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You can say a lot of things about the people on here but I don't think you can call them insincere.  There is a difference in liking softball and being a student of the game.  I like softball (don't tell my husband I said that out loud--I like to pretend it's just a thorn in my side) but my husband is a student of the game.  He is constantly reading, observing, and talking softball (not just bs but strategy).  He is serious but due to extreme love of the game.  He is not the only one.  

This site is fun.  Sometimes the fun is taken too far.  Is every comment on here intended for every person?  I don't understand all the comments you and your friends make BAG.  Every group has talked around other groups.  Did you understand the comments about T12 making line-ups?  No because it was an inside joke.  You had to be part of the HS team to get it.  Do I get all your Crush jokes? No because I am no longer part of that team.  Do I get some of them? Yes, because I saw the umpire catcher and the pink shorts.  I'm not sure what you feel like you are being left out of, but some of your collegues took advantage of a little exposure today.  It was not as much as we would have liked but they were there and welcome.  I'm not sure who you are accusing of playing mind games but most anyone on here will tell exactly what they are thinking most of the time, all you have to do is ask.


There we have it the real problem with this forum ,people talkeing around subjects talking down to others ,as if they are less of a person because they may not have the knowledge someone else has . If you want people to listen to advice or just good information, be sincere, no subliminul messages , talk to someone not at them. It takes more of a man or woman to take the time to understand were someones opinion is comeing from then calling someone an idiot or saying they do not take something as serious as you may. The conga line game was started for fun and because games were being played already on here ,mind games ??? If we are truely here for the kids open the information and oppertunities to everyone not to those with in a certain loop . I myself would love to learn as much as I can to help my daughter excell but find it hard to take serious when comments are made towards peoples character and inteligence level just because they have an opinion. You cannot judge a person until we have walked a mile in there shoes and also there are young men and women giveing there life for the rights to be free and have the right to free speach so why insult someone for exerciseing that right ???

Responding to T12 thats what I quoted, I dont understand ?

Sorry BC I was responding to the quote from BAG

Guest lawdog

There we have it the real problem with this forum ,people talkeing around subjects talking down to others ,as if they are less of a person because they may not have the knowledge someone else has . If you want people to listen to advice or just good information, be sincere, no subliminul messages , talk to someone not at them. It takes more of a man or woman to take the time to understand were someones opinion is comeing from then calling someone an idiot or saying they do not take something as serious as you may. The conga line game was started for fun and because games were being played already on here ,mind games ??? If we are truely here for the kids open the information and oppertunities to everyone not to those with in a certain loop . I myself would love to learn as much as I can to help my daughter excell but find it hard to take serious when comments are made towards peoples character and inteligence level just because they have an opinion. You cannot judge a person until we have walked a mile in there shoes and also there are young men and women giveing there life for the rights to be free and have the right to free speach so why insult someone for exerciseing that right ???

SOOO TRUE.  We all need to have a little fun sometime.  When you go to work every day and deal with, family disturbances, neighbors fighting over a stupid fence line or work a wreck where a child was killed cause some stupid idiot was DWHUA (driving with head up angus), these forums can actually be a sort of release.  We all need to be serious when needed but be light when we can.  Have fun everyone.
Guest bigcat

You can say a lot of things about the people on here but I don't think you can call them insincere.  There is a difference in liking softball and being a student of the game.  I like softball (don't tell my husband I said that out loud--I like to pretend it's just a thorn in my side) but my husband is a student of the game.  He is constantly reading, observing, and talking softball (not just bs but strategy).  He is serious but due to extreme love of the game.  He is not the only one.  

This site is fun.  Sometimes the fun is taken too far.  Is every comment on here intended for every person?  I don't understand all the comments you and your friends make BAG.  Every group has talked around other groups.  Did you understand the comments about T12 making line-ups?  No because it was an inside joke.  You had to be part of the HS team to get it.  Do I get all your Crush jokes? No because I am no longer part of that team.  Do I get some of them? Yes, because I saw the umpire catcher and the pink shorts.  I'm not sure what you feel like you are being left out of, but some of your collegues took advantage of a little exposure today.  It was not as much as we would have liked but they were there and welcome.  I'm not sure who you are accusing of playing mind games but most anyone on here will tell exactly what they are thinking most of the time, all you have to do is ask.

I bet Rags knows about making those lineups. Don't you Rags. ;D ;D ;D

Guest b-a-g fan

I made a statement ,it couldn't be more clear . The resposes to this statement are exactly what I am talking about , people wanting confrontaTION.  The topic we discuse is softball ,softball is a game and only a game . Yes it can be a route to getting our kids an education on someone elses dime . But our kids make the game not vise versa . Instead of takeing everything someone says as a challenge take it as for what it is a opinion. Put your opinions and experiences and knowlege of the game on here for all to learn from if they dont ,it is on them but if it helps just one person in a positive way ,that is a great thing . I by no means want to call anyone out or chalenge someones integrity just to express my feelings to the miss understandings and confrontations that have seem to be taken over this forum . Things have happened in the past couple of weeks that have hurt peoples feelings in diffrent ways . lets get past all this and move forward "It is not that serious"


I made a statement ,it couldn't be more clear . The resposes to this statement are exactly what I am talking about , people wanting confrontaTION.  The topic we discuse is softball ,softball is a game and only a game . Yes it can be a route to getting our kids an education on someone elses dime . But our kids make the game not vise versa . Instead of takeing everything someone says as a challenge take it as for what it is a opinion. Put your opinions and experiences and knowlege of the game on here for all to learn from if they dont ,it is on them but if it helps just one person in a positive way ,that is a great thing . I by no means want to call anyone out or chalenge someones integrity just to express my feelings to the miss understandings and confrontations that have seem to be taken over this forum . Things have happened in the past couple of weeks that have hurt peoples feelings in diffrent ways . lets get past all this and move forward "It is not that serious"

You missed it.......all RV was saying IS.....don't use the term "some people", if you mean RVerde, say it.......if you mean Tigers12, say it, etc. etc. etc. That way there isn't any misunderstanding about WHO you are addressing. It would help eliminate "others" getting offensive due to misunderstanding!

Guest b-a-g fan

If you (tiger ) think my post was to him (RVerde) then why not let him respond to it (the post) . you(tiger ) seem to know what everybody(everybody) is thinking and who all(more than one) post are adressed too , that is impressive  ;D But you are mistaken I just was adressing the conflicts  that the people have on this forum over a game A GAME..

Guest b-a-g fan

All the bs aside congrates to the young ladies that made the GTS shockers I hope it is everthing you want and more and I hope all the staff help you achieve your goals Good luck Ladies ;D


If you (tiger ) think my post was to him (RVerde) then why not let him respond to it (the post) . you(tiger ) seem to know what everybody(everybody) is thinking and who all(more than one) post are adressed too , that is impressive  ;D But you are mistaken I just was adressing the conflicts  that the people have on this forum over a game A GAME..

I'm glad you (BAG) have finally figured that out.......things should go MUCH smoother now!


Now that we've (Tigers12 & BAG) winked and made up. On the serious note, when do ya'll (OCG) plan on anouncing OCG players, or do ya'll (OCG) plan on posting it on here?


Bag the problem is not many seem to want to say who they are addressing with their comment. You say people don't want the confrontation, well the confrontation when addressing the difference in opinion is not necessarily a bad thing. Confrontation that is personal well I agree is different, like "it takes more of a man". You said just post an opinion and let people decide for themselves, well I agree, read my post. I just made the statement that, it seems that when that is done a number of people come on and post bs and don't respond to the post. I didn't say you were required to or should I said if you don't want the info don't post the weather or the joke of the day with 10 unrelated responses behind it. It almost seems intentional. It would be like me trying to share something with someone and get some feedback and someone in the background doing things to distract both. I ask questions about peoples comments and get not response just more comments and just asked to direct your statement to the person intended. Thats bad because of the confrontation you will get if you direct your opinion to the person it was intended. Hell I want to know if I said or did something that offended someone because, and I know Gander its hard to believe, I am not just talking to be talking or to prove how much I know compared to anyone else. I would hope the discussion would provide something for me to. Thats why I ask questions to let other people speak and be challenged and defend their position. Thats healthy learning from my perspective. Just trying to get the snipers out from behind the tree.

Guest b-a-g fan

O.k. RV to your quote about stupid people . There are no stupid people on here ,just people either less informed or people that have a diffrent opinion than you .. As you know there is a fine line between guenius and insanity :)


My daughters love softball.  I love to watch them play the game.  Whether or not they are the best on the field is irrevelent to me.  Whether or not they get a D1 scholorship or not is not our main concern.  I just hope that they continue to have the opportunity to play at a competitive level.  A scholorship and an opportunity to play in college would be great, its just not what is most important.  The things they learn from softball and the fun they have is why they play and why I encourage it.  Regardless of what a girls expectations are concerning their future in softball, it is my opinion, and only an OPINION, that they should enjoy playing and have fun WHILE being competitve.  WORK comes later in life.  I know, even as young ladies, they have to work to become better ball players, and I push my daughters hard...like most Dads do.  But the most important thing to me is that they enjoy playing.  If they don't enjoy it, why would they even want to continue to play?  I know there are girls who want to play college ball and will do whatever it takes to get there while sacrificing many other things.,.but sometimes it doesn't happen, even for those girls.  So have fun, regardless of what team you play for or your teams rank.

Guest b-a-g fan

Redfan I agree with you . This forum has become more of a competition between adults than a learning tool to help the kids . Play Ball and let any diffrences between any teams in the area be decided on the softball diamond were the kids show sportmanship why cant we ???


Softball is definitely not the most important part of life. It doesn't even rate against a lot of things. However at the time that you are in it, softball is very important. Bottom of the 7th, 2 outs runner on third tie game OC vs GTS or Nederland vs PNG. Fly ball to your daughter and at that point in time there ain't nothing more important than that softball. Your right in the scheme of things it really doesn't matter if she catches it or she doesn't but try convincing her of that if she drops it. And if a kid is going to be in that situation somebody needs to be addressing their commitment and her commitment to get her better before the ball leaves that bat and I doubt that benefits anyone more than her. I know that is what I, along with some of the others are trying to get across that if you are going to play and put yourself in these situations make sure you are committing  enough time play close to your potential. And last but not least fun usually happens when you get better at something.


Softball is definitely not the most important part of life. It doesn't even rate against a lot of things. However at the time that you are in it, softball is very important. Bottom of the 7th, 2 outs runner on third tie game OC vs GTS or Nederland vs PNG. Fly ball to your daughter and at that point in time there ain't nothing more important than that softball. Your right in the scheme of things it really doesn't matter if she catches it or she doesn't but try convincing her of that if she drops it. And if a kid is going to be in that situation somebody needs to be addressing their commitment and her commitment to get her better before the ball leaves that bat and I doubt that benefits anyone more than her. I know that is what I, along with some of the others are trying to get across that if you are going to play and put yourself in these situations make sure you are committing  enough time play close to your potential. And last but not least fun usually happens when you get better at something. = AMEN


Redfan I agree with you . This forum has become more of a competition between adults than a learning tool to help the kids . Play Ball and let any diffrences between any teams in the area be decided on the softball diamond were the kids show sportmanship why cant we ???

BAG - This is NOT an attack on YOU or anyone inparticular, just an overview of MY opinion of where things went south on this board!

1) GTS Gold was attacked for anouncing tryouts when we did! Obviously we defended ourselves!

2) GTS was accused of recruiting, and disrepecting ALL other GT coaches and programs. As I've said before, I can't speak 100% for everyone involved with GTS, however, I feel that no one, made direct phone calls, e-mails, or PM's contacting players (parents) to offer them a position on our roster! Even the ones we did talk to, were from the player or parent making initial contact with US!

3)GTS (I) was accused of breaking up Terror, by our announcement, it caused some to get excited, voice their desires to try and play for GTS, I KNOW some of them went out and talked to others about joining them, as would any kid attempting to move to another team, they usually try to convience their friends and/or some players they feel are good, who doesn't want to bring other GOOD players to the team they desire to play for!

These are just a few things that were directed at GTS. As would anyone involved with a program we did defend ourselves, against the attacks! There are many other behind the scene (off the board) actions (recruiting by others) that was taking place while these attacks took place in public! There seemed to be a double standard being set, THE PUBLIC ONE, and the PRIVATE ONE!

1) Public bashing of our program, yet PM's being sent asking various people (involved with GTS) for help in the recruiting process for their children! (which, we don't mind, we have answered and sent all information ask of us, despite the attacks)

2) Public bashing of our program, yet players being hand picked and recruited DURING NATIONALS! (as a note: I did notice someone posted a list of names earlier, we'll see how close to true this statement is) If it's WAY OFF, I will publicly apologize to ALL involved, as well as apologize in PERSON, for making this statement!

At NO point did any one with GTS get on here and DISRESPECT the Crush organization! Everyone involved with GTS highly respects the Orange Crush Coaches, players, and Parents! (I'm not including any other teams, due to the obvious, this has become OCG -vs- GTS)

Again, this not an ATTACK on anyone, just laying out why I feel this has become what it has become!

Now, this part may seem more like an attack, but it is what it is! EVERYONE within the GTS organization and the Crush organization have repected each other and have had some pretty competitive games against each other, gaining even MORE respect between the 2 organizations! UNTIL, b-a-g fan, Osue200, BreakerCoach, and #1 Cheater became involved with the Crush organization!

I apologize CC, this still does not change the amount of RESPECT I have for you, your organization, your coaches, parents, and especially your PLAYERS!

Like I said, IT IS WHAT IT IS!

Good luck to EVERY player in the Golden Triangle, I wish you well!

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