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The reason for the needle marks in the childs arm was that he was being given treatment because he was undersized, once again all medications found within the house were in fact legal, and the prescriptions were present an accounted for.

Bears99 you really need to chill out, there are plenty of older men who watch wrestling including myself and even Coop who is a life long fan as well....if that makes me weird or something so be it...i guess ill be weird like Coop and the rest of the older guys that usually fill up the front rows of wrestling events.....sheesh bud just let it go.... ::) ::)

Undersized by whos standards ::)

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This is such a tragedy...I use to enjoy Benoit for his straight ahead style of wrestling, and know it makes me sick to think I paid money to watch him wrestle whether it was a pay per view or in person...To hang yourself is the cowardly way out, if you are capable of killing your wife and innocent child then you ought to be capable of standing trial....but then again he will be judged  >:( >:(


More sick details...Benoit was a BEAST. If this turns out to be all true, this guy had some sick demons!

From the Atlanta-Journal Constitutional....

Professional wrestling star Chris Benoit may have killed his 7-year-old son with a chokehold, Fayette County's district attorney said Wednesday.

The bodies of Benoit, his wife Nancy, and son Daniel were found in the family's exclusive Fayette County home Monday afternoon. Authorities say the deaths appear to have been murder-suicide.

District Attorney Scott Ballard said the boy had internal injuries to the throat area, but showed no bruises, indicating he may have been locked in the crook of his father's arm. Previous reports have said the boy had been smothered or strangled.

Nancy Benoit, 43, had bruises on her back and stomach consistent with someone pressing a knee into the small of the back while pulling on a cord around the neck, Ballard said.

Benoit, 40, killed himself by wrapping a cord around his neck that was attached to a weight machine, Ballard said. Benoit released the weights — about 240 pounds — to cause strangulation, he said.

Ballard said the pull-down bar had been removed from the machine. He was found seated against the machine in the basement of his home.


Keep in mind that his wife Nancy was once either married or dating Kevin Sullivan shortly before Benoit arrived at WCW. Nancy or Woman as she was called actually left Sullivan for Benoit and the writers used it as a storyline but there was a lot of truth in it too. The point is that obviously his wife had a history of leaving men for other men, this very possibly could've been what happened. I can see how a person could lose it and kill his wife and kid in a situation like this....

Yes, you are defending him.  This guy is sick.  I do believe it is roid rage.


It is a very disturbing turn of events. When the news first came out, I was hoping that it wasn't something like this because Benoit always seemed to be a family oriented guy. But I guess that is what drugs will do to a person. It makes me step back and think what is the world coming to these days.


And to think that hoopsinsider tells me to get a life for bashing this guy, Im glad that more of you finally jumped on board with me and said what a monster this guy was.


Benoit was just a sick person. There was obviously something wrong with him, and they really cant say that it was roid rage. It could have played a small part in it but nobody stays on a roid rage for a whole weekend. It is something that just happens over a few minutes when you lose your cool . If he would have killed his wife and son at the same time then maybe you could say it was the roids. He had mental problems and it is sad that nobody could spot it before this tragedy happened.


Article I found

WWE criticizes "sensationalistic" reporting

By GREG OLIVER - Producer, SLAM! Wrestling


World Wrestling Entertainment, tired of having its name slagged through the mud following the double homicide-suicide involving Chris Benoit, his wife, Nancy, and his son, Daniel, has gone on the offensive.

In an unsigned press release issued late Tuesday to the media and on its website, WWE claimed to be "stunned and saddened by the details released by local authorities concerning the double homicide-suicide."

It took the media to task for "sensationalistic reporting and speculation being undertaken by some members of the media" after the press conference held by the Fayette County Sheriff’s Department and the District Attorney Tuesday at 3 p.m.

Here is the rest of the press release:

During the press conference, the investigating authorities made the following points, all of which run contrary to the media speculation that "roid rage" was a factor in the senseless murders and suicide:

The authorities stated that all drugs found in the house were believed to be legal prescriptions.

Steroids were not, and could not, be related to the cause of death (asphyxiation). Authorities had no factual basis to speculate as to Benoit’s state of mind, and rightly did not do so.

Toxicology tests have not even been completed, so there is no current evidence that Benoit even had steroids or any other substance in his body. In that regard, on the last test done on Benoit by WWE's independently administered drug testing program, done on April 10, 2007, Benoit tested negative.

The physical findings announced by authorities indicate deliberation, not rage. The wife's feet and hands were bound and she was asphyxiated, not beaten to death. By the account of the authorities, there were substantial periods of time between the death of the wife and the death of the son, again suggesting deliberate thought, not rage. The presence of a Bible by each is also not an act of rage.

WWE strongly suggests that it is entirely wrong for speculators to suggest that steroids had anything to do with these senseless acts, especially when the authorities plainly stated there is no evidence that Benoit had steroids in his body, pending the toxicological reports, and that they had no evidence at this time as to the motive for these acts.

WWE is continuing to monitor the ongoing investigation being conducted by local authorities.


Good Ol' JR has chimed in....

The senseless and tragic death of the 3 people in the double murder-suicide that occurred over the weekend in the Benoit's home in an Atlanta suburb is a nightmare that one still wants to awake from. For those of us that knew Chris, Nancy, and Daniel on a personal level it is still hard to believe that this horrific event could even occur much less why.

The last time I saw the three of them together was at Wrestlemania 23 and my wife and I had a long visit with the Benoits and at no time could one detect that there were any issues whatsoever. I even had the occasion to speak at length privately to Nancy and she said things were fine at home. As well as Nancy and I knew each other, if that had not been the case, she would have inferred otherwise I assure you. Like so many others who attended the event on that night, the Benoit family was happy and enjoying the moment.

So what happened? I do not know. No one knows. We will hopefully know more when the toxicology reports are completed. Until then all anyone has, including the media, is supposition based on speculation. To garner ratings, the media will continue to make this as huge a story as possible, even without all the facts. That's the business in which they are involved. Remember when the media, without all the facts, essentially convicted the Duke Lacrosse team several months ago only to find out that there was no case but in the spirit of ratings and to scoop the competition, the three young men from the Duke Lacrosse team were in essence ruled guilty by the media?

I know this damn sure isn't a Duke Lacrosse matter or even remotely close, because two innocent people are dead. But again we hear the media rush to judgment about why and how this horrific chain of events came to pass, but still without the evidence or a valid motive. So then why are three people dead? What caused this irrational and totally uncharacteristic behavior from an individual who hereto for had never demonstrated such tendencies in his workplace, not even once? I don't know and neither does anyone else until the medical examiner can provide more information and then there will be most likely questions in this matter than may never be answered. I know this, God knows and he will deal with this matter accordingly.

Plus, some of those who have or are loosely associated with wrestling and who are making statements with little or no background of the facts of this matter or who simply want another 15 minutes are in a large sense pathetic.

The bottom line is that a woman and a small child are dead of murder and that is an utter shame. That act is inexcusable. The victim's families need to be held close to our hearts and in our prayers. Let's consider putting forth as much passion and effort in prayer and reflection as some are in playing amateur detective and wannabe investigative reporters. Let's spend a little more time with our own families while we are at it, because there are no guarantees about tomorrow and we should covet every day we are blessed to have with our loved ones. I know this, I am going to do all I can to spend more time with family and friends than ever before as this sad situation has slapped me in the face in more ways than one.

I have had friends who questioned the Benoit-themed Monday Night Raw, especially in light of the events that occurred in the Benoit home. For all those who seem to know all the answers and seemingly like to give the appearance of having 20/20 vision after the fact let me add this; when we went on the air at 7 p.m. central time, all we knew was that the police, at the WWE's urging, had gone to the home and had found three dead bodies in the Benoit home Monday afternoon. This information was confirmed to us late in the day Monday in Corpus Christi and that was all we knew. There was no talk from the authorities themselves of a double murder suicide that was relayed to us in Texas. The facts came out as the night progressed and more facts are still being released several days after this unspeakable nightmare.

Obviously, and in my opinion, if the WWE had known the information of what had actually happened in suburban Atlanta over the weekend, a different decision regarding Monday's three hour retrospective to Benoit's career would have obviously been different.

I know that Benoit's behavior was totally uncharacteristic of him, as I knew him over so many years as he was one of the most professional and polite men with which I have ever been associated. I don't know why this sickening chain of events happened, but murder, especially taking one's own child's life, is unpardonable. I am anxious to read the results of the toxicology reports as the next curious individual but the bottom line is that 3 people are dead including a mother and her son.

It is not too late for all of us to change how we deal with our own families and our friends and to honor every day we have the privilege of being on this earth. Remember, we are all only passing through, so take every day as a gift and continue to count all one's blessings.

Today can truly be the first day in the rest of our lives. God Bless all of you that are suffering. Lean on God…He can handle it.



Fox News reveal Wikipedia posted Nancy's death hours before police recovered the bodies...

An anonymous user operating a computer traced to Stamford, Conn. — home to World Wrestling Entertainment — posted an entry to pro wrestler Chris Benoit's biography on Wikipedia.org announcing the death of his wife Nancy at least 13 hours before police in suburban Atlanta said they found her body along with her husband's and that of their 7-year-old son, FOXNews.com has learned.

Employees at Wikipedia.org said the posting went live on their site on Monday at 12:01 a.m. Eastern Standard Time. Police, however, said they found the bodies Monday at 2:30 p.m. EDT.

The posting reads: “Chris Benoit was replaced by [[Johnny Nitro]] for the ECW Championship match at Vengeance, as Benoit was not there due to personal issues, stemming from the death of his wife Nancy.†According to a Wikipedia.org report published after FOXNews.com made inquiries, the edit was reversed just under one hour later with the comment:

"Need a reliable source. Saying that his wife died is a pretty big statement, you need to back it up with something."

The posting apparently was made in reference to Benoit's scheduled appearance on Sunday night at an Extreme Championship Wrestling event in Texas.

An employee from Wikipedia.org told FOXNews.com that he called and left a message with investigative authorities in Fayetteville, Ga., at around 11 a.m. EDT on Tuesday, after the posting was brought to the attention of the St. Petersburg, Fla.-based Web site.

“I chat with other editors on IRC — Internet relay chat — and somebody pointed it out to me on a relay chat and that it came from a Stamford connection, and that it took place at midnight Eastern Standard Time on Monday morning,†said Wikipedia.org volunteer coordinator Cary Bass. “I called and left a message with the police department.â€

The computer-generated time and date stamp of the Benoit entry are listed as 4:01, 25 June 2007. Wikipedia.org lists its entries according to Universal Time, also known as Greenwich Mean Time.

Further investigation, according to Wikipedia.com, shows that one hour after the first edit reversion, another anonymous edit by using unwiredAustralia.com.au, a wireless Internet service provider, was made adding about the aforementioned personal issues: "which according to several pro wrestling websites is attributed to the passing of Benoit's wife, Nancy."

That edit was reverted less than 20 minutes later, with the following comment: "Saying 'several pro wrestling websites' is still not reliable information." The second edit was made by a computer in Australia from a wireless network, according to Wikipedia.org.

A message left by FOXNews.com with Lt. Tommy Pope of the Fayette County Sheriff’s Department was not immediately returned.

Investigators so far have ruled the Benoit killings as a double homicide-suicide.

Wikipedia.org claims to be one of the largest reference Web sites, and is written collaboratively by users from around the world. Approved users can make submissions and change entries that are posted on the site almost immediately. Bass said the site is constantly monitored to correct inaccuracies.

Bass said when there is a high-profile case, such as the Benoit killlings, Wikipedia.org limits postings to registered users, which is now indicated at the top of the Benoit entry. According to the listed history on the Benoit entry, the computer used to post the 12:01 a.m. entry had a Stamford, Conn., Internet Protocol — or IP — address, a numeric designation that is assigned to every computer with an Internet connection, and that same address has been used to post about a dozen other messages on the site, dating back to May 16, 2007.

In related news, FOXNews.com also has learned, through widely posted Web reports, that former pro wrestler Sherri Martel, who was found dead on June 15, was linked to former wrestler Kevin Sullivan — ex-husband of Nancy Benoit.

Martel, who had a reputation as one of the top managers in pro wrestling, was found dead at her mother’s home in near Birmingham, Ala., on June 15. She was 49.

Investigators, who have not yet determined Martel's cause of death, say foul play is not suspected but that Martel did not die of natural causes.


I agree with bears99. This guy is a sorry S.O.B. for murdering his wife and son, and he is a coward for taking his own life. Roid rage is just something for people to lay this whole thing off on because it makes it easier to digest. I didn't personally know the man, but even if I did, I could not defend him murdering his wife, even if she was unfaithful. Heck, weren't they already divorced?

Murder can never be justified. I have had some low points in my life just like I'm sure many others have had also. It never occured to me to harm someone I love in order to suppress the hurt. This man was sick, and he took it to a tragic ending.


ATLANTA - Investigators are looking into who altered pro wrestler Chris Benoit's Wikipedia entry to mention his wife's death hours before authorities discovered the bodies of the couple and their 7-year-old son.

Benoit's Wikipedia entry was altered early Monday to say that the wrestler had missed a match two days earlier because of his wife's death.

A Wikipedia official, Cary Bass, said Thursday that the entry was made by someone using an Internet protocol address registered in Stamford, Conn., where World Wrestling Entertainment is based.


I find this one a little hard to believe...Fox News also claims that Dubya is the greatest president of all time...And that Elvis is alive!

              And Im sure that you think wrestling is real and Hilary Clinton is the greatest pres. nominee ever.
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