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48 minutes ago, SmashMouth said:

So you’re speaking of how it works in Georgia as an expert?


Thats how it works EVERYWHERE in the United States, Einstein........the legislature passes bills the governor signs them into law......governors dictated mandates are NOT law and we do NOT have to obey them......if we are punished for our disobedience we SUE and we WILL win the suit because the governor violated our Constitutional rights........

8 minutes ago, WestHardinfan1 said:

Thats how it works EVERYWHERE in the United States, Einstein........the legislature passes bills the governor signs them into law......governors dictated mandates are NOT law and we do NOT have to obey them......if we are punished for our disobedience we SUE and we WILL win the suit because the governor violated our Constitutional rights........

Are you saying schools cannot have policies unless it is law?

6 minutes ago, WestHardinfan1 said:

Thats how it works EVERYWHERE in the United States, Einstein........the legislature passes bills the governor signs them into law......governors dictated mandates are NOT law and we do NOT have to obey them......if we are punished for our disobedience we SUE and we WILL win the suit because the governor violated our Constitutional rights........

No need to be degrading to others just because you’re mad. You do have to obey them, however. That being said, I don’t agree either, but I will follow the rules so my son can play football, and I can watch him. Fortunately, nobody at any stadium I’ve attended cares if you wear a mask or not after you gain entry. I don’t mean to ramble... I’m sure you’re running late for your “Constitutional Law 101” class. We will chat more later. 

12 minutes ago, Reagan said:

You tell me?

This is the hidden content, please

Look Reagan, we agree on lots of things, but you’re getting out there on this one. Talk about apples and oranges. The mask mandate is a bad order - SO LEGALLY CHALLENGE IT!  But don’t complain when you get lit up like a Christmas tree when you don’t follow the cops instructions. 

Do what the cop says and sort it out later!

4 hours ago, Boneyard Boys said:

Woman tased and arrested for not wearing a mask at a high school football game. It looks like she has a mask in her pocket so I’m sure she had to wear it to get in and while around other people. But sitting outside and socially distanced in the bleachers she did not have it on. Thoughts?

Thoughts are, this was in Ohio so TX laws do not apply. Anyone know OH Law?

3 hours ago, WestHardinfan1 said:

A mandate dictated by a governor WITHOUT having gone through the legislative process is NOT a law and does not carry any weight at all......she will sue and she will win........

See above comment... 

4 hours ago, SmashMouth said:

Idk the rules in her municipality, but IMO she should not have been arrested. That being said, initially do what the cop says and you alleviate a lot of heartache. Yessir and No sir goes a long way. Agree with it or not, if it was the law, then she should do what the officer says. 

Assuming this was TX (and it isn’t), it doesn’t matter what the municipality has enacted, a property owner can set rules or ask you to leave. 

4 hours ago, WestHardinfan1 said:

A mandate dictated by a governor WITHOUT having gone through the legislative process is NOT a law and does not carry any weight at all......she will sue and she will win........

Notwithstanding this not being TX, if it was then you are wrong. The legislative process has already happened. State law gives the governor the authority to declare an emergency on his own including fines and jail up to 6 months. It is in the Texas Government Code Chapter 418 on Emergency Management. The governor. county judge or mayor have Emergency powers to issue orders with the full effect of law.

This is the hidden content, please

3 hours ago, Reagan said:

I see a mulit-million dollar lawsuit in her future!!  Start draining these clowns of money and they'll stop!  You start suing everyone involved.  It's time to fight back when our Constitutional rights are being violated. 

I believe the US Supreme Court disagrees with you. 

3 hours ago, Reagan said:

Unfortunately seatbelts is a law.  Mandates are not.  You are right, though, government had no place getting into this area.  It should be a personal decision.  But...

Mandates are criminal. 

3 hours ago, Reagan said:

I doubt they'll tase you and arrest you!

If asked to leave and you refuse, absolutely. It is called trespassing. The owner/manager can set his own rules on his property. 

2 hours ago, SmashMouth said:

So you’re speaking of how it works in Georgia as an expert?

Do what the cop says and sort it out later.

Or even TX, wrong there also. 😀

2 hours ago, Reagan said:

No, if you want to wear a mask then why would you worry about if I'm not wearing one.  Your mask works, doesn't it?!  Contrary to what some here thinks -- government is not always right! 

The mask is to keep you from spitting on other people. Surgeons wear masks to keep from infecting the patient, not the other way around. 

2 hours ago, WestHardinfan1 said:

Thats how it works EVERYWHERE in the United States, Einstein........the legislature passes bills the governor signs them into law......governors dictated mandates are NOT law and we do NOT have to obey them......if we are punished for our disobedience we SUE and we WILL win the suit because the governor violated our Constitutional rights........

Speaking of Einstein, you might want to peruse Chapter 418 of the Government Code. 

This is the hidden content, please


This is a fun discussion... 🤣🤣🤣 Everyone has really strong opinions on this. Me personally, I will do whatever it takes to keep the games going and be able to watch in person. That said, if I wear my mask all the way to my seat it should be fine to remove it if I'm sitting all alone away from everyone. I'm pretty sure they aren't just going to run up on you and arrest you, there has to be more to this story that we don't see in the video. She may have been walking around without it on and I'm sure she got a warning first.

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