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Man did I fall into the trap. Someone suggested I get on this message board and learn what is going on in softball and at least share some of my thoughts about what I believe and have experienced. They said my reputation has improved since I have been out of softball. People will like my more when I am gone. Man did I swallow the hook and I don't think I am the only one. It was better but only because some had forgot.

It seems that just about every post gets sidetracked to some form of bs. Now make sure you understand I like to bs with the best of them but it has its place. This forum should be a place of fellowship, information, humor, applause, communication and a whole host of other things including EDUCATION. I woundn't say all but a large portion of the post have very few responses relative and on task to what the post is about compared to the responses that go somewhere else. (and let me beat you to it I have been guilty myself) My opinion is the smart a$$ remarks are great parts of the post but shouldn't be the only comment.

In a lot of cases I have been able to figured out peoples opinions of what I am saying. Very little of that has come from them responding to my statement or questions but instead by their slaps to my karma. Interesting enough I see a lot more hits on peoples karma than I see people challenging (to learn)their post or thought process. The best way to say you disagree is to state you disagree or the best way to say your not interested is to just don't respond to a post, but at least have the courtesy to not get in the middle of it with JUST bs. Learning for me happens when people challenge the way I think or act and would have liked to had more on that from this board.

Look I do understand that I am way out there when it comes to how I think. I believe I and a lot of you have a lot of info that I think would be beneficial to helping both kids and parents with life not just softball. Softball is just an incredible tool. If your not interested in me or anyone else that has something to share that is more than ok. I guess that is why I started the Blast Gold many years ago. People in Blast didn't totally agree with my approach and thoughts and I didn't with theirs. They weren't that interested in  knowing what I was doing and why because they didn't agree and that is ok to. Within the Blast organization though it wasn't and still isn't personal. I have a lot of respect for those men ,women and players in that organization but it doesn't mean I have to agree with what they do. I have people call me all the time to ask for help and I am glad to give it, but it just seems to me that those of us that are trying to help may look like we are trying to shove it down your throats or is it your just not interested.

This is not a big deal to me because I am having fun in my live one way or the other. I am like you and your kids I am doing multi-activities now (having fun doing it) and softball is not really a big part of it. I wish it was. Some may not believe it but I am not even spending a lot of time on softball with Melissa. I love the game and the kids but just like before if there ain't nobody listening then its best to move to a place where they will. I don't want a headache from beating my head against a wall. I won't speak for anyone else but there are some people trying to give help here and if you don't listen they to will move on. BLT, JT, Bloodclot and many others.

Please understand that this is just my opinion and I am not trying to dictate what anyone should do on this board. My feelings aren't hurt because I realized a long time ago that who I am with regard to these subjects doesn't fit the norm. Dumba$$ me thinks its somebody else loss. Softball is one of my forums to try to help change kids lives and that I take very serious. Only the girls and parents that have played under me know whether it was just a benefit for softball or a benefit for life. I hope we accomplished more than a win in softball. If softball isn't your forum for that I am sure you have something that you use that you are very passionate about.

I hope I haven't hurt anyones feelings because that is not my intention. Just giving my opinion that very little of the focus on this board has to do with making softball better in this area or people trying to learn and I am not saying it should be just that or that at all. More post and statements are about how some are making softball to important without stating who they're are talking about and defending their point or calling out who they are talking about and asking them to defend their position. Like I said before I have been there and done that with Blast so I understand and we can just shake hands, hug necks and go in different ways. You focus on yours and I won't understand and I will focus on mine and you won't understand.

Please don't respond just knock the hell out of my karma. (sarcasm)

Just for you before I go WEED

hates change ups=BLT

BLT=hates sliding into first

hates sliding into first=don't like hat on your head


I am going to reply.

Nice post Robert and I know you are sincere.

We have some of the best softball people I have ever seen.  I been in the game over 50 years.  I know things will work out and all the young ladies in this area will, if they want it, get an opportunity to try and achieve their softball goals.  I just hope that in doing this, they also remember there is much more to life than softball.  Having seen and talked with a lot of the parents, I know that they too realize this.

We do have several individuals that really help with the softball program.  I got involved with this group early on in LL ball. Robert Verde and Mike Dodson both contributed more than their share to the game.  Naturally there were others.

Robert and I had some interesting times back when LL was going on.  When I first begin calling in the Beaumont area, I was not even wearing mask, skin guads and etc.  Just calling and having fun.  The game is still fun, and when it stops being fun, Then I Am Gone.

Lets all go out support the players and the coaches.  Without their efforts there would be no softball program.


Great post Robert. I think the majority of the people in here care tremendously about their daughter and/or their school. There are a few of us that truly care about the sport. It was very nice meeting you today and I wish the best in all your free time. Thanks for the tremendous strides you have advanced our sport of softball


Super post Robert,

As kindly as I can say this........

I think your words are too deep for this shallow audience.  I have been banging my head against this wall too.  Some progress has been made with some people but the majority will never get it (and don't want too).  I have my favorites and have tried to help them understand mainly because I feel that they have real talent. High School roots run deep in this area and it is a tough fight.

The people that know you, RV,  have the utmost respect and appreciation for you and what you have done and accomplished on several levels.  Thank you for all your help, good will,advice,and training. (You have trained some pretty sharp folks)

My daughters & I will continue to ask and benifit from your experience as long as you will let us.


RV good post. Maybe some feel stronger about softball than others, recently I realized I was wasting my time on this forum. Not 1 thread stays on focus or serious, guess I am too serious about how I feel about softball and how it effects life experiences.

Karma and Conga are more important to some ;) And that is sad :(

Guest BreakerCoach

I am going to reply.

Nice post Robert and I know you are sincere.

We have some of the best softball people I have ever seen.  I been in the game over 50 years.  I know things will work out and all the young ladies in this area will, if they want it, get an opportunity to try and achieve their softball goals.  I just hope that in doing this, they also remember there is much more to life than softball.  Having seen and talked with a lot of the parents, I know that they too realize this.

We do have several individuals that really help with the softball program.  I got involved with this group early on in LL ball. Robert Verde and Mike Dodson both contributed more than their share to the game.  Naturally there were others.

Robert and I had some interesting times back when LL was going on.  When I first begin calling in the Beaumont area, I was not even wearing mask, skin guads and etc.  Just calling and having fun.  The game is still fun, and when it stops being fun, Then I Am Gone.

Lets all go out support the players and the coaches.  Without their efforts there would be no softball program.

I agree DaMan, I have had a child that has had to overcome health issues a couple of years back. With this in mind there is a lot more important things in our life than softball. But it is a big part of our life that we enjoy sharing with our child. Unless you have been there, its hard to explain.

Improving the GT Softball is a great idea, and we have the resourses in the area to help all the kids achieve their dreams. Lets don't draw lines in the sand, but pull together to help each other.

And No Doubt, without RV and MD who knows where softball in this area would even be.

No need to step over it, Just being honest and upfront on my thoughts ! No subliminal messages.

Guest bigcat

Mr. Verde . It was nice seeing you on the softball field today, working with the girls at tryouts. I don't know you personally, but I have heard alot of good and possitive things about you. Me, I want my daughter around people that can help her achieve her goals in life. At this time, one of her goals is to play college softball. She hasn't been playing select ball since she was 10 just to kill time. She needs people like you , and others dedicated to the sport, to guide her, on her journey. If she works hard, gets help and advice from people like yourself then just maybe she can achieve her goal. By the way more people are listening than you think. Sometimes it is better to listen than talk. And I know some of those girls on the field were listening to you today.


I agree with your post big cat. Some times it is better to keep your mouth shut and listen than it is to open it and show what knowledge that you do not have.

R V  It was good seeing out there today. Your reputation goes a long way and the respect that the girls have for you shows. Do not let all the games and comments that are made on here stop you from posting. There are a lot of people that read and think just do not post. Again thanks for all you have done.


As usual RV, you speak wise words!

I too have had to face adversity within my family and home over the last 2 years. I agree there are ALOT of things more important than softball, ALOT! My (and my entire families) softball completely shut down after Rita destroyed my home 2 years ago, as some of you know, we as a family have dealt with life altering decisions in the past few months. What does this change, NOTHING, our home is still our home, and our family is still strong as ever! Maybe even stronger for working through these things as a family!

The decisions we had to make were: Are these situation putting us as a family in a position to give up softball or not! If so, then that's ok, if not, nothing changes! If you decide that your situations in life aren't so important, that you are are willing (or find it necessary) to give it all up, THEN you persue softball 100%. There isn't an in between! You either CAN or you CAN'T!

My belief as is many on here, is that if it's worth doing, it's worth doing without any reservations! If you find yourself second guessing your decision, then maybe, you didn't make the RIGHT one!

Again, I speak of those that have decided to persue their dream to the fullest. Don't look for ways you can't, look for ways you WILL!


As a High School coach and parent, I am baffled about the animosity on this site at times. Correct me if I am wrong, but as far as I know the men and women of the Crush and Shockers coaching staff VOLUNTEER their time to work with the players. If they are getting paid, it can't be much. As a High School coach, I get a stipened, which I calculated to $2.13 per hour, Man I am getting rich!!! My point is this, why do want to bash the people that VOLUNTEER their time to spread the game of softball? Daddy Ball, non-daddy ball, Heck I don't care,it's softball. If UIL would allow me to coach my girls in the summer, I would do it in a heart beat, BUT they won't so I turn them over to  the men and women willing to do it for FREE. I know, I kid around with RR and a few others, but they are my friends. Their isn't 1 girl or coach that I wouldn't help! I have given many of scouting reports to playoff teams, and have talked to college coaches about many of their players. Why, just why,can't we bury the hatchett, play softball and have fun?????

Guest osue200

T12.  You are unbelievable.  I'm assuming your remarks are directed to BC's post, and if you are, without knowing what that family had to go through 2 years ago.  You would not have made comments like that.  


T12.  You are unbelievable.  I'm assuming your remarks are directed to BC's post, and if you are, without knowing what that family had to go through 2 years ago.  You would not have made comments like that.  

Wasn't directed at anyone in particular! My comments were along the lines of where I stand now, and from the beginning! It's JUST softball, I agree. The point is we ALL go through adversity at times, some more than others (no disrespect to Richard or his family at all) Once you get to a point in life where your decisions are to "get back into softball" then do it with all you've got to offer, just as you would when facing the tougher times in life! 100%!

If I offended BC, I truly apologize!


You take your shot under the pretense of ASSUMING. I ASSUME your looking for something to criticize without the facts. Nah I don't want to do that. Don't think thats fair to plant a seed for anyone to read on a public forum hiding behind assume.


Wasn't directed at anyone in particular! My comments were along the lines of where I stand now, and from the beginning! It's JUST softball, I agree. The point is we ALL go through adversity at times, some more than others (no disrespect to Richard or his family at all) Once you get to a point in life where your decisions are to "get back into softball" then do it with all you've got to offer, just as you would when facing the tougher times in life! 100%!

If I offended BC, I truly apologize!

Hey, T12 it is obvious that you did not intend anything except stating your beliefs and your own adversity, how you handle it is your decision. This forum can be a really good venue if it stays on point and keep within the guidelines of SOFTBALL and helping the youth that play the game. Lets keep the personal references off the forum. If you can't help yourself.......That is what a PM is for!!!!!!!!!!!!!


As a High School coach and parent, I am baffled about the animosity on this site at times. Correct me if I am wrong, but as far as I know the men and women of the Crush and Shockers coaching staff VOLUNTEER their time to work with the players. If they are getting paid, it can't be much. As a High School coach, I get a stipened, which I calculated to $2.13 per hour, Man I am getting rich!!! My point is this, why do want to bash the people that VOLUNTEER their time to spread the game of softball? Daddy Ball, non-daddy ball, Heck I don't care,it's softball. If UIL would allow me to coach my girls in the summer, I would do it in a heart beat, BUT they won't so I turn them over to  the men and women willing to do it for FREE. I know, I kid around with RR and a few others, but they are my friends. Their isn't 1 girl or coach that I wouldn't help! I have given many of scouting reports to playoff teams, and have talked to college coaches about many of their players. Why, just why,can't we bury the hatchett, play softball and have fun?????

You make that much an hour?  Dang you must not put in many hours!

In my opinion I feel a major problem with the forum the past couple of weeks is the fact we are not playing on weekends and people are bored.  You may not beleive, but it is true.  Think about what you are doing now.  I see it not only in the parents and coaches, but also in the girls.  They need to play......I feel sooner we play the better off everyone will be. JMO...


You make that much an hour?  Dang you must not put in many hours!

In my opinion I feel a major problem with the forum the past couple of weeks is the fact we are not playing on weekends and people are bored.  You may not beleive, but it is true.  Think about what you are doing now.  I see it not only in the parents and coaches, but also in the girls.  They need to play......I feel sooner we play the better off everyone will be. JMO...

well I did get a pay raise, plus I never violate the 8 hour rule. I must admit, I am bored, lets play ball!!!

Guest b-a-g fan

There we have it the real problem with this forum ,people talkeing around subjects talking down to others ,as if they are less of a person because they may not have the knowledge someone else has . If you want people to listen to advice or just good information, be sincere, no subliminul messages , talk to someone not at them. It takes more of a man or woman to take the time to understand were someones opinion is comeing from then calling someone an idiot or saying they do not take something as serious as you may. The conga line game was started for fun and because games were being played already on here ,mind games ??? If we are truely here for the kids open the information and oppertunities to everyone not to those with in a certain loop . I myself would love to learn as much as I can to help my daughter excell but find it hard to take serious when comments are made towards peoples character and inteligence level just because they have an opinion. You cannot judge a person until we have walked a mile in there shoes and also there are young men and women giveing there life for the rights to be free and have the right to free speach so why insult someone for exerciseing that right ???

Guest BreakerCoach

Wasn't directed at anyone in particular! My comments were along the lines of where I stand now, and from the beginning! It's JUST softball, I agree. The point is we ALL go through adversity at times, some more than others (no disrespect to Richard or his family at all) Once you get to a point in life where your decisions are to "get back into softball" then do it with all you've got to offer, just as you would when facing the tougher times in life! 100%!

If I offended BC, I truly apologize!

No Offense taken T12.

As we have discussed before sometimes its hard to get a message across or at least ones meaning behind it from a keyboard and it is easy to interpret several ways. (Trust me I know!)

I think select ball in the GT has improved a great deal in the past couple of months with the changes, with tryouts it has become controversial as anyone would expect it to be.

But I think "bringing it together" takes on the meaning of the coaches in the area forming something together. And if we can achieve that there is no doubt of the resources in the area we could hopefully draw from to help.

But I think for starters if we could all drop our guards and see where we can go from here it would be a benefit. Lets give it a couple of more weeks and see who would like to meet together for the good of all. (I dont know the answers just a thought)


I don't want to assume who you are talking about or which post you are responding to so please make that clear and if it is me I will come out from hiding.


I don't want to assume who you are talking about or which post you are responding to so please make that clear and if it is me I will come out from hiding.

come on now sir, don't hide!! I tried, but was too big

Guest BreakerCoach

I don't want to assume who you are talking about or which post you are responding to so please make that clear and if it is me I will come out from hiding.

Responding to T12 thats what I quoted, I dont understand ?

Guest osue200

T12 if your post was generalized with no direction, then I apologize  

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