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I think that it is silly. 

Reparations are a payment of debt owed by a person, corporation, country, etc.  The debt can be actual or it can be merely compensation. Actual can be like, your actions caused me to spend money to legally go against you and you should pay my expenses. After WWI a believe the Allied Powers ordered reparations from Germany (which crippled them and helped fuel WWII). The case was, your stupid actions Germany by causing this war cost us billions of dollars so you have to repay us or... reparations. Another example might be a judge rules that a person committed a crime and must do jail time but he must pay reparations for the damaged caused to the victim. 

The other general reparations category is not a direct repayment of money but for a wrong done to someone and you caused it. During WWII the US Government interned Japanese Americans without any due process out of fear. In the late 1980’s the US Congress voted to pay reparations of $20,000 to each survivor of the camps or the heirs of that person. 

Why were reparations paid by Congress? Because it was the US Government that interned them. 

So it comes down to two questions in my opinion. Does a valid grievance exist for payment and if so, who owes it?

 I think that a good case could be made for slavery. Not the existence of if being being abhorrent which is indisputable but whether someone owes for it. In the Japanese internment it appears to be a clear constitutional violation of due process (5th and 14th Amendments) so a law was violated. Slavery however was not illegal to slave owners, unlike the US Government to the Japanese which committed an unlawful act under the then current law. 

Then, who committed the acts? In the Japanese internment it was the actual government that locked them up so the government paid money in compensation. Did the US Government own slaves or was slave ownership completely private. If private, why would a government that never owned slaves, pay reparations? I often have seen the argument that the Japanese were paid a settlement by Congress. Yeah, they are the ones who did the enslaving. To compare that to privately owned slaves is like me demanding any member of this forum repay me $1,500 for the 25hp Evinrude motor that was stolen from me in 1987. It is true that any of you didn’t steal it and it was a long time ago, I should still be repaid and I should bevable to choose one of you to owe it to me, right? Obviously that is nonsensical because if you aren’t the one to cause the injury, why should you repay. And again, the theft from me was a crime, unlike slavery which was legal. 

The history of slavery from what I read in the now USA, began in the early 1600’s. The original slaves were brought to the colonies which were part of...  Great Britain. It wasn’t until almost 200 years later that the USA even existed. So even if you believe that a case could be made on the government paying reparations for something lawfully done by a private citizen, shouldn’t it be Great Britain paying the reparations? 

I don’t believe that a case for reparations is valid however feel free to petition a Great Britain for the money. They are the responsible government who allowed slaves to be brought in, not the country that was created almost two centuries later. 





Section 8 housing 


Food stamps

I really work for my family and myself. I don’t believe I should pay other’s way so they can live the life of Riley. Forget that! I owe no one except the banks and Uncle Sam.

54 minutes ago, baddog said:



Section 8 housing 


Food stamps

I really work for my family and myself. I don’t believe I should pay other’s way so they can live the life of Riley. Forget that! I owe no one except the banks and Uncle Sam.

You sir, are a purveyor of white privilege and should be mindful of the fact that "you didn't build that"



2 hours ago, stevenash said:

You sir, are a purveyor of white privilege and should be mindful of the fact that "you didn't build that"

I’m waiting for a former slave to come up to me and tell me how I owe him anything. That should go over well. 

7 hours ago, LumRaiderFan said:

Ridiculous...but it's $heila Jackson Lee, I would expect nothing else.

I don’t know if it’s true or not, but I heard in the radio today that Lee said 150% of black children lived in poverty.   If true, amazing.

3 hours ago, baddog said:


I’m waiting for a former slave to come up to me and tell me how I owe him anything. That should go over well. 

I got a God who takes care of me.  Personally I'd rather die than as you for poop.


This whole thing is a bunch of crap!!! It’s just another way for the DEMONcrats to find a few more voters. There will be people everywhere asking for some type of handout because their great, great, great uncle was a slave. Such a joke!!!

10 hours ago, Kountzer said:

I got a God who takes care of me.  Personally I'd rather die than as you for poop.


10 hours ago, Kountzer said:

I got a God who takes care of me.  Personally I'd rather die than as you for poop.

You wear your religion on the cuff of your shirt. You need to translate that last statement.


11 hours ago, Kountzer said:

I got a God who takes care of me.  Personally I'd rather die than as you for poop.

Perfect...you don't want to take money that isn't yours and baddog doesn't want money taken away that is his.

If all had this attitude, problem solved, no ridiculous reparations needed.


The reality is, this referendum talk is just that, talk.  Ask yourself, why now?  Why start something so divisive?  Could it be to many have left the Plantation?   To many blacks are starting to see what the Dem Party has done to them, and what the Republican Party has done for them.   


How can we make sure that the reparations are paid back only descendants of slaveowners?  Also, are the payments to be made to African Americans who can trace their lineage to the pre-civil war south?  I'm not sure how a person whose folks came here later, or whose folks never lived down South would be owed much of anything. 

Plus, my sister-in-law married a boy that's half-black (Halfrican).  Does he get a half-payment and her kids get a quarter?  These are the kinds of things that need to be answered.  

If you ask me, Reparations have been getting paid on the first of the month for many, many years and that tab ought to be pretty well squared.  It also hasn't helped a bit.. Just like the EIC payments they pass out in tax season..... folks would blow through it and nothing would change.  

9 hours ago, Hagar said:

They’d have to prove they were descendants of slaves.  It’d be a genuine cluster fudge.

My understanding is that plan is more to address “inequalities that have existed til today which have affected ALL people of color.” I take it to mean you’re a “victim” of your skin is dark enough, lol. 

It would all be a bad joke if people weren’t seriously in favor of it. 

8 hours ago, stevenash said:

We must eradicate white privilege.

You’re about the only bigoted, racist, white male hating poster left on the Forum.



Will reparations make slavery go away? I’m certain that all the black people who hate whites because of slavery will then sit down and roast marshmallows and sing kumbaya with their white brethren. We could be one big, happy family. Finally.......

I know a black man who hates whites. Can I get some money from him?

35 minutes ago, baddog said:

Will reparations make slavery go away? I’m certain that all the black people who hate whites because of slavery will then sit down and roast marshmallows and sing kumbaya with their white brethren. We could be one big, happy family. Finally.......

I know a black man who hates whites. Can I get some money from him?

Bingo baddog - will it end it?   No, it will never end.  Nor will the LGBTSUKS demands/claims.  Both of these groups will want/demand special treatment until hell freezes over.  Oh, and add liberal women to that.  They want all that too.  The conservative White people, the Hispanics, and the Orientals will listen to this whining, crying, wanting and demanding, forever.   Cest la vie.

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