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They booed God at their 2012 Convention.  Now they wanted to take the wotds, “So help you God” from the oath taken in front of House Committees.  After Repubs we’re outraged, they rescinded, saying, it was a mistake.  Male bovine feces!  But it does raise an interesting question.  How could anyone claiming to be a Christian, support a Party who repeatedly want to eliminate God?  Heaven knows, it’s beyond me.

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Well, if one is going to take an oath, I can’t think of few more binding words than an oath to God.  Funny, we’ve been doing oaths to God for 250 years.  For that 250 years it served us well.  IMO, merely believing in God is not a Church, or a religion.  It merely indicates one is not an atheist.  And anyone with a wit of intelligence should know that the term Seperation of Church and State is a reference to prevent the US from becoming a Theocracy.  The sad truth, the Left uses this to remove any reaffirmation of religion in our lives.  And again, imo, the reason is that the Communists do not allow religion.  This is just more proof of the Left’s (Leadership) real agenda.  Most on the Left, VSEO and UTalum are just unknowing pawns.  God, help us all.

19 minutes ago, Hagar said:

Well, if one is going to take an oath, I can’t think of few more binding words than an oath to God.  Funny, we’ve been doing oaths to God for 250 years.  For that 250 years it served us well.  IMO, merely believing in God is not a Church, or a religion.  It merely indicates one is not an atheist.  And anyone with a wit of intelligence should know that the term Seperation of Church and State is a reference to prevent the US from becoming a Theocracy.  The sad truth, the Left uses this to remove any reaffirmation of religion in our lives.  And again, imo, the reason is that the Communists do not allow religion.  This is just more proof of the Left’s (Leadership) real agenda.  Most on the Left, VSEO and UTalum are just unknowing pawns.  God, help us all.

I think they are knowing pawns with the ability to turn the other face, unlike Christians who turn the other cheek.

When this country was founded, freedom OF religion was high on the list, not freedom FROM religion.

20 hours ago, Hagar said:

Well, if one is going to take an oath, I can’t think of few more binding words than an oath to God.  Funny, we’ve been doing oaths to God for 250 years.  For that 250 years it served us well.  IMO, merely believing in God is not a Church, or a religion.  It merely indicates one is not an atheist.  And anyone with a wit of intelligence should know that the term Seperation of Church and State is a reference to prevent the US from becoming a Theocracy.  The sad truth, the Left uses this to remove any reaffirmation of religion in our lives.  And again, imo, the reason is that the Communists do not allow religion.  This is just more proof of the Left’s (Leadership) real agenda.  Most on the Left, VSEO and UTalum are just unknowing pawns.  God, help us all.

I’m not unknowing and I’m not a pawn. Judgements like that is why I’ve quit coming around as often. Go for it. God will settle all this out eventually. I think He has special dispensations for folks who try and do His job for Him. Adios. Vaya con Dios.

30 minutes ago, UT alum said:

I’m not unknowing and I’m not a pawn. Judgements like that is why I’ve quit coming around as often. Go for it. God will settle all this out eventually. I think He has special dispensations for folks who try and do His job for Him. Adios. Vaya con Dios.

Well excuse me oh thin skinned one.  You spew leftist bs continuously, then you’re offended when I talk about them, and attempted to defend you by implying the Left is using their people, including you.  Or does your post imply that you do know they hate God?  I’m confused. I’d rather be an unknowing pawn in that game than a willing participant.

56 minutes ago, VeryStableEnlightenedOne said:

You don’t think the republicans consider you a pawn? It goes both ways, these politicians don’t care about the average Joe. They’re laughing their way to the bank while middle class Americans Blame each other for everything wrong with the country 

Great answer to why the dims boo god. Nothing in your post begins to address it. It’s always, “ I know you are but what am I”. Always has been, always will be.

4 hours ago, VeryStableEnlightenedOne said:

You don’t think the republicans consider you a pawn? It goes both ways, these politicians don’t care about the average Joe. They’re laughing their way to the bank while middle class Americans Blame each other for everything wrong with the country 

Wrong...Democrats proudly preach dependence on gov and Democrat voters always scream (literally) for more and vote based on promises for more crumbs.

That’s a pawn.


16 minutes ago, VeryStableEnlightenedOne said:

Sure, but you are too. Look at you guys passionately defending the Republican Party in every single topic 

Wrong again...I am very critical of Republicans.

Just because you’re a pawn doesn’t mean everyone else is.

22 minutes ago, VeryStableEnlightenedOne said:

You still vote for them every election, pawn




Yes, I do, because the alternative would be voting for Democrats.

If your side ever ran a lower taxes, smaller gov candidate that didn’t support sanctuary cities and murdering babies, I might consider voting for them, but we know that ain’t happening.

4 minutes ago, VeryStableEnlightenedOne said:

“Your side”


lol look at ya, the political elite would be so proud 

Exactly right...if you’re too ignorant to realize there are sides, shame on you.

Folks like yourself are too uninformed to really choose a side on any issue, so you make yourself feel better by criticizing those that do.

I have much more respect for folks that take a stand, even if as a liberal.


5 hours ago, VeryStableEnlightenedOne said:

You don’t think the republicans consider you a pawn? It goes both ways, these politicians don’t care about the average Joe. They’re laughing their way to the bank while middle class Americans Blame each other for everything wrong with the country 

No doubt I may be a pawn, but I’m not blind to Repubs or their faults.  I’ve come to question both Bush presidents.  I have little use for McConnell, or the Repub Senators who kowtowed to the Dems during the Kavanaugh hearings.  Nor the R. Senators who voted against the wall. The reason being, the Dems vote in lockstep, therefore the Repubs have to.  And the 2003 MMA Bill which prohibits our Govt from negotiating drug prices, is one of the dumbest things Repubs have ever done.

And the above VESO is the difference.  Very few Dems will talk bad about Dem politicians.  The Dem electorate never condemn their party, no matter how bad, how lowlife their actions may be, the Dem supporters are unwavering in their blind allegiance.  Ergo, pawns.

18 minutes ago, VeryStableEnlightenedOne said:

I have much more respect for folks that use their brain.

Believe it or not, you can agree with republicans on some issues and democrats on others. You pawns will depend “your side” to the death. 

Great comeback!  :)

You let me know about any Democrat ideas I can get behind.

As stevenash pointed out earlier when he was making you look foolish...AGAIN, it must get tough straddling that fence.

12 minutes ago, VeryStableEnlightenedOne said:

Pick and choose the best of both sides - truly fascinating concept!

Give us a list of the the best ideas from the Democrats.  We all realize you don’t answer questions but give this one a shot.


Please enlighten the rest of us how doing all of these wonderful socially liberal activities can be accomplished within the  confines of fiscal conservatism; 

"Pay your fair share" is as trite and hackneyed as "you are a racist, sexist, homophone, xenophobe, islamophobe" . so you will need alternative answers.

54 minutes ago, VeryStableEnlightenedOne said:

Universal healthcare

public schools

public roads and infrastructure

social security 



Separation of church and state

gay rights

womens rights

Ending prohibition of marijuana 



Generally all social issues, hence socially liberal and fiscally conservative 

Impossible...seems like a money wizard would know that.

You really are a pawn.


6 minutes ago, VeryStableEnlightenedOne said:

Well, the last 4 items don’t cost anything with ending prohibition actually  generating revenue (if legalized) and saving tax payer dollars

For the others - there’s probably at least 20-30% of government waste in those respective agencies that could be eliminated. Lots of 30 year lifer paper pushers, corruption, etc. Not perfect programs by any means, but we do need a base line safety net 

And you think Bernie, Joe, or Pocahontas will represent you in that manner?  The left is NOT going to eliminate/reduce anything but defense spending and if the Repubs try to make other cuts, they are immediately branded as heartless people who only care about the rich.   How many times have you seen this movie?

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