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7 minutes ago, Bandwagon Ranger said:

What, exactly, is your point?

Are you saying this stuff happens everywhere so it's ok?

Of course I'm not saying it's okay... but a person would be extremely naive to believe that this type of thing happened only at Baylor. It happens everywhere, and frequently.  

Baylor just got tagged as ground zero.

12 minutes ago, Bandwagon Ranger said:

What, exactly, is your point?

Are you saying this stuff happens everywhere so it's ok?

To further illustrate, I'd say it like this.... Mark McGuire was hammered for being a cheater in the mid-late nineties.  Him and Sammy were the poster children for PED abuse.  History has kinda shown that that might have been a little over top to label him as such, because we now see that it was happening pretty much everywhere.  

Sexual abuse is huge problem at college campuses nationwide.... and it's not just the athletes that are guilty of doing those type of things.  There are plenty of "bros" in Polo Shirts, khaki shorts, and golf visors doing the same things Thursday-Saturday at any university out there.  Somehow Baylor gets tagged as an academy for rapists. 

22 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

Of course I'm not saying it's okay... but a person would be extremely naive to believe that this type of thing happened only at Baylor. It happens everywhere, and frequently.  

Baylor just got tagged as ground zero.

I agree with this, it does happen at other schools no doubt!! If others get caught they need to face either the same penalties or even harsher ones due to the fact they should of learned from Baylor. 

My problem is that he knew it happened and (for a lack of better words) just kinda tried to sweep it under the rug for the sake of winning. And now he is going to be coaching high school kids. That is just crazy. Mt. Vernon can never tell me they are not trying to put winning in front of anything. 

26 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

Of course I'm not saying it's okay... but a person would be extremely naive to believe that this type of thing happened only at Baylor. It happens everywhere, and frequently.  

Baylor just got tagged as ground zero.


Hammer them all. Briles does not go free just because no one else has been caught.

I tell my kids the same thing every day- Kids break the rules every day. If you get caught its going to be much worse because you have much more to lose. Life is not fair.

7 minutes ago, Bandwagon Ranger said:


Hammer them all. Briles does not go free just because no one else has been caught.

I tell my kids the same thing every day- Kids break the rules every day. If you get caught its going to be much worse because you have much more to lose. Life is not fair.

Okay... I'll bite.  What EXACTLY did Briles do?  The evidence clearly indicates that young women (and since it's Baylor we're talking about, probably some young men, too) were sexually abused.  Come to find out, some of them were attacked by football players.  Therefore, the man who draws up the plays for the team should never work again?  Jesus. 

Help me understand his culpability, please.  

Let's pretend that I manage a McDonalds.  Three of the kids that work back there cooking for me decide to go and rob a liquor store.  Suddenly I'm supposed to lose my store and never hold down another job?

That's kinda sorta what people want from Briles.  

58 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

Okay... I'll bite.  What EXACTLY did Briles do?  The evidence clearly indicates that young women (and since it's Baylor we're talking about, probably some young men, too) were sexually abused.  Come to find out, some of them were attacked by football players.  Therefore, the man who draws up the plays for the team should never work again?  Jesus. 

Help me understand his culpability, please.  

Let's pretend that I manage a McDonalds.  Three of the kids that work back there cooking for me decide to go and rob a liquor store.  Suddenly I'm supposed to lose my store and never hold down another job?

That's kinda sorta what people want from Briles.  

Complacency. If your McDonalds employee robs a liquor store and as his boss you help them cover it up or knowingly do not report the crime, you are complacent. 

You can also refer to the Penn State incidents under Joe Paterno.

Crap flows downstream, but it starts at the top of the hill.


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1 hour ago, CardinalBacker said:

Okay... I'll bite.  What EXACTLY did Briles do?  The evidence clearly indicates that young women (and since it's Baylor we're talking about, probably some young men, too) were sexually abused.  Come to find out, some of them were attacked by football players.  Therefore, the man who draws up the plays for the team should never work again?  Jesus. 

Help me understand his culpability, please.  

Let's pretend that I manage a McDonalds.  Three of the kids that work back there cooking for me decide to go and rob a liquor store.  Suddenly I'm supposed to lose my store and never hold down another job?

That's kinda sorta what people want from Briles.  

So you hate teachers and women. Makes sense considering most teachers are women.

You should try google if you want to understand why Briles shouldnt have got this job.

14 hours ago, NHSBulldogFan said:

No this doesn't mean anything at all right? 

When a female student-athlete reported that a football player had brandished a gun at her, the court paperwork said, Briles texted an assistant coach: “what a fool — she reporting to authorities.”

In another case, a masseuse asked the team to discipline a player who reportedly exposed himself and asked for favors during a massage, the document said Briles’ first response was, “What kind of discipline… She a stripper?”..

So this is the kind of coach you would want coaching your kids? Here's a few articles maybe something you read here might change your mind...

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I don't recall Briles being found GUILTY of anything.  If I remember right, Briles wanting to fight the allegations but then decided not to.  This piece in Forbes was a hit piece by an apparent dweeb. This ol' boy looks like he got his lunch money taken from him when he was young and couldn't do anything about it.  I bet he votes Democratic!  Anyway, In the article, he bashes Trump.  Then he bashes the Texas legislature.   Then he says, " Briles

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."  Seriously?!  He was at Stephenville for 12 years.  Nothing said.  He was at Hamlin and Georgetown.  Nothing said.  From the article: " Legendary football coach Grant Teaff, former Executive Director of the American Football Coaches Association and supervisor of the association’s Ethics Committee, offered an unqualified positive recommendation for Briles. “I have known Art Briles for over 30 years as an extremely successful high school coach and through his years as a college coach. I have observed him as a man, husband, father, grandfather, and as a coach, always forthright and stellar,” said Teaff. Teaff also noted that Briles never incurred a single recruiting infraction during his time at the collegiate level, and previous supervisors and other references also provided strong recommendations. ... "   Concerning this, I had the same feelings when people wanted to railroad Joe Paterno!  Art will do a great job at Mt Vernon.  And the citizens will have nothing to be worried about. 

29 minutes ago, Reagan said:

I don't recall Briles being found GUILTY of anything.  If I remember right, Briles wanting to fight the allegations but then decided not to.  This piece in Forbes was a hit piece by an apparent dweeb. This ol' boy looks like he got his lunch money taken from him when he was young and couldn't do anything about it.  I bet he votes Democratic!  Anyway, In the article, he bashes Trump.  Then he bashes the Texas legislature.   Then he says, " Briles

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."  Seriously?!  He was at Stephenville for 12 years.  Nothing said.  He was at Hamlin and Georgetown.  Nothing said.  From the article: " Legendary football coach Grant Teaff, former Executive Director of the American Football Coaches Association and supervisor of the association’s Ethics Committee, offered an unqualified positive recommendation for Briles. “I have known Art Briles for over 30 years as an extremely successful high school coach and through his years as a college coach. I have observed him as a man, husband, father, grandfather, and as a coach, always forthright and stellar,” said Teaff. Teaff also noted that Briles never incurred a single recruiting infraction during his time at the collegiate level, and previous supervisors and other references also provided strong recommendations. ... "   Concerning this, I had the same feelings when people wanted to railroad Joe Paterno!  Art will do a great job at Mt Vernon.  And the citizens will have nothing to be worried about. 

He's a disgrace. 

2 hours ago, Reagan said:

I don't recall Briles being found GUILTY of anything.  If I remember right, Briles wanting to fight the allegations but then decided not to.  This piece in Forbes was a hit piece by an apparent dweeb. This ol' boy looks like he got his lunch money taken from him when he was young and couldn't do anything about it.  I bet he votes Democratic!  Anyway, In the article, he bashes Trump.  Then he bashes the Texas legislature.   Then he says, " Briles

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."  Seriously?!  He was at Stephenville for 12 years.  Nothing said.  He was at Hamlin and Georgetown.  Nothing said.  From the article: " Legendary football coach Grant Teaff, former Executive Director of the American Football Coaches Association and supervisor of the association’s Ethics Committee, offered an unqualified positive recommendation for Briles. “I have known Art Briles for over 30 years as an extremely successful high school coach and through his years as a college coach. I have observed him as a man, husband, father, grandfather, and as a coach, always forthright and stellar,” said Teaff. Teaff also noted that Briles never incurred a single recruiting infraction during his time at the collegiate level, and previous supervisors and other references also provided strong recommendations. ... "   Concerning this, I had the same feelings when people wanted to railroad Joe Paterno!  Art will do a great job at Mt Vernon.  And the citizens will have nothing to be worried about. 

Don't get me wrong I think Art is a great Coach i would have no issues with him in the NFL but he shouldn't be around kids that's my take.


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It's kinda crazy.... I don't see where the actual investigators blamed Briles... In fact, most of the report was about the university as a whole, not the football program.  

So.... I guess you all agree that the head coach of a certain local high school should be banished forever from the coaching profession back in 2008?


Anybody that follows me knows that I can't stand that school, but I'll be the first person to say that the head coach had no responsibility in what did or didn't happen before football players started jumping out of bedroom windows.  I'll even go further and say that IF somebody came to me, as a coach, and reported thirdhand that such a thing had happened, I still don't think I'm dialing 911.  Which is pretty much what Briles is accused of doing.  


2 hours ago, Bandwagon Ranger said:

He's a disgrace. 

Again -- what was he found guilty of?  Probably the same people that think Trump colluded with Russia thinks Briles was actually found guilty of something!

7 minutes ago, LC-M said:

Surratt had the Carthage QB that video the girl in the bathroom. Didn’t he continue playing with the team to win a state championship? 

That's the story.  Surratt got sued by the accuser as well, if I recall correctly.  They'll never be able to get a judgment against him, IMO, though, because we used to have a thing in this country called "due process...." You see, a person, even a big scary dark-skinned athlete, is still innocent until proven guilty.  So while all of the #metoo think we should all #believeher just because an allegation is leveled.... they are fundamentally wrong.  You can't deprive a person of their rights just because an allegation is leveled, unless you, as a coach, would like to be sued for that reason.  

Let's pretend to be coaches.  Girl makes accusation against player.  Coach can either wait until the actual investigating authorities come to a conclusion, as would be sensible, but then they face lawsuits from the accusers.  On the other hand, they can crush a kid's career because of the unproven allegations and face lawsuits from players who have had THEIR rights trampled.  I mean, either way you're getting sued, but you're going to lose your job if your team doesn't perform.  So which is it?  

17 minutes ago, Reagan said:

Again -- what was he found guilty of?  Probably the same people that think Trump colluded with Russia thinks Briles was actually found guilty of something!

Just because you haven't been found guilty of something doesn't mean that you're not a terrible human being. A fine example of that is Casey Anthony she was never found not guilty of a crime but would you want her around your kids? The problem with Art is that he doesn't seem to worry about his players character off the field. If character on your football team doesn't matter you hire Art if it does matter you don't hire Art Briles


Some coaches do  the right thing and suspend or remove the players from the team until a determination is made as to whether they did something or not.   I am no Texas fan, but I will give Charlie Strong credit for getting rid of the bad apples from the start , no matter if they were a 5 star recruit starting on Saturdays or not.   Then there's Briles, who was win at all costs no matter what the player did off the field. 

1 hour ago, bigdog said:

Some coaches do  the right thing and suspend or remove the players from the team until a determination is made as to whether they did something or not.   I am no Texas fan, but I will give Charlie Strong credit for getting rid of the bad apples from the start , no matter if they were a 5 star recruit starting on Saturdays or not.   Then there's Briles, who was win at all costs no matter what the player did off the field. 

No, that's absolutely not the right thing to do.  

I would go as far as saying if somebody has been indicted by a grand jury, then you could justify considering a suspension. 

I don't know where you work.  How would you feel if tomorrow morning you were fired,escorted from the premises, and forbidden to ever work in your current field because somebody made an false accusation about you? My guess is that you would have an instant change of your opinion regarding due process.  In fact, my guess is that IF some unnamed girl accused your team's RB or QB of some sort of sexual assault the week of the first round of the playoffs, you'd suddenly be able to see the inherent unfairness of your opinion. 

Do you know how many people were accused of rape?  31.  Do you know how many were convicted?  2.  How many of those accusations were made by people who didn't get a call back after bedding a cute athlete of some sort?  If you believe rape happens, then you also have to believe my scenario happens as well.  

So you guys are cool with ruining the lives of 29 people, when the evidence presented didn't even merit a conviction?  Nice.  Very nice. 

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Guest ECBucFan

Does anyone, JUST OFFHAND, remember ANY of the names involved that actually perpertrated the offenses? NO, because ESPN had a concerted agenda to destroy Briles. ESPN barely mentioned the perps. Just 24//7 hate on Briles and Briles alone.  Crazy thought, but why not hate on the perps? NO ONE even cares about them. Just keep the hate on Briles, right?

20 minutes ago, ECBucFan said:

Does anyone, JUST OFFHAND, remember ANY of the names involved that actually perpertrated the offenses? NO, because ESPN had a concerted agenda to destroy Briles. ESPN barely mentioned the perps. Just 24//7 hate on Briles and Briles alone.  Crazy thought, but why not hate on the perps? NO ONE even cares about them. Just keep the hate on Briles, right?

The only one I remembered was Shawn Oakman and he was found not guilty earlier this Spring. He was predicted to be taken by the third round of the NFL draft but was never selected because of his (at that time) pending legal problems. 

I cant say if he’s a good dude or not, and the courts found him not guilty of those charges.... he still paid a pretty heavy price, regardless. #metoo #believeher #womenneverlie #heprobablydeserveditanyway


1 hour ago, CardinalBacker said:

No, that's absolutely not the right thing to do.  

I would go as far as saying if somebody has been indicted by a grand jury, then you could justify considering a suspension. 

I don't know where you work.  How would you feel if tomorrow morning you were fired,escorted from the premises, and forbidden to ever work in your current field because somebody made an false accusation about you? My guess is that you would have an instant change of your opinion regarding due process.  In fact, my guess is that IF some unnamed girl accused your team's RB or QB of some sort of sexual assault the week of the first round of the playoffs, you'd suddenly be able to see the inherent unfairness of your opinion. 

Do you know how many people were accused of rape?  31.  Do you know how many were convicted?  2.  How many of those accusations were made by people who didn't get a call back after bedding a cute athlete of some sort?  If you believe rape happens, then you also have to believe my scenario happens as well.  

So you guys are cool with ruining the lives of 29 people, when the evidence presented didn't even merit a conviction?  Nice.  Very nice. 

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So if Art Briles didn't do anything wrong how come he isn't the head coach at Baylor or have any job in college football for that matter. If he didn't do anything wrong then he has a better case of collusion than Colin Kaepernick did

Guest ECBucFan
39 minutes ago, NHSBulldogFan said:

So if Art Briles didn't do anything wrong how come he isn't the head coach at Baylor or have any job in college football for that matter. 

There was a media lynch mob, led by ESPN. Also,  Briles had 15 Million more reasons to leave. Took the money and walked!

14 hours ago, CardinalBacker said:

No, that's absolutely not the right thing to do.  

I would go as far as saying if somebody has been indicted by a grand jury, then you could justify considering a suspension. 

I don't know where you work.  How would you feel if tomorrow morning you were fired,escorted from the premises, and forbidden to ever work in your current field because somebody made an false accusation about you? My guess is that you would have an instant change of your opinion regarding due process.  In fact, my guess is that IF some unnamed girl accused your team's RB or QB of some sort of sexual assault the week of the first round of the playoffs, you'd suddenly be able to see the inherent unfairness of your opinion. 

Do you know how many people were accused of rape?  31.  Do you know how many were convicted?  2.  How many of those accusations were made by people who didn't get a call back after bedding a cute athlete of some sort?  If you believe rape happens, then you also have to believe my scenario happens as well.  

So you guys are cool with ruining the lives of 29 people, when the evidence presented didn't even merit a conviction?  Nice.  Very nice. 

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There is a difference in suspending a kid until the investigation is done and kicking him off the team.   The kids that Strong kicked off were proven to have done what they had done.   

38 minutes ago, Bandwagon Ranger said:

Charles Manson could have used the support of some of you guys. I mean he personally did not kill anyone. He was just the manager at the McDonalds.

Difference is Manson was found GUILTY and sent to prison.  He wasn't accused of something and still walking the streets.  Point I'm making is anyone can accuse anyone of anything.  And how many times is it not true.  Just ask Bret Kavanaugh.  Ask Trump on Russian collusion.  People now have an opinion of Briles based on what others have said.  And these people that have formed this opinion is believing people they don't even know.  Up until this Baylor situation, Briles was a model citizen.  So, I ask, what changed?  Remember -- Joe Paterno was a class act for many years.  Then all of a sudden towards the end he became a dog that had to leave his job.  I didn't believe it about Paterno.  I didn't believe it about Kavanaugh.  I didn't believe it about Trump.  And, yes -- I don't believe it about Briles!

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