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LA deputies ambushed


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On 9/13/2020 at 4:46 PM, SW1966 said:

No 5GallonBucket, those do not make you a racist.  But would you explain the pro Christianity comment.

I’ll be happy to respond.  In 2012, at the Democratic National Convention, the majority of members booed God.  Just this year, in two Democratic Caucuses, while saying the Pledge of Allegiance, the words “under God” were omitted.   The vast majority of Christian Denominations are against abortion, but to the Democratic Party, it’s okay to murder the innocent unborn.   During the recent Democratic “Peaceful Protest” (that’s a misnomer if there ever was one) many Christian Churches have been burned and vandalized.   Christian Statues have been toppled and/or painted with graffiti.   Since the Democratic Party is Godless, and anyone that doesn’t agree with them is called racist, then being a Christian is racist.   Do you know that?   I post on a predominately liberal FB site, and have been called many names, but most often, it’s racist.  Name calling is all that’s left when one has lost a discussion.  Btw, on that site, I’ve seen many derogatory post against Christians.

And your retort, That’s just a few extremist.  But please place a link where any prominent Democrat has condemned the above actions.  You won’t because they haven’t.   There’s no place in Communism for religion, and while, imo, the ultimate agenda for the DP is Globalism, the Totalitarianism of Globalism will exceed  anything the Communist did/do.

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