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sportsbeat:: care to explain?!  :o

and... FYI Bridge City's stats are accurate.  Their coach makes them run for "errors" that the stat people don't count as errors.  Such as missing a bunt... etc.... So I'm pretty sure she wouldn't "pencil whip" anything.. She tells it like it is.

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Not saying that BC coach was "pencil-whipping", I have competed against BC and have nothing but the utmost respect for them.  The "pencil-whipping" thing was just a rant against coaches in general that do that.  Did not mean to imply that of anyone in this district, again just a general rant because I know it happens.

Sorry... :-\


  On 5/8/2007 at 4:44 PM, sportsbeat said:

Here is the itenary of the BC girls Playoff games against Bellville:

Friday arrive at school to leave at 1:30-2:00

Drive 2 and half hours on a bus

Play a double header

Drive back on a bus for 2 and half hours

Arrive at home after 1:00 a.m

Get up at 6:30 am.

Ride bus 2 and half hours again to Texas City for an 11:00 game.

Same bus driver ( must have had a total of 4 hrs sleep)

No hotel was provided.  Team was told no.

Was it the team told no or was it who was the coach????

Within an eleven hour span these girls were on a bus for 5.

Well let me tell you what I think about excuses..........enough said.......... Ya either show up or you dont..............we see the result.............Nothing against the players they just got beat, but lets not start making excuses about why they lost and say it was the drive and all that other stuff.  Bellville outplayed and outcoached that team POINT BLANK.........Get ready for next year.  Its aint gonna get any easier.  The best player on the team and district graduates....Tough times ahead....Now that is the truth..


  On 5/8/2007 at 5:22 PM, bigred75 said:

Well let me tell you what I think about excuses..........enough said.......... Ya either show up or you dont..............we see the result.............Nothing against the players they just got beat, but lets not start making excuses about why they lost and say it was the drive and all that other stuff.  Bellville outplayed and outcoached that team POINT BLANK.........Get ready for next year.  Its aint gonna get any easier.  The best player on the team and district graduates....Tough times ahead....Now that is the truth..


Guest bleed orange

I agree, let the girls enjoy it and I am sure they are but maybe next year the coaches will do something different like one position one all district pick. I mean thats the way it has always been until now. Why fix it, If it is not broke. Thats all I am saying.


Congratulations Christina I have enjoyed watching you this year excell in Volleyball, Basketball, Track and Softball.  Good luck in college. 

Congratulations to the rest of the Bridge City Lady Cardinals - GREAT JOB GIRLS!!!

Ya'll had a great year.  Be proud of your year.


  On 5/8/2007 at 5:44 PM, JohnnyT60 said:

Let's try to keep this positive and let these girls enjoy their recognition.

What I believe to be true or false about anyone else, poster, player, coach, or fan, has little or no bearing on ANY subject ever posted on this board.  What we ALL need to remember is -

WE ARE DISCUSSING THE LIVES, SUCCESSES, AND FAILURES OF TEENS, AND THEY READ THIS STUFF!  If you can't post ANYTHING positive, just leave well enough alone, and don't post anything!  I will agree 100% that we have the right to disagree, but I do not believe in "political correctness" to the point of allowing anyone to post whatever they want, without consequence.

Therefore, keep it clean, keep it positive, or keep it off!


  On 5/8/2007 at 4:04 PM, sportsbeat said:

The district is weak. Once you get into playoffs you only have about 5 players that can produce. That's what makes these picks even funnier.  If the number one team beat all the other teams 2x how do you end up with so many kids on these picks?

Didnt the number 2 team in this district win a playoff series?


  On 5/7/2007 at 12:44 PM, sportsbeat said:

Who got coach of the year?

Somebody PM'd and told me the BC coach got a standing ovation from her team last night at the sports banquet.  I guess she was their "coach of the year"

You have made several comments about Coach of the Year, did you read the All District picks?  Was there a coach listed?  Obviously they DID NOT PICK ONE!  Who cares anyway, isn't this about the PLAYERS and not coaches?


I will agree 100% that we have the right to disagree, but I do not believe in "political correctness" to the point of allowing anyone to post whatever they want, without consequence.

Wouldn't that mean that you can post what you want????  polilitcal correctness means people can not post what they want??


  On 5/8/2007 at 8:07 PM, bigred75 said:

Wouldn't that mean that you can post what you want????  polilitcal correctness means people can not post what they want??

Let me try it again........

Say whatever you want, about whoever you would like, anytime you want........

If I don't like it:

  • I'll edit your post and send you a PM the first time
  • I'll delete your post and send you a PM the second time
  • I'll BAN YOU the third time

NOW - Do we REALLY want to go there?

Guest bleed orange

I understand what you are saying but I am a little confused. No one said anything about the kids who made it only the amount of kids. Nobody got on here and said this kid should have made it or this kid should not have. This thread is not about the kids but about the system. Whats wrong with questioning the system? I agree some may have crossed the line a little but not about a kid.


  On 5/8/2007 at 8:27 PM, bleed orange said:

I understand what you are saying but I am a little confused. No one said anything about the kids who made it only the amount of kids. Nobody got on here and said this kid should have made it or this kid should not have. This thread is not about the kids but about the system. Whats wrong with qestioning the system? I agree some may have crossed the line a little but not about a kid.

It's about the line being crossed - period............................

We ALL want this site to grow and be a fun place to come and be entertained, but if everyone is allowed to post "whatever" they want, it will, in the end, damage the reputation of the site,and it will go away.

You can think it all you want, you can tell your wife or husband when they get home tonight (Hey, that 3ABirdMan on SETxSports went off on a wild one today!!!!!), you can PM a buddy, but when it concerns "the kids" and, not just any one kid in particular, don't put it on here..............


I would think we adults could understand how some kids might react if they read some of these comments. These are not profesional athletes, they are teenage girls. When you question the validity of this team, you question the girls on the team. Not really that hard to understand. ::)

Guest jbseballfan

  On 5/8/2007 at 8:36 PM, 3ABirdMan said:

It's about the line being crossed - period............................

We ALL want this site to grow and be a fun place to come and be entertained, but if everyone is allowed to post "whatever" they want, it will, in the end, damage the reputation of the site,and it will go away.

You can think it all you want, you can tell your wife or husband when they get home tonight (Hey, that 3ABirdMan on SETxSports went off on a wild one today!!!!!), you can PM a buddy, but when it concerns "the kids" and, not just any one kid in particular, don't put it on here..............

I do see your point as far as attacking kids, teams, parents, even posters.  I do agree with Bleed, however, that this thread was questioning the validity of an "all-district team" that includes upwards of 67 kids (first, second, honorable mention).  I agree whole-heartedly that an all-district team of that many kids indicates a flawed system....on the other hand, I remember this same time last year where MANY posters were furious because NOT ENOUGH girls were recognized.  It just goes to prove a point that while these boards bring us all here under the same pretense (being interested in SE Texas sports) we are individuals and bring different perspectives, opinions, and feelings into the mix....which I think ultimately makes these boards interesting.  We will never ALL agree....but we can respect each other's opinions.  And as far as saying this site will go away because of questionable posts.....wow...have you read some of the other topics when things get heated?  Football especially...it's rough over there.  I, for one, would find this site incredibly boring if we all believed the exact same thing and sat around singing campfire songs and roasting marshmallows all day long.  I think it is neat to hear everyone's opinions and even have some constructive, adult arguments.  I do think there is one guideline we ought to all follow.....if you think something you are about to write might even remotely offend that of a child, it need not be written.

My two cents....not that it matters in the grand scheme of things....

Guest bleed orange

I would also think that we adults should think before reacting while watching our kids play, but do we? Not all the time. I do understand what you are saying but I never once got on here and said anything bad about a coach or a kid and I never mentioned any names. I went back and read all the post some did cross the line, so delete them.


  On 5/8/2007 at 9:49 PM, bleed orange said:

I would also think that we adults should think before reacting while watching our kids play, but do we? Not all the time.

I would also think that we, as so called adults in the community, parents, coaches, posters, etc etc. would THINK before reacting to anything relative to pointing out or hurting ANY child.  But do we?  Not all the time, and sometimes Not at all!


  On 5/8/2007 at 9:28 PM, jbseballfan said:

I do see your point as far as attacking kids, teams, parents, even posters.  I do agree with Bleed, however, that this thread was questioning the validity of an "all-district team" that includes upwards of 67 kids (first, second, honorable mention).  I agree whole-heartedly that an all-district team of that many kids indicates a flawed system....on the other hand, I remember this same time last year where MANY posters were furious because NOT ENOUGH girls were recognized.  It just goes to prove a point that while these boards bring us all here under the same pretense (being interested in SE Texas sports) we are individuals and bring different perspectives, opinions, and feelings into the mix....which I think ultimately makes these boards interesting.  We will never ALL agree....but we can respect each other's opinions.  And as far as saying this site will go away because of questionable posts.....wow...have you read some of the other topics when things get heated?  Football especially...it's rough over there.  I, for one, would find this site incredibly boring if we all believed the exact same thing and sat around singing campfire songs and roasting marshmallows all day long.  I think it is neat to hear everyone's opinions and even have some constructive, adult arguments.  I do think there is one guideline we ought to all follow.....if you think something you are about to write might even remotely offend that of a child, it need not be written.

My two cents....not that it matters in the grand scheme of things....

See - You get an "A+" for the day for paying attention!

I'm not trying to be the post-police, but if I recall, without going over to look it up, this SAME discussion was held when the All-District picks were made in football.  Many thought there we too many, with the reasoning for the number being "combining two Districts, and having 8 teams to pick from".  Truth be told - I think it is too many, but I have enough respect for the coaches who MADE that decision to not call them out in a public forum.  I feel no need to discuss it (other than posting my feelings here for example only) because it is a done deal, and I respect the coaches who made the decision and I respect the kids who were awarded the recognition for their hard work and effort.  If we all thought about it BEFORE we typed it (I can't remember how many replies I've started,  then thought better of it, and cancelled the reply process because I really didn't need to post those thoughts in a public forum), there would be none of this discussion.

Guest jbseballfan

Aww, BirdMan....after 6 years of handing out the A+'s, it's nice to actually receive one!  Made my day..... ;D

Guest BigHam

  On 5/8/2007 at 10:18 PM, sportsbeat said:

I know I am about to get smited here.  But in future some of the things that are posted by MOST who post here should go to a chat room.  It's boring and a waste of time to click on something from one coach to another that nobody cares about.

i.e. " I saw you sleeping in the dugout" , next coach "look where he has his hand" That kind of conversation is for Chat Rooms.  Sometimes there are 50 posts a day that only pertains to 4 coaches and an umpire talking about something that only pertains to  them.  Go to a Chat Room  Go ahead knock my karma down. 

Hey sportsbeat it is an open forum!! Relax!! Some choose just to have fun, some provide information, some give updates, some ask questions and for some reason some choose to slam players, coaches, fans, blues and parents. Everyone is entitled to share their opinion. Agreed? The key is to keep it positive for the players. That's my opinion!!!! 8)


  On 5/8/2007 at 4:32 PM, bigred75 said:

Sportsbeat..........I only have four simple words for ya

You are an idiot.........

And I am none of the above.  To put it nicely..because I am such a nice person.  

Secondly to say that the current coach is not full of herself is in itself funny.  Just like Hello posted, to say that "I will teach them what they need to know to get to state"  uhhhhhhhh a little presumptuous maybe.....or cocky......or whatever you want to call it....Karma always knows where to bite ya..

I agree this guy is something special.... 

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