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Floyd Died From An Overdose Of Fentanyl - Not From Being Choked Out By Minneapolis Police!

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This is what you get with no respect for the cops you do have. Wait until there are none..... then what?

New York City's alarming gun crime surge continued with 28 shootings this weekend


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13 minutes ago, baddog said:

I’ll applaud any movement that I think is legit. If BLM was about black lives mattering, you wouldn’t hear a peep out of just about anyone. I will try and squash any movement I feel is misrepresented, especially when it is communist in nature. Too many people have died fighting communism to simply allow them to roam our streets and attack and rob at will. It will come to a head soon. 

Anything conservative is legit to you and anything else is communist. lol 

3 minutes ago, Setx fan said:

Anything conservative is legit to you and anything else is communist. lol 

Funny how antifa is involved with the blm, and they are self-admitted Marxists. What’s funnier is a lot of the footage of the blm gatherings are 90% white people with most shooting video for a YouTube bump. Hey, believe what you want. You sure don’t deal with facts. 
Really, that’s what you gleaned from my post? All that is is word play and drawing conclusions that don’t exist. 

6 minutes ago, baddog said:

Funny how antifa is involved with the blm, and they are self-admitted Marxists. What’s funnier is a lot of the footage of the blm gatherings are 90% white people with most shooting video for a YouTube bump. Hey, believe what you want. You sure don’t deal with facts. 
Really, that’s what you gleaned from my post? All that is is word play and drawing conclusions that don’t exist. 

You watch too much Fox News. Yes a lot of organizations have attached themselves to the movement with their own agendas but that doesn’t change the overall concept of the movement. Exactly what is a Marxist? 

1 hour ago, Setx fan said:

You don’t have to prove anything or tear down anything. Just don’t attempt to tear down the movement and don’t support movements created in opposition of the movement. 

So I should not buy Goya food or patronize chick fil a?  I should not speak out in opposition to looting and rioting?

5 minutes ago, stevenash said:

So I should not buy Goya food or patronize chick fil a?  I should not speak out in opposition to looting and rioting?

What is Goya and what’s wrong with Chic fillet? Lol You can speak out against looting and rioting as long as your being fair in your assessments. If your gonna speak out against those things but be silenced about police brutality and racial injustice then I’ll form my opinion about you and I just might voice my opinion about you 

25 minutes ago, Setx fan said:

What is Goya and what’s wrong with Chic fillet? Lol You can speak out against looting and rioting as long as your being fair in your assessments. If your gonna speak out against those things but be silenced about police brutality and racial injustice then I’ll form my opinion about you and I just might voice my opinion about you 

Voice all you want.   I think everyone should be able to do that.  I dont think police brutality is much different than it has ever been.  There are always some bad actors in every profession.   Some of those issues get over sensationalized and some of them get ignored because they don't fit the narrative that certain people want to perpetuate. By the way, WHO will decided if my assessments about rioting and looting are "fair"?  Can you tell me why Colin Kaepernicks actions seem to be admired but Tim Tebow praying on the field was met with disdain and disrespect?  Additionally,  I do NOT believe that YOU should be able to tell me what to be silent about and what to speak out about.

47 minutes ago, Setx fan said:

You watch too much Fox News. Yes a lot of organizations have attached themselves to the movement with their own agendas but that doesn’t change the overall concept of the movement. Exactly what is a Marxist? 

Yes, don’t watch Fox news. There are lots of facts and level headed people on there and we know how well the left deals with facts.

Marxism is a little complicated and an ideology that is anti-capitalism. It is more in depth than that but that is the gist. There are lots of articles you can google but here is one I found.

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2 minutes ago, stevenash said:

Voice all you want.   I think everyone should be able to do that.  I dont think police brutality is much different than it has ever been.  There are always some bad actors in every profession.   Some of those issues get over sensationalized and some of them get ignored because they don't fit the narrative that certain people want to perpetuate. By the way, WHO will decided if my assessments about rioting and looting are "fair"?  Can you tell me why Colin Kaepernicks actions seem to be admired but Tim Tebow praying on the field was met with disdain and disrespect?  Additionally,  I do NOT believe that YOU should be able to tell me what to be silent about and what to speak out about.

Bad actors have no place in a police force that is supposed to uphold the law. There are not many other professions as important as policing. Can’t afford those bad apples. I admire Tebow as much as I admire Kaepernick, I can’t respect your perspective if you value patriotism over humanity 

4 minutes ago, baddog said:

Yes, don’t watch Fox news. There are lots of facts and level headed people on there and we know how well the left deals with facts.

Marxism is a little complicated and an ideology that is anti-capitalism. It is more in depth than that but that is the gist. There are lots of articles you can google but here is one I found.

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So you’ve basically been brainwashed to believe socialism is a really bad thing but capitalism isn’t. Both can be really bad if not checked at some point 

5 minutes ago, Setx fan said:

Bad actors have no place in a police force that is supposed to uphold the law. There are not many other professions as important as policing. Can’t afford those bad apples. I admire Tebow as much as I admire Kaepernick, I can’t respect your perspective if you value patriotism over humanity 

  Please show me a city, town, or country where there are no bad police.  In fact, please show me any industry or occupation located anywhere in the world where there are no bad actors.  Have no desire for the respect of anyone who believes that their viewpoint, and ONLY their viewpoint is valid/credible while all that disagree are somehow less worthy as human beings.  While you are responding to this, please show me the virtues of socialism in Cuba and Venezuela.   Are there any bad actors in law enforcement in those countries?

4 minutes ago, stevenash said:

  Please show me a city, town, or country where there are no bad police.  In fact, please show me any industry or occupation located anywhere in the world where there are no bad actors.  Have no desire for the respect of anyone who believes that their viewpoint, and ONLY their viewpoint is valid/credible while all that disagree are somehow less worthy as human beings.  While you are responding to this, please show me the virtues of socialism in Cuba and Venezuela.   Are there any bad actors in law enforcement in those countries?

Just look above this post to see how I feel about capitalism/socialism. That’s what checks and balances are for 

1 minute ago, Setx fan said:

Just look above this post to see how I feel about capitalism/socialism. That’s what checks and balances are for 

Is that a way to avoid answering me about whether or not there are bad actors in Cuba and Venezuela law enforcement?  Is that a way of refusing to tell me if the socialist operations in Cuba and Venezuela are desireable?

26 minutes ago, Setx fan said:

Bad actors have no place in a police force that is supposed to uphold the law. There are not many other professions as important as policing. Can’t afford those bad apples. I admire Tebow as much as I admire Kaepernick, I can’t respect your perspective if you value patriotism over humanity 

 I  find it interesting that you are so concerned with "humanity" when it comes to bad police but have no concern with it when rioting and looting comes about.  Is the life of Mr. Floyd any more noteworthy/newsworthy than the life of Kate  Steinle?  ( take your time, a quick google search will get your answer - having to research the name tells me a lot)

23 minutes ago, Setx fan said:

So you’ve basically been brainwashed to believe socialism is a really bad thing but capitalism isn’t. Both can be really bad if not checked at some point 

Stop drawing your twisted word conclusions. I am not brain washed. History shows which ideologies work and which don’t. The brain washed simply ignore this. Capitalism is what makes this country the greatest country in the history of mankind. Show me a socialist country that has lasted longer than America.

36 minutes ago, stevenash said:

Is that a way to avoid answering me about whether or not there are bad actors in Cuba and Venezuela law enforcement?  Is that a way of refusing to tell me if the socialist operations in Cuba and Venezuela are desireable?


23 minutes ago, stevenash said:

 I  find it interesting that you are so concerned with "humanity" when it comes to bad police but have no concern with it when rioting and looting comes about.  Is the life of Mr. Floyd any more noteworthy/newsworthy than the life of Kate  Steinle?  ( take your time, a quick google search will get your answer - having to research the name tells me a lot)

Regarding Capitalism/socialism and Cuba and all that in case your unable to scroll: C and S can both be bad if there not checked. There are failed capitalists nations also. Hell the majority of them are depending on what you call a failure/success. 

Regarding humanity/ looting and rioting: I do not condone those things at all but I value HUMANITY over PROPERTY. If you don’t feel the same that may be hard for you to grasp. 

31 minutes ago, baddog said:

Stop drawing your twisted word conclusions. I am not brain washed. History shows which ideologies work and which don’t. 

Lol your right about that. The more balance the better.

2 hours ago, baddog said:

Funny how antifa is involved with the blm, and they are self-admitted Marxists. What’s funnier is a lot of the footage of the blm gatherings are 90% white people with most shooting video for a YouTube bump. Hey, believe what you want. You sure don’t deal with facts. 
Really, that’s what you gleaned from my post? All that is is word play and drawing conclusions that don’t exist. 

Pretty good evidence that BLM leadership is Marxist.   I doubt most followers even know anything about Marxism.  There’s no doubt about Antifa.  What a joke.  They claim to be anti-fascist, while following the fascist playbook.  Calling Antifa anti-fascist is like calling The Marine Corp, The Peace Corp.

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24 minutes ago, Setx fan said:


Regarding Capitalism/socialism and Cuba and all that in case your unable to scroll: C and S can both be bad if there not checked. There are failed capitalists nations also. Hell the majority of them are depending on what you call a failure/success. 

Regarding humanity/ looting and rioting: I do not condone those things at all but I value HUMANITY over PROPERTY. If you don’t feel the same that may be hard for you to grasp. 

Would you care to compose a list of capitalism failures and socialism/communist failures and see which list is considerably longer?  In what countries are minorities experiencing a better life than they are in the United States? ( Hint- everyone trying to get into this country is not because it is a bad place)  If you do not condone rioting and looting, why would you tell me that in order to be respected to you, I must talk about that "fairly"?  Is there anything fair/justifiable in rioting and looting?  ( Sorry, but I don't believe that the "cause is so noble that anything goes")  Was Ferguson, MIssouri a case of police brutality or a case of certain folks trying to advance an agenda with faulty information?   I would also suggest you needn't lecture me(via poorly veiled condescension) on my ability to grasp concepts.

51 minutes ago, stevenash said:

Would you care to compose a list of capitalism failures and socialism/communist failures and see which list is considerably longer?  In what countries are minorities experiencing a better life than they are in the United States? ( Hint- everyone trying to get into this country is not because it is a bad place)  If you do not condone rioting and looting, why would you tell me that in order to be respected to you, I must talk about that "fairly"?  Is there anything fair/justifiable in rioting and looting?  ( Sorry, but I don't believe that the "cause is so noble that anything goes")  Was Ferguson, MIssouri a case of police brutality or a case of certain folks trying to advance an agenda with faulty information?   I would also suggest you needn't lecture me(via poorly veiled condescension) on my ability to grasp concepts.

Communist government is a failure. A completely capitalistic nation is a failure. There has to be balance. NEWS FLASH: America is not a capitalist nation. We have a mixed economy. Meaning there are capitalist ideals as well as socialist ideals. One existing without being checked by the other to some extent would be a total disaster 

20 minutes ago, Setx fan said:

Communist government is a failure. A completely capitalistic nation is a failure. There has to be balance. NEWS FLASH: America is not a capitalist nation. We have a mixed economy. Meaning there are capitalist ideals as well as socialist ideals. One existing without being checked by the other to some extent would be a total disaster 

If you are so confident that a completely capitalistic nation is a failure, I would like to see an example rather than your personal perception.  If balance is needed, are you suggesting that there is no balance now?  If there is no balance now, what is needed to achieve more "balance"?

1 minute ago, stevenash said:

If you are so confident that a completely capitalistic nation is a failure, I would like to see an example rather than your personal perception.  If balance is needed, are you suggesting that there is no balance now?  If there is no balance now, what is needed to achieve more "balance"?

So you think children not being able to have government funded schooling K-12 would be a good idea? 

1 minute ago, Setx fan said:

So you think children not being able to have government funded schooling K-12 would be a good idea? 

No I dont think that is a good idea.   It is an example of the "balance" you demand.

2 hours ago, stevenash said:

 I  find it interesting that you are so concerned with "humanity" when it comes to bad police but have no concern with it when rioting and looting comes about.  Is the life of Mr. Floyd any more noteworthy/newsworthy than the life of Kate  Steinle?  ( take your time, a quick google search will get your answer - having to research the name tells me a lot)

Yes Kate steinle gets accidentally shot by an undocumented immigrants I remember this action calling for all undocumented immigrants to be deported tryna make Kate’s law... God bless her soul and family.  Whites made this a big thing like undocumented immigrants is the problem when in fact there most likely to do at the hands of another white man?(I know this sounds stupid this part is just for cardinalbacker)... Nobody was digging into her past did she smoke weed in high school? Why was she even on the pier? Etc etc.

6 minutes ago, stevenash said:

No I dont think that is a good idea.   It is an example of the "balance" you demand.

It’s an example of balance we live in that a completely capitalist nation wouldn’t have. Parents would have to fund their own children’s schooling and the school institutions would be able to charge whatever they want with no government regulations. Companies also wouldn’t have a mini wage to pay employees. Might be headed back for slavery but aye maybe that’s ok with you 

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