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Would a player that only wants white teamates be tolerated?

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13 minutes ago, NetCat said:

Do a little research, it's pretty close. 

I'm not being flippant either, just trying to give you a picture. 

Have you read the book entitled “The Great Roman Jewish War”? 

6 minutes ago, Setx fan said:

Have you read the book entitled “The Great Roman Jewish War”? 

No, I have read some on the Wars during that time though...why?

6 minutes ago, NetCat said:

No, I have read some on the Wars during that time though...why?

So you do know of the Roman Jewish war that happened around 70 AD and how around a million Jews were said to have escaped to Africa which isn’t too far from Israel? 

Just now, Setx fan said:

So you do know of the Roman Jewish war that happened around 70 AD and how around a million Jews were said to have escaped to Africa which isn’t too far from Israel? 

I know about the War...I read Tacitus 10 years ago (more or less).

Don't remember the escape to Africa but it's been a while, but if they did what about it? 

9 minutes ago, NetCat said:

I know about the War...I read Tacitus 10 years ago (more or less).

Don't remember the escape to Africa but it's been a while, but if they did what about it? 

That’s it. Just something to think about and pay a little closer attention to detail when you read your Bible 

1 hour ago, BADSANTA said:

I'm not sure you have a clue what I yell or I work behind the scenes. "Black Lives Matter" has nothing to do with "All Lives/Blue Lives" etc... When someone says Black Loves Matter, they are saying to you sir that indeed ",All Lives Matter" but  TODAY we are talking about "Black Lives Matter" because it seems they dont when you look at all the police brutality vs black people. I'm sure you sit out on your front porch staring at your pick up truck that has 2 or 3 Confederate Flag stickers on them and you feel like a victim because you were mistreated once in life. Maybe a cute girl denied you a kiss. You have no dog in the fight or seem to listen or read about police brutality. You are the part of the world that assumes the cops are "just doing their job" and that black man did something wrong. That's why he was shot. That's why the cop had to put his knee on his neck. That's why he cooked him. He must have been doing something wrong!!! I'm not one to brag but I was 28 years old making over $100k a year working for Enteprsie Rent A Car. I drove a brand new BMW 7 series that I worked my ass off to pay for. On November 13th 2008, i was asked to step out of my car and placed in cuffs. I dont drink. I dont smoke. Never have! I wasnt speeding as the car has computer that will show I wasnt speed. My girlfriend ask to step out to see if our stories matched up. I sued the police department and got a settlement. I've seen racism bro. I've lived it more than once. The stuff you speak on that happens in the 50s happens in 2020. It's not as open as "White Only Signs". It taking place in the work place by not hiring. Pull innocent people over and searching their cars and harassing. Why dont you Google Dandre Hopkins a man who makes $10 million a year who was pulled over by the cops in Louisiana going while driving home to South Carolina to visit his mom a few years back. They treated that man like trash. It dont matter how much money you have. All the cops and some people see is a NEGRO!! 

Help me out here... you start by pointing out that I’ve made assumptions about you, and you know what? You’re right. I have made some. 
Then you turn right back around and toss some my way. You know, rebel flags on my truck. It’s no different when you do it. Why don’t we BOTH try to limit our insults to facts instead of assumptions? 

I’ll try my best to explain. Personal example that I hope to use as a parable. When I was in my early twenties, I had long hair and a lot of my friends and I raced cars on the street. It was not at all uncommon to find ourselves pulled over and sat on the curb with multiple cop cars on the scene. I’ve had my license ran numerous times even though I was just a passenger in a car. I’ve had my car searched multiple times for no apparent reason. I’ve gotten tickets I deserved. I’ve been to court in Galveston County and seen dash cam footage of a deputy telling my friend “well, I’ve already dealt with your long-haired friend (me) today... I guess now it’s your turn.”
These weren’t just times where we were breaking laws... plenty of times they got us “just because.” The difference is that I don’t see those interactions as racist at all. It never even crossed our minds that race could have been an issue. Even if you had done nothing wrong, you were still paying a price for all of the knuckleheads that looked like me, dressed like me, and drove a car like me.... and actually did screw up a lot. 
At the end of the day, they weren’t stopping me because I drove a Mustang... they were stopping me because so many kids that drove Mustangs were complete d!ckheads who endangered the public with racing, got in fights, carried guns, got high and had a tendency to run from the cops. The HUGE difference is that I could get a haircut and a different car and those problems all would disappear... black kids can’t do anything about their race ... but like I said, it’s a parable.

It sucks, but plenty of black kids who are doing nothing wrong get scrutiny because of the ones that ARE out doing wrong. The question is, do you blame the cops or do you blame the kids that actually are out raising hell and bringing all of the heat down on everybody else?

I don’t know you well enough to make any assumptions about you, Santa. You claim to have gotten a settlement from your own interaction with the police in 2008, and you semi-boasted yesterday about getting a cop fired while you were on your HOA.  No offense, but it kinda sorta sounds like you have a little bit of a hard on for police.  Is it possible that your opinions are more adverse than a lot of ours, and if so, what can be done to fix it?

And you’re not totally wrong about my truck. I call her “White Power.”

6 minutes ago, Setx fan said:

That’s it. Just something to think about and pay a little closer attention to detail when you read your Bible 

Don't get where you're going?

6 minutes ago, NetCat said:

Don't get where you're going?

Nowhere lol. I just pointed out that I was under the belief that Hebrews may have been black. It seem you thought I had lost my mind so I just gave you a few pointers so you could understand why I would think  that way. That’s it lol 

19 minutes ago, Setx fan said:

Nowhere lol. I just pointed out that I was under the belief that Hebrews may have been black. It seem you thought I had lost my mind so I just gave you a few pointers so you could understand why I would think  that way. That’s it lol 

I understand. I was just trying to help you out. If you look into it most Biblical scholars agree that the Ancient Hebrews looked like any other tan middle eastern. As for them running to Africa, I'd imagine that's part of why Northern Africa is pretty much peoples of Middle Eastern decent.

But you've got to understand that while 70ish CE (new version of AD) seems like a long time ago...the Hebrews have a written history stretching back to the beginning of human history.

The Hebrews were slaves in Egypt during it's hight...around 2500 BCE (new version of BC) give or take. And they had a good bit of written history before that!

70 CE is petty recent when you look at it that way. 

2 minutes ago, NetCat said:

Ok. I was just trying to help you out. If you look into it most Biblical scholars agree that the Hebrews looked like any other tan middle eastern. As for them running to Africa, I'd imagine that's part of why Northern Africa is pretty much peoples of Middle Eastern decent.

But you've got to understand that while 70ish CE (new version of AD) seems like a long time ago...the Hebrews have a history stretching back to the beginning of human history.

The Hebrews were slaves in Egypt during it's hight...around 2500 BCE (new version of BC) give or take.

70 CE is petty recent when you look at it that way. 

Northern Africa TODAY is people of Middle Eastern descent. It’s been a lot of shuffling around since the Bible days. Egypt for one was made up of dark skinned people. You have to look at history from different angles especially going that far back. 

3 minutes ago, Setx fan said:

Northern Africa TODAY is people of Middle Eastern descent. It’s been a lot of shuffling around since the Bible days. Egypt for one was made up of dark skinned people. You have to look at history from different angles especially going that far back. 

Only some Egyptians were really dark (upper Egypt) though. And some were more like what Middle Easterners look like today (lower Egypt). Then you had some that were almost completely black (Nubians). And all of those groups held power at some point until the Greeks took over. 

Ancient Egypt was a mixture of many things, don't lump them all together. 

8 minutes ago, Setx fan said:

Northern Africa TODAY is people of Middle Eastern descent. It’s been a lot of shuffling around since the Bible days. Egypt for one was made up of dark skinned people. You have to look at history from different angles especially going that far back. 

With you 100% on this. 

14 minutes ago, Setx fan said:

Northern Africa TODAY is people of Middle Eastern descent. It’s been a lot of shuffling around since the Bible days. Egypt for one was made up of dark skinned people. You have to look at history from different angles especially going that far back. 

That's why I said "I'd imagine", because it's just a guess on my part there. Don't know if anyone could prove one way or another on that, know it would be tough. 

3 minutes ago, NetCat said:

That's why I said "I'd imagine", because it's just a guess on my part there. Don't know if anyone could prove one way or another on that, know it would be tough. 

Agreed can’t be 100 percent sure because we weren’t there. Just based off your initial response to my statement I thought I should probably throw some pointers out there so you could understand how I come up with my ideal. I don’t mind being wrong sometimes but I don’t want people thinking I’m completely nutz either lol 

8 minutes ago, Setx fan said:

Agreed can’t be 100 percent sure because we weren’t there. Just based off your initial response to my statement I thought I should probably throw some pointers out there so you could understand how I come up with my ideal. I don’t mind being wrong sometimes but I don’t want people thinking I’m completely nutz either lol 


8 hours ago, Setx fan said:

Agreed can’t be 100 percent sure because we weren’t there. Just based off your initial response to my statement I thought I should probably throw some pointers out there so you could understand how I come up with my ideal. I don’t mind being wrong sometimes but I don’t want people thinking I’m completely nutz either lol 

Lol understand completely. 

12 hours ago, BADSANTA said:

I'm not sure you have a clue what I yell or I work behind the scenes. "Black Lives Matter" has nothing to do with "All Lives/Blue Lives" etc... When someone says Black Loves Matter, they are saying to you sir that indeed ",All Lives Matter" but  TODAY we are talking about "Black Lives Matter" because it seems they dont when you look at all the police brutality vs black people. I'm sure you sit out on your front porch staring at your pick up truck that has 2 or 3 Confederate Flag stickers on them and you feel like a victim because you were mistreated once in life. Maybe a cute girl denied you a kiss. You have no dog in the fight or seem to listen or read about police brutality. You are the part of the world that assumes the cops are "just doing their job" and that black man did something wrong. That's why he was shot. That's why the cop had to put his knee on his neck. That's why he cooked him. He must have been doing something wrong!!! I'm not one to brag but I was 28 years old making over $100k a year working for Enteprsie Rent A Car. I drove a brand new BMW 7 series that I worked my ass off to pay for. On November 13th 2008, i was asked to step out of my car and placed in cuffs. I dont drink. I dont smoke. Never have! I wasnt speeding as the car has computer that will show I wasnt speed. My girlfriend ask to step out to see if our stories matched up. I sued the police department and got a settlement. I've seen racism bro. I've lived it more than once. The stuff you speak on that happens in the 50s happens in 2020. It's not as open as "White Only Signs". It taking place in the work place by not hiring. Pull innocent people over and searching their cars and harassing. Why dont you Google Dandre Hopkins a man who makes $10 million a year who was pulled over by the cops in Louisiana going while driving home to South Carolina to visit his mom a few years back. They treated that man like trash. It dont matter how much money you have. All the cops and some people see is a NEGRO!! 

Just to make you feel better I thought may be I would share experiences that I had while working as a white salesman in a furniture store in Beaumont, Tx from 1999 to 2004. So as a salesman I can’t tell you how many times I would greet a black customer to help them only to be asked “Do y’all have any black sales people that could help me?”  I would think to myself what the hell does the color of my skin have to do with me helping a black customer in the purchase of their furniture. How freakin racist do you have to be to go into a place of business an ask a white salesman that question. Well after many years of dealing with that crap I finally decided to flip the card on black customers that came in an would ask such a racist stupid question. I would ask them if they didn’t mind stepping aside because I was waiting on a white customer to help, then point them to a black sales person across the store. Unfortunately I didn’t get to sue all the many black customers that did that to me or I would be rich. Regardless of that happening to me often I still refused to let that effect me from waiting on and servicing the next black customer with the respect that they deserved. Moral of the story is black people can be racist too. I guess some black people see all white people as Crackers!

6 minutes ago, Realville said:

Just to make you feel better I thought may be I would share experiences I had while working as a white salesman in a furniture store in Beaumont, Tx from 1999 to 2004. So as salesman I can’t tell you how many times I would greet a black customer to help them only to be asked “Do y’all have any black sales people that could help me?”  I would think to myself what the hell does the color of my skin have to do with me helping a black customer in the purchase of their furniture. How freakin racist do you have to be to go into a place of business an ask a white salesman that question. Well after many years of dealing with that crap I finally decided to flip the card on black customers that came in an would ask such a racist stupid question. I would ask them if they didn’t mind stepping aside because I was waiting on a white customer to help, then point them to a black sales person across the store. Unfortunately I didn’t get to sue all the many black customers that did that to me or I would be rich. Regardless of that happening to me often I still refused to let that effect me from waiting on and servicing the next black customer with respect that they deserved. Moral of the story is black people can be racist too. I guess some black people see all white people as Crackers!

I saw a commercial on tv a couple of weeks ago for the muffler shop that sits on the corner of Gulfway and Memorial in the PAT. Good for them. Good feelings. 
And at the end comes a screen that says “Support your local black owned business” or something to that effect.

You’d get CRUCIFIED for saying “support your local white-owned business.” The idea that “I can do something but if you do the same thing, you’re a bad person” needs to go.  That’s the actual fuel that’s stoking the fires of unrest here in 2020.

I can say this word.  You can’t . I can voice my opinion. You can’t. I deserve this... you don’t. And it’s all based on race.  

For what it’s worth, I don’t stop at convenience stores that advertise “American owned.” That’s not right, either. That’s an instance of “dog whistle” that I can agree on. 



9 hours ago, CardinalBacker said:

Help me out here... you start by pointing out that I’ve made assumptions about you, and you know what? You’re right. I have made some. 
Then you turn right back around and toss some my way. You know, rebel flags on my truck. It’s no different when you do it. Why don’t we BOTH try to limit our insults to facts instead of assumptions? 

I’ll try my best to explain. Personal example that I hope to use as a parable. When I was in my early twenties, I had long hair and a lot of my friends and I raced cars on the street. It was not at all uncommon to find ourselves pulled over and sat on the curb with multiple cop cars on the scene. I’ve had my license ran numerous times even though I was just a passenger in a car. I’ve had my car searched multiple times for no apparent reason. I’ve gotten tickets I deserved. I’ve been to court in Galveston County and seen dash cam footage of a deputy telling my friend “well, I’ve already dealt with your long-haired friend (me) today... I guess now it’s your turn.”
These weren’t just times where we were breaking laws... plenty of times they got us “just because.” The difference is that I don’t see those interactions as racist at all. It never even crossed our minds that race could have been an issue. Even if you had done nothing wrong, you were still paying a price for all of the knuckleheads that looked like me, dressed like me, and drove a car like me.... and actually did screw up a lot. 
At the end of the day, they weren’t stopping me because I drove a Mustang... they were stopping me because so many kids that drove Mustangs were complete d!ckheads who endangered the public with racing, got in fights, carried guns, got high and had a tendency to run from the cops. The HUGE difference is that I could get a haircut and a different car and those problems all would disappear... black kids can’t do anything about their race ... but like I said, it’s a parable.

It sucks, but plenty of black kids who are doing nothing wrong get scrutiny because of the ones that ARE out doing wrong. The question is, do you blame the cops or do you blame the kids that actually are out raising hell and bringing all of the heat down on everybody else?

I don’t know you well enough to make any assumptions about you, Santa. You claim to have gotten a settlement from your own interaction with the police in 2008, and you semi-boasted yesterday about getting a cop fired while you were on your HOA.  No offense, but it kinda sorta sounds like you have a little bit of a hard on for police.  Is it possible that your opinions are more adverse than a lot of ours, and if so, what can be done to fix it?

And you’re not totally wrong about my truck. I call her “White Power.”

Ur sarcastic jokes lead me to believe I'm speaking with an idiot. 

23 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

I saw a commercial on tv a couple of weeks ago for the muffler shop that sits on the corner of Gulfway and Memorial in the PAT. Good for them. Good feelings. 
And at the end comes a screen that says “Support your local black owned business” or something to that effect.

You’d get CRUCIFIED for saying “support your local white-owned business.” The idea that “I can do something but if you do the same thing, you’re a bad person” needs to go.  That’s the actual fuel that’s stoking the fires of unrest here in 2020.

I can say this word.  You can’t . I can voice my opinion. You can’t. I deserve this... you don’t. And it’s all based on race.  

For what it’s worth, I don’t stop at convenience stores that advertise “American owned.” That’s not right, either. That’s an instance of “dog whistle” that I can agree 

Race has been an issue forever. White America get uncomfortable when you mention it or try to point out how people of color are mistreated even in 2020. Man it will take everyone working together to make the world a better place. 

9 hours ago, NetCat said:

Only some Egyptians were really dark (upper Egypt) though. And some were more like what Middle Easterners look like today (lower Egypt). Then you had some that were almost completely black (Nubians). And all of those groups held power at some point until the Greeks took over. 

Ancient Egypt was a mixture of many things, don't lump them all together. 

Jesus was black 

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