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Since my reasoning was challenged--some saying that the area multi-sport girls cannot compete with this new team, I will expand a bit.

Nederland, PNG, and BC were the higher finishers in HS ball this past season and many of these girls are multi-sport people.  To even question their softball commitments is quite wrong in my humble opinion!

All of these HS programs have a host of multi-sports athletes that also love SB.

I will ask others to expand on the other activities of the girls from Nederland and PNG as to their well-rounded HS program participation.

  Since I know a little about Bridge City I will make a brief observation on the multi-purpose sports--nature of this traditionally strong girls diamond squad.  Just for a guess at the BC starters next season--

Catcher-Emily Kosh-also a great volleyball future

Pitcher-Shandi Conner-a senior cheerleader and year round SB pitching student

1st base- Valarie Brown-a top weightlifter and a cheerleader

2nd base- Jenna Angelle-good Volleyball and Basketball participant

3rd base-Allison Angelle-good Volleyball and Basketball participant

S.S.- Loren Angelle-good Volleyball and Basketball participant

LF- Emily Navorra- Cheerleader and Basketball player

CF-Malorie Guidry- Cheerleader, Volleyball and Basketball

RF- Sarah Armand-Cheerleader, Track star, volleyball & basketball

Now the rest of the BC Varsity and the JV are also multi-purpose sport participants, as far as I know.  Like most all past BC teams these girls are mostly also A-B honor students.  The undefeated JV is strong in multi-purpose sports also.

I am quite familiar with how many great Nederland & PNG girls that are top multi-purpose sports girls.  Also I am familiar with multi-sport stars at LMC,WO-S, Vidor also...

.I am just curious as to who these super-star Shocker Girls actually are?-- from this area that would be able to-- kick the butt-- of all this array of multi-purpose girls that win Districts and star on the individual SB teams at their HS seasons? 

Guest b-a-g fan

Here are the girls that I know play or played multi-sports at Nederland

Lindsey Rossi vb /sb All district  Offensive MVP , all southeast texas team

Jordan Bodin Vb/sb  All District, all district academic

Taylor Trojack Vb/sb All district first team all southeast texas team all district academic

Resently Graduated

Lindsey Matt vb/sb/track all district first team softball ,all district volleyball,and scholarship to Temple Junior college for softball


Here we go again..........it was NOT challenged!

Just stating the fact that if someone were to specialize in something they would be better than one that generalizes!

Like the family doctor -vs- the brain surgeon! The family doc is still a doctor and probably a good one........BUT if you need brain surgery........I'd rather a BRAIN specialist!

Same goes for multi-sporting........no one said they couldn't or even be good......but take the same abilities and specialize in SB........THEY WILL BE BETTER!

edit: and no one has said they can't do both and play for GTS, we said we rather SB be the priority if there was a conflict!


It is not about "kicking butt", please finally realize that. It's about helping girls that want to play at the next level.

If you are happy where you're at, then don't worry about GTS.

Guest bigcat

My daughter plays softball only. Thats really all she is enterested in. She tried volleyball, but it just wasn't her thing. She may not be the best athlete, but I think she is a good softball player.  Softball is her passion, she loves the game. If a girl wants to be a multi sport athlete, more power to her. But I do believe the more you work at 1 thing, the better you will be at it. Now that doesn't apply to everyone. We all know there are those, that are just gifted athletes.                                                                       


Go ahead and brag Bigcat!  ;D

No really, I always appreciated the fact that you never looked down on my daughter for playing two sports. She does devote more time to softball because it is what she loves most. 

Guest bigcat

Go ahead and brag Bigcat!  ;D

No really, I always appreciated the fact that you never looked down on my daughter for playing two sports. She does devote more time to softball because it is what she loves most.

   Nope I just cant do it, I took it off my post. Those that know me , know why i took it off.


My daughter plays multiple sports in school and tried to play multiple sports out of school...the school program was more accomodating.  She runs cross country in the fall, plays basketball in the winter and softball all the rest of the time.  We were fortunate to find a team that the coach understood her other commitments, not only to school sports, but also as a CYM leader in her church.  Does my daughter worry she's letting her team down?  I don't think so, but some days she worries if her position will still be there for her when she gets back to practice.  All of her high school coaches encourage multiple sports players; they tell the parents that it makes a well-rounded athlete.  I think it's to keep tabs on the players even during off season  ;).  Most of the girls on the PNG softball team also play another sport - mostly volleyball and/or basketball.  I don't think many of the softball players play outside of school sports, except softball or softball related practice (pitching, catching or batting lessons).  I know my daughter LOVES softball and has given up her outside of school basketball team for softball.  But she also realized there was no future for a girls basketball player from Port Neches...we have such an AWESOME team  ;D and that helpped her make up her mind as to which direction she was going to go with her out of school time commitments.

Guest Diamonddirt

OK Example: Christina Jacques?? Did anyone see her play all her sports....I use her because she had the will and determination to do it.  Probably had parents that were great encouragers, but Athlete of the Year and College Ball Player??? Tell me you can't multi task... B. Godina another example....Could go on all day, but it doesn't matter what anyone on here thinks.  High school coaches will tell you those who stay busy stay out of trouble...Why did this even start? This site is to encourage not discourage kids........Maybe a one sport kid would have been the next quarter back, spiker,basketball leader, head cheerleader, or better yet next Tiger Woods? Who knows till ya try? So I say all you Multi-sporters keep going at  it and don't worry what people think....Lifes short then your an adult......Enjoy it while you can.....

Guest b-a-g fan

People have reasons they want to play or not play for a certain team . Don't knock a kid because she wants to play for GTS and dont Knock a kid because she wants to play for OCG or Rowdie G. All these teams offer diffrent things and the same things at the same time. Each team provides what some may need but not what others want . As I said, I did frown at a new team at first but I finally got it and these choices are fantastic. Honestly I probably wish my daughter played just softball but I respect her decision but I also totaly respect a child putting there heart and soul into one sport . People quit pointing fingers, there is something for everybody :)  

Guest Diamonddirt

I agree with last posting.  People are so quick to point out bad they don't even see the good.  That's been a problem on here for a long time in all the sports.  Parents come on here and critisize what other kids, parents, and coaches do.  The pick apart every conversation.  Even the coaches bad mouth eachother (which is understandable) but we need to remeber when starting any new postings.....Our kids read this crap..... They look up to us and some things I read on here sound really like high school drama .......I've even heard kids say that the old people on here are crazy...Aren't we suppose to be role models instead of crazy parentals......

Guest b-a-g fan

DD thank you , sometimes we feel threatend and attack ,when we should sit back take it all in and then make an educated decision that fits our needs ,not others needs , :)ours .


I know I used to not post on here at all. And even quit reading it for awhile due to the drama. But there is alot of important information on this site and so I started reading it again. Mostly play the games though, no drama there  :)

Guest b-a-g fan

Im no expert but I truely believe there is so much drama because so many people on here realy love the game ,Yes some just like trouble ,But most I believe truely love the game and don't know how to express themselves to so many opinions So I guess if one person learns something new that can help just one child on here it is worth all the drama  :)

Guest b-a-g fan

People have reasons they want to play or not play for a certain team . Don't knock a kid because she wants to play for GTS and dont Knock a kid because she wants to play for OCG or Rowdie G. All these teams offer diffrent things and the same things at the same time. Each team provides what some may need but not what others want . As I said, I did frown at a new team at first but I finally got it and these choices are fantastic. Honestly I probably wish my daughter played just softball but I respect her decision but I also totaly respect a child putting there heart and soul into one sport . People quit pointing fingers, there is something for everybody :)  

Guest b-a-g fan

OH ok duhhhh :-[ sorry missed what you ment. Told you I did graduate from PNG ;D


My daughter plays softball only. Thats really all she is enterested in. She tried volleyball, but it just wasn't her thing. She may not be the best athlete, but I think she is a good softball player.  Softball is her passion, she loves the game. If a girl wants to be a multi sport athlete, more power to her. But I do believe the more you work at 1 thing, the better you will be at it. Now that doesn't apply to everyone. We all know there are those, that are just gifted athletes.                                                                       

She is running cross country this fall right!!!!!!!!!!!!!  She is now a multi sport athlete!

Guest bigcat

Champ she will be running with bells on. Whats the deal with your karma?

Guest Diamonddirt

Reply to Bags reply about drama.....This has nothing to do with the love of the game.... It has with parents and others getting on here and posting how there kid is AWESOME and should be playin this position, or should be on this team, or lost a player and can't win without her, or even as far as team stacking and recruiting??? This hurts our kids......I read several post last year about couple teams that if I played for that team I would have quit if I was these kids...This mess starts here and follows these kids everyday leaving great pitcher, outfielders,catchers, etc quiting and never to play ball again.... Yes I love this site because it gives info, but sometimes instead of setxsports it should be DAYS of R LIVES!!! It is major drama and it is mostly US the grown ups doing it.  Maybe we shouldn't brag on certain kids, but the TEAMS they are on because we all know it can't be done with just OUR own child alone.......I don't know but I hope this year in all the sports on here maybe US parents can act like adults and leave good positive feedback.....Why tear a kid down, let them go out and have fun and make friends instead of pitting a team against eachother because life will be catching up with thses kids and tearing at them for the rest of their lives.....This site almost sounds like the almighty Little League tradition where noone agrees and a lot of times noone can get along.....That hurts R kids......And I have said US because I am not innocent, but for my kid I would do anything to see her or him smile and say WE were awesome .....Just some thoughts going into new school year...

Guest b-a-g fan

Funny you talk about adults being negative and your whole post is negative . If you want to start the school year positive forget the past and talk about the future . No matter from what team you are comeing from  or going to,there are positives for that organization so lets admire them and move on :) I have madse negative post on here but I am trying to correct that and do what this site is intended to do spread the word of softball and give kids in this area the recognition they deserve B-orn A- Gain FAN ;D


Funny you talk about adults being negative and your whole post is negative . If you want to start the school year positive forget the past and talk about the future . No matter from what team you are comeing from  or going to,there are positives for that organization so lets admire them and move on :) I have madse negative post on here but I am trying to correct that and do what this site is intended to do spread the word of softball and give kids in this area the recognition they deserve B-orn A- Gain FAN ;D

Can we get an amen brother!

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