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Yeah... that whole thing has jumped the shark. 

Big protest planned in Beaumont tonight.  It’d be nice if somebody gave a crap about the black people actually murdered here, but they don’t. Never have, never will. The whole thing is a joke. 

Nothing says “stop treating us like animals” quite like going out and acting like one.  


Here is my pondering about the incident.

A man is killed and within 24 hours of it happening, Before any investigations is anywhere  near complete, the chief apparently has fired officers that were even standing there. They might have had no involvement in the death but they didn’t step in. The president called for a stepped up FBI investigation and the one officer will likely be indicted for murder.

 Exactly what do the rioters want? This has been the quickest action that I ever recall for any officer involved death and it was sweeping with every officer being terminated immediately.

 What would the protesters think should have been a better response? 

10 minutes ago, tvc184 said:

Here is my pondering about the incident.

A man is killed and within 24 hours of it happening, Before any investigations is anywhere  near complete, the chief apparently has fired officers that were even standing there. They might have had no involvement in the death but they didn’t step in. The president called for a stepped up FBI investigation and the one officer will likely be indicted for murder.

 Exactly what do the rioters want? This has been the quickest action that I ever recall for any officer involved death and it was sweeping with every officer being terminated immediately.

 What would the protesters think should have been a better response? 

It’s not about the response. It’s simply people who have a dislike for cops/white people/society and they see a chance break the law with impunity. If I was so scared of cops, why would I go to where they just killed somebody and start conspicuously breaking the law? Nothing says “we’re not gonna take it” quite like running out of Target with an armful of Pampers. 

There are a mix of people rioting. Some of them are the criminal element. They’re the ones they don’t evacuate for hurricanes so that they can loot. Some are protestors who just get caught up in the lawlessness. There are a LOT of liberal/commie/anarchist in the mix, too. That’s why it takes a couple of days to get cranked up... they have to travel in from wherever they are. Just check out the graffiti. Good spelling, perfect grammar, decent handwriting. I’ve never seen a black person tagging with anarchy symbols, but they’re everywhere in the photos. Anti-capitalist tags galore, too. 

My real hope is the same that I have every time this stuff kicks off. I really hope none of those fools ever get the idea to bring that mess to the civilized areas. If those type of protestors ever manage to wake up those of us that just sit back and shake our heads, they’re not going to like the way things work out for themselves. 

4 hours ago, tvc184 said:

Here is my pondering about the incident.

A man is killed and within 24 hours of it happening, Before any investigations is anywhere  near complete, the chief apparently has fired officers that were even standing there. They might have had no involvement in the death but they didn’t step in. The president called for a stepped up FBI investigation and the one officer will likely be indicted for murder.

 Exactly what do the rioters want? This has been the quickest action that I ever recall for any officer involved death and it was sweeping with every officer being terminated immediately.

 What would the protesters think should have been a better response? 

That’s what it looks like to me...he flat out killed the guy.

6 hours ago, tvc184 said:

Here is my pondering about the incident.

A man is killed and within 24 hours of it happening, Before any investigations is anywhere  near complete, the chief apparently has fired officers that were even standing there. They might have had no involvement in the death but they didn’t step in. The president called for a stepped up FBI investigation and the one officer will likely be indicted for murder.

 Exactly what do the rioters want? This has been the quickest action that I ever recall for any officer involved death and it was sweeping with every officer being terminated immediately.

 What would the protesters think should have been a better response? 


Does them getting fired cost them their Union Lawyers representation?

16 minutes ago, PhatMack19 said:


Does them getting fired cost them their Union Lawyers representation?


In fact, I’d be willing to bet that there are protections afforded by the collective bargaining agreement between the CITY and the police officers that were just broken at the mayor’s instruction. I have a feeling that the City of Minne will need to keep their checkbook out after they write that 7 figure check to Floyd’s family.... my guess is that some (or all) of these officers will receive settlements of their own. You can’t just fire people when their under contract, even if it makes your constituents happy. 

I remember a story that I read a long time ago where a mob wanted “justice” and they kept at it until they convinced local governance to act. They ended up crucifying the man over it. I think he was Hispanic. His name was Javier or Jose or something like that.  


A sad situation made even sadder.  Heard one resident saying a lot of the protesters were Antifa.  They’re anarchist, so this situation is made for their lawlessness.   They feed off others misery.

2 hours ago, PhatMack19 said:


Does them getting fired cost them their Union Lawyers representation?

 No. The union is a private entity and not government funded. In fact this kind of incident is exactly what the union lawyer (or any lawyers) are for. 

5 hours ago, tvc184 said:

 No. The union is a private entity and not government funded. In fact this kind of incident is exactly what the union lawyer (or any lawyers) are for. 

You’ll know more about this than I do.... I’ve always assumed that the protections provided by their contracts are why officers are always placed in some type of leave (typically paid) even when the actions of those officers are egregious. I read where NYPD had the cop that was blamed for Eric Garner’s asthma attack on some kind of restricted duty for 5 years before they finally just canned him based on the recommendation of a citizens’ review panel. 
Is it just me, or are the police offices’ unions the red headed step children of the union-loving left?

20 hours ago, CardinalBacker said:

Yeah... that whole thing has jumped the shark. 

Big protest planned in Beaumont tonight.  It’d be nice if somebody gave a crap about the black people actually murdered here, but they don’t. Never have, never will. The whole thing is a joke. 

Nothing says “stop treating us like animals” quite like going out and acting like one.  

There are people of all races rioting.

3 hours ago, CardinalBacker said:

You’ll know more about this than I do.... I’ve always assumed that the protections provided by their contracts are why officers are always placed in some type of leave (typically paid) even when the actions of those officers are egregious. I read where NYPD had the cop that was blamed for Eric Garner’s asthma attack on some kind of restricted duty for 5 years before they finally just canned him based on the recommendation of a citizens’ review panel. 
Is it just me, or are the police offices’ unions the red headed step children of the union-loving left?

A contract can guarantee almost anything however I worked for several years without a contract. Police have been placed on administrative leave for decades before contracts even existed ,  first because they were not convicted of anything or In some cases even accused and also for public safety and/or perception. In other words, for safety we are not going to take any chances and put the officer on the desk.

Many Police Departments do not have contracts and some states might deny them. In Texas only the police and firefighters can have contracts. In some states any public workers can have a contract however Texas is not like that. What happens in New York might have absolutely nothing to do with what happens in Texas.

For the most part, contracts guarantee s fair heating and do not dictate rules and regulations. Most agencies have an appeals process but the appeal is back to the people that disciplined the officer in the first place. Ours is to an outside/out of state arbitrator by contract. 


Peaceful protests are one thing including ones staged locally. Looting is another. It is shameful and takes way from the purpose and effectiveness. I haven't heard of anyone that doesn't agree the incident was horrible and just wrong. Due process is needed but it takes time to get it right. 

1 minute ago, Big girl said:

I read that a lot of litters are not from that area. There are people who are peacefully protesting

Do you mean looters or litterers?  I think there are both types out there, lol.  

But I agree with you.  A lot the people doing the damage are from outside and have no interest in what happened to George Floyd.  They're there to steal and to try and create civil unrest in hopes that it will lead to a revolution.  

I think you are exactly right.... there were a lot of good people out there to protest initially.  But if somebody is still hanging around when other people are setting stuff on fire and looting,  then they're no longer a protester.   


Isn’t it weird what people will do even when they know they are being videoed by everyone and by their own body cams? Why does this bother me?

Jussie Smollet is someone lingering in my mind. 

I have gotten to where I believe very little anymore. 

34 minutes ago, baddog said:

Isn’t it weird what people will do even when they know they are being videoed by everyone and by their own body cams? Why does this bother me?

Jussie Smollet is someone lingering in my mind. 

I have gotten to where I believe very little anymore. 

Honestly, nobody gets in trouble for it.  The guy that was defending his pawn shop and killed a looter was arrested and his business was destroyed anyway.

There blaming this on race but the same freaking thing happens (the looting, not the fires) every time there's a natural disaster, too.  I'll go on record and say that all it would take is a single round of shooting looters on sight and the problem of "casual" looters would be finished.  You might have a few hard cases that would still try, but your average 19 year old wouldn't dare if there was a significant chance of being killed by authorities or property owners. 


A riot is a serious situation.  It is not a game.  I've never seen one except on television.  I would not participate in one.  When I was 19 I would like to think I wouldn't then either.  When I was 19 I quit my good paying job at the Easter paper mill and shipped off to coast guard boot camp.   That was enough adventure for me.

As for the guy that got shot and killed at the pawn shop for trying to loot, well, he got what he got.  That's the chance you take.

17 minutes ago, Kountzer said:

A riot is a serious situation.  It is not a game.  I've never seen one except on television.  I would not participate in one.  When I was 19 I would like to think I wouldn't then either.  When I was 19 I quit my good paying job at the Easter paper mill and shipped off to coast guard boot camp.   That was enough adventure for me.

As for the guy that got shot and killed at the pawn shop for trying to loot, well, he got what he got.  That's the chance you take.

I was actually in a small one once.  We saw Pantera in about '96 in Houston and our truck (and about 40 others) got towed.  We had to walk several mile to the impound yard to recover our vehicles and they wanted a LOT of cash to release peoples' vehicles.  At some point some of the crowd got rowdy and a few windows got broken.  I just wanted to pay and get out.  They sent out an honest-to-God police chopper with a spotlight that lit everybody up.  

I can honestly say that at one point in my life, I was down in South Houston in the wee hours flipping off a police chopper during a mini-riot.  I checked that off of my list.  But I also flipped off Santa Claus in Dallas one time, too. 


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