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its been a year but.............

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Not even balla has a clue who he is.  ;D

I think he considers himself a pot-stirrer, but the only people who really probably hate seeing him here are the other fine folks from Kirbyville.

Wos92, don't go there man. I'm going to speak my mind just like you Wos fans do. You brag on the Stangs huh?? If they were loaded, I can imagine the stuff you'll be saying. As for the Balla, I am considered quiet for now until the season really starts. Then you will really hate to turn your little computer on. LOL!!! Holla!!

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Dude, we were loaded last year and you didn't see this goofy stuff, did you? We've won 44 of our last 50 regular season games and 20 straight district games, but we still don't sound like you do, barking and sticking your chest out.  We're not AS loaded as last year, but we aren't hurting, either.

When you say I won't want to turn my computer on, you're assuming I'm going to go into hiding like you did after the thrashing y'all took last year.

I just think folks from Kirbyville - especially those close to the team - are probably a little embarrassed by you.

That's all.

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