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My guess--the best softball team is playing volleyball & cheerleading this fall!

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I have seen some attacks on here lately, so I would like to compliment a coach--Big Gander--who stood up for the multi-sport girls. Thank B.G. for standing your ground with your ideas; under extreme pressure.

1.  I see local great SB aces playing HS volleyball, even getting ready for HS track & field etc:

2.  I see excellent SB girls that are well-proportioned and beautiful being chosen by their HS peers-- that want to cheer for their HS teams in the fall.

3.  I see HS pitchers working two days a week with their Pitching Coaches that also want to burn the books and be really prepared for college classes.

I looked over the ones not participating in the mono-sporting push and I truly believe THESE girls can beat the highly touted mono-sporting Coaches' team.  There is some real proven "hosses" wanting a little more rounded HS experience.

Many of the better girls at SB are from 4A classification and below and are needed by their local HSs in other honorable activities.


If someone wants a mono-SB team there are a host of 5A schools players toward Houston that will play for you.

On any given day this fall I truly think you can just put together the multi-sport best HS athletes in the area at SB and beat the socks off the, "one-sport-only-allowed" local upstart team.

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I have seen some attacks on here lately, so I would like to compliment a coach--Big Gander--who stood up for the multi-sport girls. Thank B.G. for standing your ground with your ideas; under extreme pressure.

1.  I see local great SB aces playing volleyball, even getting ready for track & field etc:

2.  I see excellent SB girls that are well-proportioned and beautiful being chosen by their HS peers-- that want to cheer for their HS teams in the fall.

3.  I see HS pitchers working two days a week with their Pitching Coaches that also want to burn the books and be really prepared for college classes.

I looked over the ones not participating in the mono-sporting push and I truly believe THESE girls can beat the highly touted mono-sporting Coaches' team.  There is some real proven "hosses" wanting a little more rounded HS experience.

Many of the better girls at SB are from 4A classification and below and are needed by their local HSs in other honorable activities.


If someone wants a mono-SB team there are a host of 5A schools players toward Houston that will play for you.

On any given day this fall I truly think you can just put together the multi-sport best Blast athletes in the area at SB and beat the socks off the, "one-sport-only-allowed" local upstart team.



There is nothing wrong with playing a single sport you love are playing multi-sports in school. However if you try to play multi-sports in club, there will be conflicts, and you can't commit to both. There are just too many conflicts. Club Volleyball, AAU Basketball, and Travel Softball are all hogging for the same time slots.


I agree with the last post.  When it comes to club, it is almost impossible to play 2 sports.  We considered it, and after everything was said and done, she chose Softball.  We were thankful in school she was able to play it all.  School athletics give the girls that LOVE more than one sport to get life time memories in all and then able to carry on with one in Club sport to strive for higher goals they may have set.


The post was not about competing with club ball of any kind--it was about girls that are great SB players that want to do normal HS activities; yet, they too love SB select participation that does not force them out of their normal HS activities.

There has to be a happy-medium somewhere for multi-skilled young ladies.

Guest WeedBegone

East Texas thanks for the kind words. I applaude multi sport athletes and its easier for me a s a coach to get a multi sport athlete a scholarship

That statement will be difficult to challenge.  Very interesting fact that I would intend to agree with.


That statement will be difficult to challenge.  Very interesting fact that I would intend to agree with.

In 4 years in Florida we signed 16 girls to scholarships, from a  5a HS, I think 3 played softball only. In Texas, I have signed 7 gilrs, none of them were 1 sport athletes.


Anyone need a book to read tonight.

Playing one sport or playing 5 sports doesn't really matter. And how can any club coach force anyone to play just one sport unless it's maybe their own kid and which one is saying you can't play a HS sport. I think I would also take that challenge against the non 1 sport players if it meant they weren't going to work on their game at all. Maybe not next week but if you have a group of girls that are close to each other in raw athletic ability the ones that focused on just one sport would beat the other group more than not. And even if they weren't as good of an athlete or if they couldn't beat the hosses they would still be getting closer to their potential in softball. From the Blast Gold point of view and from what I know about Trout and probably some of the other coaches that is the most important thing. We had some that did play more than 1 sport in HS. At some point some decided to do softball only and were rewarded for those decisions.

As for playing for their HS or any other program because they are needed then I would also say that if they are on a club softball team they are needed there also. As a coach if I have a player that is one of the best in the area and she doesn't want to practice but she is still better than anyone else should she still play on game day anyway. There is nothing wrong with girls wanting to cheer, play VB or any other activity. The books are a must for all of them anyway. There is also nothing wrong with a coach requiring more of a commitment than just play in the spring or not being able to do much in the fall. Depends on what the program is trying to accomplish. I believe the criticism you are hearing might be aimed at the assumption that people want to compete at the highest level and if so without a stronger commitment than we have in the Golden Triangle it just isn't going to happen. You can't say you want to but not make the commitment to get it done. And again their is nothing wrong with not wanting to.

Another part of this is that hopefully the people that are posting about committing to softball are not trying to just have the best team in the Golden Triangle. They are talking about trying to compete on the national level which is where you are competing for more scholarships and playing time in college. Without trying to offend anyone, we don't have a team in the Golden Triangle that is able to compete at the top at the state level much less the national level. If thats not important to some it may be to others. We should applaud those that are working to correct that not slam them or do things to make them or the girls that want to play for them taboo. If they want to try to be at the top everyone should help clear the way because it will benefit all that want to play college softball. If you want to go to college X and play softball and you can cheer, play VB, run track and anything else you want to do then without any criticism you should play on a team that allows that. If on the other hand you can't play where you want to play without playing for a team that requires more of a commitment, then you and your child have a tough decision to make. Once again you shouldn't be swayed either way by some 1 sport coach that tells you to drop everything else. Nor should someone lead you the other way and make you believe you shouldn't have to give something up to live your dream. Sometimes you have to sacrifice to get what you want.

I have watched girls cry when no coach was interested and time was running out.  She had chosen to do other things that were more important than softball and when it became important it was almost to late. Also make sure that because 1 girl is living her dream and played everything in HS or on another club sport that everyone can. At the end of it all some wished they would have played more stuff, some with they hadn't and others like it just the way it was. There is in my opinion only 1 right answer and that is "it depends".

And once again bold statements stir people's emotion. My dad can beat up your dad, or in this case my daughter is better than yours. I don't believe that to be the motive.


What is the best way for the coach that allows everyone play everything and has to carry 3 or more extra players on the team to have enough players for the fall tournaments.  Is it OK to keep those players on the roster and split up the others playing time because you are carrying more players. Will all the players and parents be happy with that or do you cut them after you get the others back. Do you tell them up front that it is just a temp. spot?


By the way where is BC. Is he laying low protecting his Karma. Trout you might as well speak up because yours is so bad anyway. BLT has to stay away from this because she never argues or complains.


I was one of those kids that did it all.  I danced (drill team), played tennis, basketball and volleyball.  I was in every club I was eligible for and in the choir.  I was very involved at church too. My grades weren't top 10 but not far out. I did it all.  It was lots of fun and lots of work.  I was never great at any of them because I was pulled in a million directions.  BUT as an adult (you know that time of life that all these girls will face soon) I was amazed to discover that I couldn't do it all.  I had to learn the word NO.  I didn't know it.  I very seldom had to make a choice of one thing over the other.  I just did everything.  Finding out that adults have to make choices and pick their activities based on jobs, education, and their children and other commitments was news to me.  Teaching our children about real commitment and choices is a lesson that will go a long way. Yes, I think they should be kids as long as possible but are we hurting them or helping them by telling them they can do it all?  I love high school sports--season ticket holder for the past 19 years.  It's a great thing.  But we all have to draw a line somewhere.


"On any given day this fall I truly think you can just put together the multi-sport best HS athletes in the area at SB and beat the socks off the, "one-sport-only-allowed" local upstart team."


Well, I once knew a kid that was pretty good at three sports. Due to injury, she was forced to give up all but one, and became a lot better st the one she decided to stay.

Here is the dilemma. If a kid misses all of the practices and a couple of games(because of her other sports), should she walk right in over a player who has been at ever practice. It wasn't her fault, she had other commitments.

This would almost never happen at 18U, because they don't start until after HS is over. The conflict between school sports is most likely handled by the AD of that school. The kid is usually allowed lattitude because it is for the overall good of the kid and school.

Club is a little different. You really can only commit to one sport, because you would do an injustice to another who was depending on you. You commitment should mean something.

EastTexas your post seems to say  that multisport kids would be superior.  Be Careful!

Guest b-a-g fan

MT12 your post made it sound as though you think kids should limit there activites and this will somehow teach them what life is like  ???  An adult manages a job ,a family and a private life of there own . multi-tasking is life ,that is the leason that should be learned . Just because you work , does that mean you put less into your family , the answer is no . as I said before life has choices and alowing everyone to make them on there on is what is so great about choices ;D  Everything you do not experience in life allows the chance for you to have regret and we should never regret what we did not do.


Yes, multitasking is important.  But so are choices!  I had to choose a major in college.  I had to choose where to live.  I had to choose if I was going to allow my children to have activities or whether I would continue my own hobbies.  Sacrifice is part of life.  Do you get to do everything you want to do just because you want to do it?  No.  My question was, are we setting them up to think that they can do everything they WANT to do with no consequences?  As adults we know that everyday is about choices.  The job we do is determined by the time invested.  If I am pulled in a thousand direction do I do the same job I would if I am focused?  Can one activity improve another?  Sometimes!  But should others suffer because you are over extended? 


OK, This is my thought about this fall and multi-sport. The Ronald McDonald is this fall, and if the HS sports kids don't come to be seen in front of colleges, that hurts THE ENTIRE TEAM! Why? Because so many kids will then be playing out of their true position and that hurts all kids. I have seen this happen before and yes it did hurt the girls that were at the RM.

This is also true for anytime, there are some tourneys they should never miss. If they are not that committed, that's ok, just play 18U, not 18U Gold. Playing GOLD means the player is usually striving to play at the next level.


Bag, with the recent recruiting changes RM has just been elevated. You really need to check the recruiting calendar and compare it to the dates of Exposure Tournaments, to see if coaches (D1) can even attend. The NCAA has just made it harder to get your kids shown.


The RM tourny  is not the jewel of all college exposure tourneys and if you do miss this tourney the softball world will not crumble under your feet . If you do miss this one you have to manage your time so you reach all the others were you will get the most exposure and a true gold team has depth at positions that you should not lose talent by switching players into that position .  Besides You can play highschool volleyball and still attend this tourney .

Some just don't understand. If you don't play in the RM your kid can still be recruited and get a college scholarship. If you do play in the RM your kid has an opportunity to be seen by a lot of college coachs at 1 time and your chances of getting that scholarship will go up. GTS Gold is trying to help increase the chances of thier players getting recruited by playing infront of more coachs. Crush Gold will get there kids recruited also just as GTS Gold will. Isn't nice  to have options.

Doing multiple anything WILL affect the other. You may be good enough to do both, but then that is subject to the opinion of the one doing the judging!

No one is saying that ANYONE has to do anything......just stating the FACTS, if you focus on ONE thing, YOU WILL BE BETTER AT IT!

Now if it is your goal to just get there, then that may be ok with you! If your goal is to reach your HIGHEST potential, then you may want to focus more on just that!


OK--fine let's lay it out.  We have been on teams where players who had other "commitments" had agreements with the coach to miss softball.  They never came to practice.  They missed multiple tournaments.  We never had the same team two tournaments in a row.  Does a team improve that way?  Plus the kids that were there every practice and tournament shared time with these girls.  It wasn't just other sports it was anything or any reason.   Sometimes we had a new  team each day of the tournament.  My child always wondered why she had to share time with those people.  She wanted to play.  She never questioned anyone but me and I never questioned the coach.  Not my place----his team. He made the agreement with those girls.  


I do not disagree JT With anything you have said , I realize you know alot of ins and outs to the recruiting game . I just would hate for an organization to say we dont't want you ,you play something other than softball , talk about letting the kids down . Once on your team mabee you could explain why it benifits them to play one sport and let them make the choice to leave the other on there own . That is all I am trying to get across  ???

Bag, In my opinion there are a handful of tournaments that you can't afford to miss. If a player misses it could hurt the chances of another to be seen in a good light. Cody went to Colorado last year even though she was committed. Some games she sat to show off another pitcher, some games she pitched to help us be more competitive to help a teamate. The bottom line is she was willing to do whatever was necessary to help a teamate. Team is what it is about. This week we were missing a teamate and it really hurt us. If she had been there, I believe we could have tied for 9th or better.

It is about choice, understanding the impact of your choice, and making your own decision.


Bag, multi-tasking is life but if you have to make a choice between doing something with your family or taking care of your job I would bet in most cases the job is the priority.  Some jobs may not care others might not. It probably depends on the project due at the time. Is it practice or an exposure tournament.


DISAGREE! That is only true of the "team" a player can and will reach their potential through their own work ethic!

Softball/baseball is the only "team" sport that recognizes "individual" effort as far as stats. It takes a team to WIN......but NO ONE can get in the batters box for you, NO ONE can catch that fly/ground ball for you, NO ONE can hit that spot or make that pitch for you!

You will get better if you increase the amount of time you spend doing it! It was once said, even is a player that has horrible mechanics, but spends countless hours hitting, they will become a better hitter! (not to be confused with being the best they CAN be) just better than if they didn't get in the cage at all!

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