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I think that the A team is going to do very well, they are all pumped up and ready to play ball..I think that we are so far ahead of the other kids in batting because we coach pitch in the season and now it's like a walk in the park off the tee....


five of the A's made first team and two made second team. wat to go A's. we are very proud of you!! now go represent in All-Stars!!!! 8)

Good job Terry Green and crew for winning back-to-back District Tournaments. Orange baseball is back on the rise. Also good luck with the All-Star team and hope you all make it to big D.


This reminds me of the South Park episode, the kids were tired of playing and wanted the summer off but the parents couldnt get enough. Funny episode. Good luck to all the allstars.


Great job A's, coaches and parents. Don't listen to any negitive stuff, it's all sour grapes. This is why LCM has a great program. The dedication and commitment of the players, coaches and parents is why Griff has alot of fruit on his tree to pick every year. And sour grape parents, keep crying and all of the competition will leave and go on to other leagues and OYBS will keep the tradition of a non competitive league. The best Whine comes from sour grapes. Good job A's! ;)

  • 2 weeks later...

Man... I can't believe I missed all of this while this topic was still hot, but I'm going to add my .02 anyway...

If your child improved and learned something about the game then it doesn't matter if his team went 0-50 or 50-0. I agree with what a few others mentioned, quit worrying about what the other teams are doing and teach your kids how to play the game. That's what the parents of the kids you DO have paid their money for, not to go 10-0. Way to much emphasis paid on what other teams are doing. I assure you, if you teach these kids to play the game the right way, they will compete. They may not win them all, but they will be competitive. I've always coached my own children because I feel like I can teach them the right way to play, but you can bet that if I were in a situation where I couldn't. I would do all I could to make sure they were on a team where they would continue to learn. Not just to go undefeated, but to learn. If going undefeated or winning it all is a by-product then so be it. Winning IS NOT what it's all about at this age, but you can bet, the teams that are being coached and are learning the fundamentals will always be at the top of the standings.

To emphasize another point that was made earlier, if you don't like how things are run, then take an active role in changing them. Don't sit back and complain about the way others, who are giving up their free time, are doing it. I know the OYBS board begs for parents to get involved, if you can't find the time to get involved then stop finding the time to complain. 

I want to say this again, way to much emphasis is put on other teams and what they are doing which is WAY off track. These kids need to continue to learn every year. This is a long distance run, not a sprint. I read an article by a college coach a couple of weeks ago and he stated something so true. He said that all the accolades and undefeated seasons your son has when he is 10 years old will not be able to take away the pain of him being cut from his freshman baseball team. That is a very sobering statement, but so true. Little Johnny may be great now, but he has not reached the pinnacle of the sport at 9 years old. Quit worrying about everyone else and teach YOUR kids...


well said gasilla!!!! thanks for the comments. if a lot of the parents and some of the coaches in this league would realize this we would be better off. all they want to do is whine and go behind your back and talk trash about you when you are teaching these kids the game of baseball and as a result...WINNING!!! But if they were on that coaches team and their kids were learning and winning...then they would have no problem with anything.


Can anyone tell me what in the world the coaches this year where look at for All Stars ??

If you are going to be apart of OYBS "PLEASE" Do it for all the kids "NOT"



Oh girlplayer, you mean coaches should actually attempt to care about the other 10 players on their team and not just their own flesh and blood.  I don't know that sounds a little crazy.  The coaching strategy I witnessed was to promote your own kids as if they were the only ones that took the field.  Some people are actually getting pretty good at it. (two years straight)  If you decide to give any others on your team the nod, just say something really quick and obsolete so you won't take anything away from your kids.

Look, I think coaches such as this and coaches that whine the entire year should remove themselves from the league.  If they're unhappy go somewhere else.  If they spent half of their time teaching these kids the basics they would realize what coaching is all about.  I can't tell you how many times I saw 5 and 6 year olds standing side ways in the batters box (the coach said nothing), not knowing where to throw the ball if it came to them, not knowing where to run once they hit the ball.  I actually saw several kids run to the pitchers mound.  Now I know we all laugh and think that's cute,and it is funny but it's the result of a coach not doing anything but showing up.  If I thought for one minute my kid was going to be coached like that I would have requested my kid be on Green's team too.  One more thing, if you have a problem with another adult in this league that's one thing, but to drag his child into this mess is another.  I would hate for somebody to get hurt over this childish behavior.


Oh girlplayer, you mean coaches should actually attempt to care about the other 10 players on their team and not just their own flesh and blood.  I don't know that sounds a little crazy.  The coaching strategy I witnessed was to promote your own kids as if they were the only ones that took the field.  Some people are actually getting pretty good at it. (two years straight)  If you decide to give any others on your team the nod, just say something really quick and obsolete so you won't take anything away from your kids.

Look, I think coaches such as this and coaches that whine the entire year should remove themselves from the league.  If they're unhappy go somewhere else.  If they spent half of their time teaching these kids the basics they would realize what coaching is all about.  I can't tell you how many times I saw 5 and 6 year olds standing side ways in the batters box (the coach said nothing), not knowing where to throw the ball if it came to them, not knowing where to run once they hit the ball.  I actually saw several kids run to the pitchers mound.  Now I know we all laugh and think that's cute,and it is funny but it's the result of a coach not doing anything but showing up.  If I thought for one minute my kid was going to be coached like that I would have requested my kid be on Green's team too.  One more thing, if you have a problem with another adult in this league that's one thing, but to drag his child into this mess is another.  I would hate for somebody to get hurt over this childish behavior.

You guys are preaching to the choir.  "Stacked" is not who you think he is.  Actually, he doesn't even have a kid in this leauge.  What should really happen is this guy come out and issue an appology and explain why he did all of this.


I know who he is and he should be ashamed of what he has said. Now he is trying to hide behind saying that he was just doing it to get conversation started. He moved his child to the A's last year. Now he wants to hide behind a screen name and stir things up when his son no longer plays in our league. Stacked, you moved your son to Bridge City Little League so get involved over there and we will continue to try to do the best we can do to keep things straight at OYBS. If people would spend their time trying to make things better instead of keeping things stirred up all leagues would be better off. Get on a board, hold a position and have a voice. It can make a difference!


I hope this is the last time I reply to this subject. I went back and read all the post again and it drives me crazy that "Stacked" said what he said. He moved his child to a new team also and that team was the A's. Not to mention if you have a problem with the decisions I make as a parent call me, email me or come by my office. I'm not hiding behind a screen name and I'm very easy to get in contact with. Everyone knows who you are and now you have nothing to say because you can't hide any more. Don't be a coward now that you've been found out.


All Star tournament starts this weekend for shetland. tournament is in orange, so everyone come out and support these kids. i'm sure there will be some very good games to be seen. we have a great bunch of kids that love the game of baseball and who want to win. the coaches are very proud of their hard work and dedication over the last four or so weeks. they are very anxious to play. good luck to all the all star teams. hopefully the rain will hold off for us. Orange A team plays sunday night at 7:15. Orange B plays saturday at 3:45. Let's go Orange All-Stars!!!!!!!!


I would like to also congratulate the Orange All-Star Teams playing this weekend.  I have really enjoyed myself these past several weeks working with these kids.  I think we have a great opportunity to make some noise in this weekends tournament, please hold off rain!  I would also like to thank the coaches and parents of our group.  They are one of the most supportive and understanding groups I'm been associated with.  To td:  Don't worry about stacked and pedro.  Rules are rules and taking advantage of opportunity when it's "legal" is perfectly o.k.  Especially when it comes to your own childs well being.  I'll do things all day long, "legally" to better my child.  (shame on you if you don't)  Stacked has gone to BC and pedro says he's going soon.  Go start the uproar over there.  It's just amazing how these two gentlemen did the exact same thing and yet complain when others take the same path.  Stacked, from what was told to me, put his child on the A's last year.  Kudo's to you.  Pedro had my child placed on his team (made orange a team), the SS from my last year's team(made orange a team), along with another child from my fall ball team(good player, he didn't make the all-star roster, his mother and I went to school together and she requested me).  Plus he had two others request him.  That's five total players added to his team.  They were not requested to stack a team.  They requested that team because they had been on my teams before or were indirectly related to the other coach.  Anyway, all that's behind us now.  Especially since we had that very informative meeting.  Some things just can't be described.  I think it will be worth all the drama when we finally get to play on Sunday.  Our kids have worked so hard.  I'm proud of them no matter what happens.  Hopefully my next post will be with a tournament champ picture and a trip to Irving.  Good luck to both Orange All-Star Teams.


I really wish I had found this forum earlier.  I know this response is late but I have to respond to the pettiness that has been on display on this forum.  I have a personal interest in this because my son was one of the players on the "stacked" A's.

The A's had success because of practice, practice, practice.  I have talked to parents of the other teams and some of them only had practice once a week.  Others had players that did not show up to practices, only games.  Last time I checked that is not a way to win.

I can't say enough about the coaching staff of the A's.  They care about the kids and want to see them succeed.  The improvement of the kids from the first practice of the season to the last is incredible.

The petty jealousy from the couple of coaches that started this whole boycott business makes me sick.  I know personally because my son was personally affected by the sorry actions of these two coaches that whined and cried anonymously.  It's like these guys were not winning so they wanted to take their ball and go home.

This game is about the kids, always has and always will be.  Just let them play and have fun.  Like the guy said earlier,  it is a foot race by both teams 5 minutes after the game to get their snowcone.

Good luck to the Orange All Stars.  Go and support these kids this weekend.  They practice hard, play hard and have fun, no matter how many so called adults try to make it about themselves.


Orange A team won 16-0 tonight. these kids played great. we are very proud of you!!! Great defense and good hitting. Awesome job Orange All Stars!!!! Keep up the good work. let's hope the rain holds off this week. next game...monday 7:45. Come out and support us!!!


Congrats T!!! Hope everything goes well tomorrow too. Make sure you get on here and let us know the outcome. I'm in Austin right now so I can't go out and watch.


I would like to thank everyone who has worked extremely hard in getting the field in awesome condition this weekend.  We would have not been able play if it weren't for you.  I'd like to give special recognition to td for his outstanding field work yesterday.  Thanks to him no one in the home dugout got water on their shoes.  Great job guys!!!!    :o :o :o :o

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