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Floyd Died From An Overdose Of Fentanyl - Not From Being Choked Out By Minneapolis Police!

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19 minutes ago, NetCat said:

Can't be that far back, I don't remember people being on Twitter till like 09 or 10ish, and really just celebrities right

I said at least a year. May have been 2 at the most. Oscar Grant was killed 2009. Trayvon 2012. Hashtags are on Facebook as well a Twitter. 

7 minutes ago, Setx fan said:

I said at least a year. May have been 2 at the most. Oscar Grant was killed 2009. Trayvon 2012. Hashtags are on Facebook as well a Twitter. 

Didn't know that, were they on there before Twitter though? 

2 hours ago, Setx fan said:

It can verry easily seem that way if that’s what you want to believe or you just dont want to do any thinking. Common sense will tell you bigger cities will have more crime. Demoncrats and republiklans currently have nothing to do with that. People who live in more congested areas are more likely to vote democrat. Hell even in Texas which is largely republican the biggest cities are ran by democrats. That just shows voting habits. The crime rate has everything to do with population and nothing to do with politics. Hell small as Beaumont is it had one of the top 25 largest crime rates in America a couple years back and it has a Republican Mayor. 

Becky Ames is a joke! She’s a freakin RINO. A lot politicians switch parties just to get elected. Definitely not a conservative. That’s a weak comparison. 

Just now, Realville said:

Becky Ames is a joke! She’s a freakin RINO. A lot politicians switch parties just to get elected. Definitely not a conservative. That’s a weak comparison. 

Missed the point. Read it again for better comprehension my guy 

2 hours ago, CardinalBacker said:

Seriously... Lets do an Informal poll.... I'd just like to know how other people feel.  I respectfully ask that anyone with enough balls to answer not have their answer criticized or questioned.  There can be no singling out of posters for their opinions.

As far as the current condition of black community, I believe that racism has had an effect.  But what percentage of the circumstances in the black community as a whole do you believe are caused by racism?    I'm not even kidding...  If you'll answer this question, I won't even criticize or question your answer, and I beg others not to do so, either. 

I'm not a big excuses guy... I believe in personal responsibility and accountability for one's own actions.  That's just how I live my life.  Based on that I've got the opinion that overall,  racism accounts for somewhere in the mid single digits....  

So put me down for something like 5-6 percent racism, and 94-95 percent bad choices. 


9 minutes ago, Setx fan said:

Missed the point. Read it again for better comprehension my guy 

Help yourself understand my guy. You’ve missed many points all day but I digress. Here’s a hint: population size doesn’t determine a high percentage of chaos if you have the right policies and leadership in place. I don’t classify most Democrats as having good policies and leadership.  I am referring to Democrat cities that have been on fire with chaos and killing.


I don't think the many social & racial problems in this country will ever be solved.  Not by human beings.  And even if by some miracle they were solved that is just one relatively small problem plaguing this world.  The greatest prophet that ever existed, namely the messiah Jesus the Christ, stated that in the end times there would be myriad problems to be dealt with.  And these are the end times.  He talked about social unrest. Riots, kids with guns shooting up schools and killing their fellow students for no good reason. 

Famines and pestilneses.  All this food and people are still starving to death.  All this science and Drs and pestilences show up out o nowhere that science cannot handle.  Wars and rumors of wars: china against the USA, Putin provoking war, china against India, India against Pakistan.  Kim in N Korea does what he wants and he has missiles.  A lot of these marginal countries have nuclear arsenal.  One person fires a missile and we fire back that's it.  We wipe them off the face of the earth and destroy the whole earth in the process. People are sitting around feeling all smug in first world suburban lavishness and they don't even know just how close they are to the edge of total  destruction.

11 minutes ago, Realville said:

Help yourself understand my guy. You’ve missed many points all day but I digress. Here’s a hint: population size doesn’t determine a high percentage of chaos if you have the right policies and leadership in place. I don’t classify most Democrats as having good policies and leadership.  I am referring to Democrat cities that have been on fire with chaos and killing.

Not one republican has proved your theory. I don’t see many Republican mayors over these large cities in the first place. Is it because they can’t win an election in those cities or they’d just rather not deal with it? Either way it works out for them because people like you will believe that somehow it’s republican policies keeping the crime rate low in a rural area and not the fact that it’s just less crowded and people have their personal space. A kid growing up on a farm with acres of land between them and their neighbor is less likely to get in trouble than a kid living  in an apartment complex. 

10 minutes ago, Setx fan said:

Not one republican has proved your theory. I don’t see many Republican mayors over these large cities in the first place. Is it because they can’t win an election in those cities or they’d just rather not deal with it? Either way it works out for them because people like you will believe that somehow it’s republican policies keeping the crime rate low in a rural area and not the fact that it’s just less crowded and people have their personal space. A kid growing up on a farm with acres of land between them and their neighbor is less likely to get in trouble than a kid living  in an apartment complex. 

So you are suggesting that the problem is primarily a geographical one?  Can you explain to me why cities who have many people defacating in the  streets all have democratic administrations?

2 minutes ago, stevenash said:

So you are suggesting that the problem is primarily a geographical one?

I said crime rates are mostly a result of population and a lack of space. Don’t worry I didn’t bash your Republicans. SMH 

10 minutes ago, Setx fan said:

less likely to get in trouble than a kid living  in an apartment complex

I grew up part of my young life in San Diego. Lots of folks there. I never got in trouble. My parents simply wouldn’t allow it. Then mom and dad divorced. No dad in the pic anymore. Moved to Houston. Went to Westbury High. We were pretty poor. Lived in an apartment on S Willow drive. Never got in trouble. My mom wouldn’t allow it. Of course they were both Marines and not afraid to whip that butt. They’re both dead now, but it’s funny how they both left an lasting impression on me to stay out of serious trouble. In my mind and on my behind. 

1 minute ago, SmashMouth said:

I grew up part of my young life in San Diego. Lots of folks there. I never got in trouble. My parents simply wouldn’t allow it. Then mom and dad divorced. No dad in the pic anymore. Moved to Houston. Went to Westbury High. We were pretty poor. Lived in an apartment on S Willow drive. Never got in trouble. My mom wouldn’t allow it. Of course they were both Marines and not afraid to whip that butt. They’re both dead now, but it’s funny how they both left an lasting impression on me to stay out of serious trouble. In my mind and on my behind. 

I knew someone would have a story like this. So did I my guy. Clean record. “More likely”. Just pay attention. Congratulations though 

2 hours ago, stevenash said:

Please help me understand how fatherlessness is created by racism.

He has a point. If I want to start looking at my genealogy, I can hit up ancestry.com or familysearch.org and go as far back as I care to go. There’s a history and an accountability associated with that. Those chains of succession were smashed for so many black families during the time of slavery. Instead of birth and death records, the slaves would be cataloged like the livestock instead of included in census records. It’s hard to complain that there’s not a great big sense of ancestry if slavery was part of the reason that sense doesn’t exist like it does in white families.
If you believe that the criminal justice system is racist, the the fact that so many young black fathers are racially incarcerated and keeping them from being the fathers that they could be. 
Lastly, the black guys here posting ARE family guys. Most of them are here because they’ve been actively working with their own kids... but we’re griping at them about the problem of single parenting in their community.  
How do you explain to a young man w/o a dad in his life that the best day of your own life was when your kids were born?  There aren’t any easy answers. 

8 minutes ago, WOSdrummer99 said:

I agree with you your post. But, did jesus really talk about guns?

He knew / knows history from beginning to end.  So He was aware we would have guns now.

21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.

Sounds like guns to me.

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