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Barbers Hill 2007

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Everyone knows BH has it's work cut out for em.  From what I hear we have some talent moving up to varsity, but it's untested.  Those under classmen must step up( but I guess that's alway's true) and learn fast.  The offensive side of the ball will be the weakest starting off, not that there won't be talent, just experience.  One thing I know about our kids and coaches, is that they will be prepared to play every Friday and they will be giving it 110%.  Hey, they have a great challenge ahead of them, just like the team did last year.  I believe these kids will step up to the challenge.  I think the main thing will be, not getting discouraged early in the season if things don't go their way.    GO EAGLES!

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I agree. Last year BH's success was attributed by some to the "weak district" thing. If BH win district again this year, what will it be. I've read the posts that said BH graguated 30 someting kids. and "Oh what will they do?!" kids graduate every year at every school at every level. BH has athletes coming up and if they have the drive and competitive spirit (and they do) & If the coaches prepare them right, they should be fine. The system that BH operates under is a very good one and good athletes /football players will excell in it. Coach Price, Byrd, and all the rest will make sure these young men are ready.

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I agree 34dad,

That's all I heard before last season "Bh is gona find out what it's like playing the big boy's" Now all we hear is how were in a sorry district.  No matter what the situation, there would be some off the wall reason why we were being successful.  I guess we'll just grin and bear it, and keep doing better than people believe we can.

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Week 0 we meet up in Pearland at "The Rig" can't wait to play ya'll again...i got knocked out of the game early last year with a concussion but i'm ready for this year...

Sorry to hear about the concussion last year. We are looking forward to seeing yall again as well. good luck to yalls season. except week 0 of course. :)

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Guest ECBucFan

I agree 34dad,

That's all I heard before last season "Bh is gona find out what it's like playing the big boy's" Now all we hear is how were in a sorry district.  No matter what the situation, there would be some off the wall reason why we were being successful.  I guess we'll just grin and bear it, and keep doing better than people believe we can.

I am glad you posted that! Thats exactly the same type crud that EC gets from the Newton guys that hate us. They are so desperate to snipe at all the success EC has had the last 12 years, even though it doesn't directly affect them. I think they know EC had a better year last year than they did, and they just can't stand it. Keep up the good work, BH, ...EC will, too (despite our eternal critics).  :D

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Ok I will fess up as to stating that the district that we (BH and Huffman) play in is not the strongest. My point is that since that is the case it will help BH compete and have a much better chance of making a run. I was not doubting all the great tradition and winning that has happen over the years. I was not calling out your kids or your programs and I think that my record here has always to be one of your most avid supporters. 

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etbu, that statment wasn't aimed at you.  I haven't been on here long, but know you support the kids.  My comments were for others and not necessarily anyone on this board.  I will also agree we may not play in the strongest district in the State of Texas.  All of that really doesn't matter.  It's about who shows up to play on Friday night. 

Good luck this year to Huffman(except when you play BH...lol)

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I agree 34dad,

That's all I heard before last season "Bh is gona find out what it's like playing the big boy's" Now all we hear is how were in a sorry district.  No matter what the situation, there would be some off the wall reason why we were being successful.  I guess we'll just grin and bear it, and keep doing better than people believe we can.

sounds familiar

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Well I've been working alot so today was the first practice I have gotten to go to. I dont have much time right now so heres a brief run down. QB's both looked ok. I think Carmona may have the edge with his arm strength. Bradshaw is an all-district DB so maybe he will be able to concentrate on that. O-Line is bigger than I expected. 2 experience Lineman in Ponder and Peterson with the other 3 coming up from JV i think. RB Little is quick, fast in the open feild, and has bulked up some since last year. I dont know who the WR's are yet. LB's Sexton and Mercentel look very solid and ready to lay some hits down. A big group of DB's out there lead by Bradshaw as the main returner. Looks as if they like to lay the hits on as well. Coach Byrd and Horn are pounding them hard in learning their techniques. D-Line looks solid with Icet returning but moving to d-line. I'll get to watch more next week.

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Just hope that the 'Hill' dont' meet up with any of the 22-4a representers...espicially these Jags.  Wouldn't want a repeat of last year.   ;D ;D ;D

Yea that was a real blowout right?  ???

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??? ??? ???  What shots are you talking about?  I just gave BH props.  They are a good team.  The only thing that beat yall last year was athletisism.  Go back on any thread from the past.  show me where I said we're going to blow them out. 

You won the game so please you and your possey leave BH alone.

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??? ??? ???  What shots are you talking about?  I just gave BH props.  They are a good team.  The only thing that beat yall last year was athletisism.  Go back on any thread from the past.  show me where I said we're going to blow them out. 

What kept BH in the game was athletisism, what cost them the game was a bad offensive play call. Granted BH may not have fared much better against the eventual 4A state champs, we'll never know. but dont try and convince us that

BH was out played the whole game and a great athletic play Central made let them coast to the win. If BH keeps running the ball, Central is sitting at home the second round.

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As I recall BH scored 28 points, racked up 450+ yards and converted 2 4th downs on that last drive.  Yes the last play of the game did not work but was that why they lost.

Maybe it was the 31 points they gave up. 

But hey they have a new coordinator this year so they should win at least 11 games this year. 

On another note:  I was at practice the other day also and I expect BH to be better and dominate this year.  Central better watch out when they meet up this year.  Central will not be able to out athlete this group. This sophomore class is much better than the senior group that graduated.

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