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I couldn't agree more with your assesment about Bryant. I mean they struck out 17 times against LCM and I was told they didn't attempt 1 bunt and only one stolen base. Maybe it is partly our fault in not playing them close enough during district to prepare them for close games. But either way it would appear they were not prepared. Hope they blow everyone out in the playoffs, which is possible, or they are in trouble.


Griffith-LCM. A no brainer.

Not only is he successful on the field, he spends his own time helping players move on to the next level. I even saw a news report last night where he took time out of practice to go over how he expects the team to stand during the national anthem. Who else does that?


Parents should have taught the players a long time ago!!!

Been to a game lately? Ever paid much attention to the teams lined up for the national anthem? I'm not talking about standing there with their hat over their heart, I mean are they standing completely still, focused on the flag, not fidgeting, spitting or scratching their butts? A few years ago I remember KOGT had a picture on their web page of a team LCM played in a play-off series. The other team was all over the place, talking to one another, one tying their shoe, no where close to being in a straight line. Then there was a picture of the LCM team. Completely still, looking at the flag, all standing exactly the same. It was good to see. I don't see that level of discipline much elsewhere.


I confess to being 'old school' on this issue....

First, parents should teach their children respect for their country, their flag, etc. I am in complete disagreement with that. How they line up during the National Anthem during 1 of their team's games, however, is another thing.

I was at the LCM-BC game and noticed it (and even commented about it to a couple of the other parents). That is how noticeable it was. LCM stood in a straight line, hats off, arm behind their back. Maybe it is a small detail, and maybe it doesn't affect how wins or loses a game BUT it is that attention to detail that (in my mind) sets Griff apart from other coaches. The difference between LCM and BC during those few moments was obvious.

Again, did it make a difference? Who played better that night? Who was the more disciplined team? Who made less mistakes, and who made less critical mistakes? And, who won?

I again confess both my age and 'old school-edness' (see, I invented a word). I just like hearing the anthem before a baseball game. And I like seeing that tradition respected. That may not make Griff the best coach but it certainly demands my respect.

"And the home of the brave........."


That is called discipline! And yes parents should have taught them before they get to thsi level, but how many teams have no respect for the national anthem? I have watched several kids and teams walk and talk during the anthem. Griff is an excellent coach and a great over all person. Honestly, how many coaches have ever worked on the national anthem?


I agree that it might look good to see teams in order standing for the anthem, however, lets not confuse that with good coaching. THAT as you stated does not make a team, no matter how one stands for the anthem they could still play like little league. I understand what your saying that if one does those things, then that kind of reflects how other things are run. I agree with that, but some coaches do not put a big emphasis on that, and still are darn good coaches.


I agree that it might look good to see teams in order standing for the anthem' date=' however, lets not confuse that with good coaching. THAT as you stated does not make a team, no matter how one stands for the anthem they could still play like little league. I understand what your saying that if one does those things, then that kind of reflects how other things are run. I agree with that, but some coaches do not put a big emphasis on that, and still are darn good coaches.[/quote']

I am sure there are some "darn good coaches" out there that could give a flip if their team stands on their heads during the national anthem. I think the general consensus on this topic, however, is that it is nice to see there are still coaches out there that care about this type of detail enough to take time out of practice to stress the importance of respecting the flag and our country. It is a plus that he runs a winning program and sees the majority of his graduating players off to the next level as well.


Here we go again talking smack.....................Why ya gotta bring BC into it........Just state you think Griff is a good coach and be done with it.............what does that have to do with BC..........No one here has said BC's coach is better than LCM's so what is your yank buddy.........................?? Go back to kindergarten................


Hard to argue against BC coach Billy Bryant. The sign of a great coach is taking teams to the playoffs. When you can take 2 different teams from 2 different schools(Buna in 1991 and BC last year) to the show in Austin, that's impressive. Just thought I would throw my 2 cents in.


This is true..............But I guess both teams were just loaded with talent and they could have made it with a little league coach huh??? GO BC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This is true..............But I guess both teams were just loaded with talent and they could have made it with a little league coach huh??? GO BC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Be careful now.....some of those Little League Coaches COULD have taken them to the state playoffs. You forget there are some good coaches down there. How do you think they learned the game as well as the basics? Not all LL coaches are ignorant when it comes to the game of BB.


Ray Charles could have coached BC last year and this year and still went far into the playoffs.

But oh I forget Ray couldn't drive a bus.

Ray's dead, but he still could have done a good job. Then again,,,,maybe that was your point!


i would hafta agree with the vote for coach moses from hj. i played against his team earlier in the year and they showed many signs of adversity. i luv it how moses helped them to respond to that adversity and still clench a playoff spot.

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