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Well we were looking forward for Broussard getting the job at H-F. Since hes been there for 10 years and H-F has always had one of the best defenses in there district.  Coach Broussard is one of the best coaches out there so I wish him luck and hopefully he will get the head coach job somewhere else.  But I got to say I love that guy to death hes like my family, same thing with Walker.  But hopefully Coach Mangan can come in here and get us on track with what kind of offense and defense we are going to run this year w/ there only being a couple of weeks left of school and our first scrimmage being August 18.  So hopefully he will be at H-F soon and we can start learning all of our stuff before it gets too late.

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Guest ECBucFan

Hey ECBucFan......does Mangan have a ring....I think TV has 2.....one as a coordinator and one as a Head Coach.....maybe I am wrong though......

As I mentioned, I don't know anything about Mangan. TV won state at LaGrange a few years back. Went 2-8 there in his last year, but since has done really well at EC. I just hope everyone will have an open mind with this new coach, and support him. I pull for H-F too, and want to see their program do really well. It can happen!

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The athletes and fans at H-F will give Coach Mangan a fair chance.  From what I hear, he has a great personality, hard-working, and really cares about the students.  I'm not sure what happened at Kemp, but he coached several sports for many years at Brenham and was very successful.  A new coach always brings some uncertainty and doubt, but he also will bring excitement and enthusiasm with a fresh start and new ideas.  Any H-F athletes who may have dropped out for whatever reason will certainly get a second chance.  Good Luck and Best Wishes to Coach Walt Mangan and the H-F Longhorns!!!

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Guest Football

EC hired 2-8 Tony Valastro....then....promptly went 10-0 (and 4-0 vs. 3A teams).

Bad comparison... Tony Valastro has a couple of State Championship Rings as Head Coach of La Grange

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Well i think they should have tried to get a off cordinator from a 4 or 5A somebody who knows how to get the workout programs set in and tried to build a team. But saying hiring a 1-9 coach is ridiculous but then again u cant find a 9-1 coach cuz there not available unless they have an intended spot to coach at.

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Guest ECBucFan

Bad comparison... Tony Valastro has a couple of State Championship Rings as Head Coach of La Grange

You need to check out the PANews write up in the other thread. This guy is a winner...

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Guest etbu

Want to wish HF luck bc I can remember back in the day of Spencer George that they fielded some very good teams. Maybe this new HC can turn things around for you guys bc you'all have some good folks. Maybe with some new blood and ideas things will change.  ;D

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Guest JimmieSilas

I am amazed at how some guys get on here and bad mouth someone they dont even know and have never met. Bash character and coaching abilities without knowing any facts. Wow, I hope the community of HF doesn't welcome Mangan this way because if the comments on here are a reflection of people who say they want to see good things happen to the kids of HF I'd hate to see the ones from those that hope they fail. I promise the kids of HF are in good hands with Mangan. In fact why dont you opinionated experts hold your unsupported judgement or better yet I bet you could probably ask the kids what they think. If I know Walt he probably already has made a positive impression on them.

For all HF athletes that read these posts, I KNOW YOUR IN GOOD HANDS AND WILL LOVE PLAYING FOR COACH MANGAN so GL and dont listen to this negativity.

Just give him a chance

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At this point, I'm willing to give anyone a chance.  It can't get much worse than it has been the last few years, not to mention the tough district we're in.

As far as the HF teams of the late 80s and early 90s, there was alot of talent, but there were also alot of lesser talented and undersized kids who excelled due to good coaching, discipline, and motivation.  And that's the big difference that I've seen lately.  The kids don't seem to be nearly as disciplined or motivated.  It was just a totally different atmosphere back then.  Hopefully this change will bring some much needed excitement to our school and our town and restore the winning tradition.  Good luck, Coach Mangan.

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The powers at HF did an injustice to the young men playing football by having them learn a new offense and Def. for the last month only to learn that it will change again with less than 2 weeks of school left.Why would they string the coach along and put the boys further behind. Broussard making the move to WOS what a step up! Good luck to coach Mangan, I hope that you can turn around a program that has been allowed to run out of control in a downhill spiral.

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Deweyville did it the first year Bickham was there and made the playoffs. Quit crying and give the man a chance. It's going to be funny if you all make the playoffs. You will be on here saying how great he is. Give the coach a chance that is all he wants. Coach good luck to you just from reading this stuff it will be a uphill battle.

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There were alot of other problems at Kemp from what i hear.

That's the understatement of the decade....I worked in that zoo for three years.  No-one will ever be given the chance to do anything in Kemp.  The intelligence level of the school board and the administrators that they hire is on the low end of the scale, BUT they think that they are all Vince Lombardi's.  Coach Mangan will do a fine job at HF.  You guys should get behind him.  The wins are right around the corner.....

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Contrary to popular belief, there is a lot of talent and dedication at HF.  They just need someone the come in and be a great leader and pull it out of them.  These boys will do fine.  Losing Brousssard is a tough blow to these kids but I can promise you that they have the heart to give the other teams in the district a run for their money.  They will be ready!

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