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18 hours ago, stevenash said:

So you have made your" judgement" based upon the way YOU THINK he acts?   My guess is much of your "perception" is attributable to what you want it to be rather than what it is.  I didnt like the way Obama "acted" when ( knowing full well it was an overt lie or not knowing full well and thus proving his naivete)he was telling the public that his health care plan would reduce the annual premium for the average american by $2500 per year.  If you dont like the way Trump acts, did you like the things Obama said such as the one I just mentioned or stating that "Bowe Bergdahl served the country with honor and distinction"?

I never questioned his patriotism, or the fact that he actually had empathy for his fellow Americans.

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28 minutes ago, Hagar said:

According to CNN, and I admit they’re not reliable in their news coverage, Mueller will be finished next week.  I doubt the public will get any solid info for at least a month.  No doubt we’ll have an endless stream of leaks, but we won’t know how accurate they are.

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It’ll be a circus for a while, no doubt.

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On 2/20/2019 at 6:15 PM, UT alum said:

I’m not privy to the investigation, but he acts guilty as hell. I’ll let history provide the list.

So you have made your" judgement" based upon the way YOU THINK he acts?   My guess is much of your "perception" is attributable to what you want it to be rather than what it is.

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1 hour ago, stevenash said:

So you have made your" judgement" based upon the way YOU THINK he acts?   My guess is much of your "perception" is attributable to what you want it to be rather than what it is.

My judgement is based on how he acts for all to see.  My perception has remained the same through the years, not just since he became President. He's a Manhattan real estate huckster and shameless self promoter.  What I have not seen is any propensity to change that.  He acts just like he always has. No excuses for how he acts unless called out on it, then it's always someone else's fault.  No apologies, ever.  You've always liked and respected him? Or only since he's become the chameleon conservative standard bearer?

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I never paid any attention to him until he became President.  I do not care, most of the time, for how he expresses himself.   However, I have had my fill of those who talk a good game but do little else.  If he is simply a real estate huckster and shameless self promoter, then how did he get elected?  How did overcome every Republican opponent who said "no way" in the primaries?  How did he overcome the Democrats and the shameless compliant media who did their level best to stack the cards against him?  How did he overcome all of those polls who said Hillary was a lock?  I have no problem with someone assuming the position who has done something other than politics all of his life.  And I can assure you, the political world is chock full of "shameless self promoters" who  have NEVER done anything but run for office.  I also very much dislike/disliked the way Bobby Knight spoke and sometimes behaved but few have been as successful coaching basketball.   If Knight and Trump have a certain method to getting things done, should they continue with tried and true results or should they change their approach so you will think they are "nice guys"?

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On 3/15/2019 at 0:32 PM, stevenash said:

I never paid any attention to him until he became President.  I do not care, most of the time, for how he expresses himself.   However, I have had my fill of those who talk a good game but do little else.  If he is simply a real estate huckster and shameless self promoter, then how did he get elected?  How did overcome every Republican opponent who said "no way" in the primaries?  How did he overcome the Democrats and the shameless compliant media who did their level best to stack the cards against him?  How did he overcome all of those polls who said Hillary was a lock?  I have no problem with someone assuming the position who has done something other than politics all of his life.  And I can assure you, the political world is chock full of "shameless self promoters" who  have NEVER done anything but run for office.  I also very much dislike/disliked the way Bobby Knight spoke and sometimes behaved but few have been as successful coaching basketball.   If Knight and Trump have a certain method to getting things done, should they continue with tried and true results or should they change their approach so you will think they are "nice guys"?

I guess Woody Hayes gets a pass too?

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Who is giving Woody hayes a pass?  He was a great coach who screwed up and paid a price for it.  Does that one incident neutralize all the positives he achieved over a very long and highly scrutinized career?  Again, an individual who often didn't handle dealing with the public well, but a very accomplished coach.  You, no doubt, would prefer a coach who goes 20-100 over a career but always said the right thing.  to each his own.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The National Action Network, founded by the Rev (?) Al Sharpton is having 12 Democratic presidential candidates speak.  Although it hasn’t been confirmed, rumor is that all 12 will be allowed to kiss Al’s ring (or some orifice).

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6 minutes ago, WOSdrummer99 said:

Forgive me for not being and enlightened genius, but what did Hitler say?

I posted the initial under Hitler Finds Out Mueller is Through.  Then WOSgrad posted a better one under mine.  It’s about 3 & a half minutes long, and I thought funny as hades.  It’s a parody of Liberals going insane over the Mueller Report, using scenes from a WW-II movie.  And he mentions Ms Harris.  Hope you get a chance to watch.  If so, watch WOSgrads.

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Oh wow.  One of the rising stars of the Dem Party, and probable candidate for president, Pete Buttigieg, has a major SNAFU in his past.  In a 2015 speech, the rookie politician made the crucial mistake of saying  (For those of you that are sensitive, please stop before reading what Pete actually said - For Mature members Only), that “All lives matter” - insert gasp.  Since the guy is one of very few Democratic Veterans, and is also gay, he might be able to step around this ghastly faux pas.  Had Biden said it, women would be lined up out the door with stories of sexual attacks and perversions limited only by their imaginations (which, based on the Kavanaugh hearings, is limitless).  I mean, if they readily accept accept a racist, Omar, what’s another Hate Filled Racist comment?  All lives matter, the nerve of this guy.

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    • Nah… to be completely honest, I think it goes like this.  I’m split on it.    Part of me says that there’s a segment of voters who believe that trump should be the ruler, whatever that means. It’s about 25% of R voters according to polls. They’re the hardcore Trump loyalists… the kind of people who would travel to DC in the winter to hear Trump speak at a rally, then ransack the Capitol… maybe trump doesn’t believe his own “you’ll never have to vote again” rhetoric-but he’s just throwing red meat to the fascism supporting minority of the R party. Kinda like he does when he says racist crap to fire up the minority of his followers (cough, Baddog, cough) who really don’t like brown skins or foreigners. You know, Trump doesn’t really want unilateral power, he just needs to whip up his voters who think he should have unilateral power. It’s possible, right? Then the other side of me sees who he was willing to say or do ANYTHING to remain in office, even after it became obvious that he didn’t have the votes. The fact that he refuses to accept reality as late as the debate last week makes me think, “no… this guy is the real deal, willing to do ANYTHING to get back in office and then willing to do anything to keep it and/or hand it off to his heir apparent.     Over time, things have ping-ponged back and forth between monarchies/fascists who get overrun by the masses, then that form of government (populist) erodes to the point where a strong man seizes power.  I think we fought off socialism/communism as a republic and in 2024 we’re fighting off a facist-style movement where enough of the population has enough faith in one leader to give them absolute power.    But that’s just my opinion. Trump and his hardcore followers (the ones who aren’t in prison for their 1/6 activities represent the biggest internal threat to our democracy that we’ve seen in my lifetime.  The fact that it’s originating from “my” side is what’s particularly troubling to me. I would have expected the left to converge around a popular leftist, not the right. 
    • I don’t tune in all the time, but I do like Kat. I’m know the studio audience and tv audience enjoyed the show.
    • It looks like Tyler won this game last year and both team look to be much improved.  I think Lufkin may struggle a little out of the box bringing the QB back in, but the Lufkin D will help in that transition. I see Lufkin by 14 as Tyler should struggle to score. Seeya next week 👊
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