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Did the Orange team make it to the championship on Friday? ???

Yes, Orange1 is in the finals, but they will not play Friday unless need be. TC and Vidor1 will square off @ 6:00pm tomorrow and the winner will play Orange immediately following. If Orange loses that game then they will play Friday. If they win, the tourney is over...

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Congrats to Orange 1  in there win tonight against Vidor 1.

  Vidor faces TC tomorrow night at 6:00pm.

  Orange's bats were Red hot tonight just like they have been all tournament.Congrats to a well deserved win over us tonight.

Maybe we will get another shot at yall tomorrow at 7:30pm


Great job Orange 1 & 2.  Sorry we couldn't make it tonight to see the game td and chadO.  Sounds like it was a good one.  Hope to see yall push on to Irving after the Thursday night game.   


Orange 1 beat Vidor 15-1 at the end of the 4th.  Orange was hard to beat last night, hope it holds true tonight when we play Vidor or TC.


Orange2- congrats on being in the top 4, and being the only "2" team left.  The boys played hard--good job!

Guest coach

What were the scores last night?

to answer your question Orange 2 got beat 17-2 in the 4th .

Congrats to Tony D and his boys  from Orange.A very deserving team heading to State.

  Yall are a well coached team and your boys can hit the ball.

  Alot of good games in the tournament and I am very proud of my team as well.

Now I am off to Cancun to sip on some drinks with umbrella's in them and not think about a dang thing except where my next drink is! ;D


I take it Vidor beat TC?  Score?  And I take it Orange beat Vidor?  Score?  All three teams were good this year.  Congrats Tony, Chad and the rest of Orange. 


Piratefan, that sounds GREAT!  You should be proud of your boys--all kids who make it this level have something to be proud of!  Considering your Shetland's are heading to State after beating our Orange team, I have to say it is nice that our Pinto team is going!  We'll try to get by to wacth them if our schedules work out right!  

Now this will be lengthy!--But I feel it needs to be said!

Regarding the tournament held in Sour Lake--it WAS a well run tournament with Bob Bienevue (sp?) and Geaorge Coit.  I have some different thoughts on how it could be shorter, but it didn't turn out too bad! I think winning always helps--smile!

Hopefully, I can say this and get responses that are true, yet respectful, but I am most disappointed with the Sour Lake fans.

THE TC kids were a hard playing team--HRs left and right!

Beginning on Wednesday, we had one of our parents virtually in a shouting match with the female announcer about the change of Friday night's championship game to Thursday.  It WAS on the bracket for Friday and apparently some of Orange's fans said "No, Friday....." or something to that effect.  Well, she repeated it in the microphone with a rude "Thank you very much" ending.  Our one erratic fan did get into a stupid verbal match and that as ridiuclous, but she is representing the host team and was the announcer.

Next, it was heard by several adults that the Orange team was a "select" team.  YOU ARE CORRECT!!!!!!  They are a "select" team--they are "selected" from the 11 or 12 OYBS league teams that played hard all season.  They were "selected" by all the coaches who represented them--how about "WOW!  Those kids have worked hard to get to this level of play!"

On Wednesday, after TC beat Orange 2, one of TC's coaches asked one of our coaches "You want a piece of that?" referrng to the the 17-2 (I think) win over Orange 2.  Well, we got a piece of that and beat them last night 18-6.  After 5 HRs were hit in the first inning alone and both teams got their 5, Orange held them until the 4th inning.  Thank you, Sir, for that piece--it was good!

The ultimate show of poor sportsmanship was last night, during this game--the TC fans chanted "Select Team" over and over as they clapped.  Somehow, during this chant, one of our boys hit yet another HR and it stopped them.

And lastly, Orange watched, clapped and waited for the TC boys to be called and given their medals.  This team was a hard team, hit hard, played hard and obviously were good enough to be in the championship.  BUT......the TC fans walked away as our team was called out and given their medals.  

It is not as if they had any part in the hard work of our kids and they didn't HAVE to be there--we had the kids, their coaches and the family and friends of these kids to clap hard and yell for them!  They are deserving of this championship!  But it is called respect and this it how you teach your children.

Sportsmanship is very hard to learn--but these kids can't learn when the adults surrounding them don't have it either!

Thanks, Mr. Bienevue, for a great tournament and thank you to all the kids who worked so hard to get to that tournament.  It takes dedication of you and your parents to forgo your summer to practice and play hard!



I don't know what all went down after we (Groves) got knocked out of the tournament but this I know...Orange had a great team!!  I have played and beat and lost to this group of kids in Pony League games before from the Shetland level to Pinto level.  They are not select!!!  They play league just like everyone else and pick allstars just like everyone else.  Should we be jealous they are so good...I am...but I respect and appreciate how good their team was this year.  Sorry the experience was not great but don't let it take away from what you accomplished.  I have developed a good relationship with the Orange coaches and I would just like to say they are a class act.  Good Luck!!  Win it all!!!


ABA,  thank you for your comments.  You guys have knocked our team out the last 2 years, it sure felt good to get by you guys.  You guys always lace 'em up and play hard.  I believe Groves were the only team to take us to 6.  It is always fun to play you guys.  As I have told Brian, you guys are class all the way.  I/we (Orange OYBS) have nothing but respect for you guys.

Shepinto, you forgot to mention that we asked to to have our water cooler filled before the game (it was bone dry).  Finally in about the 3rd, one of our fans had to do it.  Thanks Brandon.

As for our "select team".  I feel proud that is what they think.  It reassures us that we have done our job.  I truly believe that we got the 12 best from our league.

Brent, great job with your team.  Last 2 team standing. 8) 8)


I'm so glad someone brought this up...

I heard the same things going on. After our game on Wednesday (Orange2), the TC1 coach approached my wife near the concession stand and interrogated her about the number 1 team and being a "select" team. I guess he thought that she would say something incriminating since she was obviously a mom of a number 2 player, but of course she would not. In fact, she told him straight up what she thought about his inquiries (he picked the wrong person  ;)). Anyway... he was asking her how long they had been playing together and even asked the question, "tell the truth, they are a select team, aren't they?". She said, "ummmm... NO!" and walked off.

Also, one of my parents over heard the same thing coming from some of the Vidor parents after their game, although not as bad.

This is the problem I have with all of this CRAP. I am a second team parent/coach so I really don't have a dog in this fight. But I have coached several of the players on that #1 team and it PISSES ME OFF for ADULTS to belittle the accomplishments of these children and the hard work and hour upon hour that they have put into this game. Why in the F--k do ADULTS have to ruin the experience for these kids? Just because they are better than you doesn't mean someone is cheating. They are just better. I think it's a travesty that this was even going on. Thank God that the kids are oblivious to it so it will not take ANYTHING away from what they have accomplished. I purposely trolled the TC side a couple of times last night hoping that someone over there would approach me with this crap just so I could let them all know exactly how I felt about what went on.

Parents... sit back and enjoy the experience. Realize that you will win some and you will lose some. Your kid will not always play short stop and he will not always play every inning. Accept the fact that there will be teams better than you at some point and realize that every coach is out there to do his best. Stop ruining this blessed experience for everyone around you. Your child is only going to be in this league for a short time, enjoy it and quit pissing and moaning. Before you know it, this period in their life will be over. Enjoy it and let those around you enjoy it too... Shame on some of you!


I have no dog in this fight but I am curious.  Do these Orange kids play togethor on a select tourney team?  I don't think there is any rule against it, I'm just wondering if this is the group of kids that I see at Ford Park.


This group of kids have never played together at Ford Park. After allstars started, they played in one select tournament in Lake Charles to get ready for this tournament and so did the Vidor number 1 team. That is the one (and only) time they have been anywhere near select ball.


Our kids play a little select togethor and then play little league.  i don't see anything wrong with it and I don't guess I see why Orange fans would be upset if TC chanted "select".  If the kids want to play more ball and get better, then the other kids should do the same if they want to compete. 


I have no dog in this fight but I am curious.  Do these Orange kids play togethor on a select tourney team?  I don't think there is any rule against it, I'm just wondering if this is the group of kids that I see at Ford Park.

No they are not select, simply selected as All Stars at the end of May.  They represent several teams in the Orange Youth Baseball League.  They had about 6 weeks to come together as a team and they did and they deserve to win!  Our second team was also selected in May and they represented Orange well also!  GO ORANGE!

Gasilla, my thoughts are with you--it is disturbing--however, nothing should take away from any child playing in this tournament-GREAT JOB to ALL the players!


TD, CB, and the rest of the guys from Orange, forget the poor sportsmanship you may have experienced from any other teams. I hate it that you put it on us (Groves) like you did but you were the better team. I know Bryan and I look forward to playing you guys because we know we have to bring our A game every time we play to have a chance and thats what its all about. It also, always brings out our kids best performance. I dont think any one from this area has went to Dallas and made a good showing since the 05 Groves Pinto Team coached by Rodney Scroggs (they played for the State Championship). From what I experienced you guys have a good chance to bring home the title. Go get em in Dallas, Dallas. Good luck guys and keep us updated asap on the state tournament.




It doesn't upset me as a parent to be called select--select ball is a good thing.  To play as well as a select team shows how well coached we were and how hard the boys played.  In fact, we played a in a select tournament to get some playing experience and beat a really good select team!  

However, when it is done in a derogatory manner--and it was--it is unnecessary!  WE BEAT TC because we are a good group of ball players!  They are as well--parents just spoil it!


That's right shepinto, there is nothing wrong (at all) with select ball. The problem is that some were using it as an excuse for these kids success and undermining the hard work and preparation these kids have gone through. It was DEFINITELY used in a derogatory manner.


BBDad- I forgot about the water incident!  SHows you they weren't concerned about Vidor either.  It's one thing to not realize the dugout was out of water, another thing NOT to get it after they were told about it!

So.......thanks Brandon!  And thanks to all the Orange 2 fans that came out to watch!  Both teams did a great job!


Thanks to everyone for the positive comments. These kids worked very hard and it paid off. Each and everyone of these kids deserve all of the credit they get. I would also like to thank Dave Pederson, Chad Broussard and Kent Miller. Without these guys we would have never gotten this done. There are countless other dads, moms and grandparents that we had to have to get through our practices. They were long and hard and there were many of them. I'm going to try to refrain from negative comments. However, I want to say this. I'm so proud of the parents and fans from Orange. When we took our loss to Vidor in Shetland, (who was the better team) we stood and cheered and congratulated them until the end. Then our kids went and told them "good luck in the state tournament". What class they showed. Too bad Pinto didn't get the same respect shown to them.

Hopefully the kids will continue playing hard and having fun. Thanks to the grounds crew in Sour Lake. The field was in great condition to play on. Thanks to Bob and George for putting on a great tournament.

PS That water thing really got under my skin.



Not to take anything away from the young boy whpo had the most HRs in the tournament, but just as we were taking group/team pics, they interupt with this announcement.  He should have been recognized and it isn't a big deal as we were just taking pictures.  But I guess with the other things being done and said, it made me wonder how insensitive these people could be by interupting us.

However, I guess since their fans had walked away from us during our medals, they weren't there to see the boy get this honor either.

Oh well, another day in baseball--when's practice, Coach?


Oh- think you can win that too?  I guess the other assistant will have to take care of practice on Saturday then.  Coach Chad--could you bring some water to the field by about 5:00 Saturday evening--after that golf tourney and all!  The "assistant" coaches want to work on a few things!



I think the fact that the Orange League fights about all of these same issues among itself on this very sight (please see the forum topic OCYB) speaks volumes!  I don't see Groves, Vidor, Pt. Arthur, or TC screaming STACKED like on your leagues forum. 

And it takes a really big man to pick a fight with a 5 foot tall woman.  Even your own fans were mortified by your outrageous behavior & apologized for it afterwards.  Here’s a clue, Orange...when the constable and the police department have to patrol during your games, your parents/fans may be out of control!  Completely opposite of what is being said here, they were there Thursday night because of the WILD and INAPPROPRIATE behavior shown Wednesday nights to the officials and to the Vidor fans in the parking lot.  It wasn't enough to beat Vidor, you then had to harass them in the parking lot and leave a woman that was alone without her husband fleeing for her car because of the group of parents/fans from Orange that began shouting at her.  It makes Orange look pretty bad when the only time the big men can stand up is when a woman is alone.  They sure backpedal when the men step up!  Do you even know why the man attacked the official?  It was because Coach Bost from Groves turned in the positions of his team on his roster and the Coach from Orange did not.  So, when a player made a great catch or great play, the players from Groves were identified by name instead of saying "Great play from the Orange short stop."  Or you serious?!?!?!?!  Forget the water coolers!  Next year, they'll make sure your stands are stocked with KLEENEX!  WWWAAAAAHHHH! 

Also, regarding the "select team" rumor, you may want to again check your own bleachers.  I was standing in a small group of people talking when one of the grandparents from Orange 1 came over to a grandparent from another league and she told this other grandparent that she suspected that Vidor 1 was a select team and that they must have played all year with their all star team.  She said that Orange didn't pick all stars last year, but picked them at the beginning of the season and played with them all year and she suspected Vidor of doing the same that they did.  If this information was not correct, then your stands should really check themselves.  However, after reading OCYB forum thread, I suspect this grandmother was right on!

About the 5 elementary & junior high kids chanting "select team" on the TC side, maybe you could send one of your BIG threatening men over to try to fight the little kids when they are done trying to beat up all the little women.  That'll show 'em all!

And ya know, I have no idea about water coolers or anything else, but I have a hard time believing that just because some of your fans were inappropriate or because your kids were coming into a game in 1st place, that the TC hosts had this great big plan to dehydrate 7 & 8 year old boys so that they could win a game!  Are you serious?!?!  Maybe it was a conspiracy that the Vidor kids were in on so that they drank ALL of the water in the cooler just hoping for revenge on Orange from the night before!  Maybe those tough men could smack them around a little while they are at it! 

I think reading through these threads speak for itself.  The language and the whining are a common theme.  It’s really a shame, too.  The tournament was a great tournament with some really good baseball being played.  That was a tough tournament with some very promising baseball players showing great talent! 

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