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7 hours ago, PAMFAM10 said:

Some people can watch a video where a very alive person can be on the ground with a knee to his neck for seven minutes. In that same video everybody around except The THUGs in blue can see that life is slipping away from Mr. Floyd . Mr Floyd is pleading begging for his life then goes motionless knee still till his neck . It’s some that can watch that and still refuse to believe the truth. Because The truth is just to uncomfortable. It’s law enforcement on here that can call it what it is . It’s police officers police chiefs taking a knee marching with protesters. That can call it what it is. But it’s people on this board looking for anything and I mean anything to not have to deal with the truth.  Same with last case. And more evidence coming out that case prove setx logic wrong again. Another black man slain by racists. Both cases only moving forward because of video and public outcry. It’s the same America 

10 officers have lost there jobs and are facing charges. Not because of the color of there skin but because of the bad choices they made. 6 African Americans,  1 Asian American and 3 Caucasian Americans. 

Yes, racism is alive and well in America. I know you will agree that there are more good officers than bad.You don’t have to look far to find one. You all are blessed to have tvc184  on this forum. No one can call a football game better than he can. I live 6 states away and I get all fired up for Mid County  Madness. Tvc186 typing play by play is like being at the game. TEXAS is the football capital.  Go Clemson!!!


5 hours ago, Reagan said:

Sure it could.  Just like running him down or anything else.  The point is, anything could have killed him.  He wasn't in good shape.   Likes it's been stated, this cop, unless it was a hit job, didn't wake up that morning and say, you know what, I'm gonna kill a black today.  Contrary to what some that are mentally ill are trying say.   It's my understanding that the cop used methods approved worldwide to restrain. Control the head and the body follows.  True or not true? 


So you have absolutely no problem with how Chauvin handled the situation?  It was an “approved” method and he executed it perfectly?  Show me where this is a worldwide approved method..

There are plenty of great cops to rally behind...can’t understand why folks want to defend this guy.  He killed Floyd because he stayed on his neck way too long.

6 hours ago, Law Man said:

You’ve  been straddling the fence a lot lately. I don’t know anything about your hometown but  the comment about we really like what y’all have done with the place gives  me the impression you  may have hidden racism in your heart.
I agree with bad dog I am proud and I won’t apologize for what I am. I will never say things that will divide us because underneath  all this shoe leather we all bleed red.


That’s where you and I are different. I will never be quiet just to avoid ruffling somebody’s feathers while they’re spreading falsehoods.

The news story for the last three years in the NFL has been concussions and kneeling. 
We’ve moved backwards in AMERICA to the point where Drew Brees had to apologize for saying “I don’t agree with kneeling during the anthem.”  What?

That’s the reason that things have deteriorated here in the US. We’ve babied, coddled, and entertained stupidity and now we’re here. 

Do you feel like the only way to fix the “inherently racist legal system in America” is to defund police departments? Then you’d better start speaking up when people say that you’re a racist. People absolutely have a right to say “the legal system is racist.” And you, as an officer, have a responsibility to say “no, CRIMINALS commit more crimes... it doesn’t matter which color they are.” 

Why is it okay to protest and riot about the statistical anomaly that it “unarmed black men killed by cops” but racist to to point absolute genocide being committed on blacks by blacks? Genocide isn’t the right word, but there isn’t a word to describe a race killing their own in mass numbers. 

That dude is a clown. He still can’t admit that there’s a problem in PAT (my hometown) except the old standby, racism. 


14 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

That’s where you and I are different. I will never be quiet just to avoid ruffling somebody’s feathers while they’re spreading falsehoods.

The news story for the last three years in the NFL has been concussions and kneeling. 
We’ve moved backwards in AMERICA to the point where Drew Brees had to apologize for saying “I don’t agree with kneeling during the anthem.”  What?

That’s the reason that things have deteriorated here in the US. We’ve babied, coddled, and entertained stupidity and now we’re here. 

Do you feel like the only way to fix the “inherently racist legal system in America” is to defund police departments? Then you’d better start speaking up when people say that you’re a racist. People absolutely have a right to say “the legal system is racist.” And you, as an officer, have a responsibility to say “no, CRIMINALS commit more crimes... it doesn’t matter which color they are.” 

Why is it okay to protest and riot about the statistical anomaly that it “unarmed black men killed by cops” but racist to to point absolute genocide being committed on blacks by blacks? Genocide isn’t the right word, but there isn’t a word to describe a race killing their own in mass numbers. 

That dude is a clown. He still can’t admit that there’s a problem in PAT (my hometown) except the old standby, racism. 


My earlier response to you was pure sarcasm. When someone hits someone else square in the face with a 2x4, I usually tell them not to hold back. Tell them how you really feel. lol

13 hours ago, PAMFAM10 said:

Some people can watch a video where a very alive person can be on the ground with a knee to his neck for seven minutes. In that same video everybody around except The THUGs in blue can see that life is slipping away from Mr. Floyd . Mr Floyd is pleading begging for his life then goes motionless knee still till his neck . It’s some that can watch that and still refuse to believe the truth. Because The truth is just to uncomfortable. It’s law enforcement on here that can call it what it is . It’s police officers police chiefs taking a knee marching with protesters. That can call it what it is. But it’s people on this board looking for anything and I mean anything to not have to deal with the truth.  Same with last case. And more evidence coming out that case prove setx logic wrong again. Another black man slain by racists. Both cases only moving forward because of video and public outcry. It’s the same America 

Maybe if this cop had slashed his throat, left a glove at the scene, and found out that Floyd had called someone a white boy ten years previous, then “JUSTICE” would be acquittal at trial. How’s that for some SETexas logic?

28 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

That’s where you and I are different. I will never be quiet just to avoid ruffling somebody’s feathers while they’re spreading falsehoods.

The news story for the last three years in the NFL has been concussions and kneeling. 
We’ve moved backwards in AMERICA to the point where Drew Brees had to apologize for saying “I don’t agree with kneeling during the anthem.”  What?

That’s the reason that things have deteriorated here in the US. We’ve babied, coddled, and entertained stupidity and now we’re here. 

Do you feel like the only way to fix the “inherently racist legal system in America” is to defund police departments? Then you’d better start speaking up when people say that you’re a racist. People absolutely have a right to say “the legal system is racist.” And you, as an officer, have a responsibility to say “no, CRIMINALS commit more crimes... it doesn’t matter which color they are.” 

Why is it okay to protest and riot about the statistical anomaly that it “unarmed black men killed by cops” but racist to to point absolute genocide being committed on blacks by blacks? Genocide isn’t the right word, but there isn’t a word to describe a race killing their own in mass numbers. 

That dude is a clown. He still can’t admit that there’s a problem in PAT (my hometown) except the old standby, racism. 


I. apologies. I was confused when you said your hometown.

PAT? Is that a woman?  Is she mean?

5 minutes ago, Law Man said:

I. apologies. I was confused when you said your hometown.

PAT? Is that a woman?  Is she mean?

I visited Groves, TX.  I was there doing the big flood. I was treated real nice and I remember staying at  a shelter that was near a post office. Even though I was from another State they gave me rest. I saw a lot of people showing compassion. I felt a connection since that day. Learned a lot about high school football. I’m sorry, but you guys high school football is like a college game day.  I saw a clip of MId County Madness, Dogs vs Indians on YouTube. I only see that type of crowd and excitement when I go to College football games or State Championship,  I really enjoy the people.

I have never met Stevenash, but we bump heads a lot. He’s a good person and as a side note he gave me sound advice on my TSP retirement nest egg. The guy is real smart and knows numbers. I never met  Mr. Hagar, but I can tell you he loves his grandkids and he’s active in going to all of his kids games. I enjoy the young man Lumbertonraider because he speaks from the heart. Bad dog is good at heart. Smash mouth won’t back down right or wrong. They all bring something to the table. The fun part about this message board is that we can all agree to disagree. If your skin is tough you will hang around. This political forum is also mostly Republican. My point we are (I) May never meet any of you in person but it’s been real.

33 minutes ago, Law Man said:

I visited Groves, TX.  I was there doing the big flood. I was treated real nice and I remember staying at  a shelter that was near a post office. Even though I was from another State they gave me rest. I saw a lot of people showing compassion. I felt a connection since that day. Learned a lot about high school football. I’m sorry, but you guys high school football is like a college game day.  I saw a clip of MId County Madness, Dogs vs Indians on YouTube. I only see that type of crowd and excitement when I go to College football games or State Championship,  I really enjoy the people.

I have never met Stevenash, but we bump heads a lot. He’s a good person and as a side note he gave me sound advice on my TSP retirement nest egg. The guy is real smart and knows numbers. I never met  Mr. Hagar, but I can tell you he loves his grandkids and he’s active in going to all of his kids games. I enjoy the young man Lumbertonraider because he speaks from the heart. Bad dog is good at heart. Smash mouth won’t back down right or wrong. They all bring something to the table. The fun part about this message board is that we can all agree to disagree. If your skin is tough you will hang around. This political forum is also mostly Republican. My point we are (I) May never meet any of you in person but it’s been real.

I thought you were kidding... PAT is Port Arthur, Texas.  That's what city buses had down their side in big letters "PAT" for Port Arthur Transit.  Then it got all famous in that Jay-z song.

The posters on the board are real heavily conservative so sometimes it feels like Big Girl, Kountzer, and the rest are kinda getting ganged up on a little bit, lol.


4 hours ago, LumRaiderFan said:

So you have absolutely no problem with how Chauvin handled the situation?  It was an “approved” method and he executed it perfectly?  Show me where this is a worldwide approved method..

There are plenty of great cops to rally behind...can’t understand why folks want to defend this guy.  He killed Floyd because he stayed on his neck way too long.

Here are 3 questions to which I really want to know the answers:

1. Why is this killing defined as racial? Are we just making an assumption, or is there evidence that shows some proof. I am not convinced one way or another. 
2. Why did the cop keep applying pressure to Floyd’s neck even after he lay motionless? Before you answer, just know that your answer is your opinion only and not necessarily the facts. 
3. What part did Floyd play in his own death? 


Was sent this by a friend.  From and an article that was read:  "The danger in upping the charge on Chauvin makes it more difficult to get the conviction the protestors seek. In discussing the situation with a few police friends of mine, they suggest that everything was done by the book - until Chauvin didn't get off his neck. The officers were apparently discussing their assumption that fentanyl was in his system, which is why they figured a squad car wouldn't work. Having the perp on his stomach in that situation is the standard, because apparently when you pass out you can asphyxiate yourself if you head moves the wrong way as you pass out. Chauvin we will probably learn just had no business being a cop - but a big city police force union is going to have the ability to prevent his dismissal unless he really screws up. And it appears he walked the line well enough to hang on."

2 hours ago, Law Man said:

Smash mouth won’t back down right or wrong.

Lol. Very observant. Not totally true though.  If I’m ever wrong, I will definitely say so. Sadly I’m  almost never wrong! 😇


Why is the mayor using public funds to paint things on the road?


"D.C. Mayor Muriel E. Bowser (D) renamed the street in front of the White House "Black Lives Matter Plaza" on Friday and emblazoned the slogan in massive yellow letters on the road, a pointed salvo in her escalating dispute with President Trump over control of D.C. streets."

This is the hidden content, please


1 hour ago, PhatMack19 said:

Why is the mayor using public funds to paint things on the road?


"D.C. Mayor Muriel E. Bowser (D) renamed the street in front of the White House "Black Lives Matter Plaza" on Friday and emblazoned the slogan in massive yellow letters on the road, a pointed salvo in her escalating dispute with President Trump over control of D.C. streets."

This is the hidden content, please


 trump will just classify BLM as the hate group that they are.

then she will have some explain why she is associated with a hate group.


I just read where two of the four officers that were arrested were on their 4th shift ever as a policeman. Them boys hadn’t even gotten their first paychecks yet, lol. 

It also kinda explains why those two might have hesitated to intervene. Also makes me wonder if Officer Chauvin might have been trying to “show them the ropes” and it led to some really bad judgment on his part. 

Does that change anybody’s feelings towards those two officers? 


This is the hidden content, please

From the article 

Gray stated in court that Lane told Chauvin to turn Floyd over twice, but that the senior officer refused.

"It would be unreasonable for [Lane] to go up and drag Chauvin off the deceased...You've got a 20-year cop in the front and my guy's back there with four days and he says, 'Should we roll him over?' and [Chauvin] says, 'No, we'll wait for the ambulance' twice. ... I don't know what you're supposed to do as a cop," Gray said.

1 hour ago, WOSdrummer99 said:

This is the hidden content, please

From the article 

Gray stated in court that Lane told Chauvin to turn Floyd over twice, but that the senior officer refused.

"It would be unreasonable for [Lane] to go up and drag Chauvin off the deceased...You've got a 20-year cop in the front and my guy's back there with four days and he says, 'Should we roll him over?' and [Chauvin] says, 'No, we'll wait for the ambulance' twice. ... I don't know what you're supposed to do as a cop," Gray said.

I tend to give cops the benefit of the doubt and you tend to be more.... what’s a nice way of saying anti-cop?

I speculated earlier that their might have been some issues with hierarchy between senior officers and juniors... I never dreamed that two of those dudes were in their first week. 

What are your feelings about the two rookies? I can’t imagine being in my first week on the job and suddenly fired, jailed, and needing $100k cash to spring my million dollar bond to get out of jail before I get my first paycheck. And what I did wrong was not drag the guy that’s supposed to be training me off of a suspect. 

49 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

I tend to give cops the benefit of the doubt and you tend to be more.... what’s a nice way of saying anti-cop?

I speculated earlier that their might have been some issues with hierarchy between senior officers and juniors... I never dreamed that two of those dudes were in their first week. 

What are your feelings about the two rookies? I can’t imagine being in my first week on the job and suddenly fired, jailed, and needing $100k cash to spring my million dollar bond to get out of jail before I get my first paycheck. And what I did wrong was not drag the guy that’s supposed to be training me off of a suspect. 

For the record, I'm not anti-cop. When there is a problem needing police involvement, I call them and let them handle it. I AM anti-racism and anti-police brutality.

The 2 rookies were caught up in a lose-lose situation. I'm not sure if they would have made a difference. But I'd like to think that they could. If my boss is showing me what to do and I don't feel safe, I find a different way to complete the task. But then again some people will blindly follow anyone in a position of authority.

One story that comes to mind... an 18 year old is working at Walmart. The store manager asks him to go into the trash compactor to clear out the jam. As he was in there, the manager turned on the machine. It scared the crap out of him. But the manager says "oh its ok." Later that day an assistant manager overheard him telling the story... 

The manager was fired and the 18 year old choose to never returned to work at Walmart.

8 hours ago, CardinalBacker said:

What are your feelings about the two rookies? I can’t imagine being in my first week on the job and suddenly fired, jailed, and needing $100k cash to spring my million dollar bond to get out of jail before I get my first paycheck. And what I did wrong was not drag the guy that’s supposed to be training me off of a suspect. 

A lot of speculation with this question for sure. I don’t know the 1st thing about police academy or rookie training, but I would think there would be (especially in today’s environment) a pretty big chapter on ethics and protocols. They were screwed either way.

2 hours ago, SmashMouth said:

Do you think Floyd’s death was racially motivated and why?

The only thing I've heard about the cop was that he was uncomfortable dealing with blacks at his security job. No smoking gun evidence of him being a member of a hate group, nor posting racial slurs on social media. Maybe something set him off that morning. Maybe he found out his wife was filing for divorce. Maybe he knew floyd. Maybe he was a plant by soros and the deep state and he'll never make it to a trial? We just dont know. But I know enough about the underlying racism that is alive and well in every corner of our country. I understand why you cant see the forest for the trees. Yall been in the sticks too long

On 6/5/2020 at 7:17 AM, baddog said:

Maybe if this cop had slashed his throat, left a glove at the scene, and found out that Floyd had called someone a white boy ten years previous, then “JUSTICE” would be acquittal at trial. How’s that for some SETexas logic?

Exactly what I thought it would be.


How many times have y’all heard, “Four white policemen” in these Media stories?  Fact is, it was diversity at it’s best.   There was a white, black, oriental and hispanic.   

And two of the Officers were rookies, one with only 4 days on the job.  In a fair trial, They’d probably get off, but at this point, they’d get a fairer trial in North Korea than they’ll get in Minnesota.


Btw, the Attorney General of Minnesota is Keith Ellison.  He’s the guy who said Germany bombed Pearl Harbor.


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