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I gotta jump in and say that I agree with venom33, roids or not, not just anybody can stand in the batters box and hit pitches from the best pitchers in the world.  I don't care how strong you are or what you take to increase muscle mass, if you don't have the reaction time and hand-eye coordination......you can't judge where the pitch will go and in what direction it is moving, what kind of spin is on the ball, and the speed of the pitch to start the swing and position the bat to make contact.  A person has 4/10ths of a second to see the ball, decide where it will cross the plate and make up thier mind to swing.  You can't say steroids help with that.  This part of the game is mental, which takes practice, practice and more practice.

Now, on the other hand, roids will allow one to hit the ball with more power.  Look at Biggio, he is not big by any means.  He can hit home runs and must swing harder where Bonds on the other hand, doesn't have to swing near as hard to make the ball go further.  I think if you look back when Bonds first enterd the league, none of the hr's he hit went very far over the fence.  But to be hitting them into the river and out of the stadiums, on a constant basis now, leads to suspicion.  I've watched Mcgwire all of his career and have seen tons of hr's he hit.  In the last year with the A's and the first year with the Cards, I started seeing hr's reaching upper decks on a more consistant basis.  I got to witness batting practice at the dome a number of times and Mcgwire was pounding them out and reached the upper deck twice.  When Bagwell and Biggio are just getting the ball into the Mezzanine level and upper part of the general admission seats in centerfield, and Mcgwire is hitting the wall behind the upper deck seats.......you can tell something is up.  If the dome had not had a roof on it and a wall been there, he would have hit one completely out of the stadium.....that's unheard of.  In the 35 year history of the Astrodome only 9 hr's have ever reached the upper deck during game play......and in the 1998 season when Mcgwire played there he made number 9.  I know niether of them have tested positive, but do a search for pics of both of them and look at the differences from early in the career and later in the career, then look at their stats and see the difference in the number of hr's per season and you'll see the big jump from around 30 hr's per season to the 50's and such.  Those warning-track flyball outs now turned into hr's.


put Hulk Hogan or Van Diesel or any other big time muscle man at the plate in a mlb game and see what they do? :o  K after K after K   You got to know how to hit an 88, 90, 95 mph fast ball dont you think. Oh wait a minute, let me stick a needle in my arm and go to the game tonight, Id go 4 for 4 with 4 homeruns! Yeah right, its not the needles that got him there, the man knows how to creamate a baseball and people just dont want to admit it!!!!!!!!!!! ;)

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