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Coach Jerry Stewart on the loss to WOS and more

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Ok, here is the link to the stories about Dayton vs WOS, Coach Stewarts commentary (he's also quoted quite a bit in the first article), and then stories on BH vs Wharton, Liberty vs Bridge City, Tarkington vs Hardin, and Westbury Christian vs Hull-Daisetta.

Coach Stewart was not a "happy camper."


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Wow.  From a Mustang fan... that took a lot Coach Stewart.  With that type of attitude and fortitude, your team should come together.  I know you will probably catch some flack from people in your community, but kudos to your candor and willingness to accept responsibility like a true coach and leader should.  You have demonstrated to your players and hopefully your community that certain things will not be tolerated.  Wishing you the best from Mustang-country!!!

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Watching this game for the 2nd time while editing the video...

My opinion of the WOS coaching staff went up even higher...

Neat to see how Coach Stewart recognized that also...

I thing it is the defensive coordinator from WOS that should get the coaching MVP.

Not allowing Dayton a first down for the first 3 possessions of the 2nd half was huge.

This was not misfiring by Dayton, but defensive adjustments made at halftime by the WOS coaches!


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I like this.

"Randy Crouch, the offensive coordinator for West Orange-Stark, is the one who gets the credit for wining that game," explained Stewart. "We couldn't get the ball back - he kept the ball and wore us out. I commend him for his play calling - simple - take the ball and have the quarterback just run it, and then we wouldn't come and hit him."

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Being from this area I can tell you that Jerry Stewart holds back no punches and will tell you like it is so if you ask him something don't expect him to sugar coat it for you. The friends I have in Dayton that are around him put him on a pedestal and think the world of him. His record speaks for itself. A fine coach. What is really great about him is his speaking ability at community functions. He is a great speaker and could probably be a comedian cause he has a great sense of humor. I promise you that he will have the Broncos focused during the year.  District foes be ready.

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