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4 minutes ago, Kountzer said:

They are almost always exonerated.  That is not new.

Officer Wilson was exonerated because he did nothing wrong in the Michael Brown shooting. Anybody with a shred of common sense has agreed. But that’s how ignorant people see things... “he stole some cigarillos so they killed him.” Yes, he pocketed some cigarillos and roughed up a clerk... but Mr Brown’s well-documented foolish decision to attack a cop is only reason that he lost his life. 

Philandro Castille was killed on his 46th traffic stop. I’ve been pulled over a bunch of times. Not 46. I’ll bet even a victim of constant racial policing like yourself hadn’t been pulled over 46 times when you were only 25. There was more to the story, and when it became obvious that the “bad white cop” narrative wasn’t  gonna work, the media lost interest. I’m guessing it’s because the cop/shooter was named “Jeronimo Yanez.”

Tamil Rice was a horrible accident. A caller reported a man threatening people with a gun in the park. The police arrived saw the person with the gun and eliminated the threat. It’s horrific to find out after the fact that the kid was 13 and the gun wasn’t real. It sounds like somebody (like that white cop from  Beaumont who killed two people (luckily white, also) in less than a year) might be in the wrong profession. But tell me... which is worse... a death like Tamir Rice’s, an innocent 13 year old, or the death of any nameless child that gets killed in a drive by shooting on any weekend in Chicago? Because trust me, there is probably a Tamir Rice gunned down in the inner city somewhere in the US  every weekend.  But there’s no outrage. Why is Tamir’s loss so horrific and those other thousands of kids just “oh, well?”

That’s why reasonable people don’t take BLM seriously. It’s a bad joke. 

2 hours ago, ECBucFan said:

I normally stay out of the political discussions, but DANG MAN? Are you KIDDING?

What about the other side of the coin? The media and other black supremacists groups made Micheal Brown out to be "gentle giant" that was so "loving, peaceful, gentle and kind" after he and accomplice Daren Wilson robbed a convenience store, assaulted the small built clerk, then brazenly disobeyed an officer, then attacked and punched the officer IN HIS PATROL CAR, while trying to wrestle away the cops gun to presumabaly kill the cop. 

The media then CRUCIFIED the poor cop, while making the thug named Micheal Brown out to be a saint. Then, the other "loving, peaceful, gentle and kind" people of the neighborhood all LIED about the whole thing causing riots. 

Black supremicist media at work.  



This isn’t the Michael Brown case though. In that video, he was shown coming for a cop after many warnings. In this video, no real crime and no affront on police. Let’s talk about this case.   

36 minutes ago, SmashMouth said:

This isn’t the Michael Brown case though. In that video, he was shown coming for a cop after many warnings. In this video, no real crime and no affront on police. Let’s talk about this case.   


Those prior videos of Mr. Arbery having confrontations with the police (the stop in the park, the Walmart shoplifting thing) don't have anything to do with this case, either.  The only reason that I believe they're worth mentioning is that it goes to show a pattern of confrontational behavior on the part of Mr. Arbery in the past.  In one of my initial posts I said that I believed that Mr. Arbery was in a fit of anger when the physical confrontation began. Those vids would serve to possibly bolster my theory a little bit. 


Here's another one... a young black man was just walking in the cemetery when he was hunted down and killed by the police.  I'm surprised we haven't seen much out of the media on this one, yet.  Somebody get Al Sharpton on the phone.  We need a protest.

This is the hidden content, please


Seriously, though... this piece of crap will be counted in the statistics used to point out how often young black men are killed by the cops.  His death will be one of 2020's total number spewed out as evidence of oppressive policing. 

28 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:


Those prior videos of Mr. Arbery having confrontations with the police (the stop in the park, the Walmart shoplifting thing) don't have anything to do with this case, either.  The only reason that I believe they're worth mentioning is that it goes to show a pattern of confrontational behavior on the part of Mr. Arbery in the past.  In one of my initial posts I said that I believed that Mr. Arbery was in a fit of anger when the physical confrontation began. Those vids would serve to possibly bolster my theory a little bit. 


2 hours ago, Kountzer said:

I never was on top of the whole Ferguson thing. It was said Brown stole some cigarillos.  Bad move.  it cost him his life.  It all goes back to survival 101.  They said he had his hands up; some say he did not.  Who knows what the exact truth is.  It will be straightened out in the judgment going on right now, and during the 1000 years in heaven.

I have read almost every witness statement from the Michael Brown case, looked at the crime scene photos and seen the diagrams of the bullet wounds. I have a very good friend who was (since retired) the supervisor in charge of one of the MO state police homicide unit. 

I can assure you that the hands up, don’t shoot was fabricated. Some of the statements were intended to be lies but on being re-interviewed many who started that Brown had his hands up later started basically, “well, that’s what I heard”. 

5 hours ago, CardinalBacker said:

Officer Wilson was exonerated because he did nothing wrong in the Michael Brown shooting. Anybody with a shred of common sense has agreed. But that’s how ignorant people see things... “he stole some cigarillos so they killed him.” Yes, he pocketed some cigarillos and roughed up a clerk... but Mr Brown’s well-documented foolish decision to attack a cop is only reason that he lost his life. 

Philandro Castille was killed on his 46th traffic stop. I’ve been pulled over a bunch of times. Not 46. I’ll bet even a victim of constant racial policing like yourself hadn’t been pulled over 46 times when you were only 25. There was more to the story, and when it became obvious that the “bad white cop” narrative wasn’t  gonna work, the media lost interest. I’m guessing it’s because the cop/shooter was named “Jeronimo Yanez.”

Tamil Rice was a horrible accident. A caller reported a man threatening people with a gun in the park. The police arrived saw the person with the gun and eliminated the threat. It’s horrific to find out after the fact that the kid was 13 and the gun wasn’t real. It sounds like somebody (like that white cop from  Beaumont who killed two people (luckily white, also) in less than a year) might be in the wrong profession. But tell me... which is worse... a death like Tamir Rice’s, an innocent 13 year old, or the death of any nameless child that gets killed in a drive by shooting on any weekend in Chicago? Because trust me, there is probably a Tamir Rice gunned down in the inner city somewhere in the US  every weekend.  But there’s no outrage. Why is Tamir’s loss so horrific and those other thousands of kids just “oh, well?”

That’s why reasonable people don’t take BLM seriously. It’s a bad joke. 

What comes around goes around. Put another way you reap what you sow.  American is a violent country.  It always has been.  You practiced a virulent form of slavery, separating families.  You totally decimated the native Americans, giving them blankets filled with small pox and broke treaty after treaty when it suited your purpose. Slavery is over you lynched and bombed black people because you are evil and violent like that. You worship sports and guns.  Playing and watching football on God's true holy day.  You send you capital investments to the suburbs and leave the poor inner city areas to fend for itself.  You are in bed with the anti christ.  You can take life in the name of you god Satan but you can only issue the first death.  

Philando Csstille dead because he had 46 traffic violations, allegedly. . What a heinous driving record he had. I am wary of anonymous message board know it all bigots.  So the officer pumps him with 4 bullets.  He won't do that again.

Tamir Rice is dead and gone, Ill let heaven balance that out.   You can sit in your ivory tower all smug thinking you control now and the future, but that is a lie.  You are going to answer just like everyone else.  You take the jobs and investments so the cartels now supply the employment.  it worked for the contras and the us operates who oversaw the affairs. No wonder heroin addiction  is so rampant.  Not to mention meth and mollies, in your own neighborhoods.  This won't last forever.  The constitution is in shambles.  The ozone is jacked up. What is being done to the least is being done everywhere.   The anti christ beast is going to burn in the bottomless pit and the two horned beast is going down with him.  It is not that far off either.  



That’s why reasonable people don’t take BLM seriously. It’s a bad joke. 

Enjoy your advantages now.  You are only flesh and blood.  You are going to answer too.

17 minutes ago, Kountzer said:

That’s why reasonable people don’t take BLM seriously. It’s a bad joke. 

Enjoy your advantages now.  You are only flesh and blood.  You are going to answer too.

We’ll all have to answer, you as well.

You will have a tough time explaining some of your views.

5 minutes ago, LumRaiderFan said:

We’ll all have to answer, you as well.

You will have a tough time explaining some of your views.

not really.  I don't waste all my time on this message board.


5 hours ago, Kountzer said:

I never was on top of the whole Ferguson thing. It was said Brown stole some cigarillos.  Bad move.  it cost him his life.  It all goes back to survival 101.  They said he had his hands up; some say he did not.  Who knows what the exact truth is.  It will be straightened out in the judgment going on right now, and during the 1000 years in heaven.

Well you were obviously not on top of it but still have a misled opinion. What cost him his life was to attack the cop and try to take his gun. He never raised his hands to surrender. That’s just the way you and the entire black community see it. Since your people look up to and even honor your criminal elements of society, it’s not surprising you take that viewpoint. Not surprising at all. It’s what I have come to expect. 

13 minutes ago, baddog said:

Well you were obviously not on top of it but still have a misled opinion. What cost him his life was to attack the cop and try to take his gun. He never raised his hands to surrender. That’s just the way you and the entire black community see it. Since your people

Most of the black community has forgotten about this incident.  I know I have.  Events like this happen every day.  Most of them don't rise to national attention.  Right or wrong Brown is gone.  I am not going to wade through all of that.  His fate is sealed.


look up to and even honor your criminal elements of society, it’s not surprising you take that viewpoint. Not surprising at all. It’s

Jesse James is honored, so is pretty boy Floyd.  Some good money has been made about the criminal activities of Bonnie & Clyde in the form of books and movies.  Then you have the original perpetrators of Chicago violence,, people like Al Capone.  Then there are the novels and movies by Mario Puzo about The Godfather,.  then there was the popular mafia series The sopranos on HBO.

what I have come to expect. 


11 minutes ago, Kountzer said:


Stop trying to play the flip flop game. I honor none of those people and call them the scumbags that they truly are. Your people do honor the gang bangers. Don’t try to deny it. 

I remember Jeffrey Dahmer and John Wayne Gacey, but I don’t honor them. You are confused with memory and honor. 

1 hour ago, LumRaiderFan said:

We’ll all have to answer, you as well.

You will have a tough time explaining some of your views.


 But I don’t have to answer for Tmir Rice, lynching or anything else that I had no part in. 

19 minutes ago, tvc184 said:


 But I don’t have to answer for Tmir Rice, lynching or anything else that I had no part in. 

All of that is going to be reconciled. I am not worried about it.  homeboy slung mud, I spung it back.


Slavery has existed in practically every civilization since the dawn of time. Racism has existed since Biblical times... and it’s never been purely white dogging black.  Yet we are to believe that Americans from the South are the only group who has done so. 

You’re upset at me over some stuff that may or may not have been done to your ancestors by some people who may or may not have been mine. 

Makes perfect sense to me, lol. 


2 hours ago, Kountzer said:

1. Playing and watching football on God's true holy day.  

2. The constitution is in shambles.

3. No wonder heroin addiction  is so rampant.  Not to mention meth and mollies, in your own neighborhoods.


1. If you’re talking about Sunday, the original true Sabbath was on Saturday.

2. The Constitution is the same except for improvements including allowing minorities and women to vote, etc. we just have to get the far left people to remember that a constitution still exists. 

3. They’re not in my neighborhood. I been looking for some and can’t find a scratch!


Breaking Update....

It’s been announced that the 911 caller who filmed the shooting has also been arrested and charged with felony murder. I really, REALLY hope that the authorities have some evidence that they’ve been holding back, because it’s a long way from calling 911/following/filming a shooting to being guilty of felony murder. 

I have a feeling that this prosecutor is just as bad as the first two, but in the opposite way. 


35 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

Breaking Update....

It’s been announced that the 911 caller who filmed the shooting has also been arrested and charged with felony murder. I really, REALLY hope that the authorities have some evidence that they’ve been holding back, because it’s a long way from calling 911/following/filming a shooting to being guilty of felony murder. 

I have a feeling that this prosecutor is just as bad as the first two, but in the opposite way. 


Yeah I saw that, I wonder what's up. Has to be a lot we don't know going on. 

1 hour ago, CardinalBacker said:

Slavery has existed in practically every civilization since the dawn of time. Racism has existed since Biblical times... and it’s never been purely white dogging black.  Yet we are to believe that Americans from the South are the only group who has done so. 

You’re upset at me over some stuff that may or may not have been done to your ancestors by some people who may or may not have been mine. 

Makes perfect sense to me, lol. 


This world is only 6,000 years old.  There won't be any slavery in the next phase.

1 hour ago, SmashMouth said:

1. If you’re talking about Sunday, the original true Sabbath was on Saturday.

The original sabbath still is on the 7th day aka Saturday.  Nothing has changed.

2. The Constitution is the same except for improvements including allowing minorities and women to vote, etc. we just have to get the far left people to remember that a constitution still exists. 

3. They’re not in my neighborhood. I been looking for some and can’t find a scratch!


29 minutes ago, NetCat said:

Yeah I saw that, I wonder what's up. Has to be a lot we don't know going on. 

I hope so... if not, they’ll never get him convicted, and that’ll lead to more “No justice, no peace” garbage. 

On 5/19/2020 at 10:18 PM, PAMFAM10 said:

Well tell me I’m crazy tell me. Had the jogger been white. Would the conversation be different. All i hear is what he was doing jogging there he seem to have a authority issue. Blaming the victim because 3 white men killing a unarmed black man just fit a narrative no one wants to believe exist. So rather than except that we blame the victim. 

You know things would be different. Did you read Cardinal HBacker's initial statement on this thread. That says it all. Blacks are not more violent than whites. We are just arrested, charged and sentenced more when compared to our white counterparts when committing the same crimes. Walking on grass or visiting a building site is not punishable by death. My cousin was riding in a car with a white kid who had drugs in his car. My cousin, who was older was kicked off of the basketball team.  The other kid remained on the team. My cousin was told that he should've set a better example even though the drugs we're not his.



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