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Floyd Died From An Overdose Of Fentanyl - Not From Being Choked Out By Minneapolis Police!

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18 minutes ago, LumRaiderFan said:

One heavily influences the other.  These cities create their own systems, the good folks living there need to demand answers, and defunding the cops ain't it.

What they need is strong leadership that is willing to clean things up at the risk of being called racist.

There's no right wing causing problems in Chicago...it's all Democrats.

Larger cities have more people. More people, more crime. Especially when they’re boxed into a small space 

2 minutes ago, Setx fan said:

Ok systemic racism doesn’t exist. There was never slavery. There is no such thing as Jim Crow Laws. Blacks didn’t pull themselves up by their own bootstraps and build their own communities only to have them destroyed by whites. MLK and other Civil Rights leaders weren’t killed shortly after the bill was passed. Drugs just magically appeared in black neighborhoods to destroy the black community. War on crime and mass incarceration never happened. Blacks aren’t required to European standards to have certain options. The current condition of blacks is all our doing. Whites  never had a headstart in society. We all started the race at the same starting point. Black boy gets killed it’s his fault. He didn’t need no skittles that bad. We gotta hold ourselves accountable for all the wrong done against us. Thanks for that revelation Realville. 

What a MASSIVE DISTORTION of what I have posted. Way to twist my words your Awesome! Keep preaching victim hood I can’t help you my guy.

1 minute ago, Setx fan said:

Larger cities have more people. More people, more crime. Especially when they’re boxed into a small space 

And the common denominator is ..... come on you can say it! “Democratically ran Cities” SMH!

23 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

Lol... 5'8" George Zimmerman was attacked by 6'2"  17 year old Trayvon Martin.  I highly doubt that an armed guy would bother bare-handedly attacking a guy that towered over him.  

This is the hidden content, please

But like I said... why let the fAcTs get in the way of a good fairy tale, SETX.


Him being armed sounds like he had no good intentions from the beginning. 

35 minutes ago, Setx fan said:

Welfare is one of the causes. Mass incarceration is another. There are many more. The government works as a whole. The left wing/right wing fly together 

It’s very strange, but you’ll find the less illegal activity you engage in, the less you become incarcerated. Crazy, huh. 

2 minutes ago, Setx fan said:

Ok systemic racism doesn’t exist. There was never slavery. There is no such thing as Jim Crow Laws. Blacks didn’t pull themselves up by their own bootstraps and build their own communities only to have them destroyed by whites. MLK and other Civil Rights leaders weren’t killed shortly after the bill was passed. Drugs just magically appeared in black neighborhoods to destroy the black community. War on crime and mass incarceration never happened. Blacks aren’t required to European standards to have certain options. The current condition of blacks is all our doing. Whites  never had a headstart in society. We all started the race at the same starting point. Black boy gets killed it’s his fault. He didn’t need no skittles that bad. We gotta hold ourselves accountable for all the wrong done against us. Thanks for that revelation Realville. 

Systemic racism is not the major problem facing the black community today.... not even in the top 25, probably  Slavery existed.  So did the Ice Age.... and it has nothing to do with why my beer in my refrigerator says cold. Most black communities are former white communities that were destroyed after the whites left... go figure. Before you start crying about Tulsa, do a little reading.  the death toll on day one was 10 white, 2 black.  If you ask me, I'll quote you and say that those blacks "started a confrontation and found out they picked the wrong white boys." 

 At the end of the firefight, 12 people were killed: 10 white and 2 black.

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 As news of these deaths spread throughout the city, mob violence exploded.
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 White rioters rampaged through the black neighborhood that night and morning killing men and burning and looting stores and homes, and only around noon the next day did 
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 troops manage to get control of the situation by declaring martial law. About 10,000 black people were left homeless, and property damage amounted to more than $1.5 million in real estate and $750,000 in personal property (equivalent to $32.25 million in 2019). Their property was never recovered nor were they compensated for it.

(32.25 million in damages in today's numbers... by comparison, the damages caused by BLM in Minneapolis alone this year are over $550 million.  So cry me river about ol' Tulsa). 

MLK, JFK,  RFK..... all killed in the 60s.  All Civil Rights Leaders? Nope... but let's cry over black ones.  They're special.   

Yup... Whites just dropped off pallets of coke in black communities and they had no idea what to do with it.  Those poor blacks were forced to sell it on the corners in a vain attempt to rid their neighborhoods of the poison.  Still ongoing, btw.  That's the bull that I'm talking about.  Black people destroy their communities with drugs use and sales, and STILL try to blame white people  Every black kid out there can sing song after song by "artists" who glorify drug abuse, but it's still the fault of racism. 

 Like I said.... it's not racism that holds the black communities back... it's a victim mentality that ooze from every direction in the black community.



Seriously... Lets do an Informal poll.... I'd just like to know how other people feel.  I respectfully ask that anyone with enough balls to answer not have their answer criticized or questioned.  There can be no singling out of posters for their opinions.

As far as the current condition of black community, I believe that racism has had an effect.  But what percentage of the circumstances in the black community as a whole do you believe are caused by racism?    I'm not even kidding...  If you'll answer this question, I won't even criticize or question your answer, and I beg others not to do so, either. 

I'm not a big excuses guy... I believe in personal responsibility and accountability for one's own actions.  That's just how I live my life.  Based on that I've got the opinion that overall,  racism accounts for somewhere in the mid single digits....  

So put me down for something like 5-6 percent racism, and 94-95 percent bad choices. 

1 hour ago, Setx fan said:

Regardless. The movement is very much needed. It didn’t just appear for no reason.  Fatherlessness is real problem but fatherlessness is not what got Zimmerman off after murdering Trayvon. That’s the system. The system must be held accountable for things like that. If things like that happen more idiots get comfortable with killing black people. “Aye  if Zimmerman got away with it maybe I can”. You can’t allow people to get that comfortable 

But you can let them get comfortable with looting, rioting, and destroying businesses and livelihoods for hundreds of thousands of people who spent a life time developing them.  Sorry, but the "cause" is not that noble.

9 minutes ago, stevenash said:

But you can let them get comfortable with looting, rioting, and destroying businesses and livelihoods for hundreds of thousands of people who spent a life time developing them.  Sorry, but the "cause" is not that noble.

Sorry you feel that way 

32 minutes ago, SmashMouth said:

It’s very strange, but you’ll find the less illegal activity you engage in, the less you become incarcerated. Crazy, huh. 

Just do a little research on history and do some thinking while researching and you might have a better understanding 

1 hour ago, Setx fan said:

It’s the same system that created that environment. The same system that surely doesn’t let those crimes go unpunished when they know who the perpetrators are. The system that created fatherlessness and poverty within the black community which creates lack of guidance and more bad decisions which all just creates a cycle. That’s something the system created but not something the system can fix though. Even with the best intentions the system wouldn’t be able to fix it unless we realize it and begin to fix it ourselves. But that is not something to use to deflect from police brutality and a lack of justice for black victims 

Is it the system that created Jussie Smollet? The big BLM supporter that faked a racial hate crime to stir up racial tensions. I think faking a hate crime is equal to a hate crime. Boy the media ended up with egg on their face with that Jussie story! 😂 I am sure you have an excuse for him also. 

41 minutes ago, Realville said:

And the common denominator is ..... come on you can say it! “Democratically ran Cities” SMH!

It can verry easily seem that way if that’s what you want to believe or you just dont want to do any thinking. Common sense will tell you bigger cities will have more crime. Demoncrats and republiklans currently have nothing to do with that. People who live in more congested areas are more likely to vote democrat. Hell even in Texas which is largely republican the biggest cities are ran by democrats. That just shows voting habits. The crime rate has everything to do with population and nothing to do with politics. Hell small as Beaumont is it had one of the top 25 largest crime rates in America a couple years back and it has a Republican Mayor. 

6 minutes ago, Realville said:

Is it the system that created Jussie Smollet? The big BLM supporter that faked a racial hate crime to stir up racial tensions. I think faking a hate crime is equal to a hate crime. Boy the media ended up with egg on their face with that Jussie story! 😂 I am sure you have an excuse for him also. 

Jussie Smollet is a confused homosexual wanting attention. God bless his soul 

23 minutes ago, stevenash said:

But you can let them get comfortable with looting, rioting, and destroying businesses and livelihoods for hundreds of thousands of people who spent a life time developing them.  Sorry, but the "cause" is not that noble.

Heard on the radio today that 50% of black owned businesses have went out of business due to the lockdown and looting. They didn’t give the source but if that’s true that is heartbreaking to hear. I didn’t hear the percentages of other races. 

6 minutes ago, Setx fan said:

Jussie Smollet is a confused homosexual wanting attention. God bless his soul 

You may be right but he loves him some BLM! They ought to make him/her their national spokesman /spokeswoman!😂

6 minutes ago, Realville said:

Heard on the radio today that 50% of black owned businesses have went out of business due to the lockdown and looting. They didn’t give the source but if that’s true that is heartbreaking to hear. I didn’t hear the percentages of other races. 

Which ones? 

43 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

Seriously... Lets do an Informal poll.... I'd just like to know how other people feel.  I respectfully ask that anyone with enough balls to answer not have their answer criticized or questioned.  There can be no singling out of posters for their opinions.

As far as the current condition of black community, I believe that racism has had an effect.  But what percentage of the circumstances in the black community as a whole do you believe are caused by racism?    I'm not even kidding...  If you'll answer this question, I won't even criticize or question your answer, and I beg others not to do so, either. 

I'm not a big excuses guy... I believe in personal responsibility and accountability for one's own actions.  That's just how I live my life.  Based on that I've got the opinion that overall,  racism accounts for somewhere in the mid single digits....  

So put me down for something like 5-6 percent racism, and 94-95 percent bad choices. 

I’ve already stated that inferiority and fatherlessness contribute to our condition as well as racism. But then those things were partially created by racism themselves. I’m not big on excuses either but I’m real big on understanding. Some people aren’t 

3 minutes ago, Setx fan said:

I’ve already stated that inferiority and fatherlessness contribute to our condition as well as racism. But then those things were partially created by racism themselves. I’m not big on excuses either but I’m real big on understanding. Some people aren’t 

From my perspective, it seems like we (white people) carry a lot of blame from the black community.  To me, it seems like too much blame.  But I use the word "seem" because all I have to base it on is the opinions that I'm presented with.  

I don't see how we get things figured out if person "A" believes that most of those problems are self-inflicted, and person "B" believes that most are the result of racism.  You have person "B" trying to push ideas forward involving privilege, systemic racism, oppression, etc.... basically assigning blame to others and person "A" saying... "wait....here's an instance where that's just not correct."  My biggest gripe is that (in my opinion), all of this unrest is over the 5-6 percent that I believe is caused by racism, while we ignore the 94-95 percent that would be self-inflicted.   It's really hard to convince someone like me that sees things as "black and white" to ignore the obvious and try to understand and focus on what I don't see. 

3 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

From my perspective, it seems like we (white people) carry a lot of blame from the black community.  To me, it seems like too much blame.  But I use the word "seem" because all I have to base it on is the opinions that I'm presented with.  

I don't see how we get things figured out if person "A" believes that most of those problems are self-inflicted, and person "B" believes that most are the result of racism.  You have person "B" trying to push ideas forward involving privilege, systemic racism, oppression, etc.... basically assigning blame to others and person "A" saying... "wait....here's an instance where that's just not correct."  My biggest gripe is that (in my opinion), all of this unrest is over the 5-6 percent that I believe is caused by racism, while we ignore the 94-95 percent that would be self-inflicted.   It's really hard to convince someone like me that sees things as "black and white" to ignore the obvious and try to understand and focus on what I don't see. 

I seriously don’t blame whites for our problems on the day to day. I believe we have the tools to do for self if we let go of bad habits and pick up good ones. But I am aware that a lot of these bad habits were created through oppression. I am aware that systemic racism still exist. No it’s not as strong as it was long ago but it can go back that way if you get too relaxed. You teach people how to treat you by what you allow and we can’t allow the system go back to its old ways. As a matter of fact we must push it further away from its old ways. And yes we must also be self accountable 

32 minutes ago, Setx fan said:

I’ve already stated that inferiority and fatherlessness contribute to our condition as well as racism. But then those things were partially created by racism themselves. I’m not big on excuses either but I’m real big on understanding. Some people aren’t 

Please help me understand how fatherlessness is created by racism.

3 hours ago, Setx fan said:

It’d be pretty difficult for them to find the date of the first hashtag. The movement wasn’t organized at all. It started as a trending topic on social media. Then the organization was founded on the date shown by the people listed. 

Can't be that far back, I don't remember people being on Twitter till like 09 or 10ish, and really just celebrities right

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