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15 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

Kenneth Walker was the guy that was at Breonna's apartment and shot the cop during the execution of the search warrant.  I'm not sure who Adrien Walker is.  Kenneth Walker is the one that initially claimed that Breonna had shot the officer, not himself, further clouding the initial investigation.  

It wasn't just that.  The police had photos of Breonna and Jamarcus arriving at one of his trap houses in her car within two months of the shooting.  Jamarcus and at least one other inmate mentioned that "Bre" held Jamarcus' money for him.  Jamarcus had also changed his bank statement address to Breonna's address in February.  

I'm not trying to steer you wrong... There were tons and tons of pages of evidence released by one of the LE groups (I think Sheriff, but I can't remember) and it was pretty incriminating.  The gang (Jamarcus and the rest of the crew) were highly critical of Walker, blaming him for getting Breonna killed.  Mentioned that he was walking around lockup with her brains staining his shirt.  Like i said....an interesting read, for sure.  

I’ll do some research and see if I can find some of these things you mention but if you read all the way through the link you’ve posted you can see where the same day he told his gf Breonna was holding the money he also told his sister another girl was holding his money. 

28 minutes ago, Setx fan said:

1. I think your mistaking Kenneth Walker for Adrien Walker

2. You seem to be hell bent on believing BT was part of a drug operation based on a recorded phone call of an inmate with his gf while he was being offered a plea deal to implicate her. That’s a lot of guys go-to move when caught cheating on their spouse. To pretend it’s a business relationship. I’ve seen it far too many times, especially with an inmate who needs support from the outside. 

I apologize for the source... no need to bother with the commentary or the comments... just read through the 40 or so pages (the photos) and see if there's anything there that you don't already know. 



20 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

I apologize for the source... no need to bother with the commentary or the comments... just read through the 40 or so pages (the photos) and see if there's anything there that you don't already know. 



The link isn’t working for me. 

29 minutes ago, Setx fan said:

The link isn’t working for me. 

This is the hidden content, please

The above article details the fallout from the release of the article below about the report that I was trying to send to you. 

This is the hidden content, please

You can actually see the cover page of the report, but the report is no longer linked.   The only place that I've seen that actual police report is on that facebook page.  It appears that the report was part of the LMPD investigation and leaked or released to the local paper, and the authorities weren't happy about it. 

If you really want to see the report, it's posted on Amiri King's fb (i know,  I know...) on August 25th at 10:30pm.   The complete report is posted as photographs.  

6 hours ago, UT alum said:

Can you not look beyond the percentage of crimes committed to the disparity in sentencing?  The thirteenth amendment abolished involuntary labor “except for punishment of crime whereas the party shall have been duly convicted”. After the civil war, this was used primarily in the south to convict black people and conscript them to service as criminals. Hence the proliferation of the “chain gang”. This societal view of African Americans as a whole being a criminal people is self fulfilling prophecy created by generations of unequal justice. I know you’ll hold me to a factual standard that does not exist for your cohorts in here, so believe me, I’m gathering the data to back my assertion.

Also, blacks are charged, arrested, and convicted more than their white counterparts when committing the same crime, so it looks like we commit more crimes. We dont.

On 9/13/2020 at 11:29 AM, stevenash said:

NO, the point is you "allege" that he stokes fear.  You still fail to realize that you are one and only one voice.    Vast multitudes disagree with you.  You are suggesting that because of Trump the country was not prepared to take on the virus.  Can you tell me why we were out of toilet paper and clorox wipes in early March?

What happened to the pandemic response team


3 hours ago, baddog said:

Even a no knock, they still announce. POLICE....C-R-A-S-H. The element of surprise favors the police. Thought they was being robbed...... yeah right. Keep on blindly following the criminal element and making flaky excuses for their violent behavior and you will eventually be ruled by them. 

That part. 

1 hour ago, CardinalBacker said:

This is the hidden content, please

The above article details the fallout from the release of the article below about the report that I was trying to send to you. 

This is the hidden content, please

You can actually see the cover page of the report, but the report is no longer linked.   The only place that I've seen that actual police report is on that facebook page.  It appears that the report was part of the LMPD investigation and leaked or released to the local paper, and the authorities weren't happy about it. 

If you really want to see the report, it's posted on Amiri King's fb (i know,  I know...) on August 25th at 10:30pm.   The complete report is posted as photographs.  

I looked everywhere including Amiri’s page and nothing was there. I found nothing anywhere to back your claim that Kenneth initially claimed BT fired the shots. I found nothing to back your claim that police had pictures or video of her pulling up to a trap spot with him. I found nothing to back your claim that other members of Glover’s gang implied BT. I did see where a member named Demarius Bowman actually told his sister a girl named Alicia Jones actually handles the money for the group. Alicia was actually arrested and was holding 3400 cash when she was arrested. The only thing I have found to back any of your claims is the recorded audio of Jamarcus Glover talking to his girlfriend where he claimed BT handled his money. At the end of the day, as weak as this recorded confession is in my opinion, the detective didn’t even have that confession for a reference when he requested the warrant. That so-called confession happened after BT was dead. At the time of the raid all the detective needed was a bunch of lies that he put together. And all that to find nothing in the apartment. And oh yea let’s offer the main suspect (who we did all this to obtain) a plea deal so he can get off. Smh 

26 minutes ago, Setx fan said:

I looked everywhere including Amiri’s page and nothing was there. I found nothing anywhere to back your claim that Kenneth initially claimed BT fired the shots. I found nothing to back your claim that police had pictures or video of her pulling up to a trap spot with him. I found nothing to back your claim that other members of Glover’s gang implied BT. I did see where a member named Demarius Bowman actually told his sister a girl named Alicia Jones actually handles the money for the group. Alicia was actually arrested and was holding 3400 cash when she was arrested. The only thing I have found to back any of your claims is the recorded audio of Jamarcus Glover talking to his girlfriend where he claimed BT handled his money. At the end of the day, as weak as this recorded confession is in my opinion, the detective didn’t even have that confession for a reference when he requested the warrant. That so-called confession happened after BT was dead. At the time of the raid all the detective needed was a bunch of lies that he put together. And all that to find nothing in the apartment. And oh yea let’s offer the main suspect (who we did all this to obtain) a plea deal so he can get off. Smh 

I told you where to look. I posted a link. 

Amiri King’s fb. 8/25/2020. 10:30pm. There are forty docs released (or leaked) by the LMPD that clearly prove that she was a part of the drug operation. To a reasonable person, anyways. 

At some point that report will be re-release and you probably won’t read it then, either. It’s way easier or you to explain obvious shortcomings by pointing out perceived slights and imagined offenses. 

3 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

I told you where to look. I posted a link. 

Amiri King’s fb. 8/25/2020. 10:30pm. There are forty docs released (or leaked) by the LMPD that clearly prove that she was a part of the drug operation. To a reasonable person, anyways. 

At some point that report will be re-release and you probably won’t read it then, either. It’s way easier or you to explain obvious shortcomings by pointing out perceived slights and imagined offenses. 

I spent like 10 minutes scrolling down Amiri’s page to get to that date. There was nothing there.  I read all the links you posted. Nothing there except the conversation Glover had with his gf and the conversation Bowman had with his sister which you ignored. 

On 9/9/2020 at 1:57 PM, UT alum said:

I told you all in here that Donald Trump is unfit to serve as President.

Please listen to Bob Woodward’s interview, recorded with trump’s knowledge, and try to defend his reprehensible course of action towards the virus given what he knew. He lied to all of us. If he’d have been straight with us we could have made it through this as Americans, together, and saved tens of thousands of lives and tens of millions of jobs.

I look forward to your responses.

He didn’t want to panic the public.  Was that wrong?   Perhaps so, perhaps not, but being President demands difficult decisions.  But let’s see what we do know. Trump banned flights from China.  After doing that, he was called a xenophobe & a racist.  Also, Pelosi was in SF Chinatown encouraging people to go out and enjoy themselves.  De Blasio was doing the same in NYC.   And not one, Schumer, Pelosi, Cuomo, None had any constructive input about the Virus.  They sit back mute about it, now they want to blame Trump for everything.   They’re the lyingest bunch of two faced pos I’ve ever seen.   Here’s an example.

This is the hidden content, please

1 hour ago, Hagar said:

He didn’t want to panic the public.  Was that wrong?   Perhaps so, perhaps not, but being President demands difficult decisions.  But let’s see what we do know. Trump banned flights from China.  After doing that, he was called a xenophobe & a racist.  Also, Pelosi was in SF Chinatown encouraging people to go out and enjoy themselves.  De Blasio was doing the same in NYC.   And not one, Schumer, Pelosi, Cuomo, None had any constructive input about the Virus.  They sit back mute about it, now they want to blame Trump for everything.   They’re the lyingest bunch of two faced pos I’ve ever seen.   Here’s an example.

This is the hidden content, please

Don’t forget the ridiculous wants they wanted in stimulus packages.....all they want to do is take take take

15 hours ago, Setx fan said:

I spent like 10 minutes scrolling down Amiri’s page to get to that date. There was nothing there.  I read all the links you posted. Nothing there except the conversation Glover had with his gf and the conversation Bowman had with his sister which you ignored. 

This is the hidden content, please

Here... I'm trying to embed the link instead of the post... see if that works any better for you.

18 hours ago, Big girl said:

Also, blacks are charged, arrested, and convicted more than their white counterparts when committing the same crime, so it looks like we commit more crimes. We dont.

Chicago murders. That’s all I gotta say. 

18 hours ago, Big girl said:

Also, blacks are charged, arrested, and convicted more than their white counterparts when committing the same crime, so it looks like we commit more crimes. We dont.

in 2018 there were 14000 murders in the United States.  7,400 of those victims were African Americans.  You repeatedly point out that black people mostly kill black people and white people mostly kill white people.  So most of those 7,400 black victims were killed by other blacks.  Particularly by black men, not black women.   

Black men make up 6% of the total population, but murdered almost 50% of the people who were killed in the US in 2018. 

But more black men are in jail because of racist sentencing, lol.  


17 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

in 2018 there were 14000 murders in the United States.  7,400 of those victims were African Americans.  You repeatedly point out that black people mostly kill black people and white people mostly kill white people.  So most of those 7,400 black victims were killed by other blacks.  Particularly by black men, not black women.   

Black men make up 6% of the total population, but murdered almost 50% of the people who were killed in the US in 2018. 

But more black men are in jail because of racist sentencing, lol.  


..... and that’s just for the crime of murder. It doesn’t include burglary, wife beatings, theft, assault, armed robbery, auto theft, jaywalking.....

7 hours ago, Hagar said:

He didn’t want to panic the public.  Was that wrong?   Perhaps so, perhaps not, but being President demands difficult decisions.  But let’s see what we do know. Trump banned flights from China.  After doing that, he was called a xenophobe & a racist.  Also, Pelosi was in SF Chinatown encouraging people to go out and enjoy themselves.  De Blasio was doing the same in NYC.   And not one, Schumer, Pelosi, Cuomo, None had any constructive input about the Virus.  They sit back mute about it, now they want to blame Trump for everything.   They’re the lyingest bunch of two faced pos I’ve ever seen.   Here’s an example.

This is the hidden content, please

Would you really have panicked had he taken the lead, as in “lead-er”, and asked us all to wear masks and social distance? Leaders instill confidence, not panic, that the people they lead have what it takes to accomplish any task. 
After the China closure, I didn’t think he was being xenophobic. He was being politically expedient.  He left Europe open long enough for more than plenty to come in from that way. He used China to make himself look “tough”.

You know at your core that the panic excuse is pitifully lame. We are not a nation of cowards.

4 hours ago, baddog said:

..... and that’s just for the crime of murder. It doesn’t include burglary, wife beatings, theft, assault, armed robbery, auto theft, jaywalking.....

Check out those categories you note there, baddog. White people do way yonder more of those crimes you list. FBI keeps good stats on that.

On 9/14/2020 at 10:32 AM, stevenash said:

Yes, I can look beyond that and agree that if the stats legitimately show sentencing disparity, that needs to be addressed.  HOWEVER, it has little if anything to do with the policemen doing their job.

It has everything to do with it. It’s just another brick in the wall of systemic racism.

6 minutes ago, UT alum said:

Check out those categories you note there, baddog. White people do way yonder more of those crimes you list. FBI keeps good stats on that.

Not percentage wise. But that’s ok, I didn't expect you to agree.

5 hours ago, CardinalBacker said:

This is the hidden content, please

Here... I'm trying to embed the link instead of the post... see if that works any better for you.

What situations do you think give good reason for policemen to obtain no-knock warrants and do you think this case fits one of those situations?

If so what information do you have from this link or any other that backs that claim? 

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