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Coaches Cussing

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OLDTIMER, you said it best.

and, I'm for bringing the paddle back.

When I was in high school the coaches kept it close by. They got my attention.

These days they do something that will actually help.. its called running stands

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I guess I thought you were smarter than that WOS92. But then again you don't care. There are a few messages in there that need to be heed. But you went from out of the blue and came up with some stupid mess about Columbin and cussing when you need to read it again and look at the under line words. Then answer the question. When is it OK to cuss? Can you answer that!!!

Guest Nederland Bulldogs

Most coaches cuss. From Jr. High to the NFL. Part of the game from the sidelines.


Have to Laugh - got a negitive Karma for saying that cussing a player is wrong and not needed.

I disagree that most Coaches cuss - I know some that do and many more that don't.  I still do not think you have to cuss to show intensity or to correct a player that has done something wrong and is not performing at the required level.  There are good and bad coaches on both sides of this (cussing and not cussing).

I will continue to say that if you want the best from you players that one of the factors is to show them respect (Now let me state that players have to earn that respect from thier coaches by what they do on and off the field) - and cussing anyone is a sign of disrespect.


I guess I thought you were smarter than that WOS92. But then again you don't care. There are a few messages in there that need to be heed. But you went from out of the blue and came up with some stupid mess about Columbin and cussing when you need to read it again and look at the under line words. Then answer the question. When is it OK to cuss? Can you answer that!!!

I am plenty smart enough, thanks. YOU brought up Columbine. I simply pointed out how ridiculous the analogy was. I don't care about coaches cussing? You're right. I don't. It doesn't bother me.


i can't believe this is even a topic?!  i would love to be able to flip a magic switch and somehow have what SOME coaches say to players go out over the pa system at a football game.  ANY parent that gives this a pass is an idiot!  if you as a parent, have to scream & curse at a child to motivate them to do anything, you should have your ability to reproduce taken away.  to give an authority figure and a role model, as SOME coaches are, an ok on dropping f bombs is insane.  if a man has to resort to screaming foul language at a player to motivate him, then in my opinion the coach is not much of a man to begin with...that is one of the main purposes of a high school sport right?  to teach life long values & build boys into men?  or maybe this is where the truth comes out & SOME coaches are just living in their glory days trying to avoid growing up themselves?!...maybe they were never that great of an athlete anyway, still saying to themselves...back in the 80's maybe they could all throw a pigskin a quarter mile...if coach had just put me in we could have gone to state!? ha ha...


i can't believe this is even a topic?!  i would love to be able to flip a magic switch and somehow have what SOME coaches say to players go out over the pa system at a football game.  ANY parent that gives this a pass is an idiot!  if you as a parent, have to scream & curse at a child to motivate them to do anything, you should have your ability to reproduce taken away.

Stopped reading there..

Coach != parents

PM me if i need to break it down to you


I will continue to say that if you want the best from you players that one of the factors is to show them respect (Now let me state that players have to earn that respect from thier coaches by what they do on and off the field) - and cussing anyone is a sign of disrespect.

So you're implying if a coach doesn't cuss his players will get better?


Some of these people on this forum are ridiculous


OldTimer I'll go down with you...my karma has taken a dive for my opinions as of late.........lol......I agree with all you have said......I haven't coached as long as you have but I've been a part of it since the age of.....  oh um......birth.....at 4 i was a fixture on the sideline and never missed a Friday until i left for college.......I've seen on and off the field actions of hundreds of coaches......all left an impression on me both good and bad.......in my job I try my best to take the good from all the coaches I have experienced in my life.........they ALL have left an impression on the way I work...............

Cussing does not hinder your coaching but it does hinder your respect.........and coaching can be done without it.......wos08 by your reply, are you saying if a coach does cuss it will make players better??

Guest Nederland Bandit

Last time i'll speak on this topic. 90% of coaches cuss. It's just part of the game. Dang people move on. Like someone said have you ever been on a sideline?????


Wow if this really works maybe teachers need to start teaching taks testing in cuss word and these kids attention so they can pass.  I look at any teacher who teaches school as a coach.


Wow if this really works maybe teachers need to start teaching taks testing in cuss word and these kids attention so they can pass.

Finally, someone talking sense!


My son played for coaches that got they point across with out cursing, even up to the fall semester at college. But kids nowadays talk bad enough, with out coaches helping out.  And in my opinion, the girls are worse than the boys!!


If I'm not mistaken Coaches in Texas High Schools are TEACHERS TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Everyone seems to forget that these guys are held to a higher standard, if they lose they look for another job! How about helping these coaches instead of looking for little nit picking things to complain about. If a young man hears a cuss word from a coach, that same kid has heard at least the same word from one of his friends. So should the other friend be held to a higher standard? Maybe Society, because that kid has a CD that MOMMY AND DADDY paid for that has the same words on it!


I know of  kid that goes to school in the midwest that if you swear they fine you. He got caught holding a girls hand and they rung him up and really got in trouble with same girl in his car after dust hanging out. I am a good old Baptist but a little over the top.


The coaches have got to get to know the kids, i think, before cussing.

I don't think the kids would appreciate it too much if the coach just started cussing.

It also depends on the age group since it hasnt been stated.

Freshmen year and up, I think it's not a bad idea to cuss as a coach. It lets the kids grow up and start learning the reality of football. It's going to be like that on and off the game field from then on up.


Lets see:  everyone does it, it's the way we commmunicate nowadays,      it's a rough sport so it's o'kay.  It's reality.  Is this a serious post or a conversation with my 13 year old?  My wife is a coach and SHE would never utter a cuss word.  She has respect, loyality and is an excellent role model.  Our coaches need to be building character and ,really, is cussing a part of that?  There may be a time for a well placed damm or heck, but more vulger words are never needed. And if used consistantly they become ineffective.   I, personally, believe there is a difference between vulger language and crude language: one shows a lack of character the other shows ignorance.



My wife is a coach and SHE would never utter a cuss word.  She has respect, loyality and is an excellent role model.


Are you implying anyone who cusses doesnt have respect,loyalty and isnt an excellent role model?

Also.. im curious as to what your wife coaches and whats the age group..  Most females tend to coach female sports, which isnt as physical as football



very true wos08.

It does lack character though when people do it consistently. It's just that cuss word every now and then by a person that grabs someones attention. Its almost describes how serious the situation is without going into details. Unless, like stated, that person uses a cuss word countless times.


It's funny how some of you say this shouldn't be a topic, but everyone has an opinion on the subject. It's obvious that there are a lot of coaches with colorful vocabularies, but as someone said earlier, it doesn't necessarily have to have a place in coaching.

When I was on the sidelines in Jasper during the '88-91 seasons, there were a few of the coaches that were known to be very spiritual and while they wouldn't swear at us, they were very firm and commanded respect. There were less spiritual coaches on that staff, but out of respect for the other coaches, they chose their words very carefully. Players were a lot less prone to it too out of respect for the coaches. Did the kids play less hard for those guys than they would for a guy like Bob Knight? No.

This is all about mutual respect between a kid and his coach, parents, or whomever he chooses to look up to as a mentor. Issues like this don't seem to matter to kids these days as much as they did to some of us older folks. It's really a microchasm of where society in general has gone in the last 15-20 years. Times have definitely changed, but is it really for the better? We all need to think about that and how we choose to treat other people. :)


Now everyone isn't perfect, but that is a crap excuse to say you HAVE to cuss to get someones attention.  When i was in school ... not too many years ago... running did the job just fine... this is just another excuse to let hot-headed immature male football coaches get away with even more...( i'll stop that one there), but hey thats cool with me while we are at it why don't we make it ok for the pre-k kids to be cussed at because their gonna hear it one day and little bob just can't seem to remember what letter comes after A ... and lets let the kids cuss back at the coaches, and refs, and fans,  and other players, because surely those people have heard a cuss word... and o heres another idea ! if the kids still can't seem to pay attention why not just lay one on them i'm sure one good hit will get their attention then....  I mean seriously what will be after cussing?  its ok to grab the kid or shake the kid or hit the kid.... this is how it starts and it just keep going from their.....



Hitting kids at an early age makes the kid grow up to be more violent.

Whenever you hit a child alot younger, then tend to grow up to be the more aggresive ones in the school towards others.

Cussing as well can be bad for kids that are young, but if you let them know wnough not to use the words until they are grown up, they should respect that till atleast highschool.

Unless of course in your post, when you were referring to 'kids' you meant highschool players. Then I'm on the same tracks with you.


Are you implying anyone who cusses doesnt have respect,loyalty and isnt an excellent role model?

Also.. im curious as to what your wife coaches and whats the age group..  Most females tend to coach female sports, which isnt as physical as football

Let me see if I can clear it up for you.  Anyone who cusses doesn't have my respect.  And I would not want them to be my son's role model.   Just because a sport is more physical than another doesn't justify vulger language.  And if you think the girls sports are not violent, they are much more intense than the boys.  Ask any basketball official who has called boys and girls games?  You can't argue with ignorance so this is the end of this post for me.

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