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1 hour ago, BLUEDOVE3 said:

Trump is very good at fueling his supporters. But, we all know this is about race. Keeping America white.

" A February 2018 study by the

This is the hidden content, please
using 2015 crime statistics from Texas found immigrants in the country illegally were 25 percent less likely to be convicted of homicide than native-born Americans. (Legal immigrants were 87 percent less likely.)"

Operative word here would be convicted. When these “illegals” commit crimes and their punishment is deportation, don’t you think that would skew the stats just a tad?

20 minutes ago, baddog said:

Operative word here would be convicted. When these “illegals” commit crimes and their punishment is deportation, don’t you think that would skew the stats just a tad?

They serve the time first then get deported.  Being illegal isn't a get out of jail free card. Texas has executed many foreign Nationals over the objections of the native country and even the federal government.

2 hours ago, Englebert said:

Wow, such rage from someone who doesn't even understand basic concepts. You don't seem to be having much fun, but you are providing plenty of entertainment for this board.

You seemed to be incensed that we haven't dissected your article yet, but you keep inserting pathetic claims that also need to be addressed. I can tackle all of them at once, but it is evident your little brain cannot, thus having to focus on one issue at a time. Since you fell for the media propaganda that illegals commit crime at a lower rate than Americans, I proposed that you probably also fell for the "lie" that illegals contribute to the economy. I didn't switch topics, as you moronically contend, I added to it. Just because you are a moron and do not have the ability to comprehend such simplistic ideas simultaneously, I can see where a moron could make a mistake of failure to comprehend their relativeness. I guess the concept of "since you are gullible on one topic then you are probably gullible on a similar topic" is just too complicated for a moron.  You just read what you want to read (i.e. interpret said words and inject unsaid words) to fit a pre-conceived notion...rendering you a moron. Is this not correct you little moron? 

I never tried to "make stick" a statement that all illegals are criminals. That is just another example of your pathetic imagination (see above). I never even said or implied that most illegals are criminals. Your contention was that illegals commit crime at a lower rate than legal Americans....which is propaganda fed to you by your Liberal overlords. You trying to say I/we think all illegals are criminals is just moronic, making you a moron. Is this not correct you little moron?

Man, this is fun. All I have to do to make you look moronic is highlight your own words. 

Now let's focus on how illegals supposedly add to the economy:

Illegals are performing low skill/low paying (at or below minimum wage) jobs that Americans will not do. We know this because you Liberals tell us on a daily basis. Is this not correct you little moron?

Illegals are not receiving government assistance. We know this because you Liberals tell us on a daily basis. Is this not correct you little moron?

Illegals have families. We know this because you Liberals claim that ICE is ripping babies from mothers arms on their raids. Is this not correct you little moron?

People earning a low paying/minimum wage job cannot support their families (or even themselves) without government assistance, thus the push for a $15/hr minimum wage. We know this from the protests emanating from Seattle and various other places, in which the Liberal media agreed and concluded the current minimum wage is not substantial as a living wage.  Is this not correct you little moron?

So answer this question you little moron. How can an illegal support a family performing jobs Americans will not do, making at or below minimum wage, without government assistance? Your side has already fought this battle and concluded that this is impossible to accomplish for anyone without government assistance. But you moronically claim that somehow these illegals are accomplishing this feat and contributing to the economy. Are you really this moronic?

Since it has been established you cannot do basic math, have you looked at the contributions of illegals/mass immigration to other countries. Can you name a country that has been invaded recently that has a skyrocketing economy, or an economy that has even increased since the invasion? Please name one? How about Tijuana? Is their economy skyrocketing since the illegals moved in? According to you and your blind ideology, one should conclude "yes". Has it?

So really the main point that has come out of this exchange is that it has been established beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are undeniably a moron. When are you going to admit it? Are you having as much fun as me? I bet not.

2 hours ago, Englebert said:

Wow, such rage from someone who doesn't even understand basic concepts. You don't seem to be having much fun, but you are providing plenty of entertainment for this board.

You seemed to be incensed that we haven't dissected your article yet, but you keep inserting pathetic claims that also need to be addressed. I can tackle all of them at once, but it is evident your little brain cannot, thus having to focus on one issue at a time. Since you fell for the media propaganda that illegals commit crime at a lower rate than Americans, I proposed that you probably also fell for the "lie" that illegals contribute to the economy. I didn't switch topics, as you moronically contend, I added to it. Just because you are a moron and do not have the ability to comprehend such simplistic ideas simultaneously, I can see where a moron could make a mistake of failure to comprehend their relativeness. I guess the concept of "since you are gullible on one topic then you are probably gullible on a similar topic" is just too complicated for a moron.  You just read what you want to read (i.e. interpret said words and inject unsaid words) to fit a pre-conceived notion...rendering you a moron. Is this not correct you little moron? 

I never tried to "make stick" a statement that all illegals are criminals. That is just another example of your pathetic imagination (see above). I never even said or implied that most illegals are criminals. Your contention was that illegals commit crime at a lower rate than legal Americans....which is propaganda fed to you by your Liberal overlords. You trying to say I/we think all illegals are criminals is just moronic, making you a moron. Is this not correct you little moron?

Man, this is fun. All I have to do to make you look moronic is highlight your own words. 

Now let's focus on how illegals supposedly add to the economy:

Illegals are performing low skill/low paying (at or below minimum wage) jobs that Americans will not do. We know this because you Liberals tell us on a daily basis. Is this not correct you little moron?

Illegals are not receiving government assistance. We know this because you Liberals tell us on a daily basis. Is this not correct you little moron?

Illegals have families. We know this because you Liberals claim that ICE is ripping babies from mothers arms on their raids. Is this not correct you little moron?

People earning a low paying/minimum wage job cannot support their families (or even themselves) without government assistance, thus the push for a $15/hr minimum wage. We know this from the protests emanating from Seattle and various other places, in which the Liberal media agreed and concluded the current minimum wage is not substantial as a living wage.  Is this not correct you little moron?

So answer this question you little moron. How can an illegal support a family performing jobs Americans will not do, making at or below minimum wage, without government assistance? Your side has already fought this battle and concluded that this is impossible to accomplish for anyone without government assistance. But you moronically claim that somehow these illegals are accomplishing this feat and contributing to the economy. Are you really this moronic?

Since it has been established you cannot do basic math, have you looked at the contributions of illegals/mass immigration to other countries. Can you name a country that has been invaded recently that has a skyrocketing economy, or an economy that has even increased since the invasion? Please name one? How about Tijuana? Is their economy skyrocketing since the illegals moved in? According to you and your blind ideology, one should conclude "yes". Has it?

So really the main point that has come out of this exchange is that it has been established beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are undeniably a moron. When are you going to admit it? Are you having as much fun as me? I bet not.

You support this with what data?  This hypothesis of yours is nothing but a rant concocted by a kook. The federal government and various economic groups say they are a positive to society. They do research. I believe them.

Having lived by, worked with and  even some familiar relationships with immigrants of all sorts, I appreciate what they bring to  our  country.

What you fail to understand that other cultures will have several generations in one household.  Together they can scrounge up a living.  They're not worried about iPhones or Jordans or f150s like us. They're stacking cash. They put all their siblings through college. They open businesses we all use.

Hopefully our leaders will fix immigration. And this cop killer gets the needle.

10 minutes ago, BearEssentials97 said:

You support this with what data?  This hypothesis of yours is nothing but a rant concocted by a kook. The federal government and various economic groups say they are a positive to society. They do research. I believe them.

Having lived by, worked with and  even some familiar relationships with immigrants of all sorts, I appreciate what they bring to  our  country.

What you fail to understand that other cultures will have several generations in one household.  Together they can scrounge up a living.  They're not worried about iPhones or Jordans or f150s like us. They're stacking cash. They put all their siblings through college. They open businesses we all use.

Hopefully our leaders will fix immigration. And this cop killer gets the needle.

How in the world can you come to the conclusion that I "fail to understand". The moronic quotes just keep coming.

What hypothesis have I concocted? You can't refute my statements can you?! Many of the various economic groups and government groups have been known for making inaccurate assessments to push an agenda, but you will follow like the good little sheeple you are. How about you use those studies to refute any of the statements I made.

And I find it absolutely hilarious that you claim to be able to generalize about a group of people because you have had interactions with less than .001 percent of them. I thought you Liberals hate stereotypes. Oh that's right, you hate them when only spoken by a non-Liberal. And everyone can appreciate what immigrants bring to our country. There is a huge difference between immigrants and illegal immigrants, one that you seem all to willing to overlook to the detriment of the this country.

24 minutes ago, BearEssentials97 said:

You support this with what data?  This hypothesis of yours is nothing but a rant concocted by a kook. The federal government and various economic groups say they are a positive to society. They do research. I believe them.

Having lived by, worked with and  even some familiar relationships with immigrants of all sorts, I appreciate what they bring to  our  country.

What you fail to understand that other cultures will have several generations in one household.  Together they can scrounge up a living.  They're not worried about iPhones or Jordans or f150s like us. They're stacking cash. They put all their siblings through college. They open businesses we all use.

Hopefully our leaders will fix immigration. And this cop killer gets the needle.

I'm going to put this in a separate post...to separate it from the moronic posts above. If you really want an civil debate, we can have one regarding your statement "Hopefully our leaders will fix immigration".

What laws do you think our leaders should enact to fix the immigration problem? Please include your suggestions for remedies for past, present, and future immigration. Should illegals be deported? Should DACA recipients be allowed to stay? Should current levels of legal immigration be increased or decreased? Should the U.S. allow only people deemed to be an asset to our future be allowed to immigrate? Should we establish a quota system for immigration from different countries? Should enhanced background checks be required and strictly enforced for immigration? Should the spouses, children, parents, grandparents allowed immigrants also be allowed to immigrate to the U.S. (How extended of a family should we allow)? Should employers of illegals be prosecuted? Should illegals be allowed to obtain a driver's licence? Should illegals be allowed to own or rent property/housing? Should illegals be allowed to attend schools? What should the penalty be for persons who fail to report or harbor illegals? Should any child born on American soil be given American citizenship, even if both parents are here illegally? Should the immigration laws already on the books be enforced or ignored? Should judges who refuse to follow the law be removed from their bench? Should politicians/law enforcement be required to cooperate with Federal Immigration authorities? Should illegals be allowed to buy and carry firearms? Should illegals be allowed to vote? If so, local, state, and/or federal elections?

Let's see what we agree/disagree on.

This debate is open for anyone else. Let's try to keep this one civil.

Skip this. I will start a new thread for this discussion.

11 hours ago, BearEssentials97 said:

They serve the time first then get deported.  Being illegal isn't a get out of jail free card. Texas has executed many foreign Nationals over the objections of the native country and even the federal government.

I believe lots of illegals have committed crimes for which they were released and deported. Murder would be one that they might get convicted and serve time. However, simply being illegally in this country is a misdemeanor, for which most penalties are deportation. To re-enter after having been deported becomes a felony. Please tell me that you have at least heard of people who have been deported several times. This would be the gist of my post. 

Please stop trying to represent all illegals and their great contributions to this country simply because you know a few who have succeeded. That is such a miniscule representation in the grand scheme of things that it is truly unfair to make such a blanket statement. Most illegals are poor, unskilled, and uneducated. Stop equating picking crops or lawn maintenance as skilled labor. 

I know you will knock the source of this article, but please read it and point out any lies.

This is the hidden content, please

As an aside, lots of my bananas are picked by Guatemalans IN GUATEMALA. Lots of my avacados are picked by Mexicans IN MEXICO.  Lots of the produce we buy in grocery stores are shipped here from CHINA.


You have to know that many of these illegals are from the criminal element.  Unfortunately, we have no statistics of how many.  A simple check of the primary countries involved will give you an indication.  

Murder rates per 100,000 people.

US - 5.35

Mexico - 19.26

Guatemala - 27.26

Honduras - 56.52

Are these the type people we want in the US?  Certainly not without a secure border, and vetting.  Don’t expect to get food from the outhouse.

1 hour ago, Hagar said:

You have to know that many of these illegals are from the criminal element.  Unfortunately, we have no statistics of how many.  A simple check of the primary countries involved will give you an indication.  

Murder rates per 100,000 people.

US - 5.35

Mexico - 19.26

Guatemala - 27.26

Honduras - 56.52

Are these the type people we want in the US?  Certainly not without a secure border, and vetting.  Don’t expect to get food from the outhouse.

Hagar, you are going to have the libs back at the drawing board after that post. Seriously, if they had an opportunity to sponge off of the hard working people in this country, they would be less likely to kill each other.....or you and me.

On 12/30/2018 at 7:32 PM, BearEssentials97 said:

They serve the time first then get deported.  Being illegal isn't a get out of jail free card. Texas has executed many foreign Nationals over the objections of the native country and even the federal government.

Didn't know this. Good for Texas. LOL

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