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ANOTHER muslim Terrorist Attack!!


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Interesting to note that the terrorist thug has the same last name as the London Mayor! Hummmm!!   From the article:  " UPDATE: The man who carried out the London Bridge terror attack has been identified as 28-year-old Usman Khan, said Metropolitan Police. He was arrested in 2012 as part of a plot to bomb the London Stock Exchange and build a terrorist training camp.

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3 muslim terroroist gets lengthy prison sentences for terror plot in Australia.  From the article: "“Islamic State-inspired” – another absurd term concocted by Western elites to avoid Islam. The cause is Islam for these jihadis, for ISIS, al Qaeda, Hamas, Hezb’Allah, Boko Haram, et al.  The Judge said of the convicted, “Their views became so warped they had come to believe the mass slaughter of innocent civilians would be a glorious act, pleasing to Allah.” That’s not warped – that’s Islam."  

It's amazing how countries continue to buy the rope to hang themselves!

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10 hours ago, Reagan said:

3 muslim terroroist gets lengthy prison sentences for terror plot in Australia.  From the article: "“Islamic State-inspired” – another absurd term concocted by Western elites to avoid Islam. The cause is Islam for these jihadis, for ISIS, al Qaeda, Hamas, Hezb’Allah, Boko Haram, et al.  The Judge said of the convicted, “Their views became so warped they had come to believe the mass slaughter of innocent civilians would be a glorious act, pleasing to Allah.” That’s not warped – that’s Islam."  

It's amazing how countries continue to buy the rope to hang themselves!

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Yep. If U S don’t start handling it itll start happen More here.  Michigan prime example.  Already have become elected officials.

slowly but surely

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