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On 9/15/2020 at 6:27 PM, Hagar said:

No, not a nation of cowards, but based on Democrats rioting, burning, looting and killing, a nation of Democratic anarchist.  Are you aware that at the hospital the two cops who were shot where in, Democrats stood outside encouraging them to die?   Are you aware that these anarchist killed a Trump supporter and cheered?   And are you aware that there has been very little condemnation of those acts by leaders of the Democratic Party?   One little half-azz, token rebuke by Biden.   That’s your Party.  That’s the people you support.   Could be a case made for you being guilty by association.  But if that’s what you support.  If that’s what you like, it says a heckuva lot about you.

There you go again. Deflect and conflate - right out of “Fearless Leader’s” playbook. I saw the people encouraging the officers’ death. I did not see anything suggesting party affiliation, or even suggesting they were registered to vote.  Biden did forcefully condemn the acts. Trump spoke words of encouragement to the vigilante who killed two protesters in Kenosha. 

What does this have to do with anything concerning trump’s utter failure to lead the country in a time of extreme crisis? He was told on 28 January that this would be the greatest national security threat of his presidency. He knew, admitting with his own mouth, that it was a deadly airborne contagion. Had he simply explained the situation honestly with the nation and requested we wear masks and socially distance, avoid crowds, he would be on his way to a second term.  That he would whiff at such a moment underscores his total incompetence to lead. The virus punched him hard, and instead of hitting back a ten times harder, he hid from the truth, ran from the challenge, and is now disputing his own words as he barrels towards oblivion. Ride that Trump Train right on down the line. Don’t come crying after it derails and demolishes the Republican Party. 

4 minutes ago, UT alum said:

There you go again. Deflect and conflate - right out of “Fearless Leader’s” playbook. I saw the people encouraging the officers’ death. I did not see anything suggesting party affiliation, or even suggesting they were registered to vote.  Biden did forcefully condemn the acts. Trump spoke words of encouragement to the vigilante who killed two protesters in Kenosha. 

What does this have to do with anything concerning trump’s utter failure to lead the country in a time of extreme crisis? He was told on 28 January that this would be the greatest national security threat of his presidency. He knew, admitting with his own mouth, that it was a deadly airborne contagion. Had he simply explained the situation honestly with the nation and requested we wear masks and socially distance, avoid crowds, he would be on his way to a second term.  That he would whiff at such a moment underscores his total incompetence to lead. The virus punched him hard, and instead of hitting back a ten times harder, he hid from the truth, ran from the challenge, and is now disputing his own words as he barrels towards oblivion. Ride that Trump Train right on down the line. Don’t come crying after it derails and demolishes the Republican Party. 

Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Vomit!

Let me ask you this. If there had been no China Virus, would you have given this administration high marks for the economy or jobs or anything else?  NO. You will never concede anything good happens from the right. See, I’m not that way. I can list some good things Obama did, because I’m open-minded. You are not sir/ma’am. 

1 hour ago, UT alum said:

There you go again. Deflect and conflate - right out of “Fearless Leader’s” playbook. I saw the people encouraging the officers’ death. I did not see anything suggesting party affiliation, or even suggesting they were registered to vote.  Biden did forcefully condemn the acts. Trump spoke words of encouragement to the vigilante who killed two protesters in Kenosha. 

What does this have to do with anything concerning trump’s utter failure to lead the country in a time of extreme crisis? He was told on 28 January that this would be the greatest national security threat of his presidency. He knew, admitting with his own mouth, that it was a deadly airborne contagion. Had he simply explained the situation honestly with the nation and requested we wear masks and socially distance, avoid crowds, he would be on his way to a second term.  That he would whiff at such a moment underscores his total incompetence to lead. The virus punched him hard, and instead of hitting back a ten times harder, he hid from the truth, ran from the challenge, and is now disputing his own words as he barrels towards oblivion. Ride that Trump Train right on down the line. Don’t come crying after it derails and demolishes the Republican Party. 

So you saw the folks encouraging the Officers deaths.  Have you condemned them?   You saw nothing determining their Party affiliation?    That’s about the lamest post I’ve ever seen.  Are you totally unaware that the Left has been rioting, looting, burning and attacking people, Police in particular, for over 100 days?  Are you even aware that Democratic Mayors have allowed this with impunity?    Kamala Harris even supports them.  Her words, “They’re not gonna let up.  And they should not.  And we should not.”  Btw, since you seem oblivious to what’s happening, Kamala Harris is the Democrat Vice President nominee.   This is the people you support.  Why you do is not logical.

This is the hidden content, please

29 minutes ago, Hagar said:

So you saw the folks encouraging the Officers deaths.  Have you condemned them?   You saw nothing determining their Party affiliation?    That’s about the lamest post I’ve ever seen.  Are you totally unaware that the Left has been rioting, looting, burning and attacking people, Police in particular, for over 100 days?  Are you even aware that Democratic Mayors have allowed this with impunity?    Kamala Harris even supports them.  Her words, “They’re not gonna let up.  And they should not.  And we should not.”  Btw, since you seem oblivious to what’s happening, Kamala Harris is the Democrat Vice President nominee.   This is the people you support.  Why you do is not logical.

This is the hidden content, please

Some are still hanging on to hope of that old party platform......(which I didn’t like).

the Democratic Party has gone so far left it’s evil.

im hoping over time the party dies out.....and I think it could if people start looking around and see the “whole” and not the “part”. And make the connection between personal responsibility and cause and effect. The sad part about this is it s usually not learned until later in life.....it is rarely taught on a CONSISTENT basis.



3 hours ago, UT alum said:

There you go again. Deflect and conflate - right out of “Fearless Leader’s” playbook. I saw the people encouraging the officers’ death. I did not see anything suggesting party affiliation, or even suggesting they were registered to vote.  Biden did forcefully condemn the acts. Trump spoke words of encouragement to the vigilante who killed two protesters in Kenosha. 

What does this have to do with anything concerning trump’s utter failure to lead the country in a time of extreme crisis? He was told on 28 January that this would be the greatest national security threat of his presidency. He knew, admitting with his own mouth, that it was a deadly airborne contagion. Had he simply explained the situation honestly with the nation and requested we wear masks and socially distance, avoid crowds, he would be on his way to a second term.  That he would whiff at such a moment underscores his total incompetence to lead. The virus punched him hard, and instead of hitting back a ten times harder, he hid from the truth, ran from the challenge, and is now disputing his own words as he barrels towards oblivion. Ride that Trump Train right on down the line. Don’t come crying after it derails and demolishes the Republican Party. 

It’s not a Trump Train anymore. It’s now a Trump Tsunami! The left has way over played its hand with all the idiocy that they have implemented across this country. Keep on justifying and making excuses for all these Ass Clowns on the left. Trump has handled this OVER HYPED CHINESE VIRUS PANICDEMIC just fine. 

5 hours ago, UT alum said:

There you go again. Deflect and conflate - right out of “Fearless Leader’s” playbook. I saw the people encouraging the officers’ death. I did not see anything suggesting party affiliation, or even suggesting they were registered to vote.  Biden did forcefully condemn the acts. Trump spoke words of encouragement to the vigilante who killed two protesters in Kenosha. 

What does this have to do with anything concerning trump’s utter failure to lead the country in a time of extreme crisis? He was told on 28 January that this would be the greatest national security threat of his presidency. He knew, admitting with his own mouth, that it was a deadly airborne contagion. Had he simply explained the situation honestly with the nation and requested we wear masks and socially distance, avoid crowds, he would be on his way to a second term.  That he would whiff at such a moment underscores his total incompetence to lead. The virus punched him hard, and instead of hitting back a ten times harder, he hid from the truth, ran from the challenge, and is now disputing his own words as he barrels towards oblivion. Ride that Trump Train right on down the line. Don’t come crying after it derails and demolishes the Republican Party. 

Oh Well Be There November 3rd!




What could hit the virus back 10 times harder? What?????? Where do you people come up with these numbers and phantom solutions?

Your mind works like the Minneapolis city council. All they did was defund the police, now they are wondering why crime is sky-rocketing......D-U-H!!!!!!

1 hour ago, baddog said:

What could hit the virus back 10 times harder? What?????? Where do you people come up with these numbers and phantom solutions?

Your mind works like the Minneapolis city council. All they did was defund the police, now they are wondering why crime is sky-rocketing......D-U-H!!!!!!

That’s trump, man lighten up. Does he not say when he gets hit he hits back ten times harder?  He hit back this time and thinks he hit a hole-in-one, and the ball’s still on the tee!


Anti-Trump.... what a platform.

 Why don’t you pump up Biden? Tell me what you agree with about his ideology. How does he stand on Iran, Israel, guns, taxes, men sharing the same bathroom with your daughter.... you know, sell me on your rep. Your anti-Trump agenda falls on deaf ears here. 

7 hours ago, Hagar said:

So you saw the folks encouraging the Officers deaths.  Have you condemned them?   You saw nothing determining their Party affiliation?    That’s about the lamest post I’ve ever seen.  Are you totally unaware that the Left has been rioting, looting, burning and attacking people, Police in particular, for over 100 days?  Are you even aware that Democratic Mayors have allowed this with impunity?    Kamala Harris even supports them.  Her words, “They’re not gonna let up.  And they should not.  And we should not.”  Btw, since you seem oblivious to what’s happening, Kamala Harris is the Democrat Vice President nominee.   This is the people you support.  Why you do is not logical.

This is the hidden content, please

Where did you see anything about party affiliation? You’re just prejudicially and propagandically claiming they’re democrats because they’re black. You don’t even know if they’re registered to vote.

And look, Hagar, you can paint me as oblivious to what’s happening, but if they keep records on here back far enough, I predicted a Biden/Harris ticket in May or June of 2019 on this very forum. 

And as far as The Examiner is concerned, say, simply, Fake News!

23 minutes ago, baddog said:

Anti-Trump.... what a platform.

 Why don’t you pump up Biden? Tell me what you agree with about his ideology. How does he stand on Iran, Israel, guns, taxes, men sharing the same bathroom with your daughter.... you know, sell me on your rep. Your anti-Trump agenda falls on deaf ears here. 

Iran - The sanctions were working. Now, Putin’s in a stronger position in the region because of trump abdicating our position of strength by quitting the treaty.

Israel - Two state solution.

Guns - Universal background checks, limit magazine capacities

Taxes - Push the tax rate for Corporations to 28% ( halfway back to where they were before trump’s tax cut). Raise rates and reduce deductions on top 1% of earners. 10% tax credit to corporations that invest to create manufacturing jobs in US instead of outsourcing overseas.  Payroll tax instated on incomes over $400,000.

 I don’t have a problem with my granddaughter being in the same bathroom as a transgender person. If they’re in the women’s restroom, it’s not to pick up or abuse women. It’s for the same reason you go into a public restroom. 


39 minutes ago, UT alum said:

Where did you see anything about party affiliation? You’re just prejudicially and propagandically claiming they’re democrats because they’re black. You don’t even know if they’re registered to vote.

And look, Hagar, you can paint me as oblivious to what’s happening, but if they keep records on here back far enough, I predicted a Biden/Harris ticket in May or June of 2019 on this very forum. 

And as far as The Examiner is concerned, say, simply, Fake News!

Do you mean like your "calculation of 160,000 few deaths"?

53 minutes ago, UT alum said:

Where did you see anything about party affiliation? You’re just prejudicially and propagandically claiming they’re democrats because they’re black. You don’t even know if they’re registered to vote.

And look, Hagar, you can paint me as oblivious to what’s happening, but if they keep records on here back far enough, I predicted a Biden/Harris ticket in May or June of 2019 on this very forum. 

And as far as The Examiner is concerned, say, simply, Fake News!

They’re Democrats because they’re black?  Did I say anything about them being black?  Btw, since you don’t seem to be aware of it, a vast majority of blacks are Democrats.  But a large number  of the anarchist, not the real protestors, were white Antifa anarchist, they’re definitely Far Left Democrats.   They’re the same bunch that won’t allow conservative speakers in the West.  The same bunch that attacks & shoots Trump supporters.

And let me give you some breaking News.  Ilhan Omar is being challenged by Lacy Johnson, a Republican.  Johnson had two of his staffers shot and one, 17 year old, died at the hospital.  Police say they don’t think the shooting was politically motivated, but the two staffers were in a group talking outside a service station.   What a coincidence.  What a crock of 🐂💩.   That’s the New, Far Left, Democratic Party.   Should make you proud.

33 minutes ago, UT alum said:

Iran - The sanctions were working. Now, Putin’s in a stronger position in the region because of trump abdicating our position of strength by quitting the treaty.

Israel - Two state solution.

Guns - Universal background checks, limit magazine capacities

Taxes - Push the tax rate for Corporations to 28% ( halfway back to where they were before trump’s tax cut). Raise rates and reduce deductions on top 1% of earners. 10% tax credit to corporations that invest to create manufacturing jobs in US instead of outsourcing overseas.  Payroll tax instated on incomes over $400,000.

 I don’t have a problem with my granddaughter being in the same bathroom as a transgender person. If they’re in the women’s restroom, it’s not to pick up or abuse women. It’s for the same reason you go into a public restroom. 



Keep giving that inch!!!!


your for abortion so I’m not surprised you would be ok with a twisted individual in bathroom with your grand daughter.



30 minutes ago, UT alum said:

Man, I been out of Jr. High for over 50 years. 

Yet you still don't condemn murder, my guy? Was this not part of jr high education in the 60s? Or is it that jr high was as high as you got in the 60s?

  1. express complete disapproval of, typically in public; censure.
3 minutes ago, Hagar said:

They’re Democrats because they’re black?  Did I say anything about them being black?  Btw, since you don’t seem to be aware of it, a vast majority of blacks are Democrats.  But a large number  of the anarchist, not the real protestors, were white Antifa anarchist, they’re definitely Far Left Democrats.   They’re the same bunch that won’t allow conservative speakers in the West.  The same bunch that attacks & shoots Trump supporters.

And let me give you some breaking News.  Ilhan Omar is being challenged by Lacy Johnson, a Republican.  Johnson had two of his staffers shot and one, 17 year old, died at the hospital.  Police say they don’t think the shooting was politically motivated, but the two staffers were in a group talking outside a service station.   What a coincidence.  What a crock of 🐂💩.   That’s the New, Far Left, Democratic Party.   Should make you proud.

Learning from the best in the business...CLINTONS

7 minutes ago, UT alum said:

Iran - The sanctions were working. Now, Putin’s in a stronger position in the region because of trump abdicating our position of strength by quitting the treaty.

Israel - Two state solution.

Guns - Universal background checks, limit magazine capacities

Taxes - Push the tax rate for Corporations to 28% ( halfway back to where they were before trump’s tax cut). Raise rates and reduce deductions on top 1% of earners. 10% tax credit to corporations that invest to create manufacturing jobs in US instead of outsourcing overseas.  Payroll tax instated on incomes over $400,000.

 I don’t have a problem with my granddaughter being in the same bathroom as a transgender person. If they’re in the women’s restroom, it’s not to pick up or abuse women. It’s for the same reason you go into a public restroom. 


So you honestly believe that the funds from the increased taxes are better deployed and more productive by the government than by private industry?  If so, why not a 60% corporate tax rate.  The government is the absolute worst steward of funds and creates nothing but more bureaucracy plus the cos


8 hours ago, Realville said:

It’s not a Trump Train anymore. It’s now a Trump Tsunami! The left has way over played its hand with all the idiocy that they have implemented across this country. Keep on justifying and making excuses for all these Ass Clowns on the left. Trump has handled this OVER HYPED CHINESE VIRUS PANICDEMIC just fine. 


36 minutes ago, stevenash said:

So you honestly believe that the funds from the increased taxes are better deployed and more productive by the government than by private industry?  If so, why not a 60% corporate tax rate.  The government is the absolute worst steward of funds and creates nothing but more bureaucracy plus the cos


Infrastructure spending will utilize private industry. Converting US fleet to electric will utilize private industry and spur competition for manufacturing not only of the vehicles, but the charging  stations. All using American labor. Public/private collaborations can accomplish astonishing things. Payroll taxes on incomes over $400,000 will significantly stabilize Social Security. 

You asked me to pitch Biden. I didn’t expect you to buy any of it. 

1 hour ago, 5GallonBucket said:

Learning from the best in the business...CLINTONS


1 hour ago, Hagar said:

They’re Democrats because they’re black?  Did I say anything about them being black?  Btw, since you don’t seem to be aware of it, a vast majority of blacks are Democrats.  But a large number  of the anarchist, not the real protestors, were white Antifa anarchist, they’re definitely Far Left Democrats.   They’re the same bunch that won’t allow conservative speakers in the West.  The same bunch that attacks & shoots Trump supporters.

And let me give you some breaking News.  Ilhan Omar is being challenged by Lacy Johnson, a Republican.  Johnson had two of his staffers shot and one, 17 year old, died at the hospital.  Police say they don’t think the shooting was politically motivated, but the two staffers were in a group talking outside a service station.   What a coincidence.  What a crock of 🐂💩.   That’s the New, Far Left, Democratic Party.   Should make you proud.

Hagar, do you even know what an anarchist is? It’s someone who rebels against ANY authority, established order, or ruling power. They ain’t Democrats. By definition. Quit lumping them in with a political party.

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