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Guest DickVitale

Football is NOT a year around sport, by the way!! :D September to November, if they are lucky, December, which unfortunately runs into basketball season at some schools!! 8).....Do you agree that 7 on 7 was created to compete with basketball summer leagues and AAU?  What do you think, Coop?

Guest DickVitale

I guess thats just the concensus among basketball coaches.. ;)  I remember before 7 on 7, football coaches would try to get kids to miss summer league games to go to the weight room!  ???  Why could they not do both? Selfish, just plan selfish..

Guest Sports Cards

Football is NOT a year around sport, by the way!! :D September to November, if they are lucky, December, which unfortunately runs into basketball season at some schools!! 8).....Do you agree that 7 on 7 was created to compete with basketball summer leagues and AAU?  What do you think, Coop?

I hope your joking.

Guest DickVitale

About which part?  I was DEAD serious about 7 on 7 being created to counter basketball summer leagues and AAU....DEAD SERIOUS..Oh and football does interfere with basketball season, too, by the way..They should definitely shorten it...(I am kidding about that). ;D


Say Dick.... you like Basketball so much, move to Indiana. This is TEXAS and this is Summer, most people dont think about Basketball round here until after the Christmas break.


Hey Vitale.....maybe basketball summer leagues were created to interfere with football preparation.......And I will tell you, the summer league mess and AAU has gotten way out of hand......especially AAU......

I believe in High School, kids should play it all if they want to.....however, an good coach will tell you, the weight room and summer conditioning programs are important to all sports.....if kids want to play 7 on 7 and participate in a basketball/baseball/track summer league.....get after at....you can do it all..

Guest DickVitale

I beg to differ....Basketball is HUGE in Texas, actually, bigger than some Texans really want it to be.  Football cost the most money, and in some cases, brings in less money than the basketball, which cost about 10 times less. Simple math. Football is not year around, however, ATHLETICS are year around.  Football coaches and enthusiasts tend to get the two confused.  Unless you are at SL Carroll, or Odessa, or somewhere where football is actually making a profit, you are a drain on that school districts economy, which is sadly the case in MOST school districts.  Don't have to go to Indiana for quality hoops, my friend, we have that right here in what was formerly known as "football country"!

And...I agree with you fwcoa on the part about AAU being a pain for HS coaches and summer training for all sports.  However, football coaches have turned that into FOOTBALL OFF SEASON....and that is not right.  Summer basketball was initially created due to demand, because that was the time when college basketball coaches are allowed to evaluate...NOT to interfere with football...That is another myth that was created by football coaches no doubt..


Sorry, basketball doesn't bring in 12-13 thousand people into one stadium, or more than that for playoff and championship games. At four dollars a pop, you can't tell me that football is not the biggest revenue source for a school, as long as you have the fan following.


Vitale.....you are showing your ignorance......there are very few schools where football operates in the red so to say......evey where I have coached, the football team made much more money than all the other sports combined and more than compensated for their budget expenses......In fact, in one game, we made enough to pay the security expenses for the rest of the year for every sporting event and still had mucho left over and that was in a down year......

Basketball is big in Texas but will never be as big as football and that is OK.....Texas is known for its football so why would anyone try to change that.....just like Indiana is known for basketball......

Coop can vouch for me as well and my basketball background.......


$4.00.....good grief, where are you coaching??????? 

Here is an example from a school I coached in......

Our smallest crowd was 10,000 with the average ticket being $10.00 (that was the price of student tickets).....that is $100,000 for the small game.....our homecoming game had 18,000 there......you do the math Vitale......that is a lot of money......THe basketball teams were very successful with one of them winning state......total for the year didn't equal our smallest gate.......go figure

Guest DickVitale

That is what I said...IF THEY HAD A FOLLOWING...which in most cases is not the case...You have a few band parents, some cheerleader moms, and a few die hards...Thats it in most cases...The PNG's, the Nederland's, and so on will carry their weight....What about LCM? Central? Central fans leave after they see the band at halftime!! Heck, Ozen fans were fairweather...Think about the money THEY lost last season...They were all waiting on what? (Lets say it together) BASKETBALL SEASON....FACT: The Ozen booster club makes more money during basketball season than any other.....It is like that in many school districts. Also in Houston ISD - don't even get me started on the pathetic football there. Other than Yates, Madison, and Lamar it is non-existent... And the list goes on and on....Hey I don't mean to rain on your football parade, but that is just how it is.

fwcoa, you can speculate all you want about costs, I am telling you facts.  Please refrain from calling me ignorant, we can agree to disagree...We are supposed to be having an intelligent, fun, debate/conversation here..I am not attacking anyone here...thank you


And Vitale.......I was in high school when summer leagues started to become big down there and they were created for one thing.....PLAY BASKETBALL YEAR AROUND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Guest DickVitale

Come on Coop, what kind of question is that!!!! :D You know my background, my friend!!! ;)


Even if they did leave after the band, they still had to stay to get in......We are talking about Texas as a whole.......Football is King and it always will be.....all those schools you named, what do they all have in common??????

I come from a basketball background......again, coop can tell you how deep those roots run......but I also know how things work.....football pays the bills for the others.....yes, football does cost more than the others but that is also due to the nmber of participants......the worst football teams bring in more money than the best basketball teams......that is just how it is......

Guest DickVitale

Thanks Coop.  I appreciate that. 

fwcoa...you are wrong about the worst football team making more than the best basketball team...I LIVED IT...as a player AND a coach...Come on, man....You mean to tell me Hamshire-Fannett football makes more than Ozen basketball??? PLEASE....or Kountze football makes more than Kountze basketball???? 10 games compared to 38-40??? You do the math..... ???


Hold on now.....I never said H-F football would make more than Ozen basketball.....but H-F football makes more than H-F basketball and Ozen Football make more than Ozen basketball.....with ticket prices the same, you are telling me more people go to the Ozen basketball games than goes to the Ozen football games.....that is total attendance now....not just ozen folks......

Guest DickVitale

Yes that is EXACTLY what I am saying...With the "large" number that attend football games, do you know how many get in FREE...band, band boosters, cheerleaders, pep squad, etc...10 games maybe 1000 paying...maybe...thats 10,000 at $4.00 per.....WOW... ::) $40,000.00...Minus feeding 250 plus students every night, uniforms, buses, under armour and God only knows what other wasteful things football uses!! After all of that you are probably looking at MAYBE a $20,000.00 surplus...maybe.....Ozen basketball will make that before district starts....Particularly in 2001, when we had "rock star" status ;)....Just think about it man....Through un-biased eyes, this is simple math.

Guest Sports Cards

Yes that is EXACTLY what I am saying...With the "large" number that attend football games, do you know how many get in FREE...band, band boosters, cheerleaders, pep squad, etc...10 games maybe 1000 paying...maybe...thats 10,000 at $4.00 per.....WOW... ::) $40,000.00...Minus feeding 250 plus students every night, uniforms, buses, under armour and God only knows what other wasteful things football uses!! After all of that you are probably looking at MAYBE a $20,000.00 surplus...maybe.....Ozen basketball will make that before district starts....Particularly in 2001, when we had "rock star" status ;)....Just think about it man....Through un-biased eyes, this is simple math.

You sound a lot like a Band Director.

Guest DickVitale

Regardless of what I sound like, you guys know that I am right... ;)

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