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Man !!! You must feel alot better now you have gotten that out ;D ;D ::)

But if it's so bad in Orange why is Hawk Pride wanting to come play fall ball in ORANGE???? Things can't be that bad.

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from your own OCYB thread..."I'm new to this throw down but I'm jumping right on in and gettin me some.  We're gonna call this OYBS smackdown."  Veerrry nice! 

Like I said, read your own forum.  It speaks volumes!


Olay ' como esta  sen'or!!

  just got back from Cancun and I read all this garbage!

It was a great tournament and the team who won DESERVED to win.

I  personally know these kids arent "select".and who cares if they are.

they are the same age as the kids they played against.

  Every town and every league has people that dont act appropriate in public.

Congrats to TD and his team in STATE.It is good to see teams in the tournament who dont win support the team who does win.

If I could go to Dallas and support Orange  I would be there!



We will be there with our Vidor Shetland boys, and we have already discussed going to support the Orange Pinto Team in their tourney.

Hopefully the Golden Triangle can bring back the State Titles in Shetland and Pinto

Vidor Bronco will be playing in Huntsville this weekend.  The tourney got pushed back a week to accomodate Louisiana.  Good Luck Vidor.


from your own OCYB thread..."I'm new to this throw down but I'm jumping right on in and gettin me some.  We're gonna call this OYBS smackdown."  Veerrry nice! 

Like I said, read your own forum.  It speaks volumes!

I can tell that you didn't read it! Because "rhino" said that not me!! And it's OYBS not OCYB OR YMCA :P :P ;D


like said earlier TC doesnt have a fall ball over here. nothing was said about leaving TC but giving my kids a chance to play some more ball. im in it for the kids, dont bring my name up in all the other mess!



You don't need to give credit to girlplayer for my saying.  Smackdown was trademarked by me.  Furthermore when you refer to "our" OCYB forum, it's OYBS.  Also you were mistaken when you were talking about "our" police dept. having to patrol our games because of "our" crazy parents.  In fact "our" police dept. was called because a tc coach during "our" game got upset from a call, said a few cuss words, and told the umpire he would be waiting for him.  The umpire gave him the boot and told the tourney director to notify the police.  So now since you know the real story you can write a retraction to your previous statement and apologize to the wonderful people of Orange.


As the coach, I learned of our fan that acted inapropriately. I talked to him and as far as I know that was the end of it. I never heard of any men threatening any women or men for that matter. I know we handled our business on the field and that's what we were there for. The man got a little too excited when he heard we were supposed to play Thursday instead of Friday. I only have second hand knowledge of what was said. Again my main job is to teach the kids. I agree that our fans are my secondary job. However, I can only fix what I know is broken. So for any other teams, when Orange visits your park, and I (Tony Dallas) am the coach, if we have a kid or parent that is acting up please tell me so I can handle the situation.

Thanks again to the ground crew that took such good care of the field.



Piratefan, did you get your fruity drinks and plenty of umbrellas to go with it????Sounds great!  I am jealous!  I wish that Orange coach would take me for a fruity drink!  However, I don't think baseball is quite over!!!!! ;) ;)

In response to JDP and his accusations that a man made a woman flee to her car, if that was the case, then he should have been made accountable for his actions--no matter where he was from- Orange, Vidor, TC, Groves.  If an offical was harrassed in the parking lot, he should have had something done about it as well.

And, why would we (Orange) be mad at Vidor fans???? No offense to Vidor at all, but Orange beat Vidor and there were NO problems during that game.  It was the announcer from TC and the man from Orange who were arguing!!!!!

The man who got into the verbal match with the female announcer was completely wrong and I said so in my original post.  However, as I said, she not only represented TC as a host team, but she was the announcer of the game.  She should have ignored the man or asked for help--there were plenty of men standing around her.

I walked over to her during this verbal altercation and very politely mentioned that despite this man's uproar, Orange knew they played Thursday and not Friday, despite what the bracket said (That's what started this whole thing).  She very rudely began to shake the roster in my face saying she couldn't help it if the coach didn't put positions down, etc.  I frankly didn't realize that is what the discussion had turned to, so I didn't get into that part.  It doesn't bother me a bit if positions aren't called.  ANyway, JDP, Groves was out of the tournament by this time, it was Orange and Vidor.

Next, there isn't all this fighting in Orange.  All these posts have to do with one team, one season and several peoples thoughts about it all.  In fact, that team lost out to Vidor and it is all over-- :-[ :-[ :-[

As for the water, my guess is Vidor didn't have it either, they probably didn't drink it all to spite Orange.  Vidor, did you drink ALL of our water???  That wasn't nice.  The funny thing is, I didn't say TC tried to dehydrate our team, I simply said you were told about no water and no one ever got it.  In the 3rd inning, our fan went to get it.

And, yes, All-Stars were selected in May just as they are EVERY year, the coach is whomever comes in first place that season, so you don't know that until May either.

GO Vidor Shetland--even though you beat my baby in Orange!HAHAHAHAH

And go Orange Pinto!  Orange plays right before Vidor, so it will be a Golden Triangle representation!

Again, thanks to B. Bienevue and G. Coit for a great tournament and to all the great kids who played great ball!



You don't need to give credit to girlplayer for my saying.  Smackdown was trademarked by me.  Furthermore when you refer to "our" OCYB forum, it's OYBS.  Also you were mistaken when you were talking about "our" police dept. having to patrol our games because of "our" crazy parents.  In fact "our" police dept. was called because a tc coach during "our" game got upset from a call, said a few cuss words, and told the umpire he would be waiting for him.  The umpire gave him the boot and told the tourney director to notify the police.  So now since you know the real story you can write a retraction to your previous statement and apologize to the wonderful people of Orange.

Hey, Ryaneaux, correct story, but it also happened in Sour Lake and that is what this guy refers to.  IN SOur Lake, they did have cops patrolling or really driving by on Thursday night.  You are referring to the Shetland tournament in Orange when the TC fan was asked to leave and made some more comments and YES, Orange cops did have to be called.  WOW!  TC has those fans too?


any time theirs a game at TC the cops roll by. Even during regular season when its just TC teams there. Sometimes they even get out to watch a little bit. Its not the fans, maybe they want to see some kids play ball, whats wrong with that?


Yeah Shepinto your right.  I was unaware of the sourlake incident.  I got a call from that crazy girlplayer and told me I should read what pdj said about the sbyo. Souhld I strat wirtnig lkie jDp.  When she started in saying one grandparent from Orange went to another grandparent from another league and told another grandparent from some where else and what ever else nonsense I lost it.  I love my grandparents but I'm sorry, my grandparents gossip on what really happened is like our little forum on steroids.  Anyway, go Orange Pinto, I know yall left today, good luck and hope to hear from yall soon.  Girlplayer are you gonna start some more smackdown tonight?  You need to leave this forum and go to our sbyo forum.  jDp's gonna talk about us oRANGE pEoPle AgIan.


My Husband put it best when he said --- " When did baseball get so complicated? Why does everyone have to have all these parent shirts window stickers and sweat towels and personalized equipment! When I was a boy all we did was play baseball it wasn't about all this other crap!" " boys could care less its the parents who make such a big deal about all of it! Everyone needs to let the boys just play baseball." And our coach said it best this year when he asked one day if our son would be able to make practice and I replied that yes our son would be there but I may not be able to stay---- He said----" I don't really care if the parents are there or not just as long as my players are, they are what is important." Shame on all the parents that have made such a mockery of this sport.

I was so impressed with this entire tournament I find it incredible that  a handful

of you have nothing better to do than to put down those around you as a means to make yourself feel better. And Thanks to the rest of you who sign on just to congratulate all the boys and all the effort.

I was very impressed with this forum until I got to the blurb from the Orange supporter/coach who felt compelled to bring down the whole tournament by belittling those around him. This would be the first time in all my years in the Pony league that I have seen someone go to such efforts to put down those around him.

Might I also say that if we listened to those GRANDPARENTS more  and tried to live our lives as they lived theirs back in the day we might all act a little different! ( and that would be for the better) Our Grandparents were the ones who actually new the true meaning of Honesty, respect, support, friendship and faith. It might have in fact been that grandparent who was actually the only honest supporter out at that ballpark this season!

Our Grandparents, or at least mine taught me that "You learn more from listening than you do from talking" and after several years of taking heed to that advise it is amazing what you hear and see when you shut up long enough to listen and to watch.

I do a lot of listening and observing these days, and not that you care but this is what I and several others observed through out this tournament.

1. All the teams which participated in the tournament were incredibly talented ( I am only speaking of the players) Almost all the Team supporters were completely supportive of the efforts by all including the other teams, parents and the ballpark.

2. It is extremely rude to mock an announcer behind their back when they are strictly doing their job and making every effort to inform all teams of upcoming games and events. On the particular night in question I as well as several others observed 2 different Ladies mocking  the announcer in a very loud, rude and obvious manner behind her back and long before the announcer took notice and took the time to re-state the information  which the ladies where so rudely questioning. And Yes both of the Ladies were Orange supporters. It was only after that point that I then witnessed one very rude Orange male patron come across the yellow taped  and jump in the announcers face. The announcer being totally stunned by all this asked him to step back ( which he didn't) It was at this point that I and several others employed the help of the TC Coaches and Lead Directors to try and calm down this man who was acting very inappropriately. TC never got ugly or loud over this incident. Only Orange.

2. I happened to be at the side door of the concession  stand as an innocent bystander (not  a board member) when the WATER incident occurred. I, as well as many others were trying to determine the best place to fill up the water jug (which was completely filled with fresh ice) One of the TC pony board members Grabbed the jug and filled it up with great apology for the inconvenience this issue was resolved in less than 90 seconds. Surprisingly enough the game hadn't even started yet! With that jug being full of ice it would be a safe presumption that no one intended to leave the water out on purpose. Are you all human? I know I am! God forbid someone make a small unintentional over site or mistake with no ill intention! my goodness what has this world come too when the best you have is to treat those who are trying their best to service you with such dis-respect.

I am so glad that all those years we have come to your  fields for the tournaments that you didn't have to put up with such rude  dis-respectful visitors. And trust me when I say none of the other Tournaments Have been perfect without error or rudeness. I will take this time to pat Vidor on the back though- of all the tournaments of been to they are the only other host that has ever taken the time to try their best to personalize each tournament game and make the tournament special. Even going out of their way to announce the Birthdays of those boys who were playing ball on their special day. TC would be the other great host that tried to make each game as personalized and individual as possible. So quite feeling like you have to put everyone else down just because your trying to justify your own actions.

3. When the final game was over and the medals were handed out Maybe the Orange team parents didn't notice but the entire TC team and Parents were standing either on the field or at the end of the dugout entrance when Orange received their medals and home run balls. I believe it was a TC Parent who said how incredible it was that practically the whole Orange team was getting a home run ball. What incredible hitters they all were. I do have the video to validate all this if need be. As For Our player who received the award for the most home runs of the whole tournament. Kudos to Justin! Several of us did have the chance to share that experience. Though no one was expecting it. If the Orange Team had waited to Take their team pictures till after all the announcement were over maybe everyone might have had a chance to share in this honor. There is no rule anywhere that says all other teams and supporters have to stick around while the winner takes team photos. After we cheered and applauded your team for winning the tournament, receiving their medals and home run balls, the tournament was over obviously because Orange jumped right to taking Pictures. Over all the days of the tournament I saw more TC parents including myself pat other team players/boys on the back and praise them at what a great job they did, win or loose. Not once did I witness one parent or supporter from the Orange team comment to one of our children/boys what a great job they had done. And Trust me Our children/my son played some incredible ball as well.

And Last but not least It was a Coach from the Orange 1 team or B team -(heck whatever team that didn't win the tournament ) who stood at the fence while watching the Other Orange team play and while accepting the praises  I had to offer told me that the boys on that team are selected as the-All-stars at the Beginning of the season and Have been practicing for 3 months at least and that some of them have played together on a separate select team on the weekends when they are not playing Pony. That came straight from one of the many horses mouth. My personal feeling is this yes every boy should do for himself what he can do to further his baseball desires and career. But there should be coaches and parents who have to play by rules and follow those rules when putting an all-star pony team together. Wether it is beginning of the season mid-season end-of season or playing all year through either we should all do it one way or another but it should be the same for all teams. That is what is fair to all the boys playing in the Pony League. It has nothing to do with Which town has the better boys. Because I think there are a lot of great equally talented baseball players to come from each town.

I feel the moral of my blurb is this- These boys don't need us to be successful ball players they don't need all the glamour to be great ball players and they sure don't need all of you gossipy supporters and parents to teach them how to be the parents and supporters of the next generation ( our Grandchildren) We have to be the example because in essence they are minny you and me's.

Now that I have wasted all this time talking because I "LISTENED" to much I am going to do something more worth while and go watch and listen to our future and try to set some good example.


not that it really matters, but here are a few statements of FACT in response to the last post:

1.  the "water incident" was corrected in the 3rd inning, not prior to the game.

2.  although she apparently was provoked by OTHER fans, the TC announcer was rude to some very innocent Orange fans who just happened to walk up to get clarification on the date of the championship game ( the bracket said friday and she was announcing thursday ).

3.  MANY Orange fans complimented numerous players on other teams throughout the tournament.

4.  Orange did not intentionly start taking pictures prior to the completion of the awards ceremony.  The ceremony was OVER when someone from TC apparently realized they had forgotten to hand out the well deserved homerun title to one of their own.  Once realized, a TC coach made a dash to the pa system to acknowledge the child ( rightly so ) before all the TC fans had left the ball park. 

5.  Sometimes fans exhibit bad behavior.  Unfortunately, we had one of our own fans act out in a very irresponsible manner.  I make no excuses for him but please don't "paint us" all with the same brush.  Orange has some great fans... fans that enjoy great talent, no matter what color uniform they wear.

Some great ball was played in TC.  Let's not ruin it by letting our emotions get the best of us. 

God bless,


"Do to others as you would have them do to you" (Luke 6:31).


First inning 3rd inning Water is water and you will use all of it from time to time. Unless things are different in your neck of the woods I know when I run out of water I have to let some one know so that they can refill my glass or I have to get up and get some more. Isn't that what happened you ran out of water and needed some more. And yes werent people right there to lend you a hand and get you some more once you asked? Gees give me a break already. And The announcer was never rude or disrespectful not when the ladies mocked her Not when the 2nd ladie got in her face and not when the man crossed the line either. I was standing right next to her and watching the whole thing unfold. You creat an unfair advantage when you attach someone behind their back and then turn the tables to make it look like it's their fault.

And the remaining TC Parent that Gave The most Homerun hits Ball was not a parent of our children at all it was Mr B. the head of the pony league. That award was to be given directly after your children were recognized and awarded for all their efforts. But you all took over the seen after with the picture taking and Mr. B respectfully let you continue before taking time to award the Ball to the Biggest homerun player of the tournament. I am sure you would understand had it been one of your players.

Again quit making excuses accept responsibility for the truth. And let the fact remain. Their is only one true man in this world who knows and that is all that really matters at the end of the day! Thank you to our God for always letting the truth lead the way!


The purpose of my last post was simply to correct some errors of "fact" that were listed in a prior post.  I hate to see all of Orange depicted as sore winners and uncivilized fans.

It is my opinion that TC was an excellent tournament host.  The fields were in excellent shape and the people were more than hospitable.  The competition was great and it appeared 99% of the crowd was supportive of all kids.  As an Orange fan, I do NOT believe in any way that any of the actions/oversights that occurred during the tournament were intentional.  Hosting a tournament is very daunting task I am sure it can be overwhelming at times.  Kudos to sour lake and their fans for such a great weekend. 

I do own up to the fact that we had a small number of fans who apparently acted inappropriately.  I have been around kid sports for years, and unfortunately it happens on a much too frequent basis - on many teams...  not just Orange.  Let's all join together and put an end to it.  Next time you see anyone showing poor sportsmanship at your child's game ( especially if he/she is on your team ), be a "man" and very tactifully correct the situation. 

Once again, thanks to all the TC fans/staff for hosting such a wonderful tournament...  and to Orange :    GOOD LUCK IN DALLAS!

God bless,




You don't need to give credit to girlplayer for my saying.  Smackdown was trademarked by me.  Furthermore when you refer to "our" OCYB forum, it's OYBS.  Also you were mistaken when you were talking about "our" police dept. having to patrol our games because of "our" crazy parents.  In fact "our" police dept. was called because a tc coach during "our" game got upset from a call, said a few cuss words, and told the umpire he would be waiting for him.  The umpire gave him the boot and told the tourney director to notify the police.  So now since you know the real story you can write a retraction to your previous statement and apologize to the wonderful people of Orange.

1.  FORUMS 101:  "An Internet forum is a web application for holding discussions and posting user generated content. Internet forums are also commonly referred to as web forums, message boards, discussion boards, (electronic) discussion groups, discussion forums, bulletin boards, fora (the Latin plural) or simply forums. The terms "forum" and "board" may refer to the entire community or to a specific sub-forum dealing with a distinct topic. Messages within these sub-forums are then displayed either in chronological order or as threaded discussions." from Wikipedia.

A "thread" is a series of replies.  When saying YOUR thread, this means the Orange (OCYB, OYBC, or whatever it is you call yourselves)thread on this website's forum.  If I was to imply that you made a quote, I would say "from your own POST" not your own "thread". 

#2  At the TC tourney, the police were asked to be there by the PONY TOURNAMENT OFFICIALS because of the Orange fans.  The TC officials did not call them and it was not a "regular patrol" as was incorrectly stated by hawkfan. 

#3  Why is everything that is done by everyone else incidental (i.e. taking pics by the Orange team during the HR King announcement) but everything done by TC was on purpose (i.e. the water)?  Can't we all admit that we are ALL human and ALL of us are imperfect and make mistakes and get back to the subject of baseball?? 


Yea lets give it a rest and talk about baseball!As a matter of fact the ORANGE Pinto team is doing very well at the state tournament and so far has won 2 of there games, and are presently playing there third as we speak.

So Yea lets talk baseball.

  Good luck Orange in the remainder of your games.The most deserving Pinto team in this area is representing this area very well.Go Orange and I look forward to hearing some updated scores!

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