government assistance. But you somehow believe the illegals can perform jobs that Americans won't do at minimum or below minimum wage, without government assistance, and support themselves and their families...the whole time contributing to the overall health of our economy. That illustrates the very definition of a sheeple.

And to further show your lack of comprehension skills:

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From the Article: "The issue is ripe for dispute because, as we said, there are not readily available statistics on this issue. The Justice Department keeps data on federal crimes committed by immigrants in the country illegally — and an analysis from the U.S. Sentencing Commission found that undocumented immigrants made up a disproportionate share of federal inmates sentenced for nonimmigration crimes in 2016. But the vast majority of crimes (more than 90 percent) are dealt with at the state and local level, where those kinds of data are harder to come by because those jurisdictions rarely record whether prisoners are immigrants in the country illegally."

We can pick apart your link if you so choose, but history has shown you will get run. Do you want to continue?

11 minutes ago, Englebert said:

And the illegals and their family members go to hospitals and attend our schools. I guess your "studies" failed to take that into account. Typical. The Seattle protesters have already "proven" that a person cannot live off of minimum wage without government assistance. You do remember the fast food workers demanding $15/hr, and the arguments even that raise would not allow them to support themselves and their families without substantial government assistance. But you somehow believe the illegals can perform jobs that Americans won't do at minimum or below minimum wage, without government assistance, and support themselves and their families...the whole time contributing to the overall health of our economy. That illustrates the very definition of a sheeple.

And to further show your lack of comprehension skills:

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From the Article: "The issue is ripe for dispute because, as we said, there are not readily available statistics on this issue. The Justice Department keeps data on federal crimes committed by immigrants in the country illegally — and an analysis from the U.S. Sentencing Commission found that undocumented immigrants made up a disproportionate share of federal inmates sentenced for nonimmigration crimes in 2016. But the vast majority of crimes (more than 90 percent) are dealt with at the state and local level, where those kinds of data are harder to come by because those jurisdictions rarely record whether prisoners are immigrants in the country illegally."

We can pick apart your link if you so choose, but history has shown you will get run. Do you want to co

55 minutes ago, Englebert said:


Yes they are using services, the law of the land requires that all children are educated and that no one in need of care is turned away. 

What does the minimum wage have to do with crime which is the point of this thread. 

If we're gonna talk about that, I've never seen a homeless Latino but I see lots of homeless anglos. 

So go ahead professor chump please direct my source. It doesn't bring the officer back or change the fact that immigrants commit Crimea at lower rates than us Americans. 

4 minutes ago, BearEssentials97 said:

Yes they are using services, the law of the land requires that all children are educated and that no one in need of care is turned away. 

What does the minimum wage have to do with crime which is the point of this thread. 

If we're gonna talk about that, I've never seen a homeless Latino but I see lots of homeless anglos. 

So go ahead professor chump please direct my source. It doesn't bring the officer back or change the fact that immigrants commit Crimea at lower rates than us Americans. 

Such childish quips from a simplistic state of imagination. Is pretty clear how you can be led so easily. As a comforting jester (as you so eloquently pointed out), Trump has stated that he loves dumb people...so that should give you at least some solace. 


The thing that aggravates me is the media approach. MSN headline simply says the killer had gang ties. You have to read the article to know he is an illegal immigrant. Also to find that his brother and coworker who were also illegal were arrested for hindering the investigation.

3 hours ago, Englebert said:

Such childish quips from a simplistic state of imagination. Is pretty clear how you can be led so easily. As a comforting jester (as you so eloquently pointed out), Trump has stated that he loves dumb people...so that should give you at least some solace. 

You promised a dissection of my source. Where is it professor chump? I'm waiting for you to enlighten me.

As usual, when the facts don't support your narrative you change direction . I get it you hate illegals. Know what, I'm not too thrilled about it either. 

Congress needs to fix it.

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This is the hidden content, please

They're not all criminals. 

4 minutes ago, BearEssentials97 said:

You promised a dissection of my source. Where is it professor chump? I'm waiting for you to enlighten me.

As usual, when the facts don't support your narrative you change direction . I get it you hate illegals. Know what, I'm not too thrilled about it either. 

Congress needs to fix it.

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This is the hidden content, please

They're not all criminals. 

Again, it's like debating with a toddler. Why do you claim I hate illegals? Show one shred of evidence you have seen me post that suggests that. In true Liberal fashion, you read what you want to read then claim stereotypical decrees that have no existence in reality. So again, show some evidence for where you came to your conclusion. I guess you will also claim that Trump thinks all illegals are criminals, and that he hates them also. You live in a hateful, spiteful world that I cannot fathom. Maybe one day you will discover a cure for TDS that brought you there. Now get to work on that evidence.

8 minutes ago, Englebert said:

Again, it's like debating with a toddler. Why do you claim I hate illegals? Show one shred of evidence you have seen me post that suggests that. In true Liberal fashion, you read what you want to read then claim stereotypical decrees that have no existence in reality. So again, show some evidence for where you came to your conclusion. I guess you will also claim that Trump thinks all illegals are criminals, and that he hates them also. You live in a hateful, spiteful world that I cannot fathom. Maybe one day you will discover a cure for TDS that brought you there. Now get to work on that evidence.

You make a lot of demands and bring little to nothing to the table.

There's this thing called inference, where people are able to read between the lines and figure out where people stand. You keep calling me liberal, I've never explicitly said I was, yet I've never asked you for evidence  for it. Why is that. Because you inferred that.  And I'm not going ask you for evidence that I am because I've more or less argued the liberal position. 

From all your commentary, I've inferred you're not fond of immigrants, to put it lightly. That's it. That's my conclusion. How you feel about that is your problem.

Anyway you promised to dissect my link. I said have at.  If you're not going to do that quit responding to me so others can add to the conversation. It's the only reason I'm responding now because for once I'd like a real answer from you.  Not about how I should be embarrassed about myself or how I'm running or how I'm a joke, all of which is just you projecting your fears and anxieties on me. Come on prof!

49 minutes ago, BearEssentials97 said:

You make a lot of demands and bring little to nothing to the table.

There's this thing called inference, where people are able to read between the lines and figure out where people stand. You keep calling me liberal, I've never explicitly said I was, yet I've never asked you for evidence  for it. Why is that. Because you inferred that.  And I'm not going ask you for evidence that I am because I've more or less argued the liberal position. 

From all your commentary, I've inferred you're not fond of immigrants, to put it lightly. That's it. That's my conclusion. How you feel about that is your problem.

Anyway you promised to dissect my link. I said have at.  If you're not going to do that quit responding to me so others can add to the conversation. It's the only reason I'm responding now because for once I'd like a real answer from you.  Not about how I should be embarrassed about myself or how I'm running or how I'm a joke, all of which is just you projecting your fears and anxieties on me. Come on prof!

Your inferences are faulty...as usual. Illegal immigration is bad for the economy and bad for the country. Your inference that I hate immigrants personally is just laughable and based on some fantasized pre-conceived notions ingrained into your sheeple brain.

You don't ask me for evidence of my accusations because the evidence is provided by you...and is absolute and clear to practically everyone reading this. Your claims on the other hand are based, again, on some fantasized pre-conceived notions ingrained into your sheeple brain.

If you want me to answer, or have an intelligent conversation with you, why do you continuously try to pop off with asinine accusations that have no basis in reality. I will respond to your personal accusations by asking you to give evidence...in which you cannot...which makes you look childish and should be embarrassing for most people. For example, in your last post you actually contend I'm projecting my fears and anxieties on you. Are you freaking kidding me? It's hard to engage in a conversation when you continuously make these ridiculous claims. Children are laughing at you when you post this stuff. It's obvious that you are attempting to convey intelligence, for which you are ill-equipped to handle.

I call you dumb, or stupid, or unintelligent because you have shown that to be true. By accusing me of "hating immigrants" or "projecting fears" or many of the other ridiculous accusations you tried to pull, you provide ample evidence of you stupidity. I just state the obvious. Now, would you like to converse about the topic you posted or would you like to throw around some baseless accusations...ones you cannot possible provide evidence for...and would make most people embarrassed?


This situation is 100% at the Democrats door step.  Heard the commie lady Mayor of Oakland basically say she was not concerned with the cop that was killed.  She's more concerned with protecting the illegals!

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9 hours ago, Englebert said:

Your inferences are faulty...as usual. Illegal immigration is bad for the economy and bad for the country. Your inference that I hate immigrants personally is just laughable and based on some fantasized pre-conceived notions ingrained into your sheeple brain.

You don't ask me for evidence of my accusations because the evidence is provided by you...and is absolute and clear to practically everyone reading this. Your claims on the other hand are based, again, on some fantasized pre-conceived notions ingrained into your sheeple brain.

If you want me to answer, or have an intelligent conversation with you, why do you continuously try to pop off with asinine accusations that have no basis in reality. I will respond to your personal accusations by asking you to give evidence...in which you cannot...which makes you look childish and should be embarrassing for most people. For example, in your last post you actually contend I'm projecting my fears and anxieties on you. Are you freaking kidding me? It's hard to engage in a conversation when you continuously make these ridiculous claims. Children are laughing at you when you post this stuff. It's obvious that you are attempting to convey intelligence, for which you are ill-equipped to handle.

I call you dumb, or stupid, or unintelligent because you have shown that to be true. By accusing me of "hating immigrants" or "projecting fears" or many of the other ridiculous accusations you tried to pull, you provide ample evidence of you stupidity. I just state the obvious. Now, would you like to converse about the topic you posted or would you like to throw around some baseless accusations...ones you cannot possible provide evidence for...and would make most people embarrassed?

There's no such thing as an intelligent conversation with you. You suggested several posts ago that you would dissect my post about immigrants committing less crime than Americans yet you haven't done it. I've been waiting for to this grand display of intellect only to be disappointed again. Maybe you don't understand the word dissect? 

The thread is about crime. Since you can't make the statement of all illegals are criminals stick, now you switched it to they're a suck on the economy.

I'll leave you some information to debunk your stupid assertions. You need better sources. Why are you so stupid?

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"Undocumented immigrants contribute to the economy

"It is not only immigrants, who are legally present in the U.S., who are paying taxes. Undocumented immigrants make important contributions as well. An analysis based on the U.S. Census and other data estimated that undocumented immigrants paid $11.7 billion in state and local taxes. If they had a pathway to secure legal status, they would likely earn more and, consequently, more of their income would be on the books. Their state and local tax contributions would increase accordingly, by an estimated $2.2 billion."

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9 hours ago, BearEssentials97 said:

There's no such thing as an intelligent conversation with you. You suggested several posts ago that you would dissect my post about immigrants committing less crime than Americans yet you haven't done it. I've been waiting for to this grand display of intellect only to be disappointed again. Maybe you don't understand the word dissect? 

The thread is about crime. Since you can't make the statement of all illegals are criminals stick, now you switched it to they're a suck on the economy.

I'll leave you some information to debunk your stupid assertions. You need better sources. Why are you so stupid?

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"Undocumented immigrants contribute to the economy

"It is not only immigrants, who are legally present in the U.S., who are paying taxes. Undocumented immigrants make important contributions as well. An analysis based on the U.S. Census and other data estimated that undocumented immigrants paid $11.7 billion in state and local taxes. If they had a pathway to secure legal status, they would likely earn more and, consequently, more of their income would be on the books. Their state and local tax contributions would increase accordingly, by an estimated $2.2 billion."

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Wow, such rage from someone who doesn't even understand basic concepts. You don't seem to be having much fun, but you are providing plenty of entertainment for this board.

You seemed to be incensed that we haven't dissected your article yet, but you keep inserting pathetic claims that also need to be addressed. I can tackle all of them at once, but it is evident your little brain cannot, thus having to focus on one issue at a time. Since you fell for the media propaganda that illegals commit crime at a lower rate than Americans, I proposed that you probably also fell for the "lie" that illegals contribute to the economy. I didn't switch topics, as you moronically contend, I added to it. Just because you are a moron and do not have the ability to comprehend such simplistic ideas simultaneously, I can see where a moron could make a mistake of failure to comprehend their relativeness. I guess the concept of "since you are gullible on one topic then you are probably gullible on a similar topic" is just too complicated for a moron.  You just read what you want to read (i.e. interpret said words and inject unsaid words) to fit a pre-conceived notion...rendering you a moron. Is this not correct you little moron? 

I never tried to "make stick" a statement that all illegals are criminals. That is just another example of your pathetic imagination (see above). I never even said or implied that most illegals are criminals. Your contention was that illegals commit crime at a lower rate than legal Americans....which is propaganda fed to you by your Liberal overlords. You trying to say I/we think all illegals are criminals is just moronic, making you a moron. Is this not correct you little moron?

Man, this is fun. All I have to do to make you look moronic is highlight your own words. 

Now let's focus on how illegals supposedly add to the economy:

Illegals are performing low skill/low paying (at or below minimum wage) jobs that Americans will not do. We know this because you Liberals tell us on a daily basis. Is this not correct you little moron?

Illegals are not receiving government assistance. We know this because you Liberals tell us on a daily basis. Is this not correct you little moron?

Illegals have families. We know this because you Liberals claim that ICE is ripping babies from mothers arms on their raids. Is this not correct you little moron?

People earning a low paying/minimum wage job cannot support their families (or even themselves) without government assistance, thus the push for a $15/hr minimum wage. We know this from the protests emanating from Seattle and various other places, in which the Liberal media agreed and concluded the current minimum wage is not substantial as a living wage.  Is this not correct you little moron?

So answer this question you little moron. How can an illegal support a family performing jobs Americans will not do, making at or below minimum wage, without government assistance? Your side has already fought this battle and concluded that this is impossible to accomplish for anyone without government assistance. But you moronically claim that somehow these illegals are accomplishing this feat and contributing to the economy. Are you really this moronic?

Since it has been established you cannot do basic math, have you looked at the contributions of illegals/mass immigration to other countries. Can you name a country that has been invaded recently that has a skyrocketing economy, or an economy that has even increased since the invasion? Please name one? How about Tijuana? Is their economy skyrocketing since the illegals moved in? According to you and your blind ideology, one should conclude "yes". Has it?

So really the main point that has come out of this exchange is that it has been established beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are undeniably a moron. When are you going to admit it? Are you having as much fun as me? I bet not.


Trump is very good at fueling his supporters. But, we all know this is about race. Keeping America white.

" A February 2018 study by the

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using 2015 crime statistics from Texas found immigrants in the country illegally were 25 percent less likely to be convicted of homicide than native-born Americans. (Legal immigrants were 87 percent less likely.)"

10 minutes ago, BLUEDOVE3 said:

Trump is very good at fueling his supporters. But, we all know this is about race. Keeping America white.

" A February 2018 study by the

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using 2015 crime statistics from Texas found immigrants in the country illegally were 25 percent less likely to be convicted of homicide than native-born Americans. (Legal immigrants were 87 percent less likely.)"

How in the world did you "infer" Trump being a racist by citing this? Are you kin to BearEssentials?

Did you forget this? Or did you just ignore it? Did your Liberal gods tell you to ignore it? Which side is good at fueling there base by stoking race? We know, but it's obvious you don't.

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From the Article: "The issue is ripe for dispute because, as we said, there are not readily available statistics on this issue. The Justice Department keeps data on federal crimes committed by immigrants in the country illegally — and an analysis from the U.S. Sentencing Commission found that undocumented immigrants made up a disproportionate share of federal inmates sentenced for nonimmigration crimes in 2016. But the vast majority of crimes (more than 90 percent) are dealt with at the state and local level, where those kinds of data are harder to come by because those jurisdictions rarely record whether prisoners are immigrants in the country illegally."

Which side is good at fueling their base by stoking race relations? We know, but it's obvious you don't. Do you also cling to the notion that all non-Liberals think all illegals are criminals? Which media outlets are constantly stoking that notion?

23 minutes ago, BLUEDOVE3 said:

And don't forget crimes that are committed against immigrants and they won't report it.

Why wouldn't immigrants report crimes against them? They know full well nothing will happen to them. Even the illegals know this. Are you trying to push the fear-mongering notion that illegals are living in the shadows trembling with fear? Are these the same ones that march in immigration rallies waving Mexican flags? 

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