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I’ve seen some mystery calls and non-calls when I used to attend.  Recently, I’ve seen the same thing in basketball.  Ref’s, it’s okay to hate’em, but there isn’t a game without them.  

Hey, why don’t these robot folks build a Refbot? :) 

Guest ECBucFan

Last week in Chicago, shootings left 10 dead and 52 wounded. No one cares.

Let a Texas ref mouth off, and people panic. 



On 6/5/2019 at 1:52 PM, Bandwagon Ranger said:

The Art Briles apologists will say it's not real.

You can say anything in a petition... doesn't make it a fact.  

But the charges of financial impropriety, IF TRUE (and they probably are), then the plaintiff would appear to be in the right. 

I have a bigger problem with the charges of racism.  Seriously.... when's the last time a "person of color" was removed from their duties when "racism" wasn't charged?  Fire a white dude for being an all-around waste of time and money and it's over.  If you fire a black dude you'll face claims of racism... whether the guy was a waste of time and money or not.  Do you know that people were actually trying to sue Dupont when they closed the Beaumont works on grounds that the terminations were racially motivated?  EVERYBODY lost their jobs, but one "protected class" lined up to beat that dead horse.  You'd have to be be blind to think that those things aren't considered at hiring time. 

I'll go one further... It's 2019, and nobody should be using the N-word.  NOBODY.  If you have a problem with a 59 year old white guy using that word, but no problem being called that (or calling people that yourself) by your friends.... let's be honest.  You don't have problem with the word, you have a problem with white people. 

All that being said, it sounds like the TASO is running wild.  Or at least as wild as you can with a $100k a year in dues.  I hope the plaintiff prevails if his pleadings are true. 



21 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:


You can say anything in a petition... doesn't make it a fact.  

But the charges of financial impropriety, IF TRUE (and they probably are), then the plaintiff would appear to be in the right. 

I have a bigger problem with the charges of racism.  Seriously.... when's the last time a "person of color" was removed from their duties when "racism" wasn't charged?  Fire a white dude for being an all-around waste of time and money and it's over.  If you fire a black dude you'll face claims of racism... whether the guy was a waste of time and money or not.  Do you know that people were actually trying to sue Dupont when they closed the Beaumont works on grounds that the terminations were racially motivated?  EVERYBODY lost their jobs, but one "protected class" lined up to beat that dead horse.  You'd have to be be blind to think that those things aren't considered at hiring time. 

I'll go one further... It's 2019, and nobody should be using the N-word.  NOBODY.  If you have a problem with a 59 year old white guy using that word, but no problem being called that (or calling people that yourself) by your friends.... let's be honest.  You don't have problem with the word, you have a problem with white people. 

All that being said, it sounds like the TASO is running wild.  Or at least as wild as you can with a $100k a year in dues.  I hope the plaintiff prevails if his pleadings are true. 



Nope. I do not use or surround myself with people who use the "N' word. I do not like my students using the "N' word. My children do not use the "N" word.

I did grow up in a time where the usage of that word was acceptable and commonplace. Times change and thankfully people change. No one should be using that word. Period.

There are always two sides to every story: In between lies the truth.

Guest ECBucFan
2 hours ago, CardinalBacker said:

I'll go one further... It's 2019, and nobody should be using the N-word.  NOBODY.  If you have a problem with a 59 year old white guy using that word, but no problem being called that (or calling people that yourself) by your friends.... let's be honest.  You don't have problem with the word, you have a problem with white people. 

Exactly. If I, or any other white person used the dreaded N-word at work, we would be fired on the spot. The crazy thing is, the N-word IS USED, but not by whites, and they get away with it!! Wrap your mind around that!


Bottom line is that white people and black people will continue to use the word.  Some cases it's pure  racism and as disrespectful  as it gets and  some it's not based on context.  I've been called that word with  both contexts by both races and reacted different.  Bottom line is its 2019 and no one SHOULD be saying it, but it's just human nature to buck the righ thing to do.  I'll say just handle  it like you would with curse words.  You wouldn't  curse in church or in a professional  job setting.  Then don't use THAT word or if you feel the need to, then just do it in your house, a place you can do just about anything at.  

1 hour ago, BMTSoulja1 said:

With that being said, the dirtbag that said it needs to be fired  and not ref a game EVER. Too much invested in this sport by our hard working athletes, coaches,  fans, and parents to have to deal with morons like this...

Do you feel the same way about every black ref that has ever uttered that word?

Or any athlete of any color that has ever uttered it should be forbidden to play in the future?

The word is either bad or it's not.  You can't judge a word's offensiveness by the color of the speaker's skin.  I don't need to hear about a soft "a" or a hard "er."  If you're from down South, "cheatin' on your wife" means the exact same thing as "cheating on your wife."  It doesn't matter what your enunciation is. 

The difference is this.  Nobody is getting in trouble for cursing around the house or with their friends.  There are real consequences for people who drop the n-word in ANY circumstances.  If they're not black, of course. Paula Deen lost a ton of her opportunities a few years ago for admitting that she'd used the word back in the 1980s. Imagine a situation where only black people were punished for saying the f-word.  Everybody says it, but black people would instantly lose their jobs, their, careers, and their reputations.... because they said a word that EVERYBODY else says without punishment?  

And trust me... Every white person out there has said it.  I'd appreciate a response from any white person posting who can HONESTLY say that they've never used that word in some context.   So, when I'm over here reading this story and seeing how this guy is getting hammered for a using a word that I've used personally, and so many of my black friends continue to use to this day.... It just kinda rubs me the wrong way. It doesn't seem right. 

I'm NOT fighting for the right to use that word.  I think it's offensive and shouldn't be used.  I just think the hysteria that breaks out when SOME people use it would be funny if people weren't really getting hurt as a part of the process. 



2 hours ago, CardinalBacker said:

Do you feel the same way about every black ref that has ever uttered that word?

Or any athlete of any color that has ever uttered it should be forbidden to play in the future?

The word is either bad or it's not.  You can't judge a word's offensiveness by the color of the speaker's skin.  I don't need to hear about a soft "a" or a hard "er."  If you're from down South, "cheatin' on your wife" means the exact same thing as "cheating on your wife."  It doesn't matter what your enunciation is. 

The difference is this.  Nobody is getting in trouble for cursing around the house or with their friends.  There are real consequences for people who drop the n-word in ANY circumstances.  If they're not black, of course. Paula Deen lost a ton of her opportunities a few years ago for admitting that she'd used the word back in the 1980s. Imagine a situation where only black people were punished for saying the f-word.  Everybody says it, but black people would instantly lose their jobs, their, careers, and their reputations.... because they said a word that EVERYBODY else says without punishment?  

And trust me... Every white person out there has said it.  I'd appreciate a response from any white person posting who can HONESTLY say that they've never used that word in some context.   So, when I'm over here reading this story and seeing how this guy is getting hammered for a using a word that I've used personally, and so many of my black friends continue to use to this day.... It just kinda rubs me the wrong way. It doesn't seem right. 

I'm NOT fighting for the right to use that word.  I think it's offensive and shouldn't be used.  I just think the hysteria that breaks out when SOME people use it would be funny if people weren't really getting hurt as a part of the process. 



First question, if I heard or knew of a black ref that did it, yes, me personally, he would have to go.  So the answer is YES.

Second question, if it's heard , yes as well.   The sport don't need that.  But again, in my above statement,  these things will happen, no matter of race and there is nothing you or  I can do about it.  Refs and coaches need to regulate this when heard.  We cannot have refs doing the very thing that we need to be monitored and minimized from the sport.


The short 'A' sound vs the 'er' sound is a little subjective to most.  Apparently, you get more negative feedback when a caucasian man say it the wrong way. Those messages shown on that above article proves that point.  I guess part of that just goes with the territory from the past, which also does not make that right.  This actually goes deeper than football and sports though.  And I'd be talking all day about non football related stuff, but you know where I was going with this.  But we are all adults and we are all here for a common thing.  Football.  And we all agree that what this ref did was wrong.  AND I'm sure that if that ref was black, we'd be on his arse too...

Guest ECBucFan
3 hours ago, BMTSoulja1 said:

Bottom line is that white people and black people will continue to use the word.  Some cases it's pure  racism and as disrespectful  as it gets and  some it's not based on context.  I've been called that word with  both contexts by both races and reacted different. 

I catagorically reject that contention. No, you do NOT get to frame it as you see fit, to use a double standard against white people, in this example. If that word is just SO, SO SOOO TERRIBLY OFFENSIVE that the mere uttarance of it is eouugh to get someone fired or even convicted for a "hate crime" then NO ONE should ever say it again, period. Double standards don't fly. Ever.   

BTW, I have been called CRACKER multiple times at work without any provocation. I am fed up with the double standards. 


4 minutes ago, ECBucFan said:

I catagorically reject that contention. No, you do NOT get to frame it as you see fit, to use a double standard against white people, in this example. If that word is just SO, SO SOOO TERRIBLY OFFENSIVE that the mere uttarance of it is eouugh to get someone fired or even convicted for a "hate crime" then NO ONE should ever say it again, period. Double standards don't fly. Ever.   

No, I'm not saying it's right or that I'm supporting that.  I'm saying that just like wives are beaten,  fights happen when there is too much liquor, ect, this thing will continue to happen whether we like it or not.


Trying to figure out how shootings in any city (chicago is the go-to place because of a certain person btw) go together with Texas Ref News. I'm not figuring out the comparison. If anyone is trying to get political I think there's a forum for that. Thx. 

1 hour ago, BMTSoulja1 said:

No, I'm not saying it's right or that I'm supporting that.  I'm saying that just like wives are beaten,  fights happen when there is too much liquor, ect, this thing will continue to happen whether we like it or not.

We're not that far apart in our opinions.  I'll use one more stupid scenario, then I'm done. 

Imagine, just for the sake of argument, that steroids were allowed for use in football, but only for white players.  Black players would be punished for using the stuff.  Suddenly, you would have white players (who use steroids themselves) turning in black players for using the stuff.  White fans celebrating every time that a black athlete got suspended for "cheating." A normal person would be on the sidelines going, "ummmmm, nobody should be using steroids, but I keep seeing these black athletes getting smacked for doing the same exact same that the white ones do, and it doesn't make any sense to me."  

I disagree with the assumption that things will keep happening whether we like it or not.  When you look at how far we've come over my lifetime, it's pretty remarkable how much so many people have cleaned up their acts.  I was at Lamar in the mid-nineties when the OJ trial was going on.  They were on TV asking that racist cop if he'd ever used the "n-word" and I was like "N- word?  I know an "a-word," a couple of "b-words", a "c-word"..... but I can't remember an "n-word."  When I finally realized what they were alluding to, I was like "seriously?  It's the "n-word" now?"  I grew up in East Texas... I remember George Jefferson, SNL, and Archie Bunker all using it.  But suddenly it's "the n-word?" I mean, to us it wasn't a nice thing to call somebody... worse than dummy but not as bad as a curse word. 

Luckily times change, and we all move forward.  Most of us do, anyways.  It's not a word that I use anymore. It's like wearing work boots in the house.... It just doesn't feel right.  But I also notice it when ANYBODY says it.... and it bugs me every time.

It's just a strange time that we're living in.  I was watching Joe Rogan's podcast last week and they were discussing how a conservative guy got his Youtube channel de-monetized for calling somebody a queer.  The guy the he was criticizing was homosexual, no doubt about that.  This guy shouldn't have been calling anybody out for their sexual orientation, and I get that.  But when you describe yourself as LGBTQ, and the Q stands for queer.... how mad can you really be?  I just don't get it.


22 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

We're not that far apart in our opinions.  I'll use one more stupid scenario, then I'm done. 

Imagine, just for the sake of argument, that steroids were allowed for use in football, but only for white players.  Black players would be punished for using the stuff.  Suddenly, you would have white players (who use steroids themselves) turning in black players for using the stuff.  White fans celebrating every time that a black athlete got suspended for "cheating." A normal person would be on the sidelines going, "ummmmm, nobody should be using steroids, but I keep seeing these black athletes getting smacked for doing the same exact same that the white ones do, and it doesn't make any sense to me."  

I disagree with the assumption that things will keep happening whether we like it or not.  When you look at how far we've come over my lifetime, it's pretty remarkable how much so many people have cleaned up their acts.  I was at Lamar in the mid-nineties when the OJ trial was going on.  They were on TV asking that racist cop if he'd ever used the "n-word" and I was like "N- word?  I know an "a-word," a couple of "b-words", a "c-word"..... but I can't remember an "n-word."  When I finally realized what they were alluding to, I was like "seriously?  It's the "n-word" now?"  I grew up in East Texas... I remember George Jefferson, SNL, and Archie Bunker all using it.  But suddenly it's "the n-word?" I mean, to us it wasn't a nice thing to call somebody... worse than dummy but not as bad as a curse word. 

Luckily times change, and we all move forward.  Most of us do, anyways.  It's not a word that I use anymore. It's like wearing work boots in the house.... It just doesn't feel right.  But I also notice it when ANYBODY says it.... and it bugs me every time.

It's just a strange time that we're living in.  I was watching Joe Rogan's podcast last week and they were discussing how a conservative guy got his Youtube channel de-monetized for calling somebody a queer.  The guy the he was criticizing was homosexual, no doubt about that.  This guy shouldn't have been calling anybody out for their sexual orientation, and I get that.  But when you describe yourself as LGBTQ, and the Q stands for queer.... how mad can you really be?  I just don't get it.


Great example.  The homosexual words like what you said the Q word and the F word were words teens always used when I was young. Those words are either taboo to use or just in bad taste.  There are very few people in my age group that use that word anymore.  I guess in that instance,  you know better , you do better.  Late 80's and early 90's homosexuality was shunned  upon.  Seems these days, it's a fad for most.  That's another topic, another day.  But I do get your point.

Guest ECBucFan
7 hours ago, Mr. Buddy Garrity said:


Well, it didn't take long at all to get the pot all stirred up. Welcome back.

On 6/10/2019 at 9:52 AM, CardinalBacker said:


You can say anything in a petition... doesn't make it a fact.  

But the charges of financial impropriety, IF TRUE (and they probably are), then the plaintiff would appear to be in the right. 

I have a bigger problem with the charges of racism.  Seriously.... when's the last time a "person of color" was removed from their duties when "racism" wasn't charged?  Fire a white dude for being an all-around waste of time and money and it's over.  If you fire a black dude you'll face claims of racism... whether the guy was a waste of time and money or not.  Do you know that people were actually trying to sue Dupont when they closed the Beaumont works on grounds that the terminations were racially motivated?  EVERYBODY lost their jobs, but one "protected class" lined up to beat that dead horse.  You'd have to be be blind to think that those things aren't considered at hiring time. 

I'll go one further... It's 2019, and nobody should be using the N-word.  NOBODY If you have a problem with a 59 year old white guy using that word, but no problem being called that (or calling people that yourself) by your friends.... let's be honest.  You don't have problem with the word, you have a problem with white people. 

All that being said, it sounds like the TASO is running wild.  Or at least as wild as you can with a $100k a year in dues.  I hope the plaintiff prevails if his pleadings are true. 



Seriously! You ever hear of "connotation"? And that's really white of you to tell me how I as a black man should feel and what words I can and can't use. I and my friends use the N-word all the time. And yes I very much would have a problem with someone of another race calling me that. Smdh...


Y’all want to hear kids using that word? Come by my school one day! At Alief Hastings, it is synonymous with friend. Everyone says it in the halls. I do not allow it at all in my classroom. I've heard two Chinese students use it each other. Pretty much the only ones who don’t use it are the Students from Africa. Seems like everyone greets eavh other that way.

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