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For viewing pleasure of UTAlum and SW1966


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The only reason it isnt viewed as consistent is because the media( an arm of the democratic party) continues to ask the question thus implying that he has never answered it.  I think you know/knew as well but wanted to play the game anyway.   Can you tell me why the media has never asked Biden if he would denounce Antifa and BLM?

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"Intelligence " is a very relative term, in case you didn't know that.  Trying to convince oneself that he/she is the ultimate "chain yanker" is not evidence of intelligence.  Condescending to anyone with whom you disagree also is not a sign of intelligence.  Believing that when persuasion fails,  moving to intimidation indicates small mindedness.

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8 minutes ago, SW1966 said:

baddog, the left actually does not show its intelligence because you would not recognize intelligence.  I am really just kidding with you, but mama Stevenash?

Insulting a person's intelligence in one sentence followed by childish name calling in the second sentence. How are you not embarrassed? You might want to get a more intellectually developed person to critique your posts...might save you some of that unnecessary embarrassment.

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14 minutes ago, SW1966 said:

baddog, the left actually does not show its intelligence because you would not recognize intelligence.  I am really just kidding with you, but mama Stevenash?

I never claimed to be the sharpest knife in the drawer. I know what I know. Funny how I came through old school teaching....the three Rs, and can hold my own with today’s college grads who can’t even name who fought in the American revolution. Must have been graded on a huge curve huh? I make my share of mistakes and like a man, I own up to them.....first and foremost step to being a man.

Your divide and conquer attempts with Nash are feeble at best. Nash is his own man.

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14 minutes ago, Englebert said:

Insulting a person's intelligence in one sentence followed by childish name calling in the second sentence. How are you not embarrassed? You might want to get a more intellectually developed person to critique your posts...might save you some of that unnecessary embarrassment.

Be careful, Englebert.  After all, SW1966 has implied ( but never stated, of course) that he has volumes of experience in psychological evaluation.  It is so intimidating.

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3 minutes ago, stevenash said:

Be careful, Englebert.  After all, SW1966 has implied ( but never stated, of course) that he has volumes of experience in psychological evaluation.  It is so intimidating.

Hopefully he can provide for me one of his pop-up picture books so I can quickly get up to his level.

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1 minute ago, SW1966 said:

You might say intelligence is relative.  There certainly Is a negative correlation between intelligence and conservatism.

Was there a full-color illustration in the picture book where you gleaned that tidbit of wisdom. Hopefully the next picture depicted sarcasm, otherwise I don't think you will understand my use of the word "wisdom".

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10 minutes ago, SW1966 said:

Englebert, this is the typical type comment when someone lacks the knowledge to respond intelligently.  I doubt you know what negative correlation is - without Googling it.

You basically are proving my assertion every time you post. Keep'em coming.

High school, and possibly even middle school kids know what a correlation is. I guess you are proud to use the term since it must have been your "word-of-the-day" assignment for the week. Can you hear the laughter?

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1 minute ago, SW1966 said:

Englebert, I said negative correlation, not just correlation.

High school, and possibly even middle school kids know what the word "correlation" means, and what the word "negative" means. Are you really so dense as to think that these kids don't know what a negative correlation is? Really? My question to you is: do you think it is possible for you to embarrass yourself more than you already have? Author another post...let's see.

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If I posed this question to sixth through eight graders:

When you post my laughter goes up.

When you post some of my brain cells die.

Which is an example of a positive correlation and which is an example of a negative correlation?

I'm fairly certain most of the kiddies will answer the question correctly. I know it might be tough for you, since the concept is so new. But keep trying, you will catch up some day.

And I was wrong. I thought you couldn't embarrass yourself any further...but your continuance on this topic proves you certainly possess that capability.

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19 minutes ago, SW1966 said:

Englebert, you are in a pickle.  Talk to your mama Stevenash.

Let's check out your analytical skills. (Previous shortfalls notwithstanding.) What sort of delusional "evidence" can you point to that in some shape or form makes you conclude that I'm "in a pickle"? Please provide what you consider evidence that leads to your conclusion so we can all laugh at your exposed thought processes.

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