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45 minutes ago, PAMFAM10 said:

Exactly what I thought it would be.

Leopards can’t change their spots. When you come to the realization that black people worship their criminals (even glorify them in song)and crucify the white ones, then we can begin a conversation on the same level. Are you going to sit there and tell me you were on OJ’s side because you thought he was innocent? You must think I am a fool. You were so glad that OJ beat the system with Johnnie Cochran’s racial angle you probably cut cartwheels in the yard. Didn’t matter that two innocent white people were dead. Was justice served?

Blacks want this cop hung because they believe he killed this man BECAUSE HE WAS BLACK. It seems to be the only angle to have or the only one that matters. If this cop murdered this man, I hope he gets prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. I am not praying that he “get off” because he is white. This would be where we differ. Your sentiments are not exclusive to SETexas

21 minutes ago, Hagar said:

How many times have y’all heard, “Four white policemen” in these Media stories?  Fact is, it was diversity at it’s best.   There was a white, black, oriental and hispanic.   

And two of the Officers were rookies, one with only 4 days on the job.  In a fair trial, They’d probably get off, but at this point, they’d get a fairer trial in North Korea than they’ll get in Minnesota.


Btw, the Attorney General of Minnesota is Keith Ellison.  He’s the guy who said Germany bombed Pearl Harbor.


He misspoke... no big deal. 

The fact that he’s a bigot is a no-go for me. 

This is the hidden content, please

3 hours ago, WOSdrummer99 said:

The only thing I've heard about the cop was that he was uncomfortable dealing with blacks at his security job. No smoking gun evidence of him being a member of a hate group, nor posting racial slurs on social media. Maybe something set him off that morning. Maybe he found out his wife was filing for divorce. Maybe he knew floyd. Maybe he was a plant by soros and the deep state and he'll never make it to a trial? We just dont know. But I know enough about the underlying racism that is alive and well in every corner of our country. I understand why you cant see the forest for the trees. Yall been in the sticks too long

I was just asking a question. I, like you, don’t know if it was racially motivated. I’m trying to sort out the details, so I can have a feeling about it one way or another. I respected the fact that you admitted that you’re not sure either. Then you began to attack me for being in the sticks too long. You don’t know me. I’ve not said anything about saying this was any less than murder. I’ve never said anything about race. Then you try to paint me as a backwoods hillbilly from the sticks. Both my parents were in the USMC. My dad for 30 years. We lived all over the place. In San Diego, my two best friends were Japanese and Samoan. At another station my two best friends were Black and White. My mom’s first husband and father of my older sister was Hispanic. So my sister is Hispanic. When I was 8, we had a “little brother” who was 3 months old, a black child. We lived in Tyrrell Park In Beaumont. It wasn’t real popular with either side of the races in the mid 70’s, but it never phased us one bit. So don’t tell me about seeing the forest for the trees. If we are going to use cliche’ phrases, then get your head out of your a $$. It’s people like you who admit you have no idea if it was racially motivated, but you’re willing to paint this as an injustice to black men only. You, my blind friend, are the racist! And if black men would quit killing other black men, then you would decrease homicide to black men by 90%!!! 

According to 

This is the hidden content, please
, 90% of African-American homicides were committed by African Americans.” - USA Today

So get off turning “whitey” into the reason black men are being killed. Look in the damn mirror!

1 hour ago, baddog said:

Leopards can’t change their spots. When you come to the realization that black people worship their criminals (even glorify them in song)and crucify the white ones, then we can begin a conversation on the same level. Are you going to sit there and tell me you were on OJ’s side because you thought he was innocent? You must think I am a fool. You were so glad that OJ beat the system with Johnnie Cochran’s racial angle you probably cut cartwheels in the yard. Didn’t matter that two innocent white people were dead. Was justice served?

Blacks want this cop hung because they believe he killed this man BECAUSE HE WAS BLACK. It seems to be the only angle to have or the only one that matters. If this cop murdered this man, I hope he gets prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. I am not praying that he “get off” because he is white. This would be where we differ. Your sentiments are not exclusive to SETexas

Just keep going... you just believe assume  that blacks are monolithic Blacks wordships criminal’s Whites don’t?(Want a list) Whites don’t glorify criminal acts and songs(want a list) Blacks want this cop hung. ( sane blacks in Germany France etc.) 

OJ case 

You don’t find it off one bit that you named  OJ and Cochran The blacks in that trial and not the victims or defense. Most people don’t know a single detail about that case only that OJ was charged with killing a White woman. It was never about the victim. And both sides participated in that.

 The ignorance you speak about BLACKS shows and yes it is still everything I expected it to be.


PamFAm- Do you believe that Mr. Chauvin went to work that day with the intention of killing a black man?  Do you  believe that if he did not go to work with that intention, that he seized upon an opportunity to kill a black man?

44 minutes ago, PAMFAM10 said:

Just keep going... you just believe assume  that blacks are monolithic Blacks wordships criminal’s Whites don’t?(Want a list) Whites don’t glorify criminal acts and songs(want a list) Blacks want this cop hung. ( sane blacks in Germany France etc.) 

OJ case 

You don’t find it off one bit that you named  OJ and Cochran The blacks in that trial and not the victims or defense. Most people don’t know a single detail about that case only that OJ was charged with killing a White woman. It was never about the victim. And both sides participated in that.

 The ignorance you speak about BLACKS shows and yes it is still everything I expected it to be.

I thought OJ being found “not guilty” was more a reflection of his wealth (or “privilege” as we call it today) and being able to afford a fantastic legal defense. 

Too bad he was broke by the time he got in trouble again. 

True story.... the first time I ever heard “the n-word” was when that poodle-headed DA was talking to the cop.  I was like “n-word? I know the a-word, a couple of b-words, the c-word that women HATE.... but the n-word? I’m confused.”

I remember being amused by them trying to act like it was a big deal. I mean, just say it... everybody says it. This was long before anybody cared about “er” and “a” pronunciations. 

That’s how I know we’ve made a lot of progress. Minds like mine have been changed for the better. That’s not a word that I’ll utter anymore. 

2 hours ago, PAMFAM10 said:

Just keep going... you just believe assume  that blacks are monolithic Blacks wordships criminal’s Whites don’t?(Want a list) Whites don’t glorify criminal acts and songs(want a list) Blacks want this cop hung. ( sane blacks in Germany France etc.) 

OJ case 

You don’t find it off one bit that you named  OJ and Cochran The blacks in that trial and not the victims or defense. Most people don’t know a single detail about that case only that OJ was charged with killing a White woman. It was never about the victim. And both sides participated in that.

 The ignorance you speak about BLACKS shows and yes it is still everything I expected it to be.

The other defense attorneys never pursued the race angle. When Cochran came aboard, that was where he was at. That, and his cute little rhyme like”if it don’t fit, you have to acquit”. I’m sure I have forgotten some aspects of it, and never deemed myself an expert, but any evidence the prosecution had was immediately thrown out by Ito. You are right, the victims were never mentioned much. It was all about OJ beating the rap. Clark was a terrible prosecutor, intimidated by a well oiled defense team. Remember, with OJ, it was about what you could prove, not innocence or guilt. I think it’s called due process. We sure don’t have that in this case, now do we. Keep it up. People’s true colors show when they about-face and scream justice.

This crime was captured on video. That is something that always bothered me in the OJ case. In that rich neighborhood, not one security camera caught the murders on video. Even if they did have video of the crime, Ito would have deemed it inadmissible.

Cardinalbacker, I agree OJ had some money to afford great lawyers, but the “Trial of the Century” attracted attorneys who would charge less just to get their names in the news.

Oh, I forgot, please supply the lists you say you have PamFam.

2 hours ago, SmashMouth said:

I was just asking a question.

I was just on my soapbox. Sorry, I should have spoken more clearly. My rant wasn't pointed directly at you. More so to the ones that can't see, or don't want to see the racism that they convey. I am man enough to admit that I have some preconceived opinions based on my experience. We all must breakdown these barriers and create unity. My apologies again.

4 hours ago, CardinalBacker said:

He misspoke... no big deal. 

The fact that he’s a bigot is a no-go for me. 

This is the hidden content, please

Are you assuming he misspoke?   I’m not totally convinced.   But you’re right about one thing, a State Attorney General is no place for a bigot, white or black.   What I’ve learned about Minnesota & Michigan lately sure has been disappointing.

1 hour ago, WOSdrummer99 said:

I was just on my soapbox. Sorry, I should have spoken more clearly. My rant wasn't pointed directly at you. More so to the ones that can't see, or don't want to see the racism that they convey. I am man enough to admit that I have some preconceived opinions based on my experience. We all must breakdown these barriers and create unity. My apologies again.

Let’s talk about experiences. 

Every time there’s a situation like this we see the rioting and looting. I’ve read about the Watts riots, Chicago riots, etc... I was a young man when the riots over Rodney King broke out. The riots in Baltimore over Freddie Gray, the unrest in New York over Michael Gardiner, it happens over and over again. BUT it also happens whenever there’s a natural disaster, a Republican gets elected President, etc.... So spare me righteous indignation as the cause for looting businesses. 

Buy on serious note, one thing that I’ve never seen. I know that we whites are the horrible racists that are the sole reason for every discomfort suffered by Black America. But why have I never seen a mob of White people dragging a black person from their car and beating them? We see the images over and over. Reginald Denny. That truck driver on the bridge in Minneapolis. The man with his family and their horses in the trailer in Oklahoma. “Get her!! She white!!” in Baltimore. 

Can somebody please explain why you never see the horrible white racists attacking black citizens in the street, but you can find as many clips as you’d care to find of black mobs attacking white people. Buy yet black people aren’t safe in America because of white racism. Can somebody help me understand? Just find me a single video clip of a black person being drug from a vehicle by a white mob.



57 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:


I think people committing the hate crimes don't have time to pull out their phone and live stream it. We have a well documented history of oppression that you could look at for proof. The other thing is that people are afraid to say what they really feel. In the the closet undercover racism. A smart criminal (oxymoron) isn't going to post a video of himself robbing a bank. Big brother will catch that for us. Which leads us to the media that will hammer down our throats exactly what they want us to believe. Free thinking isn't as common as common sense anymore. In a world where celebs, sports stars, and the rich and powerful are all major influencers. They lead the weak minded down a path to do their dirty work. All while keeping their hands clean and sanitized.

24 minutes ago, WOSdrummer99 said:

I think people committing the hate crimes don't have time to pull out their phone and live stream it. We have a well documented history of oppression that you could look at for proof. The other thing is that people are afraid to say what they really feel. In the the closet undercover racism. A smart criminal (oxymoron) isn't going to post a video of himself robbing a bank. Big brother will catch that for us. Which leads us to the media that will hammer down our throats exactly what they want us to believe. Free thinking isn't as common as common sense anymore. In a world where celebs, sports stars, and the rich and powerful are all major influencers. They lead the weak minded down a path to do their dirty work. All while keeping their hands clean and sanitized.

I don’t think it’s about a lack of footage.... I’m pretty sure that white on black mob violence just doesn’t happen here in the US. I’m confident that those things DID happen decades before I was born, though... prior to cameras. 

I’m curious... I’m in my late forties. How much younger are you?


1 hour ago, CardinalBacker said:

I don’t think it’s about a lack of footage.... I’m pretty sure that white on black mob violence just doesn’t happen here in the US. I’m confident that those things DID happen decades before I was born, though... prior to cameras. 

I’m curious... I’m in my late forties. How much younger are you?


You are right, they have changed their tactics. No longer are they marching in white sheets.

Late 30s. Also I bit of info for you... the T in PAT stands for Texas. I did get a laugh out of the transportation idea.

11 minutes ago, WOSdrummer99 said:

You are right, they have changed their tactics. No longer are they marching in white sheets.

Late 30s. Also I bit of info for you... the T in PAT stands for Texas. I did get a laugh out of the transportation idea.

Gimme a break.  The klan is long gone.  There is no organized violent racist group of any significance other than the AB/AN groups that are typically prison based. There aren’t even any non-violent “white” groups. There’s nothing that can compare to the NAACP, 100 Black Men, United Negro College Fund, Congressional Black Caucus, etc.... not a one.  

Nobody wants to admit it, but white people are the least organized along racial lines of any of the other races here. 

This is the hidden content, please


Of course the T is for Texas but it didn’t catch on until they started painting “PAT” on all of the buses. 

On 6/4/2020 at 7:31 PM, SmashMouth said:

So I agree and disagree at the same time. Let’s talk about the disagree part, and maybe we can educate and understand more. Why do you think Floyd’s death was a racist action? Could it just have been a $ hithead power hungry cop that didn’t know when to stop?

That’s not the issue in my opinion. The issue is the aftermath. The lack of justice through this country for Blacks . The cop was just one guy. How many people in authority seen video and did nothing until protesting started . You have a clear video. Did his black life matter? It sure seems like it didn’t.

12 hours ago, CardinalBacker said:

Gimme a break.  The klan is long gone.  There is no organized violent racist group of any significance other than the AB/AN groups that are typically prison based. There aren’t even any non-violent “white” groups. There’s nothing that can compare to the NAACP, 100 Black Men, United Negro College Fund, Congressional Black Caucus, etc.... not a one.  

Nobody wants to admit it, but white people are the least organized along racial lines of any of the other races here. 

This is the hidden content, please


Of course the T is for Texas but it didn’t catch on until they started painting “PAT” on all of the buses. 

Man this is just ignorance on every level. You truly believed that whites or the least organized? Least racial group?

1 minute ago, PAMFAM10 said:

Man this is just ignorance on every level. You truly believed that whites or the least organized? Least racial group?

Yes, we are the least organized. 

Point me to a single group active in America whose purpose is to advance the cause of white people. Just one. 

You might find some goofballs promoting a racist/anti-semitic bunch of garbage, but they are roundly discredited by practically all white people, too.

There is no group or voice for white people in America. That’s a fact. And that’s okay... we don’t need it. Or haven’t needed it.  When a group stands up and alleges “white supremacy” or “white privilege” there’s not even a voice to dispute those allegations... because we don’t have one. 

I’m not sure what you mean by “least racial group.”  I think you mean “least racist group,” and that’s not what I said. There’s no metric to measure the racist-ness of different groups.

I will say this... Southeast Texas has long had a reputation for racism. There’s no disputing or denying that. Southeast Texas has a Republican State Rep from Tyler County. James White is a conservative leader who happens to be black. He also manages to get all of those “racists” to turn out and vote for him. If I’m not mistaken, he’s running unopposed this election cycle.  How did all of those “racists” who hate people of color decide that THIS guy should be their representative in the state legislature? I’ll give you a hint... they didn’t have racist objections to his skin color in the first place. 

You said that you were at work last night. Would you lose your job if it was made public that you used the “n-word” in a text back in 2013? Because that’s the reality for every white person in America. That is a textbook version of systemic racism.



1 hour ago, PAMFAM10 said:

That’s not the issue in my opinion. The issue is the aftermath. The lack of justice through this country for Blacks . The cop was just one guy. How many people in authority seen video and did nothing until protesting started . You have a clear video. Did his black life matter? It sure seems like it didn’t.

I understand what you’re saying. But don’t you think that if the black community placed more value on black lives by killing less of each other then it would have an even greater impact than any other action? Is it the justice system or is it the black community that is doing the most harm to themselves? Should we all quit pointing a finger and begin looking in the mirror? Black lives DO matter. So how do we convince black individuals of that?

42 minutes ago, SmashMouth said:

I understand what you’re saying. But don’t you think that if the black community placed more value on black lives by killing less of each other then it would have an even greater impact than any other action? Is it the justice system or is it the black community that is doing the most harm to themselves? Should we all quit pointing a finger and begin looking in the mirror? Black lives DO matter. So how do we convince black individuals of that?

Black men make up six percent of the population but commit 44% of the murders here... but THEIR lives are the ones in danger? Give me a break. 

Any which way you look at the actual statistics proves that the movement behind BLM is a lie. 

It’s bizzaro world. 

1 hour ago, CardinalBacker said:

Black men make up six percent of the population but commit 44% of the murders here... but THEIR lives are the ones in danger? Give me a break. 

Any which way you look at the actual statistics proves that the movement behind BLM is a lie. 

It’s bizzaro world. 

If elections were held today would the President win?  Look at all the US citizens all over the US marching in the streets in mass for the past 12 days. To me that says we are failing and that it’s time to listen. If there’s smoke there’s fire. This will not go away and if we don’t address it we will loose.
 I personally do not want a Democrat in the White House and for me it is because of my biblical beliefs.  President Obama made it legal for men and women to marry same sex which is a abomination. He even  (political stunt) displayed  the White House in 🌈.  Kids are confused and are being told they are born that way(sic). A 3 yr old only knows what he is taught. Hatred and racism is indoctrinated. All lives matter. 👮‍♀️ lives matter. We can have 4 more years if  we take heed to the call. A lot can happen between here and November. 

4 hours ago, PAMFAM10 said:

That’s not the issue in my opinion. The issue is the aftermath. The lack of justice through this country for Blacks . The cop was just one guy. How many people in authority seen video and did nothing until protesting started . You have a clear video. Did his black life matter? It sure seems like it didn’t.

Huge difference in protesting and acts of outright lawlessness the black community has been a part of.  Nice way to get your point across, destroy your neighborhood and city, that’s smart.  Now let me say this, the cops in Minnesota are lowlife murderers, imo. 

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